Spring/Summer IUI support thread

I'm sorry MissCribbs! Your positivity is an inspiration - it's a great outlook. I'm hoping some of it runs off on me :) it's so easy to get down during this process. Fingers crossed for you that you're able to get one in in August!

Lyndsm82- I was the same... Super nervous! I'm on my second IUI right now. The process is quite simple and quick! I do have some pain when they use the catheter... I got similar discomfort when they did the tube flush too. I might just be extra sensitive! Other than that, I had light cramping and spotting. A lot of girls don't get that - so you may not! I'd say you don't have to worry but I know you will... It's natural when you don't know. I came on here and I read this forum and it helped put me at ease!

Good luck and let us know how it goes :)
Hey ladies..

I'm just back from my first post meds scan and I'm so happy!

I'm currently CD10 and I have two follicles growing away at 15mm & 16mm.

My lining at the moment is at 8.5mm they told me they like it at 10mm for IUI day

The nurse said everything was looking perfect for my cycle day. I'm back on Thursday for a final check before day 21 bloods next Friday.

We're definitely not going for treatment this cycle. My doctor wants to confim ovulation first, I feel very positive that it will happen this time.. I might get out my OPK tests and see if I surge (not that I have a clue what I'm doing lol)
Great news NovemberRayne!!!! Sounds like it's all working out :) you needed some of this good news after all that waiting. Happy for you!
Thanks Mina06! I was called last yesterday and they actually had to schedule me to come in this morning!! Just a little cramping but nothing crazy and it was over so fast. I feel like weirdest part about it all was carrying my husbands "sample" in a cup, tucked in my pants as I fought through rush hour traffic lol Starting progesterone tomorrow and so commences the TWW :) Will keep you ladies updated, thanks for the support!
Aww thank you Mina06.. I first went to the clinic back in January so to finally be having some positive news makes me feel so happy

I did do a couple of OPKs but posted it over in the test forum.. but I don't quite get how to tell if it's positive lol

My ovulation tests.. link
Glad all went well Lyndsm!

NovemberRayne - I gave up on OPKs once the clinic started tracking me becasue I found them confusing! I would use the clearblue digital and that helped. To me it looks positive and that you are ovulating or that it's coming soon. It picks up the surge right?

AFM - 12dpiui today and I found the nerve to test. BFN. :nope:

Feeling the usual emotions - frustration, anger, sadness. Everything lined up this cycle and we had great numbers. Ugh

I know it can still be early but I've had no symptoms this time like last time. Last time I knew I was pregnant, this time I knew I wasn't. Feeling low for sure.
I'm right there with you Mina...my first IUI failed and I'm currently on clomid for second attempt IUI.

meanwhile everyone else is pregnant! Ugh. I've had it.
Good morning ladies! Hope I can join the party (if anyone would really call it that :haha: ) DH and I have been TTC since May 2015. Last month I went to an obgyn and he started me on clomid 50mg with TI, only one mature follie, doctot wants at least 2, and BFN. This month we are doing clomid 100mg with iui and I am so beside myself. I have cried 3 or 4 times already today...at work :dohh: I just can't decide whether we are doing the right thing, this will be our last medicated cycle until January so I just wanted to give us the best chance. Part of me feels like it is hopeless and if we were going to get pregnant we would have already and another part urges me to have faith in the process. Ugh crying again, stupid clomid! Did anyone else feel utterly torn? I'm also overweight which concerns me more that maybe that is an issue and I am just wasting money doing treatments before losing the weight....so many emotions
KBP - that's exactly it - everyone seems to be pregnant. All my friends have their first and are now starting for their seconds.... One is already pregnant wit her second "by accident". And another has asked me to go for lunch and in pretty sure she wants to tell me the same. I don't want to go. I have anxiety just thinking about it.

Todmommy- it's ok to cry... I'm just feeling numb and angry today. Tomorrow may be my cry day or later today :( I'm also overweight and feeling the same. I just end up blaming myself when it doesn't work. And my DR. Doesn't help. Everyone time we meet with him he asks the same questions: have you cut down your caffeine? Did you lose weight? I want to just scream at him. So... I'm right there with you - you're not alone in this.
I'm so sorry you guys are feeling this way, I totally understand! I work at a fitness studio and 6 (yes, 6!!) of the fellow instructors and other employees got pregnant within one year of each other! Literally everyone around me is popping out kids left and right and some are now trying for number two��I constantly think there is something wrong with me and refuse to believe anything else! It WILL happen. Easier to say than genuinely believe as you keep getting a BFN.

I keep saying to my husband that this is all so unromantic and I just wish it'd happen organically. His response "what's more romantic that two people wanting a baby so bad that they're willing to do anything necessary to make it happen" Well sh*t, I couldn't argue with that! Let the tears happen if they come but just remember that more stress on your body only works against not you. *baby dust*
November: I would definitely say cd12 was positive. basically all you need to see is that the test line is as dark or darker than control. My leaflet for IUI says that if you are unsure and it is close to then to call in and book the IUI anyway as it is better to be early than late. My leaflet also says to not use the digital as they are more yes/no than progressive. You are being monitored so it's not likely an issue for you. i do hope you ovulate this cycle and everything goes well.

I totally understand what everyone is going through. i once dealt with 14 pregnancies in an 18 month period and some of those were baby #2. It was the hardest time of my life. I wish I could say it gets easier. Some days are good, some aren't.

Baby dust to us all. :D
Question for you ladies! This is my second round with Letrozole, first round with an IUI. I took progesterone 7 DPO and I recall the second pill I was pretty dizzy but I survived. Last night I took my second pill 2 DPO and wow, I could barley walk in a straight line!! I had to lay down for a while and then went to sleep at 9pm. Have you guys taken progesterone and also had bad dizzy spells? Off to work now after taking my pill and hoping that was a fluke
Hello Ladies 😘

Thanks so much Mina06 and Aayla for looking at my opks.

I had another scan appointment and all is still going well... I'm measuring 18mm for both follies and they think one is in the process of ovulation :happydance:

Coupled with my tests being positive and cramping I'm having (I seriously thought I ate something dodgy) I'm sooo hoping I have. The nurse said had this been a real cycle everything looked perfect and they would have got me in for IUI already. I'll be back Monday morning to have another check and book in for my 'day 21' test. I'm finally feeling so happy with things at the moment.

I know a few of you are a bit down right now so I'm sending all my love to you (and huge cuddles if you need them). I've suffered 3 early losses myself in my early 20s and watched most of my friends have babies so effortlessly. But we will all get there together ladies, don't lose sight of that.. I have faith and hope for all of us :hugs:
Mina I'm so sorry to hear about your doctor, what a jerk! I get that they are just trying to do their job but some lessons in sensitivity wouldn't hurt. My doctor doesn't mention my weight but I wonder.

Lyndsm your husband sounds so sweet! Making iui sound romantic is very hard :haha:

Aayla 14 in 18 months! That's just nuts, I would have stopped leaving the house! :haha:

November that is wonderful that things are going so good!!

Afm we are 7 days out from iui and I am still nervous as ever. It is a little bit of a financial stretch for us since I won't be working from September to December and that is what I keep thinking about. I've already crunched the numbers and I know that we can do it, I also know it would be easier if we didn't. I really want to do it and the decision has been made but it is still nagging me. If the iui works I won't even think twice when that bill comes but if it doesn't work that bill will taunt me in the worst way. Maybe I should just stop worrying about things that aren't even things :dohh: No matter what I do there are pros, cons, and what ifs on every angle. Yesterday was so good no thinking about any of it and feeling confident in my decision, and then the bill showed for our last medicated monitored cycle. $1500, ouch. Now I wanna rack another 1500 plus the iui cost? Now I'm rambling, so many thoughts up there. If it were you ladies would you go ahead with the iui now or wait until you were working again in January?
Okay I have to stop being so negative! I have come to clarity. If I don't do the iui the "what if" will make me loco. I just wish that the day would come already then it is done and the money is spent and no wondering.

How do you ladies stay positive through it all? I, like all of you I'm sure, just never thought I would be here.
todmommy4568 - knowing me, I'd probably just do it haha!

On a serious note.. it's just money, if it's a little stretch and your treatment works it won't matter anymore. If it doesn't, at least you tried. The financial loss was for the right reasons.

As for being positive, I've had to be. We actually started our journey close to three years ago. I was advised on medical grounds not to become pregnant as I had a suspected heart problem. All is fine thankfully. We moved, I changed career and once we finally got in a place to start trying I've had other issues & ovarian cyst that refused to go hanging over me for almost 6 months.

I'm very happy to be where we are at now even though I've yet to have a single IUI.. besides, leaving my fiancée for a guy isn't going to happen so I'm pretty much in the place I imagined I would be 😋 😂😂
You make a very good point. I have been so worried about spending the money and it not working but even if it doesn't I know I tried and it was done for the right reasons, thank you! I need to take that to my husband, he is worried and I feel like if we were both on the same page it would lessen my anxiety.

That's awesome :haha: I would imagine leaving your fiancé for a guy would be an ordeal! 😂 That is great that the heart problem ended up being okay! After all this time you must be thrilled for iui possibly next month!!
I would be the same..spend the money. The what if would likely make me nuts as well. hopefully it will work this one time and if it doesn't then you can choose to take a break and wait until you are back at work.

We have been at this for 6 years now. Like November I had some other health issues to deal with first that took about 4 years. 2 rounds of clomid that did nothing and a 20 lb weight gain put full time ttc off for another year. We have been full time TTC for a year now.

It's hard to stay positive. it's hard to stay the course some time but you know in the end it will be worth it. You just keep believing that it will happen and you move on and keep trying new steps to get you there. One foot in front of the other.
I think it is something we all go through, the process of having babies isn't cheap.. we pretty much decided the same, every penny spent is for what we feel in our heart is the right reason.

Leaving wifey for a guy would be more than an ordeal.. That's a life I left yeeeaaarrs ago and don't wish to revisit 😂😂😂 we are incredibly happy to finally this close to treatment. We've always wanted a family just can't wait to get moving x
Thanks for the words of support ladies, I truly appreciate it! I canceled my iui because the stress on my DH was straining our relationship. Then he insisted I reschedule since I really wanted to do the iui so I called the hospital for a price quote and they said the charge for the iui was $180 so I promptly rescheduled my appointment :haha: Felt like a bat canceling and rescheduling the next day but I'm sure with all the hormones flowing it was nothing new to the nurse lol. My ultrasound and trigger are tomorrow, as long as there are no more than 4 follicles 🙏🏻

How are things coming along for everyone?

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