Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Congratulations, Pootie!

RedRose19 - I just started charting my temps, but I went up about .4 tenths of a degree, and my temp didn't rise until 48 hours dpo - at least, 48 hours after when I was pretty sure that I ovulated.
Hello! I'm new at this ("this" being pretty much everything - TTC, tracking symptoms, posting in a forum), so I hope I'm appropriate.

My husband and I are TTC, and we just started trying. 34 day (average) cycle; BD 2 days pre-ovulation. I think ovulation - again, just started figuring all of this out.

1-2 dpo: nothing of note, other than steady temp climb
3 dpo: first time finding cervix, felt low and firm
4 dpo: nothing new of note
5 dpo: slight temperature dip, then more temp climb, backache, bloating, fatigue, mood swings
6 dpo: bigger boobs, thought not particularly sore (however, I am quite small chested, and I don't even get sore before AF, though they get bigger), diarrhea in the morning, upset stomach after eating
7 dpo: backache, bloated, started cramping (mild to moderate), diarrhea in the morning, irritable
8 dpo: moderate cramps in the morning, I've switched to being a bit constipated, increased appetite but slight upset stomach, irritable, cervix feels higher, not as firm

And that's it up to today. I'm not handling this whole 2ww thing all that well, unless you consider obsessive reading and googling of acronyms healthy...

I can't figure out how to edit my post to add additional information. Anyone?
Find your post, on the bottom next to the "reply with quote" button there is a button saying "edit".
Find your post, on the bottom next to the "reply with quote" button there is a button saying "edit".

This is going to sound bonkers, but I swear, that JUST appeared. I wonder if it only comes up after you've made a certain number of posts? I even looked in the FAQ section, looking for information. It wasn't there before just now! Eesh.
Can't remember what dpo's things happened on but at about 6dpo to 8dpo had intense cramping and pressure down there.
Since then have been more tired than usual. Have had a mild backache and cramps on and off since 8dpo. Dizziness whenever I stand up (from 8dpo), blood pressure checked and fine.
Currently cd26/dpo15.
Been having lots more dreams .... Cp high and firm barely any cm..
Opinions pleeeease!!! Am I still in??
have u tested?

2 dpo so far nothing but abit of twitching/ tugging on my sides but most likely nothing
Nini Lopez;30852673]
Hello ladies. I feel like posting my symptoms even though I have a feeling I am out this month.

1-3 dpo nothing
4 dpo A little emotional today. Cervix is medium, soft and creamy.
5 dpo Temp dip? Cried for every little thing. Cervix is medium, soft and closed. Creamy cm.
6 dpo Another temp dip? Cervix is medium, soft and closed. Creamy cm. No other symptoms.
7 dpo Temp rise. Cervix is medium, soft, closed. Sticky cm. I have had back pains all day today.
8 dpo Cervix feels higher, soft, and closed. Have tons of Creamy cm. I have felt hungry all day, but nothing satisfies it. Exhausted and low cramps. BFN.
9 dpo Cervix high, firm, and closed. Creamy/sticky cm. Some mild cramps. Felt a little nauseated when going to bed.
10 dpo Cervix is still high and firm. Not sure if it's open or closed couldn't reach it. Cream/sticky cm. Had sex to contract cervix hoping to feel it, it was def closed. Some mild cramps. BFN.

All this could go either way for me :wacko: Hoping that tomorrow my temp stays elevated, last month my drop in temp started at 11 dpo. Ugh I just need to know!
AF is due Tuesday! I haven't noticed much. Hoping to turn this green and to make an announcement to our parents for Christmas!
1-4 DPO: Increased sex never before..Hopefully this wasn't me ovulating later than I thought.
5-8 DPO: Nothing
9 DPO: Very small amount of light brown spotting in CM. This was after a gyno exam though so I'm not sure if it's from that or IB. However, I don't think if it was from a gyno exam, it'd be brown.
10 DPO: Again, a little bit of brown spotting in CM. IB???? Hoping! Praying! I also have very mild cramping. It seems to be lower than AF cramps.
11 DPO: Emotional, boobs are a little sore.
12 DPO: Boobs are still a little sore but now as sore as they usually here before AF. Large amount of EWCM 1x
13 DPO: Cramps...really feel like AF is coming. It's due tomorrow. Feeling out for sure. :(
14 DPO: AF due. Still feels like AF is coming but nothing yet and it's 5:24. Testing after tomorrow!
15 DPO: Felt hot, got up in the middle of the night to pee multiple times. BFP!!!!!

Never thought I'd get to turn it green!! Almost everything felt exactly like PMS, especially the cramps.
1-2 dpo nothing really
3 dpo so much bloating, and sore lower back!
4dpo horrible metallic taste in my mouth, lots of creamy cm, sore boobs
Cycle 5 now TTC baby 2, would make all my Christmas wishes come true to see a first response with 2 lines!

1DPO - creamy CM nothing unusual
2DPO - creamy CM, cervix medium height and medium closed. Only strange thing I've noticed is there's no soreness at all in my boobs. Very unusual for me, I normally have sore boobs from ovulation to AF arriving.
3DPO - boobs still not sore. Creamy white CM, cervix medium height and closed. Woke at 7 30 and needed a nap 6 hours later. May be nothing but ill mark it down anyhoo
4DPO - cervix medium height medium opening. Boobs still not sore, creamy CM
5DPO - cervix high and tightly closed, creamy CM, boobs feeling tender to touch underneath.
6DPO - cervix high and closed, creamy CM and boobs aren't sore again haha
Hi ladies! I posted on here a few months ago and got my BFP but sadly lost it (ectopic). Hoping to repeat the BFP this cycle but with a sticky bean in the right location!

1DPO - Occasional sharp twinges in the abdomen.
2DPO - Mild cramps. Insatiable appetite.
3DPO - Nothing.
4DPO - Mild cramps and lower backache. Creamy CM.
5DPO - Mild cramps and lower backache. Very congested.
6DPO - Continued cramps. Headache. Mildly sore boobs.
7DPO - Wet, creamy CM. A few odd shooting pains around tube/ovaries. Other cramping is gone.
8DPO - Frequent urination (which either smelled diff or I just had a heightened sense of smell). Mild nausea.
9DPO - Mild "AF like" cramps and lower backache. BFN with FMU. Tender breasts in the evening.

We'll see where this leads...
Hello ladies. I feel like posting my symptoms even though I have a feeling I am out this month.

1-3 dpo nothing
4 dpo A little emotional today. Cervix is medium, soft and creamy.
5 dpo Temp dip? Cried for every little thing. Cervix is medium, soft and closed. Creamy cm.
6 dpo Another temp dip? Cervix is medium, soft and closed. Creamy cm. No other symptoms.
7 dpo Temp rise. Cervix is medium, soft, closed. Sticky cm. I have had back pains all day today.
8 dpo Cervix feels higher, soft, and closed. Have tons of Creamy cm. I have felt hungry all day, but nothing satisfies it. Exhausted and low cramps. BFN.
9 dpo Cervix high, firm, and closed. Creamy/sticky cm. Some mild cramps. Felt a little nauseated when going to bed.
10 dpo Cervix is still high and firm. Not sure if it's open or closed couldn't reach it. Cream/sticky cm. Had sex to contract cervix hoping to feel it, it was def closed. Some mild cramps. BFN.

All this could go either way for me :wacko: Hoping that tomorrow my temp stays elevated, last month my drop in temp started at 11 dpo. Ugh I just need to know!

11 dpo Cervix medium, and medium texture. Wet cm. And nothing else.

12 dpo Watery cm again, couldn't tell where my cervix was sitting. BFN

13 dpo Creamy cm, Cervix low, and medium texture

14 dpo Creamy cm, mixed with wet, also had a little white color in there too. Cervix high and hard. Some cramping. BFN.

15 dpo. Creamy, wet cm. Cervix now higher and soft. Lots of cramping. BFN.
Hi ladies! I posted on here a few months ago and got my BFP but sadly lost it (ectopic). Hoping to repeat the BFP this cycle but with a sticky bean in the right location!

1DPO - Occasional sharp twinges in the abdomen.
2DPO - Mild cramps. Insatiable appetite.
3DPO - Nothing.
4DPO - Mild cramps and lower backache. Creamy CM.
5DPO - Mild cramps and lower backache. Very congested.

We'll see where this leads...

So sorry about your loss :hugs:
What a fun idea:)

1DPO - gassy and bloated. Cervix medium, medium, medium. Dry.
2DPO - gassy and bloated. Creamy CM.
3DPO - gassy and bloated. Cervix medium, hard, closed. Creamy CM.
4DPO - feeling normal :) Creamy CM.
5DPO - feeling normal. Creamy CM. Vivid dreams in the early AM. Tingly sensation in breast. Gassy.
6DPO - feeling normal. Creamy CM. Vivid dreams in the early AM. Cervix is med/high, hard, closed.
7DPO - BFN! Haha, silly me! Creamy CM. Vivid dreams in early AM. Couldn't sleep, up and at'er an hour before my alarm. Bloated and gassy.
8DPO - BFN! Felt tummy sick in the early morning. Up early again this morning. Cramps in the afternoon. Cramps before bed.
9DPO - BFN. Temp made a huge jump this morning though :)
Hi all, love this thread! lol

Congratulations on all the BFP! so exciting :) I'm hoping for mine between xmas and new years. I'm at 8dpo at the moment.. Here are my symptoms :) (My boobs usually hurt from 1dpo until a couple days after AF shows her stupid face)

1-4dpo: nothing
5dpo: cramps, sharp pains in uterus/ovaries area, lower back nerve pain
6dpo: cramps, sharp pains in uterus/ovaries area, lower back nerve pain
7dpo: light cramps, shooting pains in bb's (they hurt so freaking bad that I felt the pain through my upper back!!) oh and leg cramps.. the leg cramps are the most unusual of my symptoms..
8dpo: very light cramps, leg cramps, bb's not so sore today..
9dpo: light cramps started in the afternoon
10dpo: nothing
11dpo: nothing other sciatic nerve pain.. it hurts :(
12dpo: nothing
13dpo: sore boobs... feeling out now. Boobs always hurt before AF :( I hate the TWW!
14dpo: very light cramps.. thinking AF is on her way
15dpo worst lower back ache ever :( .. but this happens to me every now and then.. especially before af.... i guess we'll see.. i have 3 days left.
16dpo: started spotting! Im so sad... feels like this is never going to happen for me. Dont even know why i keep telling myself that maybe, just maybe, this could be my month. Maybe it's just not meant to be for me :'(

Fingers crossed for all of you :) and please Santa, send us all some baby dust!!
1 DPO nothing
2 DPO nothing
3 DPO-9 DPO creamy cm and itchy vagina!
Hi Ladies I'm posting on here as the last time I wrote on this thread I got my BFP so I'm hoping its a lucky thread and I get another BFP this month! (Sadly last BFP ended in MC)

CD11 - had a HSG examination (results on 7th jan)
CD12-16 very water CM and loads of it! Neg opks
CD13 - Baby dance! Negative opk
CD15 - baby dance! Negative opk
CD17 - baby dance! AF like cramps, negative opk
CD18 - CM quite sticky, AF like cramps, negative opk, moody.
CD19 - very strong AF like cramps in abdomen and lower back, negative opk, very emotional, crying at the drop of a hat. Tingly nipples. Baby dance
CD20 - lower abdominal cramps in both right and left side. Still a bit emotional.tingly nipples
CD21 (5 DPO approx) abdominal cramps have disappeared and no real symptoms today apart from being quite emotional. CM is almost non existent....
CD22 (6 DPO approx) pulling/tugging sensation in lower back - could be from wrapping presents last night??? CM still very dry. I've been taking decongestants for my cold so this could explain the lack of CM???
CD23 (7 DPO approx) mild cramps, slight ache in bbs but that's it, very slight symptoms nothing noticeable.
8DPO mild cramping, very vivid dream last night. Sticky cm but not lots of it.
9DPO mild cramping, think this is from Christmas over eating! CM is very dry :( another vivid dream last night. Tested :bfn:
10DPO lots of cramping which has not been too painful but still very uncomfortable. Breakout on face and chest. Feels like AF will show her face early this month :(
11DPO very gassy and bloated, feels like AF will arrive soon. Very tired and cannot get warm. Cramps have disappeared? Another vivid dream last night. Update. Very bad lower back cramps started about 5pm right through till bedtime???? Feel like AF is about to show up
12DPO had a bad night with very strong AF type cramps. Felt like she would show up this morning but nothing. Tested and :bfn: still having mild cramps so its just a matter of time before AF shows. :(
13DPO sore back, think I may have pulled it as its not like AF cramps anymore. Very emotional, AF due tmrw.
14DPO woke up with terrible migraine a sure sign AF is on her way. Due today. Had cramps most of the day and quite a lot of creamy CM.
15DPO AF arrived :(

AF due 30th/31st December.

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