Hi girls!
I am NOT TTC at the moment, because I do not have anyone to TTC with!
The only thing that happened since I haven't been posting is, that I have moved from NY to FL!!! wooohoooo.... beach life it is! I have been here 1 year and a half now, and I couldn't love it more.
I still follow you tho. I read every post... and I cried when you girls got BFP! After all what you went through, after all what we went through together.
I hope I will meet some guy in my future, because I am loosing hope of having a baby at this point.
I know this is a late response, lol, but I remember you!!! How have u been?! I haven't read through the rest of the posts after this one yet. I was just so excited to see your name that I had to post ASAP! lol

I'm sure you have seen already but we finally got to do IVF! I really thought it would NEVER happen for us and the doctors told me my insurance wouldn't cover it or would only cover 20% tops and one day I had a hunch to call and ask insurance myself and what do you know, we had full coverage for everything but the small copays. And that phone call happened only 4 months before my insurance was going to shut off because I was still under my mothers still. If it all happened for me, I know itll happen for you too. You'll find that special someone and end up with the most beautiful baby ever! And I know 100% that the wait sucks but once you and your future OH have your LO in your arms, you'll think the wait was SO worth it. I always think to myself that if I didn't have a tubal factor and such, Alexia would have never been born and I seriously couldn't have dreamt up a more precious baby. It WILL happen for you! Your future baby daddy is out there waiting for you as we speak!

--So good to hear from you!!!
Sorry I've been MIA everyone! My kitty's been super sick and just spent 8 days at the vets. He's still not better. He had a urinary blockage and has to have prescription food for the rest of his life or else the blockage will continue to come back. His bladder got really messed up from it and kind of forgot how to function so it would just fill up and then leak out of him. He had a high fever when we brought him in and they said he would've died if we didn't get him in there that day. We were calling vets for a full week asking if they would take him and do payment plans and nobody would do it and finally we got a number to a vet that said they would do it. 99.9% of vets will not do payment plans so I feel very blessed that we found a place. He isn't your average cat. Even the vet was like "He's not a cat.. He's a dog. A cat-dog!" lol and we say that about him all the time. He's more of a dog then out dog

I'm so grateful we were able to save him & have him come back home with us! We just picked him up last night. It was just awful. Ugh. And then both kids have been sick, as well as dh and I. It's been a horrible month!
Alright, I'm going to read through the rest of the posts now and see what I missed. I was hoping to see a BFP chart in Michelle's siggy

Fingers crossed Michelle!