Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Hi ladies. Sorry if I miss anyone but I'm on my phone, fallen way behind with all of the posts and my phone has lost my replies 3 times already!! :dohh:

Fx for all you tww ladies! I hope ytour BFP's is just a pee pee away!

Mary, I'm so excited for you :dance: cannot wait to have you guys over on the birthing thread!!!!

Sarah, I'm once again so sorry for the pain you are going hrou :hugs: I don't think naming your baby is stupid at all!!!!
Wonderful news, Mary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Thanks kenna! :) Text me when you get home & I hope u have a good day at work! Take it as easy as u can! :) <3
I'm soo happy I have a true chance at being pregnant with you, Jess, and all these other amazing ladies!!! Very excited to have a much, much greater chance at experiencing pregnancy with you ladies! I always have had hope that the enzymes would work but I never actually knew if they'd help so its nice to KNOW for the first time since my HSG that I have a real shot at a successful pregnancy. I cant stop saying it and I think I'm annoying my mother at this point, repeating myself over and over. :haha:. But who knows, maybe the enzymes did work and still are working but I'm def not passing up my chance at IVF in order to find out. I told DH that after we have the baby, ill go for a repeat HSG and see if my tube is cleared so I can let others know whether it helped. I feel bad that I won't be able to share results when I was hoping but hopefully I can give an answer one day soon.

My chart is really attractive to me, lol. Its just a little different I guess.. I'd be amazed if it happened to stay up for a BFP, that'd be nuts because of the timing! I'm hoping to see no BIG dip tomorrow because that'd def make my chart different. I almost always get a big, pre-o type dip between 2-5dpo, I think it happened at 6dpo once. I have been having lots and lots of light cramping in my lower abdomen all day today but that could just be gas or me being bloated, who knows! Since I just got my wondfos, ill prob try testing in 3 days, 8dpo, just to see, lol :). THIS is by far the easiest TWW so far for me. I have it set in my mind that April is my month and I'm ok with that so right now I actually wont let AFs visit get me down right now. Its amazing how relaxed that consultation made me feel. Now my nervousness is gone and I feel nothing but excitement inside! FX for our first round!

Great news mary! So happy for you!! If you have left over embryos you could always adopt them out. Embryo adoption is really a beautiful thing. Dh and I have done some research into it.
This is my first post, we have been trying for 18 months i am 30 years old. I am day 12 post IUI #4 with letrozole 7.5 mg. I got a negative, although my doc told me to not test till day 16. I have been gluten free for 3 months and tired acupuncture as well.. I will wait i guess till day 16... every testing has come back negative for infertility workup for myself and husband. I am experiencing cramping since day 10 and I have been waking up so hot! I had issues when i was in my early 20's with getting over heated when I was about to start period. What are people's thoughts? I have been having really weird dreams and more irritable then normal.
Im out of the RE's! So, Ill be starting the bcp's in about 15-30 days and that will be the start to my 6wk IVF process!! :). I need to get my day 3 bloods done all over again and they're going to check for fibroids and such with a "SHG" (saline in uterus only) and then that same day they're going to do a "mock transfer" to make sure, in advance, that there's nothing in the way of doing the actual embryo transfer. Soo, as long as my uterus looks good in the "SHG", I should have my sticky bean transferred into my uterus by mid-late April! Yay!! This is truly exciting! He was a really good doc and he made dh and I both feel very comfortable. He said he doesn't see getting IVF done in 4 1/2 months as being a problem, at all! Woo! I feel so much better now! He doesn't even care about my 7dpo bloods cuz I'll be on meds anyway so my other doc didn't know what she was talking about, once again! But anyway, day 3 bloods, along with any other bloods he wants that day as well, and then our follow up appt will be scheduled and IVF will for sure be happening March-April!! Im sooooo incredibly excited! Now its feeling so real!!! Wooo! Dh and I can't stop smiling! I was really scared that there wouldn't be time but there is :) yay!! So this lady should truly be joining you ladies in the apregnancy thread in just 2-2 1/2 months! Did I say I'm sooo excited yet?! Lol :haha:

So glad to hear that Mary, hopefully you won't need that and you get your BFP before then since you're having good temps and cycle :) I see you're testing in 3 days... I'll take a cheapie that day then the next I'll take FRER or Answer :thumbup:
Lots of watery cm this morning. Has anyone experienced this right before AF or a BFP?

I get watery-ish cm every month before AF, I was told its due to estrogen starting to take over again BUT ive also seen many MANY ladies get BFP's with watery cm close to AF time so it def differs person to person. Cm really isn't a great pg sign because for many, they dont notice true cm changes until after a bfp, u know? I have lots of hope for u! FX!

Thanks! I may usually get it before AF, I'm just not sure. I don't have it written down, but maybe it just never stood out to me before.

And I am soooooo glad your appointment went so well! That is so exciting!
Im out of the RE's! So, Ill be starting the bcp's in about 15-30 days and that will be the start to my 6wk IVF process!! :). I need to get my day 3 bloods done all over again and they're going to check for fibroids and such with a "SHG" (saline in uterus only) and then that same day they're going to do a "mock transfer" to make sure, in advance, that there's nothing in the way of doing the actual embryo transfer. Soo, as long as my uterus looks good in the "SHG", I should have my sticky bean transferred into my uterus by mid-late April! Yay!! This is truly exciting! He was a really good doc and he made dh and I both feel very comfortable. He said he doesn't see getting IVF done in 4 1/2 months as being a problem, at all! Woo! I feel so much better now! He doesn't even care about my 7dpo bloods cuz I'll be on meds anyway so my other doc didn't know what she was talking about, once again! But anyway, day 3 bloods, along with any other bloods he wants that day as well, and then our follow up appt will be scheduled and IVF will for sure be happening March-April!! Im sooooo incredibly excited! Now its feeling so real!!! Wooo! Dh and I can't stop smiling! I was really scared that there wouldn't be time but there is :) yay!! So this lady should truly be joining you ladies in the apregnancy thread in just 2-2 1/2 months! Did I say I'm sooo excited yet?! Lol :haha:

So glad to hear that Mary, hopefully you won't need that and you get your BFP before then since you're having good temps and cycle :) I see you're testing in 3 days... I'll take a cheapie that day then the next I'll take FRER or Answer :thumbup:

Thanks hun :) And yay, test buddies! :haha:
I'm going to have to stalk up for my IVF cycle if no bfp this cycle that is :)... I know I'm going to want to test my trigger shot out and then hope and pray my hpts get darker by 10-12dpo, rather than lighter that cycle. Ill be testing like crazy while I test the trigger out just so if it happens to show the HCG is already out of my system by 8/9dpo, ill know anything after that would be a true BFP :) FX! I really haven't stopped talking about this ALL day! It wasn't nearly as real to me until the moment we walked into that clinic today!
So, my mom wants to come in the room while our baby is being made and dh is 100% ok with that. I think I may allow her to come in. She is clueless about what ive been through fertility wise so seeing IVF being preformed would be very educational for her, lol. Plus for some reason, even tho I'm almost 26, I STILL feel most comfortable if my mother is with me at nerve racking appts :haha:. It calms me down alot. It sounds so weird to say my mother is going to watch our LO be made lol. It will be a beautiful moment though. She was really excited to hear that we'll actually be seeing the embryo(s) being transferred on a screen in the room. I think that's the part that officially made her want to go with us :haha:. Now my mom can be there for the making of and the birth of s/he, lucky grandma! Haha
Lots of watery cm this morning. Has anyone experienced this right before AF or a BFP?

I get watery-ish cm every month before AF, I was told its due to estrogen starting to take over again BUT ive also seen many MANY ladies get BFP's with watery cm close to AF time so it def differs person to person. Cm really isn't a great pg sign because for many, they dont notice true cm changes until after a bfp, u know? I have lots of hope for u! FX!

Thanks! I may usually get it before AF, I'm just not sure. I don't have it written down, but maybe it just never stood out to me before.

And I am soooooo glad your appointment went so well! That is so exciting!

Whether its usual for u or not, I truly hope it leads to ur BFP! :) As jess mentioned earlier, she didn't get her BFP this time around until 13dpo, negative before that and so its very possible that ur little bean could just need some more time :) I'm hoping this is the case for u! FX!
Went to my pelvic pain appointment today. They gave me a pelvic sling but it is wayyyy to big so they are working with the physical therapist to locate a smaller pelvic girdle because the pain I'm feeling in my pubic bone and lower back are from the ligaments relaxing and my weak pelvic floor trying to pick up the slack. I should have it figured out by Thursday.
Went to my pelvic pain appointment today. They gave me a pelvic sling but it is wayyyy to big so they are working with the physical therapist to locate a smaller pelvic girdle because the pain I'm feeling in my pubic bone and lower back are from the ligaments relaxing and my weak pelvic floor trying to pick up the slack. I should have it figured out by Thursday.

oh no jess! I need to keep up with ur damn blog more! Lifes been so crazy but now I can finally relax a little!
I really hope all works out for u ASAP. Just reading ur post literally caused an ache in my vagina, I can only imagine how u actually feel! I cant wait til you have your LO in your arms and are feeling much better! You have had alit going on physically for at least a year or so, since we met.. It makes me feel terrible for u! Again, I hope everything is fixed up ASAP! :hugs:
Thanks hun :) And yay, test buddies! :haha:
I'm going to have to stalk up for my IVF cycle if no bfp this cycle that is :)... I know I'm going to want to test my trigger shot out and then hope and pray my hpts get darker by 10-12dpo, rather than lighter that cycle. Ill be testing like crazy while I test the trigger out just so if it happens to show the HCG is already out of my system by 8/9dpo, ill know anything after that would be a true BFP :) FX! I really haven't stopped talking about this ALL day! It wasn't nearly as real to me until the moment we walked into that clinic today!
So, my mom wants to come in the room while our baby is being made and dh is 100% ok with that. I think I may allow her to come in. She is clueless about what ive been through fertility wise so seeing IVF being preformed would be very educational for her, lol. Plus for some reason, even tho I'm almost 26, I STILL feel most comfortable if my mother is with me at nerve racking appts :haha:. It calms me down alot. It sounds so weird to say my mother is going to watch our LO be made lol. It will be a beautiful moment though. She was really excited to hear that we'll actually be seeing the embryo(s) being transferred on a screen in the room. I think that's the part that officially made her want to go with us :haha:. Now my mom can be there for the making of and the birth of s/he, lucky grandma! Haha

Yeah that would be really neat...I bet its going to be awesome looking at all that happen!!! I'm just SOOOO eager to start testing, I hate this wait so much.

What's really different is I just started having shooting rectal pain and pressure? Where I have to jump up when laying down... I hope its pregnancy related even though its still early lol
Edit: I just found out that the rectal pain/pressure can be due to my retroverted uterus
This is my first post, we have been trying for 18 months i am 30 years old. I am day 12 post IUI #4 with letrozole 7.5 mg. I got a negative, although my doc told me to not test till day 16. I have been gluten free for 3 months and tired acupuncture as well.. I will wait i guess till day 16... every testing has come back negative for infertility workup for myself and husband. I am experiencing cramping since day 10 and I have been waking up so hot! I had issues when i was in my early 20's with getting over heated when I was about to start period. What are people's thoughts? I have been having really weird dreams and more irritable then normal.

:hi: and welcome to the group.

I would suggest waiting a few more days to test before taking that BFN to heart :flower:

Dr's and preggo tests normally want us to wait which is much easier said than done but I think it is because most women don't get early positives. I didn't expect to either but did.

Don't loose hope yet hun! As long as AF hasn't shown chances for your BFP is very good!
FX and tons of :dust: :dust:

Went to my pelvic pain appointment today. They gave me a pelvic sling but it is wayyyy to big so they are working with the physical therapist to locate a smaller pelvic girdle because the pain I'm feeling in my pubic bone and lower back are from the ligaments relaxing and my weak pelvic floor trying to pick up the slack. I should have it figured out by Thursday.

Grrr... so sorry for the pain you are going through! I hope they can get the girdle to you sooner rather than later and that it gives you some relief :hugs:
euuuuuuurgh dippy temp this morning. Feel like I'm out. But its OK! I have clomid to start next cycle
Thanks hun :) And yay, test buddies! :haha:
I'm going to have to stalk up for my IVF cycle if no bfp this cycle that is :)... I know I'm going to want to test my trigger shot out and then hope and pray my hpts get darker by 10-12dpo, rather than lighter that cycle. Ill be testing like crazy while I test the trigger out just so if it happens to show the HCG is already out of my system by 8/9dpo, ill know anything after that would be a true BFP :) FX! I really haven't stopped talking about this ALL day! It wasn't nearly as real to me until the moment we walked into that clinic today!
So, my mom wants to come in the room while our baby is being made and dh is 100% ok with that. I think I may allow her to come in. She is clueless about what ive been through fertility wise so seeing IVF being preformed would be very educational for her, lol. Plus for some reason, even tho I'm almost 26, I STILL feel most comfortable if my mother is with me at nerve racking appts :haha:. It calms me down alot. It sounds so weird to say my mother is going to watch our LO be made lol. It will be a beautiful moment though. She was really excited to hear that we'll actually be seeing the embryo(s) being transferred on a screen in the room. I think that's the part that officially made her want to go with us :haha:. Now my mom can be there for the making of and the birth of s/he, lucky grandma! Haha

Yeah that would be really neat...I bet its going to be awesome looking at all that happen!!! I'm just SOOOO eager to start testing, I hate this wait so much.

What's really different is I just started having shooting rectal pain and pressure? Where I have to jump up when laying down... I hope its pregnancy related even though its still early lol
Edit: I just found out that the rectal pain/pressure can be due to my retroverted uterus

It can also be caused from constipation, even if ur really slightly constipated. It happens to me from time to time. Hope it ends up being a good sign for u!
Chart still looks stellar. Still testing BFN. :nope:

It looks like ur chart turned somewhat triphasic 4 days ago and many say they got BFPs on the 5th day of a triphasic pattern so maybe that's the case for u...? I hope so!

Also, it looks like ur temp usually drops for AF by 13dpo at the latest so lets hope it stays up tomorrow and that could def be a good sign! What type of test have you been using?
Chart still looks stellar. Still testing BFN. :nope:

It looks like ur chart turned somewhat triphasic 4 days ago and many say they got BFPs on the 5th day of a triphasic pattern so maybe that's the case for u...? I hope so!

Also, it looks like ur temp usually drops for AF by 13dpo at the latest so lets hope it stays up tomorrow and that could def be a good sign! What type of test have you been using?

FRER with FMU.
Well its 6dpo and my chart doesn't have any BIG dips yet, which is very unusual. I have a feeling that less stress this cycle may have to do with my higher temps so far this TWW. Now lets see if it rises again tomorrow or dips more. Idk why I like looking at my dang chart so much! Lol. I heard temps may be all wacky my IVF cycle so I'm going to temp but not read too much into it.

Only 2 days left until we try a wondfo Sylvia! :) And ur chart looks GREAT at this point! FX it keeps up with this beautiful pattern!

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