Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Not rubbish at all. I too just normally said my angels. Did you have any names special to you? Sorry you're having to deal with this...
I agree with the other ladies Michelle... You chart looks stable.... Regarding CM after O, i got creamy or watery CM and one occasion of EWCM during my non-bfp cycles. Oddly, i stopped checking my CM few days after O (got tired of it) and just put creamy (not checking the inside CM) during my :bfp: cycle. So, i'm not sure what my CM really is during that time.

Is this normal for you? If not, maybe it's a good sign..... FX


I'm not sure if it's normal. The stable temps aren't. But for cm, I'm usually marking either creamy or sticky on my charts around this time. However, it could have been watery in the past, I just didn't mark it! :)

SarahLou, sorry you're having to go though this tough time. :hugs: I agree, maybe finding a little nickname that is special to you may help?
I would just like a nice little nick name but I cant think straight right now :shrug:
So sorry Sarah :( did you have a nickname for the baby? I remember that pain at the office so vividly, going in and feeling I would NEVER get pregnant and seeing pregnant women all around me and I would cry right there! But try to be positive and know that you WILL be that woman with a baby crying in the office.. Take the time to grieve now but know that you will be a mum

Michelle and ttc for what it's worth remember that FF considers any BFP before 12dpo an early BFP! Can't wait to see how this turns out! I never had a big dip at 8dpo ever before until my BFP cycle and I was just convinced. I have good feelings about yours!

Mary!!!! I am so excited!!!! Hoping to hear updates from you any minute now!! Thank god you aren't down here with us because we are snowed in at the moment! I can't imagine anything more frustrating! Can't freaking wait!!
Im out of the RE's! So, Ill be starting the bcp's in about 15-30 days and that will be the start to my 6wk IVF process!! :). I need to get my day 3 bloods done all over again and they're going to check for fibroids and such with a "SHG" (saline in uterus only) and then that same day they're going to do a "mock transfer" to make sure, in advance, that there's nothing in the way of doing the actual embryo transfer. Soo, as long as my uterus looks good in the "SHG", I should have my sticky bean transferred into my uterus by mid-late April! Yay!! This is truly exciting! He was a really good doc and he made dh and I both feel very comfortable. He said he doesn't see getting IVF done in 4 1/2 months as being a problem, at all! Woo! I feel so much better now! He doesn't even care about my 7dpo bloods cuz I'll be on meds anyway so my other doc didn't know what she was talking about, once again! But anyway, day 3 bloods, along with any other bloods he wants that day as well, and then our follow up appt will be scheduled and IVF will for sure be happening March-April!! Im sooooo incredibly excited! Now its feeling so real!!! Wooo! Dh and I can't stop smiling! I was really scared that there wouldn't be time but there is :) yay!! So this lady should truly be joining you ladies in the apregnancy thread in just 2-2 1/2 months! Did I say I'm sooo excited yet?! Lol :haha:
Lots of watery cm this morning. Has anyone experienced this right before AF or a BFP?

I get watery-ish cm every month before AF, I was told its due to estrogen starting to take over again BUT ive also seen many MANY ladies get BFP's with watery cm close to AF time so it def differs person to person. Cm really isn't a great pg sign because for many, they dont notice true cm changes until after a bfp, u know? I have lots of hope for u! FX!
Hi ladies im back again...

Just to let you all know I had a third blood drawn yesterday and the HCG is now 95 :cry:

I have had to choices and its to wait one week and see if resolves itself cause apparently if its tissue from the miscarriage then it will come away or absorb back into my system and the same for an ectopic.. simply because the HCG is decreasing slowly its unlikely to cause any harm, but I would have to keep a look out for any pain for one week then they will repeat the blood test in a weeks time.. so will have to have blood drawn again :(

Second option was to have a one off injection to help the cells die off, but they said they use it in chemotherapy. So have decided with the consultant to do it more natural and go back to them in one week.

I'm lost and devastated but the worse thing as the room opposite me had just had a baby and I was told I would no longer be having a baby hers was crying and I found that hard :cry:

I know I wasn't that far along but I would like to give our baby a name of some kind instead of saying baby.. Can anyone think of any ideas maybe? I know it sounds stupid :( :dohh:

I'm so sorry Sarah. And its not stupid at all to want to call your baby something. I think Angel is a good name, since s/he is CERTAINLY an angel. My heart truly goes out for you. :hugs:
Hi ladies im back again...

Just to let you all know I had a third blood drawn yesterday and the HCG is now 95 :cry:

I have had to choices and its to wait one week and see if resolves itself cause apparently if its tissue from the miscarriage then it will come away or absorb back into my system and the same for an ectopic.. simply because the HCG is decreasing slowly its unlikely to cause any harm, but I would have to keep a look out for any pain for one week then they will repeat the blood test in a weeks time.. so will have to have blood drawn again :(

Second option was to have a one off injection to help the cells die off, but they said they use it in chemotherapy. So have decided with the consultant to do it more natural and go back to them in one week.

I'm lost and devastated but the worse thing as the room opposite me had just had a baby and I was told I would no longer be having a baby hers was crying and I found that hard :cry:

I know I wasn't that far along but I would like to give our baby a name of some kind instead of saying baby.. Can anyone think of any ideas maybe? I know it sounds stupid :( :dohh:

I'm so sorry Sarah. My heart is truly breaking for you. I understand the need to name your baby, I thought about it too. My suggestion would be to name the baby as you would have anyways. No nickname, but the name you would have given your child. My husband and in did a balloon release for our angels, perhaps that is something you would consider.

Im out of the RE's! So, Ill be starting the bcp's in about 15-30 days and that will be the start to my 6wk IVF process!! :). I need to get my day 3 bloods done all over again and they're going to check for fibroids and such with a "SHG" (saline in uterus only) and then that same day they're going to do a "mock transfer" to make sure, in advance, that there's nothing in the way of doing the actual embryo transfer. Soo, as long as my uterus looks good in the "SHG", I should have my sticky bean transferred into my uterus by mid-late April! Yay!! This is truly exciting! He was a really good doc and he made dh and I both feel very comfortable. He said he doesn't see getting IVF done in 4 1/2 months as being a problem, at all! Woo! I feel so much better now! He doesn't even care about my 7dpo bloods cuz I'll be on meds anyway so my other doc didn't know what she was talking about, once again! But anyway, day 3 bloods, along with any other bloods he wants that day as well, and then our follow up appt will be scheduled and IVF will for sure be happening March-April!! Im sooooo incredibly excited! Now its feeling so real!!! Wooo! Dh and I can't stop smiling! I was really scared that there wouldn't be time but there is :) yay!! So this lady should truly be joining you ladies in the apregnancy thread in just 2-2 1/2 months! Did I say I'm sooo excited yet?! Lol :haha:

That's sooooo exciting! Did they talk about transferring one or two? Seeing as that you have gotten pregnant pretty easily before the tube issue, my inkling would be to transfer one and see what happens. What happens if you have a large harvest and fertilization rate, what are you going to do with the embryos?
That's perfect news Mary. Happy you got a great doctor to look after you.... Can't wait to hear your updates from your IVF journey and FX :bfp: the first try..... :dance::dance::dance:
Mary that is so exciting!!!! So if the process is only ABOUT 6 weeks would you have time to do two rounds if you had to? I feel very confident you'll get a sticky little bean the first round but just curious!!

Sarah maybe Gabe or Gabriel/le? I googled angels of children (since.. angel.. you know) and Angel Gabriel is apparently the archangel of.. childbirth? I found a saint of pregnant women and another angel who "has a special place in his heart for children" but their names were really weird. Just an idea :hugs:
So, I've been having a lot of cramping today and I have a milky discharge. Could I potentially be implanting or something this late (11 DPO)?
Hi ladies im back again...

Just to let you all know I had a third blood drawn yesterday and the HCG is now 95 :cry:

I have had to choices and its to wait one week and see if resolves itself cause apparently if its tissue from the miscarriage then it will come away or absorb back into my system and the same for an ectopic.. simply because the HCG is decreasing slowly its unlikely to cause any harm, but I would have to keep a look out for any pain for one week then they will repeat the blood test in a weeks time.. so will have to have blood drawn again :(

Second option was to have a one off injection to help the cells die off, but they said they use it in chemotherapy. So have decided with the consultant to do it more natural and go back to them in one week.

I'm lost and devastated but the worse thing as the room opposite me had just had a baby and I was told I would no longer be having a baby hers was crying and I found that hard :cry:

I know I wasn't that far along but I would like to give our baby a name of some kind instead of saying baby.. Can anyone think of any ideas maybe? I know it sounds stupid :( :dohh:

I'm so sorry Sarah. My heart is truly breaking for you. I understand the need to name your baby, I thought about it too. My suggestion would be to name the baby as you would have anyways. No nickname, but the name you would have given your child. My husband and in did a balloon release for our angels, perhaps that is something you would consider.

Im out of the RE's! So, Ill be starting the bcp's in about 15-30 days and that will be the start to my 6wk IVF process!! :). I need to get my day 3 bloods done all over again and they're going to check for fibroids and such with a "SHG" (saline in uterus only) and then that same day they're going to do a "mock transfer" to make sure, in advance, that there's nothing in the way of doing the actual embryo transfer. Soo, as long as my uterus looks good in the "SHG", I should have my sticky bean transferred into my uterus by mid-late April! Yay!! This is truly exciting! He was a really good doc and he made dh and I both feel very comfortable. He said he doesn't see getting IVF done in 4 1/2 months as being a problem, at all! Woo! I feel so much better now! He doesn't even care about my 7dpo bloods cuz I'll be on meds anyway so my other doc didn't know what she was talking about, once again! But anyway, day 3 bloods, along with any other bloods he wants that day as well, and then our follow up appt will be scheduled and IVF will for sure be happening March-April!! Im sooooo incredibly excited! Now its feeling so real!!! Wooo! Dh and I can't stop smiling! I was really scared that there wouldn't be time but there is :) yay!! So this lady should truly be joining you ladies in the apregnancy thread in just 2-2 1/2 months! Did I say I'm sooo excited yet?! Lol :haha:

That's sooooo exciting! Did they talk about transferring one or two? Seeing as that you have gotten pregnant pretty easily before the tube issue, my inkling would be to transfer one and see what happens. What happens if you have a large harvest and fertilization rate, what are you going to do with the embryos?

Depending on how good the eggs are, we may do 1 or 2. We decided with the doc to see how the embryos look before fully decided. But like u said, we'll probably just go with one, as long as we can get a reallyyy good eggy :)
And if we have a large harvest rate, we're going to freeze any left over embryos for the future INCASE we decide to try again but I truly think this will be the last time I try for a baby. It's been such a hard 2+ yrs that I really don't think I could go through it all again but we decided we will keep them just incase we decide we want another down the road. I cant believe its actually happening! I truly think ill have a successful first IVF cycle. I'm not letting go of this good feeling! I need to make sure I stay as positive and relaxed as possible! Hopefully I do good with the relaxation part, lol. FX for nothing but the best!
Mary that is so exciting!!!! So if the process is only ABOUT 6 weeks would you have time to do two rounds if you had to? I feel very confident you'll get a sticky little bean the first round but just curious!!

Sarah maybe Gabe or Gabriel/le? I googled angels of children (since.. angel.. you know) and Angel Gabriel is apparently the archangel of.. childbirth? I found a saint of pregnant women and another angel who "has a special place in his heart for children" but their names were really weird. Just an idea :hugs:

As u said, hopefully one round will be enough but yes, as long as there's nothing bad going on in my uterus, (which It looked great during my hsg and u/s so I'm not too worried about it) then Ill have time for exactly two rounds :). And hopefully I get enough embryos during the first retrieval so that we won't need to repeat that part for our second round, u know? It'll save a little time :). I def believe we will be pregnant with a healthy LO by June at the very latest, hopefully April tho! :) FX!
So, I've been having a lot of cramping today and I have a milky discharge. Could I potentially be implanting or something this late (11 DPO)?

It is possible! You should try testing again tomorrow or the day after because u could have just implanted today or even 2-4 days ago and maybe ur levels just aren't detectable in ur urine yet. FX this is the case! The reason doctors consider an LP of 11 days or longer as a "healthy" LP is because its most common for women to implant between 6-12dpo so again, def possible! :) GL!
Great news Mary!

Thank u! It felt so surreal walking out of the IVF clinic. I said to dh, "it feels like we're in a lifetime movie...i cant believe we are actually starting IVF!".. lol. Idk why I thought of a lifetime movie, other than the fact that I watch LMN all the time and there's so many movies with surrogates or IVF and I always watched those movies, wishing I'd get the chance at IVF and today my wish came true! :) The lady walking behind us got a kick out of me feeling like we were in a lifetime movie :haha:
I'm really sorry, Sarah. I never nicknamed my loss, just called it my angel. Really wish I would have though. :hugs:

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