Welcome! Hopefully you guys concieve quickly! And it's very common for your cycles to be a little wacky right after birth control so that doesn't surprise me that your last cycle was a bit longer. Fx for a "normal" cycle this month!

I always suggest temping your BBT to new women on our thread.. It'll teach you so much about your cycle and how long ur LP really is because you'll know exactly when u O. But OPKs and ferning are good detectors as well but while ur cycles are regulating from your birth control being removed, temping wouldn't be a bad idea to show you exactly what's going on. If you have any questions feel free to ask away! Most of us are quite knowledgeable at this point!

And anytime you need to vent or whatever, we're happy to listen! We need some new comers on here. I can't remember the last time we had a new girl join us and really stick around lol. I wish you a ton of luck and lots of baby dust your way! Fingers crossed that this will be ur month!
Ps. When your doing ur OPKs, feel free to post pics! We all obsess over OPK and HPT pics! lol and we'll help u decide if it's positive if you'd like us or need us to

I saw your TTC #3.. So are my DH and I.. Well we arent trying trying right now.. More just not trying but not preventing, hoping we will get lucky along the way. We were TTC for 25 cycles before we finally conceived our baby girl with the help of IVF and she's now 6 months old and she's our little miracle but still, we would be absolutely shocked and over the moon for a surprise BFP. Keeping my fingers crossed! I only have one tube and ovary and unfortunately my remaining tube is blocked

I'm so grateful for our baby girl and am OKAY if we can't have another but as I said, id be over the moon if we happen to be one of those miraculous cases of falling pregnant with blocked tube. You never know! I'm mostly on here right now to support others and I am still temping and trying in little ways I guess.. I just can't put us through actually trying and going nuts when we know our odds are extremely slim, you know? So I live vicariously through you ladies right now to feed my TTC obsession that I seem to have lol

I thought I'd tell you a little about myself