Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I got a BFP in September after 1 month TTC but sadly miscarried. This is Cycle 2 TTC since the miscarriage. We BD'd every except one before ovulation and twice on the day of ovulation and once the day after.

I started one of these about a week ago but can't find my old post. I ovualted a LOT later than I thought I had so I had to start again.

So at the moment

(a lot of the symptoms are stuff I get with PMS anyway. Except from tender boobs and weeing a lot. Thats differnt to usual)

Ridiculously hungry since I ovulated but I get that before my period anyway.

1dpo - Nothing
2dpo- Nothing really, stuffy nose at night
3dpo- Tired, stuffy nose at night, sensetive to smells
4dpo - Tired, tender boobs, vivid dreams, frequent urination, stuffy nose at night, bad tempered and weepy, sensitive to smells
5dpo- Tired, tender boobs, sore lower back and some cramps, frequent urination, feels like a UTI without any pain or illness, bad tempered and emotional, sensitive to smells
6dpo - Sore boobs. UTI (dont think thats a symptom lol) vivid dreams, tired
7dpo - Hungry, tired, sore boobs, cramping
8dpo - Hungry, tired, vivid dreams, sore boobs, full boobs, weeing a lot
9dpo - Hungry, tired, vivid dreams, some pink discharge cramping and spotting. Thought AF was on the way
10dpo - BFP!!
11dpo - Darker bfp!

Praying AF stays away and this bean sticks
1-3 DPO - nothing
4 DPO Temp dropped to 36.35 – thought I hadn’t ovulated
5 DPO Temp back up to 36.64 – I’ve defiantly ovulated
6 DPO Mild cramps
8 DPO blood work done to confirm ovulation. Progesterone was 39.6
11 DPO Started to get sore throat…went to bed early and slept until 11:30AM next morning
12 DPO Woke up with stuffed nose and feeling congested. Slept on the couch all day
13 DPO Bad sleep – still congested. Pink on toilet paper when wiped. Mild cramps, thinking AF is coming today or soon
14 DPO Still congested – just in nose – no cough.
15 DPO Could finally breathe through nose last night. Nose bleed in the morning.
16 DPO BFP!!
Here I am in another TWW...
1dpo- T 97.35, sticky CM, cervix starting to firm up and close
2 dpo- T 97.5, sticky CM
3 dpo- T 97.7, sticky CM
4 dpo- T 97.51, more creamy wet CM, cervix medium height slightly softer, completely closed
5 dpo- Big temp dip below cover to 97.11. Mouth breathing, not sure if it's reliable?? Cervix softened up even more last night and this morning and is now soft, medium, and closed. Increase in creamy CM, which is normal for me at this point. The weird thing, though, is that as I went down the stairs this morning my beasts hurt (I'm only an A cup, it's not like there's that much jiggling!). I felt them and they are unmistakably tender to touch which is unusual for me. Maybe I o'ed earlier than I thought? Fx'ed!
6dpo- Temp did not come back up which is very unusual for me in my lp. I have had a terribly cold couple of nights though, waking up multiple times freezing and also mouth breathing because of a stuffy nose. I don't know if my ovulation is messed up or my temping is messed up, I am generally very very regular. Anyway, cervix is staying super high and I have a lot of very creamy CM, it is making my undies wet. Tired today. Breasts still slightly tender but less so than yesterday. Migraine.
7 dpo- copious amounts of thin creamy CM. Cervix is still high, closed, medium soft. Breasts no longer tender.
8 dpo- Even more CM than yesterday, soaking through undies with thin creamy CM. Cervix is high but has gone so soft I can barely feel it, even softer than when I ovulate, but it is closed. I am confused by my body this month! Bfn today (I have cheapie wondfos, I couldn't resist!)
Another Two Week Wait! I'm feeling positive about my Cycle this time around, so hopefully this will be our lucky one. I plan to test on 10 DPO, which will be this Sunday.

1DPO, 2 DPO: Fatigue from being sick with a flu, but no noticeable PMS symptoms
3 DPO: mild cramps low in abdomen. Food tastes funny, but I think that's from lingering congestion.
4 DPO: breasts suddenly very tender in the evening. Lots of sticky, yellow CM.
5 DPO: breasts still very tender and my usual PMS moodiness is in full swing! I pity my sweet man, but fortunately he's very sensitive to me during PMS. Appetite seems increased, but that may just be because I finally feel well again and my normal appetite has returned and I know that increased appetite is a normal side effect of healthy, Post-O progesterone levels.
6 DPO: breasts are still very tender and painful, much more so than they usually are. Today I began having light cramps, which are similar to those I had when I became pregnant with my first child!
7 DPO: breasts continue to ache. Tearful all morning.
8 DPO: breasts tender and my favorite bra now feels painfully tight.
9 DPO: woke at 5:00 AM, an hour and a half before my alarm is set. Breasts are still painfully tender. Increased sex drive (woke my boyfriend up in the middle of the night for sex).
10 DPO: woke again at 5:00 AM. Breasts less painful, but still seem larger. Light cramps again in the afternoon. Craved a beer, which is unusual for me. Constipated.
11 DPO: woke at 3:00 AM to use the bathroom, then woke again at five. Breasts still tender and enlarged. More frequent urination. Constipated.+FRER!
Lizzy1230, I hope your unusual PMS symptoms turn out to be early pregnancy symptoms! When do you think you'll test?
Hello ladies. I feel like posting my symptoms even though I have a feeling I am out this month.

1-3 dpo nothing
4 dpo A little emotional today. Cervix is medium, soft and creamy.
5 dpo Temp dip? Cried for every little thing. Cervix is medium, soft and closed. Creamy cm.
6 dpo Another temp dip? Cervix is medium, soft and closed. Creamy cm. No other symptoms.
7 dpo Temp rise. Cervix is medium, soft, closed. Sticky cm. I have had back pains all day today.
AF is due Sunday 15th. Here are my symptoms:

1-2 DPO nothing
3DPO gassy, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea in pm
4DPO cramps, nose bleed, runny nose, decreased appetite
5DPO gassy, cramps, stuffy nose, vivid dreams, constipation
6DPO bloating, cramps, gassy, backache, dizziness/lightheaded, runny nose, sore throat, stuffy nose, decreased appetite, fatigue
7DPO cramps, gassy, lightheaded, runny & stuffy nose, vivid dreams, decreased appetite, sore throat in am
8DPO low blood pressure, gassy, cramps, emotional, nose bleed, headache, runny & stuffy nose, fatigue, constipation, acne breakout, sore throat in am
9DPO gassy, cramps, backache, runny & stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, nose stuffy, runny nose, sore throat in am
10DPO cramps, runny & stuffy nose, gassy,headache, dizziness, sore throat, fatigue, backache, low blood pressure (90/61) I think AF will arrive next week since I am getting cramps this early.
11DPO cramps, gassy
12DPO cramps, gassy, acne breakout, headache, fatigue, bloated
13DPO cramps, gassy, headache, fatigue, stuffy/runny nose
14DPO cramps, gassy, headache, fatigue, stuffy/runny nose, nose bleed, nipples hurt
15DPO AF is due so nothing yet, slight cramping, runny nose, breasts are sensitive
16DPO AF is 1 day late, nipples and breasts are very sensitive, fatigue
17DPO AF is 2 days late, nipples and breasts are very sensitive, fatigue
18DPO AF is 3 days late, nipples and breasts hurt, fatigue, fell asleep while my mom was talking on the phone to me! LOL! Called her back 1 hr later and she said oh you awake now!!!! I told her I didn't know that I fell asleep on the phone!
19DPO AF is still late, same symptoms as yesterday.
20DPO AF is still late, so I tested and :bfp::bfp:
Hello :) 5 years ttc number two! ugh...It's been one year since my MC. So I started Charting last month and Im now on/or around 9dpo or so. I have started taking Vitamin D3 (5000iu) and Vitamin B Complex, Baby Asprin, and Im looking into a few other supplements as well. Im pcos and 39, times a'tickin!

1-4dpo...nothing really felt pretty good actually!

4 dpo....nipples started to get tender and creamy cm

5dpo...gas...a lot of it! And loose stools..but I ate a LOT of Clementines lol

6 dpo.... more creamy cm, still eating clementines...ahem. smh. sharp stabbing pain in uterine, area sore nipples...peeing more than normal

7dpo...Nipples are SORE! Very creamy cm- undies wet- no more clementines lol so back to normal there too. peeing more than normal

8dpo...nipples very sore, mild cramps, I feel AF is coming. Emotions are tears etc. PMS I cry a ton before af..but I started Vitamin D3 (5000iu daily) OMG! I'm human again. Drinking not as much water...not quite as much peeing.

9dpo... Nipples are not as sore, but def. tender. drinking more water..peeing more lol, still happy as a lark...WEird! (though when PG with DD I was a raging Bitch those first few weeks..ahem..not nice!) Crampy again. And decrease in really creamy cm..undies were not soaked today..yesterday they were. Im betting AF is coming down the pike. 5 years ttc will make you a realist lol. Charting is helping me see the light though and understand my lenghty cycles.

10-11 dpo Breasts (tops, sides, under) and nipples now sore--yesterday they Flared up midmorning and holy poptart!!!, but more so at night. Hungry, still mostly happy, things make me cry a tad easy now though. I had weird pinching in my lower ab area last night. Strange...lasted an hour or more. Im more constipated then a few days ago. Sorry tmi...but it happens. Tired! Very tired and not sleeping great. But slept last night well enough to get a temp. My face feels warm to my touch. Flushed I guess. Im back to creamy, but had a short episode of Creamy/EWCM last night before bed. Trying to drink more H2O--Im better when I work than at home.
This is very odd for me, but I wanted to jump hubby an hour ago (could not because I was working) I have zero drive most of my PCOS time. :(

12dpo and short temp drop...I had a backache last night before bed and VERY snotty thick Yellow CM (no smell) I have had this before. So not sure what is up with that. It's pale yellow.
Im quite sure Im out. I have that gut feeling, my bb's are still tender and that comes and goes. Hungry..I could eat a mtn right now. Absentminded, and butter fingers too... Im betting AF comes tomorrow or Friday...Dumb Witch..grrrrrr....

I expect AF soon, my LP is usually around 11-12 days long, but my Vitamin B may lenghten that a tad.

My temps are still high and way above coverline. Even taking my temp during the day shows me above normal..not counting on that though.

Good Luck Ladies!
Hello! I'm new at this ("this" being pretty much everything - TTC, tracking symptoms, posting in a forum), so I hope I'm appropriate.

My husband and I are TTC, and we just started trying. 34 day (average) cycle; BD 2 days pre-ovulation. I think ovulation - again, just started figuring all of this out.

1-2 dpo: nothing of note, other than steady temp climb
3 dpo: first time finding cervix, felt low and firm
4 dpo: nothing new of note
5 dpo: slight temperature dip, then more temp climb, backache, bloating, fatigue, mood swings
6 dpo: bigger boobs, thought not particularly sore (however, I am quite small chested, and I don't even get sore before AF, though they get bigger), diarrhea in the morning, upset stomach after eating
7 dpo: backache, bloated, started cramping (mild to moderate), diarrhea in the morning, irritable
8 dpo: moderate cramps in the morning, I've switched to being a bit constipated, increased appetite but slight upset stomach, irritable, cervix feels higher, not as firm - caved and took a test at 9pm - BFN, of course
9 dpo: less cramping, but still some mild-moderate. Worse in the mornings and after I eat. Felt a little light headed in the shower this morning, but I think it may have been mental more so than physical; short of breath at work; constipation; cervix still feels high to me; temp up another .2 degrees; peeing all the time, but that's pretty normal for me.
10 dpo: cramping is mostly gone, but still had some this morning; up twice to pee last night (usually just up once); extreme (for me) bout of nausea this afternoon, vomited; a bit gassy; took a frer this morning and got a VERY faint second line, but not confident enough to call it a BFP just yet…
11 dpo: woke up with a headache; peed several times throughout the night; boobs have grown a ton; definite BFP!

So now we're just praying for a healthy pregnancy!
Hello ladies. I feel like posting my symptoms even though I have a feeling I am out this month.

1-3 dpo nothing
4 dpo A little emotional today. Cervix is medium, soft and creamy.
5 dpo Temp dip? Cried for every little thing. Cervix is medium, soft and closed. Creamy cm.
6 dpo Another temp dip? Cervix is medium, soft and closed. Creamy cm. No other symptoms.
7 dpo Temp rise. Cervix is medium, soft, closed. Sticky cm. I have had back pains all day today.

8 dpo Cervix feels higher, soft, and closed. Have tons of Creamy cm. I have felt hungry all day, but nothing satisfies it. Exhausted and low cramps
MollyGrue this tww is horrid!!! I've been the same with googling and endless reading about all my symptoms every month! I have calmed down this month and trying not to read too much into them because they always seem to lead to AF.
Nini - I KNOW! I told my hubs the other day that this is an obsessive compulsive nightmare dream. There's just so much information to dig through. One minute I feel super hopeful, the next I'm convinced it's not happening this month. It's very much a roller coaster.
hi ladies just wondering if any of ye are temping? if so how much does your temp go up after ovulation?
I am and my chart is in my signature. It shoots about a few degrees and then continues to rise. It varies for me every month.
my temp went from 35.85 to 36.19 is that enough of a "spike" to be ovulation?
my base temps were 35.95 - 36.05 usually
1-4 DPO - nothing out of the ordinary
5 DPO - heartburn in the morning
6 DPO - quick sharp pain in uterus area
10 DPO - dizziness; brown CM, really tired at 6pm
11 DPO - noticed breasts bit heavier, dizziness, brown CM
12 DPO - breasts heavier again, dizziness, white CM
13 DPO - dizziness, tired, BFP!!!
Oh how exciting! I saw the same post on another website, and I am so happy to see it here too! I will post my symptopms, even though I don't have a lot of detail, but after so many months of trying, i have learned not to pay attention to certain things.
IUI cycle with injectables (1st one ever on both meds and IUI):

1 DPO - 6 DPO - bloated, heavy feeling, dry cm

7 DPO - 8 DPO - cyclical cramps, dull somewhat strong pain that lasts a few seconds then goes away and comes back multiple times, enlarged breasts, but not sore. usually they are very sore and no one (aka husand) is allowed to touch them, dry cm

9 DPO - 10 DPO - cramps are still here but not as strong, and not often, breasts are still bigger, and still no pain but a little itchy. frequent urination (althought i have had frequent urination before during luteal phase simply due to bloating), still bloated, dry cm

11 DPO - nothing stands out, more CM this morning, but i can't tell what kind as it is affected by progesterone supositories. Some brown mixed in CM late in the evening. BFN with afternoon urine.

12 DPO - temperature dip to cover line. AF shows up.

Also, i ended up with a 40 mm cyst so no IUI this cycle. Thanks Clomid!

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