Sticking Together Until We All Get BFP's!!!!

Awesome congrats angela! How long are you on progesterone for?

I *think* I felt the baby tonight. It felt like someone was flicking the inside of my uterus. I Googled "feels like some is flicking inside of my uterus 13 weeks" it it popped right up. So I'm hoping I feel more soon!
Yay for feeling baby move!

Will you find out baby's gender? When will you find out?

I'm actually not sure how long I'm on progesterone. I guess I'll ask the OB. Probably an important question.
We already know his gender, we did pgd so we found out after my first beta. We are having a boy! Hid name is Gage Matthew.
That's a beautiful name.

I'm going to ask about when they will do the genetic screen when I go in for my intake next Thursday. I'll be almost 10 weeks then, and I know that's when they usually do it. So, fx!
How are your OPKs looking, Michelle?

I haven't BDed hardly at all this month.. Especially not around my usual fertile period. I've been too darn tired by the time we've been getting our "alone time" over the past few nights. Hopefully I won't be too tired tonight but we're having a beach day today and that usually wipes me out so we'll see. I'll be okay if we miss O.. As long as I don't mess up temping so I know how long my LP is this cycle.
Still negative and not getting much darker, so looks like I still have a bit of a wait!
Ahhh a beach day! That sounds like so much fun, Mary! I'll just be spending my day behind my desk at work haha. Not too exciting.
How was the beach yesterday, Mary?

Low temp and almost positive opk this morning! Time to get to BDing! If I do O in the next day or two, it will be earlier than usual for me on an non medicated cycle, which gives me hope the metformin and vitamins I'm taking may be doing something good.
Yay for the almost positive OPK and temp dip! I'm sure O is right around the corner! For you and me both! I have very fertile CM today and am pretty sure O will be either today or tomorrow but I ended up drinking at the beach yesterday with my best friend and didn't feel like temping this morning, especially since I knew it'd probably be an off temp any how because we were up pretty late. I'm so thankful my Dh and my bffs DH offered to be our DDs yesterday so us girls could have some fun time getting drunk on the beach :haha: It was a really fun day & night! The kids had a blast (my bffs son is 5 days older then Aiden and they're best friends too so we always have a good time when all of us get together!) and Alexia was amazing all day. I couldn't have asked for a better day.. Well I do wish it wasn't so windy but that's my only complaint! lol We're in the middle of planning a little weekend vaca for us and the kids hopefully the second week of August. I'm trying to plan it around DHs work and AF lol. I promised Aiden we would stay in a hotel on the beach for a couple nights this summer and i intend to keep my promise! :)

So you know what's really messed up?! I found out yesterday that my best friends little sister, who has been like my little sister for years and she's actually my cousin through marriage too, is with my ex husband!!! She has a baby, pretty much abandoned him and started doing drugs and now her brothers have been raising her son and my ex has a daughter who's 7 and I'm honestly scared for her to be alone with her. I'm going to get ahold of my previous stepdaughters mother (idk how else to refer to her.. "Ex-stepdaughter" kinda sounds cruel to me lol) and let her know some stuff that I really think she needs to know. I'm 200% happy with my DH and I could care less about my ex being with anyone but come on, my little cousin was just dating his brother and THOUGHT her baby was my exs brother and he was there for her son for a good 6 months before he learned it wasn't his kid.. How can u be with someone who just did that to your brother?! You know? I am beyond myself. He's known her since she was 5-6 years old because he used to hang out with my boyfriend I was with from the time I was 14-16 and I used to bring my little cousin to do almost everything with us. That's disgusting in my opinion. He was 16 when she was 5 and knew her and now is DTD with her?? Yuck! It wouldn't be so bad if they were both older right now but she's still only 18 and he's almost 30.. That's not okay in my eyes especially if the guy has known the girl since she was just barely out of diapers. Ugh! Sorry for the rant LOL. Even my DH is a little mad about this. It's just wrong given all the cercumstances. I didn't even tell u all the half of it when it comes to their kids. I just really don't want my past step daughter hurt. She's such a good little girl and deserves better. How is my cousin going to take care of my exs daughter when she happily tells people that she doesn't love her own kid like she should and that she's a bad mother.. Those were her exact words to me a couple of weeks ago. Alright I better stop or I could go on for hours! lol. Thanks for listening! :)
I'm so tired and don't know if I'm going to end up BDing tonight and today could possibly be O. Maybe Dh will spark things up when we lay down. I'm so tired already though so hopefully I can stay awake long enough! If I miss O, that's okay. I do hope I catch it because u never know when that lucky month might happen but we shall see. Hopefully we see a temp rise for both of us within the next day or two, Michelle!
Awesome congrats angela! How long are you on progesterone for?

I *think* I felt the baby tonight. It felt like someone was flicking the inside of my uterus. I Googled "feels like some is flicking inside of my uterus 13 weeks" it it popped right up. So I'm hoping I feel more soon!

I just saw this post.. I DEF felt some flickering type movement right around 12-13 weeks as well and week by week theyd keep getting stronger. Around 19-20 weeks, they were strong enough where I could actually say "That was a real big kick!", although the majority of the hard kicking didn't start until around 25 weeks. It's so crazy how much our LOs grow in the last trimester of pregnancy! They grow fast the whole pregnancy but last tri they grow even quicker than quick! lol. That's so exciting your starting to feel some action in there! :)
My husband and I been together for 16 years, we have 2 boys who are 7 and 14 and we thought we were through with having kids, but my husband wants to try for one more (and so do I) we are hoping for a girl, but a healthy baby is what we want most :)

I had essure reversed last month (permanent implanted birth control) so our chances for pregnancy is about 50-70%. So I feel as though I have everything ready and set up to conceive, I got the ferrying microscope, pre-seed, I also have ovulation test strips as back up.... My cycle is typically 28 days and OV on day 14 or 15, but this this reversal, my last cycle was 37 days :(

right now I'm on CD 4 and I would love to have some buddies so we could drive each other crazy with all this :)
Welcome! Hopefully you guys concieve quickly! And it's very common for your cycles to be a little wacky right after birth control so that doesn't surprise me that your last cycle was a bit longer. Fx for a "normal" cycle this month! :) I always suggest temping your BBT to new women on our thread.. It'll teach you so much about your cycle and how long ur LP really is because you'll know exactly when u O. But OPKs and ferning are good detectors as well but while ur cycles are regulating from your birth control being removed, temping wouldn't be a bad idea to show you exactly what's going on. If you have any questions feel free to ask away! Most of us are quite knowledgeable at this point! ;) And anytime you need to vent or whatever, we're happy to listen! We need some new comers on here. I can't remember the last time we had a new girl join us and really stick around lol. I wish you a ton of luck and lots of baby dust your way! Fingers crossed that this will be ur month!

Ps. When your doing ur OPKs, feel free to post pics! We all obsess over OPK and HPT pics! lol and we'll help u decide if it's positive if you'd like us or need us to :) GL!!

I saw your TTC #3.. So are my DH and I.. Well we arent trying trying right now.. More just not trying but not preventing, hoping we will get lucky along the way. We were TTC for 25 cycles before we finally conceived our baby girl with the help of IVF and she's now 6 months old and she's our little miracle but still, we would be absolutely shocked and over the moon for a surprise BFP. Keeping my fingers crossed! I only have one tube and ovary and unfortunately my remaining tube is blocked :( I'm so grateful for our baby girl and am OKAY if we can't have another but as I said, id be over the moon if we happen to be one of those miraculous cases of falling pregnant with blocked tube. You never know! I'm mostly on here right now to support others and I am still temping and trying in little ways I guess.. I just can't put us through actually trying and going nuts when we know our odds are extremely slim, you know? So I live vicariously through you ladies right now to feed my TTC obsession that I seem to have lol :thumbup: I thought I'd tell you a little about myself :-)
Welcome Amy! Here's to hoping your TTC journey is brief. Many of us struggled a long time but there have been plenty of women who popped in to introduce themselves and then popped away to the pregnancy boards before we knew it! Good luck!
I personally skipped the pregnancy boards. I couldn't handle seeing anything bad that people might have happen to them and stuff like that, u know? I drove myself insane worrying without the pregnancy boards chiming in lol. I just stuck to talking with you ladies :) I consider you all true friends though. I don't think I'll even fully lose touch with any of you. I'll always try and stay in contact for the rest of my life.. You girls have gotten me through so much and I'm forever grateful for our little BnB family :)
So I did manage to BD last night, yay! lol. And I'm almost certain today's O. I had crazy O pains this morning and afternoon so it looks like we should've caught O! Hopefully if no BFP, my LP will at least lengthen by another couple of days :) fx!
Welcome, Amy! Hope you get your BFP soon! How great you and DH decided to try for a third!

Mary, that is great you got in bd time! I'm not sure here if today is O or it will be tomorrow. DH and I bded early yesterday evening and this evening so we will be covered! I'm sure we'll do it again tomorrow just in case!

I've felt a little aches on both sides today, so not sure which side I'll o from. It seemed like the left was a little stronger.
Somethings making me feel extremely hopeful for you this cycle, Michelle. This is ur first un medicated cycle in a while and maybe your body just needed a little break from the meds and O will when your body knows your eggs ready rather then having to trigger.. Maybe that will make all the difference in the world, especially since your on metformin now.. That can't hurt any! I'm keeping my fingers crossed tight for u! I couldn't fully get out what I was trying to say but hopefully you'll catch my drift lol. Good luck!! Fx we both see temp rises tomorrow! I love how our cycles have been right on track with each other's. Let's keep it going until you have ur BFP by the end of this TWW :) FX!
I know! I love that it seems like we will be in the TWW together!

And I feel good about this cycle and knowing that if it doesn't work, we will hop back into meds next cycle. This break is nice, and I feel like my body did need it.

I'm ready to be pregnant again... And this time have it work out!

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