Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Yay! Good news Michelle! I used menopur for IVF and clearly it worked great for me and I'm praying it does for you as well!! Fx fx fx! And my moms on metformin for her diabetes and it's been working for her insulin resistance but she's also overweight but still, it def could help you. Like you said, you'll try anything and I definitely would too!

I figured your cyst was from either a follie not popping or corpus luteum. I'm really happy they're switching up your meds because after hearing this happened two cycles in a row, not to mention all of your losses, I truly feel a new protocol may be exactly what you need! I have my fingers crossed so so tightly for you!! I've been waiting to hear from you and Angela! So glad it's good news and ur cyst free!!

AFM, I am 3dpo and we actually BDed in time without even meaning to! My body told me "it's time!" Lol. I was so horny at O time this month! (I'm sorry for the TMI!) Dh and I just truly enjoyed each other and had no baby makin in mind while DTD, which was nice since it always felt like a chore before Alexia. I plan to keep it that way, NTNP, at least until I go for another HSG when Alexia is 10-12 months old and see if we are lucky enough to get a natural bfp following the HSG. I would be beyond shocked and overly excited if we were blessed enough to get another miracle baby. Knowing we have less than a 5% chance of ever conceiving naturally, I'm not allowing myself to get into ATTC right now.. I know the odds are very very slim and I don't want to put our family through that again unless I think there's at least SOME chance of it happening. I'm just happy to know I Oed and my cycles are getting back to normal! And BDing at O time was an added bonus, seeing as I was only temping to see what's going on with my cycle, so now I can hold onto a LITTLE hope that I'll be one of those "exceptions" that I always read about, lol. A girl can dream! :)

Anywhoo, again, very happy to hear your cyst is gone and that you'll be starting menopur instead of follistim. When I was doing IVF, I read ALOT of threads where women had failed cycles with follistim but bfps with menopur and I'm praying it does the trick for you too! Fx and lots of dust your way!! GL!!
And I'm also hoping the BCP helped to suppress your ovaries so that you have an even stronger O your next cycle! (It's so neat how that works! I had no clue until my IVF doc explained it all to me) fx!! :dust:
My OPKs is getting dark but isn't pos yet. I'll be returning to show tomorrow. So, the timing should be perfect! An O on CD17ish sounds perfect for a good healthy egg. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Hoping so too, Angela! That is great that the timing should work out!

And Mary, I hope this combination does work for me and give me a healthy egg! And even being on metformin makes me feel calmer and hopeful that when I get pregnant again, maybe I won't miscarry. I just like the idea of doing something different!

I love your relaxed attitude about ntnp right now! How awesome would it be if you happened to get pregnant again?
My OPKs is getting dark but isn't pos yet. I'll be returning to show tomorrow. So, the timing should be perfect! An O on CD17ish sounds perfect for a good healthy egg. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Yay! I'm so glad to hear that you'll be home on time to catch O! I too think CD17 is a great O day for a perfect eggy! My O day was CD16 for me this cycle :) I'm hoping it stays that way, or at least no less than a day 14 O. TTC Alexia, my O day was always CD12ish and I always felt that was just a little too early, athough I do know many have gotten preggers Oing at that time but still, I'd be happy if my cycles stay a few days longer then they were.
Wishing you lots of luck and dust!!
Omg Michelle, if I happened to get pregnant naturally, I would be amazed! Words wouldn't even be able to describe how happy that would make us! And having our 3rd (and last) baby SO close in age to Alexia would be a dream come true! I'm hoping that I can get my cycles down like I did while TTC Alexia and then when I go for a repeat HSG in about 5 months, I'll have a good idea of my "usual" O day so we can BD like crazy around O for the 3 cycles following the HSG. Fx it works! My RE said right before IVF after I had an SHG (like an HSG but is mainly to check out the uterus better than the HSG can) that my tube looked "normal" and idk why at the time I didn't think anything of it and didn't ask what he meant by that but a few months ago DH and I started talking about it and are wondering if the serrapeptase enzyme I was on for a year before IVF cleared my tube, at least partially, or if it was just a spasm during the test and maybe the enzyme helped eat up scar tissue still in or around my tube..? so we're crossing our fingers that the enzymes worked enough for a repeat HSG to do the trick. IVF was such a hard and emotion process to go through but I wouldn't take it back for the world or we wouldn't have the exact baby we have, u know? So I am happy we didn't do a repeat before IVF or things may have worked out differently and I couldn't ask for a better and more precious baby than Alexia. With that being said, we really don't want to, nor do we think we could afford to go through the IVF process again so hopefully the dye clears any remaining blockage this time around, allowing us to concieve naturally. Who knows, maybe there's no blockage! I want to go get a copy of my REs reports on me because I'm dying to know what he meant when he said my tube looked normal. My blockage was at the end closest to my uterus (which is the side of the tube that spasms 40% of the time) so I don't get how he could say ANYTHING about my tube being "normal" unless dye went through it, allowing him to see it all.. I guess we'll know soon! Fx!
That is really interesting! You should definitely find out what he meant by normal!
I see you started a new cycle, Michelle! Fx this will be it! I have a good feeling that this new protocol will be just what you need! Fx!!
I'm sorry about your cyst Michelle :( I'm obviously very behind on here.. Are you doing medicated cycles? Or did you learn of your cyst due to pain? I had a very painful cyst when I was 16 and it felt like my tube was going to rupture! Thankfully they caught it on time, especially since it was my left tube, which is my only tube now. Even if it's damaged, I pray one day my body will heal it for me and get another miracle baby but without IVF. Idk if or when we could afford IVF 100% out of pocket so that would be amazing! I decided to temp every other day or so this cycle just to see if my cycles back to normal or not but so far it hasn't been easy temping since Alexia wakes at different times in the a.m. Hopefully I'll notice a shift either way. I'm not using OPKs or anything like that. We're strictly BDing as we please and hope for a surprise, whether it's in a couple of months or a couple of years, I'd be over the moon!

So dh and I are finally having our wedding this summer!! FINALLY!! My parents are able to help with the costs now, which made it possible to truly set a date. August 21st is our wedding date :) We aren't planning anything fancy.. Just a casual small wedding with our closest friends and family. I'm very excited for this! I wanted to have our wedding while I was pregnant for the cute bump pics but due to sickness, that wasn't possible. But now Alexia can be in the wedding so I can't complain.

Anyway, I wish you guys the best of luck and lots of dust for this cycle (Angela) and next cycle (Michelle)!! Fx!

GUess I could have read on BNB instead of asking you lol.

Well ladies, I have to leave for a weekend conference on the morning of CD14. I O a time bw CD12 & CD15. I'm praying for another CD12-CD13 O like last month so that my timing is optimal. I guess there is nothing I can do but wait.

Also, AF is scant this month. That's concerning in terms of whether I'm building a sufficient lining, but I know last months AF was fine. I don't know what to make of my wacky body! I'm afraid it's all due to age and egg health.

I have come to the conclusion that the body is always going to do something to mess up your cycle planning. Sometimes its light period, sometimes its delayed ovulation.....Im still praying for you and anxiously awaiting your bfp.

My OPKs is getting dark but isn't pos yet. I'll be returning to show tomorrow. So, the timing should be perfect! An O on CD17ish sounds perfect for a good healthy egg. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Glad that your timing is going to be perfect! Good luck girl!!
Angela, it looks like you got an O dip today! :) I knew you'd catch O! Hopefully this will be the month for your sticky bean! Your body held out on O for U and I'm going to take that as a good sign ;)
Angela, it looks like you got an O dip today! :) I knew you'd catch O! Hopefully this will be the month for your sticky bean! Your body held out on O for U and I'm going to take that as a good sign ;)

It does look like I got an O dip today! I'm thrilled. Also, I had about 36 hours worth of O pain, too. So, I'm optimistic that I am having a very strong O this month!

I too had really bad O pains this month but who knows if dhs swimmers were able to meet up with my eggo. Fx there was a path just the right size for the egg and sperm to get through! :) I really couldn't believe the pain I had though, regardless of the outcome for me. I have never experienced O pains like that before. Probably because my eggs have been suppressed during pregnancy with Alexia and since this was my first O, possibly 2nd, in like 13 months, that'd probably explains the pain. They say your very fertile after child birth (unless u have a blocked tube!) and I'm guessing that had something to do with the pain, which gives me a lot of hope for you and your O pains, even though our circumstances are dif. Fx your golden egg pops today and dhs swimmers are awaiting it as we speak ;)
It def looks like you more than likely Oed, Angela! :) Welcome to the TWW! Fx we'll be seeing your BFP in the next couple of weeks!

That's honestly the best 1doo rise I've ever seen you have! I do see your temp dipped lower than your norm pre O temps but still, that's a beautiful rise! Fx she stays on up there! And I noticed too that the last time ur temp dipped close to that low before O was during a BFP cycle for you. Between that and your strong O pains, I have a good feeling about this! Listen to me, I'm obsessing over your chart looking at every little detail and your only 1dpo and that's not even confirmed! lol, although I would be surprised if this isn't 1dpo for you. Crossing my fingers and toes for your sticky bean!
My temps are like they've never been before during a BFN cycle. It's closer to my BFP cycle than anything. I'm wondering if pregnancy gave me a progesterone boost and maybe before IVF I had low progesterone? My temps never stayed above the cover line EVERYDAY between 2-8dpo. Usually I'd have at least 1 dip by now and my first 4-5 temps always hugged the cover line. And my 4dpo temp that I discarded due to waking a bit earlier was 98.5 so even that temp didn't dip way down either. I'm not saying I think my chart is BFP related but it could def be a good sign for our future TTC if i did have progesterone issues in the past and now don't. Only a few more months until I get some new testing done. I wish I had all my previous charts for you to see and compare to this one but I don't want to renew my VIP membership until we are REALLY TTC.

Angela ur temp is looking better and better. Can't wait for test time! I won't be POAS unless my temp stays up past 13dpo so I'm going to live vicariously through your tests :) ;) FX!
Fx for all 3 of you! I'm really hoping your sticky babies come soon Michelle and Angela. And mary, it would be so amazing if you were one of those cases of natural bfp!
I agree Chelsea! I'm keeping my fingers crossed not only for myself but for Michelle, too. And, if Mary comes up with a natural BFP, I'm flying to her house to celebrate! :winkwink:
lol thanks ladies :) I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be one of those miracle cases! I have faith that God will let it happen if it's meant to be :)

How are u feeling Chelsey? I'm going to text you now actually.. :-P

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