Spring/Summer IUI support thread

Hi ladies,
I've been following all of your stories over the past month or so - sorry I haven't posted in a while.
I want to give you all a bit of an update....
Yesterday we had our 12 week dating scan and saw this little bundle of joy! He/she was very wriggly and was on the move during the scan.
He/she then found a very copy position faced down and stayed that way for the photos. Baby is healthy and measured 12+4. Baby is due on 17th December (originally the 22nd- so we think it will be a big baby lol)

We couldn't have gone through the iui process and the waiting without this thread so thank you all sooooo much for your support, help and listening to my worries and moaning about the wait. I want to spread a bit of baby dust to you all and please keep me posted with your stories and news updates!!!



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What a beautiful pic!! So happy baby is wriggly and healthy!
MRSJLO- Beautiful picture and so glad that things are going well. And your bundle of joy is nice and healthy.

AFM- I have officially graduated from SGF as of Friday and have my first appointment on June 20th. The baby is measuring small but all is well and we're nice and healthy with a strong heartbeat of 167. And I just celebrated my 30th birthday on June 7th!!!!!

Where is everyone????? Ladies check in with us and baby dust to all 😍😍😍😍😙😙😙😙👶👶👶👶🎉🎉🎉🎉


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MrsLJO and realfemme - awesome updates :) so glad everything is going well!!

I had an appointment with my family doctor today and it went great. I will be 12 weeks on Monday and have an ultrasound next Wednesday where I hope to FINALLY have a pic to share! How have you ladies been doing with morning sickness? This past week or so has been so awful for me :( so sick every morning. But it will all be worth it in the end! :)
MrsLJO- what a gorgeous picture I'm so glad everything is progressing well for you ❤

Realfemme - belated birthday wishes darling, hope you had a wonderful day, hope you and baby are keeping well :hugs:

I've been quiet cause I have no updates to give 😔 I'm still waiting to be checked again.. I might actually cry if this cyst still isn't gone. Then a medicated dummy cycle.. after my last AF finished, I had three days before I started bleeding again which went on for a further 4 days... I have no idea where I'm at now. From the date of first AF I'm 7 days late but if I count from the second bleed I'm just about due..

I just want to be doing something now hate being in limbo. Wifey is also in LA visiting family.. I'm jealous lol
Kate26- Thank you and glad to see that your doing good as well except for the morning sickness. But so far I haven't had any morning sickness at all and I turned 9 weeks today. I hope it stays thus way because I the only thing I have is sore breast and feet when I choose to work a double

NovemberRayne- OMG I've missed you. And thank you so much. That sucks tho but I pray that you find out something soon and that cyst is gone honey. I would be jealous too if my wife was in Vegas and I wasn't lol
Realfemme - I've missed you too gurlll 😚 feels like forever since I popped my head in here. Can't believe you're 9 weeks now, so glad you haven't had any morning sickness. Wifey is back next Tuesday her dad is from the US so as she doesn't get over there often I said I'd stay home this time.. after seeing a few pics.. I secretly regret this 😂😂😂
NovemberRayne- 😂😂😂😂😂 I can't with you lol. I bet next time you'll go. But yes ma'am and look like I'm 5 or 6 months already lol
Hey girls!

I'm been a bit MIA but just wanted to stop by to say hi :wave:

I'm currently CD8 and taking my last Clomid tonight - FS Wed and hopefully trigger shot. I wasn't sure if financially we were going to be able to do IUI this cycle, but thank god we can!! That was such a happy moment for me lol I really felt like the IUI gave us the best chance last cycle so I'm feeling good about this. I started feeling some ovarian activity sensations last night, which is a great sign for me I believe because I've felt this every time Clomid has worked for me, and I don't feel it when it's not working for me. Of course, I could be wrong and get different news on Wednesday but for now I'm content thinking its a great sign and it will all work out!

Happy to see the pregnancies are going well ladies, can't wait to join y'all soon! :winkwink:
wifeybby- We'll I'm praying that it works for you and all the signs say go lol. FX for you and sending you lots of baby dust
Hi ladies! I hope it's ok I join this thread...I usually hang out in the ttc #1 board ....this cycle will be my first IUI...my CD12 appointment is Friday June 17th.

A bit about my history ****trigger warning loss mentioned****

I got pregnant in 2003 unexpectedly but the heartbeat stopped around week 9..had to have a D&C ....the dr at that time said the good news was I could get pregnant again if I wanted to (super insensitive at the time)
Fast forward to 2012 I married my DH and we decided to not prevent but not really try and just see what happens....several years passed and nothing...so finally this year I went to my OBGYN, since I am now 34 years old and afraid of how much time I might have to conceive, who did some bloodwork and said everything looked normal and told me to go see an RE.

so far all my tests have showed normal...DH's SA was normal so we moved to a medicated IUI cycle, Clomid + Metformin + Ovidrel
Hi Harley! Our stories sound pretty similar. I'm actually going in for my CD12 FS tomorrow, so you're just two days behind me! I'm also using Clomid, a trigger shot, metformin and IUI.

This will be my second IUI and third responsive round to clomid. I did TI the first cycle I ovulated, and BFN. I have no known issues with my cervix or no known problem for why sperm didn't meet egg, but I wanted to do an IUI for the peace of mind. I believe it gives me the best chance in this protocol. We also mix in some TI with the IUI, BD'ing in the days before and after the IUI.

Best wishes to you for your scan on Friday! I'll be sure to post how mine goes tomorrow. :)

How is everyone doing? Any news?!
MrsLJO and realfemme - awesome updates :) so glad everything is going well!!

I had an appointment with my family doctor today and it went great. I will be 12 weeks on Monday and have an ultrasound next Wednesday where I hope to FINALLY have a pic to share! How have you ladies been doing with morning sickness? This past week or so has been so awful for me :( so sick every morning. But it will all be worth it in the end! :)

Hi kate. Did you have your scan on monday?? Been waiting to hear how it went for you and possible some pictures!!! So excited for you!!!
Thank you wifeybby! I'll be following to see how your scan goes!! Good luck !

Last cycle we did Clomid + metformin + TI and with the clomid I ended up with 3 follicles .....this cycle I'm so nervous I won't respond to the Clomid (no logical reason for the nervousness lol)
NovemberRayne- 😂😂😂😂😂 I can't with you lol. I bet next time you'll go. But yes ma'am and look like I'm 5 or 6 months already lol

Wifey came back yesterday, so glad to have her home. I asked her to bring me some sweets as I've never been to the US so I now have enough candy to last me a year 😂😂😂

AF finally came and I went to the hospital Monday morning.. still no good news, Cyst is very small about 17mm now but they still won't let me start meds. Which although disappointing I'm okay with it now. We have to fully fund our treatment and I'd rather we had the best chances rather than pay for treatment with odds stacked against us. I guess as it's been so long my excitement has also waned, so we're just taking it cycle by cycle... fx crossed again for next month lol
November - sorry for the not so good news. Sounds like you have a good attitude about it all though. FX for next month :)

AFM.. Finally got to see my little babe today!! Most amazing thing ever. He/she was moving around like crazy! Rolling all over the place, stretching out, arms and legs going every direction lol heart rate was 156 and all looks great :)


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November: at least the cyst is smaller and moving in the right direction. You'll get there.

Kate: beautiful pic!!
lovely pic, Kate! :)

November - sorry for the not so nice news. FX it goes away at a healthy pace and you get the green light soon! What kind of candy do you like from the US? I love it all lol I think we all do over here, that's our problem!

AFM - yesterday my scan revealed TWO follies! Yay! I've only ever had one at a time so this cycle is amazing. They were 15 and 16mm yesterday, then today they were 18 and 19mm. Yay! I got my trigger shot and we're doing the IUI tomorrow. Beyond happy to be this far in the journey.

GL at your scan tomorrow, Harley! Please let us know how it goes! If you had three amazing follies last time, I have no doubt that you will respond again!
No temp spike :cry:

cm has also dried up. Looks like it is IVF for me. I will temp throughout the weekend to be sure. But I don't think it's going to happen. I'm thinking I'm going to call the doc today and let them know so I can book in time to see him if needed. I don't know what the next step is while I lose the weight and save up the money.
Hi ladies! I thought I'd join you all this seems like a good crowd :) I am having my first IUI in July or August. I'm in the 'testing phase' right now, labs and ultrasounds, sperm analysis etc. DB and I have been trying for 1.5 years, neither of us has kids, and I'm 40 with 0.6 amh (last year it was 1.5!) I started taking CoQ10 and DHEA already, hope it helps. I've had NO pregnancies whatsoever and no reason for it, so far.

Sending congrats and good lucks out and baby dust to all!

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