Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Hey every one! After a couple months of googling and just reading I finally joined :happydance::happydance:! I have been TTC for only a couple months. I have early PCOS and found out 6 months ago. My AF still arrives every month so I feel confident I can Conceive naturally. The first 2 months I constantly DTD with DH. I never could tell when I had the big O. This month I realized its late. I saw EWCM for the first time on CD24 DH and I DTD that night. The next day I had an excruciating pain in my pelvis. I had light cramping for 3 days after. Now I am 5dpo an AF is due to visit in 2 days. I had very lotion like cm 2-3 DPO. Now I am having headaches, back aches, sore BB, and the worst is contiption. Omg I have pooped twice in 5 days. So fingers crossed for my :bfp:. I am hopeful.

I so hear you on the constipation! I've gone about the same in the past 5 days and it's causing me a major backache, esp this morning! Are you a crazy tester towards the end of ur TWW or do you hold out until AF doesn't show to test? Jw if we'll be seeing any test pics over the next two days :) Your surrounded by a bunch of hpt addicts in here, lol. But anyway, what you described def sounds like it could have been O. Fx for you! Have you ever tried tracking your bbt? That's really the only way to KNOW ovulation truly occurred and women who track bbt usually conceive much sooner than women who do not (as long as there no big fertility factor in the way stopping it from happening). You should give it a shot. The ladies on here, including myself, are very experienced in the charting area at this point and would be happy to help you with any questions if you do decide to give it a go ;)
I wish you lots of luck and dust and HOPEFULLY you won't even need to give temping a thought because you'll have your BFP in 2 days! :) fx fx fx!

Oh wait, I just re-read what you wrote. With you being 5dpo, af won't be anywhere in sight for at least another 5 days (and that's a short LP (lethal phase)) but it's more likely to have a 12-14 day long lethal phase and that will ALWAYS stay the same every cycle for you, give or take a day from time to time. I wanted to let you know that so that you weren't wondering where AF is and so you know not to test, or that the test won't be accurate until your at least 10dpo. Temping can help you learn your LP length. The time range from when AF starts until you O can differ depending on the month, like I usually o around CD12-13 but this cycle i Oed on CD16, but MY lethal phase will always be 13 days. Having an LP less than 10 days can mean a progesterone deficency so that's why it's handy to know the length of yours but I wouldn't worry about that just yet unless AF really were to show in 2 days. I'm guessing you have 7-9 days until AF is due for you, so around 12-14dpo. Did all that make sense? Sry if I repeated myself lol. I don't have all of my previous charts in my signature anymore but if you look at the other ladies' charts you'll see that their LP is always the same (unless it's a wonky chart and isn't easily readable.) Anyway, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that AF doesn't show and you get your BFP 7 days or so from now :) Question, what made you think AF was due in 2 days? Are you using an app that goes by the "average" O day? That's what I used to do but found the "average" is not so average for myself or most of the women on here. I didn't realize how much I personally didn't know about a cycle until TTC. I had no clue about the LP and thought AF could show whenever but as I said previously, I learned that LPs will always be the same length of 10-16 days, depending on the woman. If you thought AF was due 2 days from now based on previous cycle lengths, and since you really felt O this month, maybe that means that "golden egg" popped out and hopefully was fertilized for your BFP! Maybe you haven't been Oing your previous cycles..? Your Pre-O length can vary though but if having a longer cycle than usual is something new for you and hasn't happened a lot in the past, it could be a good sign! I like to think of anything new going on as a good sign. ;) Sorry this is so long. I like to try and help women the second I "meet" them on here because Like me almost 3 years ago, most women are highly misinformed about their cycles, which makes it harder to time things while TTC. In high school they make it sound like you can get pregnant anytime like BAM! Not the case.. Lol. There's a lot of changes our bodies go through eveey month. I def wouldn't know even a quarter of what I know if it weren't for TTC my 4 month old baby girl for 25 cycles & adventually doing IVF to get my BFP with her. (I have tubal blockage) Hoping we can get baby #3 naturally someday! Anywhoo if you have any questions feel free to ask away! I hope I explained the whole LP thing good enough to understand! I ramble so much so who knows! Haha. GOOD LUCK!!!

My names Mary, btw!
Hey Mary thank you for the response. My AF is due tomorrow. I have 32 day cycles. I O really late. So I am assuming if I miss AF that's a good start. I don't do BBT because I have a crazy work schedule. Sometimes I am up a 5 am other times not till 11 am. If I don't get a BFP I will consider locking down and tempting.
Also side note took HPT today hoping I would see a BFP knowing it was to early hahaha so yes. I am a notorious tester.
If your 6dpo it's not possible for AF to show that soon after O, unless you are not o'ing fully or have REALLY low progesterone but I doubt that's going on with you. I'd def look into charting your BBT because if AF does show tomorrow then that means you aren't 6dpo and BBT will help you identify your O day. It really does come in handy! I used to think I Oed CD14/15 and then I started temping and learned I usually Oed between CD11-12. I'm just trying to help yoh get ur BFP asap! :) While charting temps, a late AF doesn't exist because you KNOW when you Oed and how many dpo your LP will last for and that mean witch comes like clockwork after 13dpo for me, in a 26 day cycle and a 30+ day cycle, it's always 13dpo for me.. Your LP will stay the same every month. Here I'll make it so u don't even have to chart and if u just BD in this time frame, it should work lol..So if you have a 32 day cycle every month, with a 10-16 day LP (healthy), you'd more then likely be Oing between CD16-22 (more likely around CD18-20) so today (CD31?) your probably somewhere between 11-13dpo. And say you are around 11dpo, what you felt on CD24 could have definitely been pains from implantation starting rather than O pains! *IF* you do get AF, I'd say you could assume your fertile period is CD16-22 every month, unless you O early or late that cycle. Just FYI for any future cycles IF there are any. But I'm hoping you see your BFP in the next few days and that everything I just filled your head with won't matter! ;) lol. What brand test are you using? I'm a POAS-aholic! I POAS every day after I triggered for IVF and watched my trigger fade away on the HPTs and then it slowly started to come back when it was actual BFP... Then I POAS even more! LOL. Feel free to show pics of you think you see a hint of a line.. We will line spot with you :haha:

Did what I said about how our cycles work make sense to you? If it didn't I can try and find & copy/paste a site that can explain it better than me if you want me to. Just let me know ;)

Lots of baby dust headed your way! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you felt implantation starting! I had A LOT of pinching and light cramps with my daughter between 2-4dp3dt (or 5-7dpo in non IVF terms). Fx that's what it was for you on the 24th!
Good luck, Countdown!

Mary explained it fantastically, but I'll jump in and say temping is awesome! It lets you know soooo much more what is going on with your body. I hear you on the getting up at different times thing. What I do is set my alarm for 5 am... Everyday. I'll temp quickly and then go back to sleep until I actually need to get up!
Thanks Michelle, I try! lol :)

Have you started the new meds yet? If so, how are you feeling? Hopefully not sick or anything!
It makes sense. I DTD during my ovulation predicted by Ovia so hopefully I caught it either way. Right now I just feel wet all the time. I mix dollar tree and clear blue test. It just depends on my optimism lol that day. That would probably make sense but then I should def be able to get a positive if that was the case by now right? Also what brand thermometer do you guys use?
I just use the rite aid brand BBT thermometer. I think it was like $9 or something like that. That brands always worked well for me :)

And with clearblue and dollar tests, there's a good chance that your body might need a couple more days to produce enough hcg to detect. I'm holding out hope for you for tomorrow's test. 12dpo is the most common BFP day with all different brands but can take up to 14 days. It all depends on how quickly your body's producing hcg at first. We all differ so much. Any way you can get your hands on a FRER (first response)? The most common BFP days with those are 9-11dpo. Those tests will pick up levels less than 10 so it's def the most popular among us POAS-aholics who like to test super early lol. Fingers crossed that tomorrow's test will show a :bfp:
Crosshairs (and my somewhat regular fallback rise)! Now, if the next week or so will just fly by so that I can present that father's day BFP to dh, that would be great. :haha:
Thanks Michelle, I try! lol :)

Have you started the new meds yet? If so, how are you feeling? Hopefully not sick or anything!

Feeling fine! I'm working my way up to 3 metformin pills a day. After the first few days of taking one, I noticed I was a little bloated, but that was it. I haven't had any troubles with two a day and will probably try for 3 tomorrow.

Starting the menopur on Saturday! I'm a bit nervous because I hear it hurts more than the Follistim that I had been using.
I did menopur during both ivf cycles. It's easy peasy. To me the follistim burned a little I guess from being cold, but the menopur was the easiest of all of my injections.
I did menopur during both ivf cycles. It's easy peasy. To me the follistim burned a little I guess from being cold, but the menopur was the easiest of all of my injections.

Oh, that is really good to know! Hope it's easy. DH just gives it to me and I distract myself with my phone.
Fingers crossed, angela! I so hope you can give DH the Father's Day present of his dreams! (And your dreams too!) ;) I'll be stalking!!
:sadangel:Broken heart, I just got creamy lotion like CM. AF is due tomorrow. So I have a feeling I'm out. I'm pretty sure it's a big sign for the witch. Symptom spotting is the worst. But still, can't help it. That's a pretty obvious symptom.
Countdown, Creamy cm can be a great pregnancy indicator as well. Wet cm usually indicates AF due to estrogen and the creamy cm stems from progesterone during your LP. Your not out yet! ;)
When I was pregnant with my daughter I had LOADS of creamy cm from my TWW on and that still hasn't stopped 4 1/2 months postpartum! lol.
My temp just barely dipped to the cover line for the first time this TWW and its 10dpo! That has NEVER happened to me before! lol. I am taking it as a good sign that my body's producing progesterone as it should :)

My temp is def off this am too so it may not have even dipped that much. It was MUCH cooler in the house last night, and outside in general, and I woke an hr earlier. I'm hoping I still have my 13 day LP, or 14 days would be good too :)
I don't care for how low my post-O temps are. I was sure it was a strong O, but I would expect higher post-O temps. So disappointing.

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