Spring/Summer IUI support thread

Welcome DeeDee!!

I totally forgot to update this thread!!

Well it looks like I did ovulate. i am 4dpo now. Loads of symptoms. flushed skin, tingly boobs, minor cramps, dry mouth, metallic taste, fatigue, headache, nausea and dizziness. I was sensitive to the conception on my last bfp. I'm pretty sure I am but I have awhile to go to be sure. although I am thinking of breaking out the tests tomorrow. I bought cheapies just for that reason. i know it is far too soon and I won't in any way be disappointed by a negative. My plan is to use them until af comes or I get a line and then I'll go and get a FRER and a CB digi with weeks indicator (hubby wants that).
Hey Harley! How are you doing doll?! How did your scan go?! Hope you're happily in the TWW <3
That's such a good sign aayla so glad you were able to chart ovulation this time.

Afm, I'm currently on a break. We had a bunch of cysts/follicles on this cycle. My estrogen was over 500 on day 4. Bringing us now to 3 failed cycles. I finally talked her into a hysteroscopy and hsg. She's going to do them on the same day. To see if we can figure out what is going on here. She's going to do it laproscopically since I can't handle the hsg awake. So in an attempt to time the surgery out she gave me a trigger shot and then I'll go on bcp for next cycle so I can have the surgery. I don't want to get ahead of myself here because I don't know what she's going to find but if my only remaining tube is blocked and can't be repaired that she will do the salphinextomy as well. Prayer we don't get to that point but we need to check. Dh does not want to do ivf so if it's blocked and not repairable that will be the end of our fertility journey. But I am still hopeful that everything will be fine and the dilation from actually getting the hysteroscopy will do the trick. Every cycle we did I had fluid in the uterus. When I got pregnant with my daughter we had the same issue but my left tube was hydrosalpinx so we just thought the fluid was from that. After we blocked that tube we got pregnant on our first iui. I'm hoping the next cycle we can do after the surgery will be just what we need
Sprite: I'm sorry you have the 3 failed cycles. I'm glad you got your doc to listen to you and I hope it comes back with good news. Why doesn't hubby want IVF? is it the price?
Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been away for a little while. June was crazy busy for me - but just wanted to update all of you on where I'm at. Just starting our next cycle. Im on day 7 and started gonal f injections on Wednesday so here we go - crossing our fingers for this cycle!

Kate. - congrats on seeing your little baby! Great pic!

Aayla - how are you feeling? So happy you ovulated! The waiting is so tough!

November - I'm so sorry about the cyst. That damn cysts. I'm so impressed with your positivity though. Fingers crossed it just disappears and soon! I know you're anxious to get started.

Welcome Sprite! It sounds like you've had quite the journey. This is IUI number two for us. I pray it's good news for you :)
cycle was a BFN. I got a blood test at 13dpo and it was less than 1. had some minor spotting today, which is right on schedule.

so even though the letrozole worked this was my 8th cycle. They could not just give me a new prescription and so I have to see the doctor in person. Unfortunately that won't be until late next week or early the week after next. So we are out this cycle but after having a long talk with hubby we have decided to move on to our next step, IVF.

I am so tired of timing sex and we have lost a bit of romance in our relationship. We need to get back to us for a bit and I really need a motivator for weight loss. It will likely take us a year to get to IVF as I have to lose about 100 lbs and we need to save up the money.

so I am now in the WTT mode for now. This plan might change after talking with the doc, of course.
so we have set a date to start IVF. Of course I have to run this by the doctor at my next appt. We are looking to start mid march..that will be the stimming etc. We are hoping to have the transfer done at the end of march / beginning of April. This will give us a Christmas baby.

I have always wanted a Christmas baby. DH is all for it too provided we keep Christmas and the birthday separate. No combining gifts etc. He is born in January and hates it because he always got very little because no one had any money in January.

So this gives me 8 months to lose weight and 7 months to save up all the money. I don't include July for money saving as we are a bit behind on some bills and we need this month to catch up. I get a raise at the end of the month as well and I will be learning some new tasks which will give me more hours. I figured out that if we can survive on his current pay cheques and bank my current pay cheques then we will be able to save it in the 7 months. When I get my raise and more hours we can for sure save the amount needed and DH should be getting more hours soon as well.

But I have to go over the budget with a fine tooth comb to be sure we can live on his money alone.

As per the weight loss. As of today I am 325 lbs. My bmi is 52.5 In order to be at the top range of their limit of a 38 bmi I need to weigh 235. So I need to lose 90 lbs. If I can keep a consistent loss of 2.5 lbs per week I will just meet the 90 lb goal by mid March. Of course in the beginning I will lose a bit more than that and then maybe taper off a bit after but that is average amount.
Hello to this beautiful and wonderful group <3
Brand new to this forum, but so glad I found you! Can't stop googling facts and stats about IUI...! Just did first unmedicated dIUI yesterday morning (CD *lucky* 13?) after positive CB digital OPK Saturday morning and afternoon. Felt ovulation cramping all day yesterday and still feeling some light spasms on my left side (maybe - hopefully - Fallopian tubes contacting and moving that *fertilized* egg along?). Praying that the timing was just right! No known fertility issues, ovulating like clock work and passed ultrasound, blood hormone tests and HSG with flying colours. Donor sample once thawed yielded 30 million strong swimmers. Even with all of these factors, I know the odds are very much against me...trying to stay positive...! This is going to be the longest two weeks of life...Any one else going au natural with no meds? Would have been open minded to clomid, femara or trigger shot but doc did not feel it was necessary...eek
Hi ladies -
Mind if I join? I've been a follower of another thread but it will be nice to talk to other ladies on the IUI journey.

After about 15 months of trying on our own and irregular periods for me I had a hysteroscopy last month. Dr. doesn't think I ovulate on my own which might be due to the fact I'm overweight or due to my low AMH levels - or both. DH has low motility, but Dr. wants him to redo analysis and follow up with a urologist. DH starts a new job with a large company in 2-3 weeks so we are waiting for more testing and potentially IVF until that insurance kicks in. From what I was able to find online fertility benefits are included. In the meantime we are opting to do this first round of IUI on clomid with trigger. RE started me at a higher dose of 100mg. We went in this morning for my scan and I had 3 follies: 19, 16, and 10 with a few more under 10. Supposed to OPK tomorrow and if it's not positive, trigger tomorrow night and go in for IUI Thursday. (If it is positive, no trigger and IUI on Wednesday). So crazy to go from not ovulating to PUPO in 3 weeks. Originally Dr. said there was only 10% chance of this round working which I'm ok with. But today when the Dr. saw 3 follies, he was obligated to tell us there was very very very low chance of triplets and DH's eyes almost fell out of his head. Little nervous about OPK bc I haven't actually seen a true positive before so I hope I don't misread it. Dr. specifically told me to use Clearblue which is strange because they didn't tell me to start on a specific day so it will be the first day testing this cycle. And of course I have important work meetings both Wed and Thursday so need to figure out a good excuse to move some meetings around. Hope people at work aren't getting suspicious.
Hi everyone and welcome to all the new joiners!

I went in today for my scan at Cd 10 - I have three follicles which is good news I think! They made me take cetrotide to stop ovulation and to give the follicles a bit more time to grow. It was a bigger needle this time :( no fun!

I go back tomorrow morning to see what's going on and I'm just hoping I haven't already ovulated. Waiting for the call back to see what my blood work says. If I already ovulated I'll be so disappointed.

Aayla - I'm sorry this cycle didn't work for you but it sounds like you are definitely inspired with a good plan. I'm also overweight - it's so hard when you're going through all this stress. I get it.

Neener and misscribbs - fingers crossed for you both! The waiting after the procedure is the worst. Try to stay as busy as you can. I find reading helps a lot. Takes my mind off things :)
Hi everyone. I am new to this thread.

This cycle was my first round of clomid Cd3-7 and I'm hours away from my first IUI.

I feel like my ovaries are balloons :(. I'm uncomfortable but nothing I can't handle. I also am just super bloated, I think I gained a few pounds:/

I have read that an IUI is pretty quick and painless. But now since I'm just hours away im wondering what exactly to expect.
Hhhheeeyyyyy ladies and welcome to all the new comers. I've been MIA for a little while. But all is well and the baby and I are doing great. We're also getting ready to move into our Townhouse next week since we were going to need the space lol. Friday will be my 13th week and I have a check up next Thursday

Kate26- Beautiful picture honey

Good luck to all the ladies trying to conceive. Don't give up ladies.
Went to see the fertility doc today. He wants to do letrozole and IUI. I'm only allowed 3 more cycles of letrozole and because of my weight IVF is a way off and he doesn't want me losing drastically which can do more harm than good in the neonatal sense. So while I lose weight and save what we can we will do three rounds of IUI. (assuming we need 3). He says it will double our chances.

Since I am cd 6 today this cycle is out. so I just have to wait for the next af. The IUI should happen around Aug 24 depending on when af comes. Without being on letrozole af doesn't like to behave normally so she may have to be induced.

DH and i have to get new blood panels done of all the std's and stuff as it has been a few years so having to wait makes sure we can get them done and they get the results in time.

The doc was really excited he was like "yeah..let's do this..Let's just do it." This is why I chose this doc. he is so passionate about it.
Aayla - that's great news!!! It's so nice to find a doc that gets it and you. Very exciting!

Realfemme - happy to hear all is going well :)

Welcome KBP - how did your first round go? I had my second IUI done yesterday. It went well but they saw some bleeding right before they put the speculum in? The nurse said she's never seen that before and went to get the dr - obviously that put me right on edge. The dr came in and said its probably nothing and I did mention I usually get ovulation spotting or i bleed during paps a bit. Maybe I'm more sensitive than others? Anyone else have this?

Other than that I felt bloated all day which is what I had before!
sorry, I don't get any mid cycle bleeding. although it isn't unusual for you to spot or bleed a bit during a pap as they are not always as gentle as they think. It's a very sensitive area down there and even regular sex can cause a bit of trauma. I wouldn't worry too much about it, especially if the doc said it was fine.

so I have a question about IUI. This will be our first cycle doing this. My issue is that I don't get a positive opk until the evening of the day that I ovulate. I temp so that is how I know what day I ovulated. the only time I got a positive before was my bfp cycle but after my mc my body is a mess. it changed ovulation day twice (used to be cd 17, then went to 19, now it is cd 20). how am I supposed to be sure of when to call in. Oh and I don't get progression either. my instructions say to not use the digital and I suspect that it is because that is more of yes/no and the 2 lines let you see progression. But not me. I don't get it. Last cycle I tested 3 times a day with the regular ones and didn't even get close to positive up to cd 19. after that I ran out and didn't want to buy anymore. temps confirmed ovulation happened on cd 20.

I'm afraid of missing ovulation and they want me starting opks on cd 10 no matter how many times I tell them I don't ovulate until cd 19/20.
I seem to be in the same boat - ovulation for me varies. Some cycles it's right on cd14 others it's cd 12 or even cd 16.

My doctors are following my ovulation through bloodwork and ultrasounds so I don't track it myself anymore which is nice - one less thing to worry about. They checked my follicles on cd10 saw that they were growing nicely, told me to take another hormone shot that night but also another shot to stop the follicles from ovulating prematurely. Next day they did bloodwork and a scan again and confirmed it was time to do the trigger shot.

I think you should just do the opks and as soon as you see the positive call it in? What did they tell you? Once you see progression call it in? Maybe they can at least do bloodwork to check on it.
I'm only doing letrozole and IUI. No shots or trigger. my instructions say that I am to test with fmu before 730am using First Response or Clear Blue tests (not digital). When I get the surge I am to call in around 8am and I go in that day for the IUI. The instructions say that if I think the line is close to the same colour as the control then to call and come in anyway as it's better to be early than miss it.

But I don't get progression or close to. It's just "bam" there. but maybe because I am using dollar store tests is the reason? Maybe they aren't as sensitive as these brands.
Maybe it's the brand... Good point. I always used the clearblie digital ones. They gave you a flashing smiley face when you were getting close and then just a normal smiley face when you get the surge. Hopefully the different tests will give you more of an idea. Once you get a positive (and hopefully in the morning!) you can call it in. That's a bit stressful though! Fingers crossed!
It is. Even when I was using the CB digi with smiley (no flashing just blank or smiley) it was negative in the morning but positive at 7pm. We shall see though. I am going to talk to the nurses closer to the time and see what they have to say.
Mina-My first IUI went well. I had three good follicles, and my lining was good too. My husbands numbers in all categories were much higher than they hope for so I had that on my side too.

If this past year ttc has taught me anything, it's not to get my hopes up. I'm very realistic about what to expect and the success rates aren't promising. So I do see IVF in my future, but still hoping I'm one of the few who conceives through an IUI.

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