Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Cycle 5 now TTC baby 2, would make all my Christmas wishes come true to see a first response with 2 lines!

1DPO - creamy CM nothing unusual
2DPO - creamy CM, cervix medium height and medium closed. Only strange thing I've noticed is there's no soreness at all in my boobs. Very unusual for me, I normally have sore boobs from ovulation to AF arriving.
3DPO - boobs still not sore. Creamy white CM, cervix medium height and closed. Woke at 7 30 and needed a nap 6 hours later. May be nothing but ill mark it down anyhoo
4DPO - cervix medium height medium opening. Boobs still not sore, creamy CM
5DPO - cervix high and tightly closed, creamy CM, boobs feeling tender to touch underneath.
6DPO - cervix high and closed, creamy CM and boobs aren't sore again haha. Leg cramps all night, bit weird!
7DPO - Leg cramps continue throughout morning, cervix high and closed, creamy CM
1-2 dpo nothing really
3 dpo so much bloating, and sore lower back!
4dpo horrible metallic taste in my mouth, lots of creamy cm, sore boobs

5 dpo gasy, bloated, cramps
6 dpo more bad taste in my mouth but not as bad, thick stretchy cm
7 dpo really bad cramps more thick cm
8dpo bad taste really bad this morning, cramps, upset tummy, and woke up feeling so hungry
1-3dpo - nothing
4-terrible cramps RHS, stuffy nose, hungry, cold, nausea
5-corpus luteum cyst HURTS, really cranky and irrational, which is not like me
6-painful cyst
7-temp drop, sore throat, cyst hurts, cramps, backache, back cramps, tired
8-digging tugging feeling near pubic bone,
9-NAUSEA, temp drop, stabby cramp that dropped me to the floor(implantation today)?
10-tender swollen boobs, tired, temp raise, bfn, nausea
12-cramps, spotting, backache, headache

#1956-last two months to compare, bfn and suspected chemical
:bfp: today!

Faint BFP yesterday for my husband's birthday!!

In Shock.

Symptoms: basically just noticed a bloated feeling and cramps and heavy feeling in uterus area since 1DPO

Now 14 DPO - tender breasts- a few acne spots on them and yesterday was in the shower and tasted a nasty taste in my mouth

Good luck to all! :happydance:
Hi ladies - thought I'd take part. I'm not sure if my symptoms mean pregnancy, but, in the end, they help me learn more about my body so it's not just symptom spotting, it's learning to tune in! I'm not 100% SURE when I Od but I'm pretty sure (I spot during ovulation, check cm, and always feel what side it's on - all in all just feel that I 'know'). That being said, hubby and I bd'ed every other day before and during this period. So, from what I THINK, I am 4dpo (possibly 5). Here we go:

1 dpo: light bloating; light bodyaches; light joint pain; bit tired (this is relatively normal)

2 dpo: about midday I felt that wet, gushing feeling you get around AF - went to the bathroom and noticed quite a bit of creamy white discharge (lotion-like); light twinging in my right ovary; bit tired; slightly nauseated drinking my shake in the morning; thirsty (again, this could all just be normal but I'm taking note anyway!)

3 dpo: slightly tender breasts; extremely thirsty; had slight twinges all day until I got to work at 7pm - started to feel a bit nauseated and then around 8pm my twinges started getting more intense - so intense that I started crippling over! I felt very uncomfy in my groin - it felt heavy and lots of pulling - my right hip on the top felt strange - not painful just dull aching. I had gas as well, and I thought it may have just been that but it DID feel a little different. I ran to the washroom and sure enough, I had A LOT of cm. I checked my cp and when I pulled my hand out and wiped it on the paper (sorry TMI!) it was VERY slightly coloured. As I mentioned before, I O spot every month so the colour is probably just left over from that. However, I am more interested in the amount...wooowee! And cp was highish and soft. After that, cramps left and I just had twinges. Felt fine. This is NOT normal for me. But then again, maybe it was a bad case of gas disguising itself! haha :dohh:

4 dpo: Absolutely feeling fine today so far . Checked cp and it's so high I can just barely touch it with my finger - completely closed and I can't really feel the os as it seems to have turned up. PM: felt great - cp same as earlier, cm sticky not wet at all.

5 dpo: slept great, woke up and bd'ed with hubby and I was very dry, cp same as yesterday (high, soft, closed, and turned up). My bbs feel totally normal and I am completely symptomless.

6 dpo: nothing

7dpo: felt fine today, cp is still high and medium, had a bit of lotiony cm (wasn't all dry). That's it!

8dpo: nothing again...cp is medium medium closed...feeling a bit like I'm going to be out :(
I don't know when I really O so I will take it day by day of my 23 day cycle and this is my first round of Clomid.
LMP 12/5/2013 -- AF estimated due 12/28/2013

CD1: AF is here - chunky clots - medium flow
CD2: AF medium / heavy flow
CD3: AF calming down light flow- 1 dose of clomid 50mg
CD4: NO Adverse symptoms - 2nd dose of clomid 50mg
CD5: NO Adverse symptoms - 3rd dose of clomid 50mg
CD5: NO Adverse symptoms - 4th dose of clomid 50mg
CD6: Slight ovary cramping/twinges?NO Adverse Symptoms- final dose of clomid 50mg - DTD
CD7: Ovary cramps? Hurts alot
CD8: Really tired, breasts tender - DTD
CD9: Slept the majority of the day Cramps like AF-heavy head - migraine
CD10: Slept the majority of the day Cramping going down migraine
CD11: So tired!! Still foggy head-twinges diarrhea
CD12: DTD in the am - felt a bit better - diarrhea-boobies starting to feel slighty sore
CD13: Runny nose, boob twinging, slight twinging diarrhea
CD14: Runny nose, boobs heavy and sore - itchy nipples for a bit diarrhea
CD15:(today) Feeling consipated-ish - but I went to the bathroom twice already and it is only noon. Boobs are seriously itchy. Feeling a bit "witchy" this morning. Muffled tummy pain - and serious AF cramps.
CD16: Period cramps like nobody's business all last night- and boobs hurt. Runny nose. Lower back is achy. Boobies are not itchy but they feel heavy- other than that I feel energized!!
Also- FF is saying I am 4DPO and Pinkpad says I am 6DPO? I think I O'd on CD12 though because I was cramping CD9-CD12

I will be testing on CD21 two days before AF is due--that's XMAS day. :)

Wishing you all :bfp:
Joining in here. I want to keep track of my symptoms this cycle to keep myself honest. :haha:

O -- +opk. Some ewcm.
1dpo -- some ewcm. Slight left side twinges. Breasts slightly tender.
2dpo -- some ewcm. Breasts slightly tender.
3dpo -- some ewcm. Breasts slightly tender.*
4dpo -- loads of ewcm -- after two hours on google I now know all about the secondary oestrogen surge!! Breasts still slightly tender.
5dpo -- creamy cm. Slightly achy breasts. Some heartburn at bedtime.
6dpo -- Slightly achy breasts.
7dpo -- Breasts aching even more. That's usual for me at this point of my cycle.
8dpo -- Breasts very tender today. Heavy sensation low in my abdomen/pelvis.
9dpo -- Breasts feel extremely engorged but are sore just along the outsides. Cramping and backache. Fatigued. Nausea and heartburn in waves, don't fancy my coffee (this is major). I'm confused because even during my pregnancies symptoms didn't kick in until about 6 weeks.
10dpo -- Nausea and achy breasts. Very mild cramping. Really not liking my coffee.
11dpo -- Breasts not as painful but tender and achy in waves and still extremely engorged. Nipples feel hot and irritated. Waves of mild nausea and heartburn all day, feel full all the time. Mild cramping with one period of stronger cramps. Some backache. I can feel my womb sitting there, with the occasional strange, twitchy feeling like very early fetal movements. A wet feeling as though AF is about to start and some very clear and stretchy EWCM. Much more profuse than I've seen it at O.
12dpo -- Symptoms subsiding a lot but breasts still quite tender and achy. A little nausea, some cramping and backache. Very fatigued.
13dpo -- Fatigue out of control and I'm extremely irritable (really not like me). Mild cramping and backache, mild nausea. Breasts slightly tender but not much.
14dpo -- AF

* If I was tracking this cycle without the OPK I'd think that I hadn't ovulated yet.

1dpo -- nothing
2dpo -- nothing
3dpo -- nothing
4dpo -- nothing
5dpo -- breasts slightly tender, which is usual for this dpo. Hungry. Mild cramping.
6dpo -- achy breasts. Hungry. Not much going on here.
7dpo -- achy breasts. Forgetful, dopy and grumpy.
8dpo -- breasts engorged and occasionally aching. Sore nipples. Very faint nausea. Huge glob of EWCM, much more than at O. Restless legs, right leg.
9dpo-- Breasts engorged but not sore to the touch. Queasy sea sick feeling, dull pain low in the pelvis with some backache. Major fatigue and sore nipples. Restless legs, right leg.
10dpo -- Tender, engorged breasts and sore nipples. Fatigue and lack of appetite. Queasy, seasick feeling. A lot of CM; keep thinking AF has come.
11dpo -- Breasts still tender and feel huge. Nipples sensitive but not too sore. Still fatigued, still don't really want to eat and still feeling nauseous in waves. Two-hour nap in the afternoon (so not like me) with strange and vivid dreams. I had a period of strong cramps accompanied by backache and my CM is incredibly profuse, so much that I need to wear a pad. Pressure very low in my pelvis, right over my cervix. Restless legs, right leg.
12dpo -- Breasts are sorer than ever, with tender, sensitive nipples. Strong cramping, nausea,profuse CM.
13dpo -- Tender breasts and nipples, fatigue, waves of nausea. Profuse CM.
14dpo -- Tender breasts and nipples. Gassy and nauseous. Some cramping. Fatigue and bloating. Spent a lot of time on Google researching Corpus Luteum Cysts.
15dpo -- Tender breasts and nipples. Nauseous and gassy. Bloated with some heartburn and backache. Really fatigued; fell asleep on the sofa after dinner, and I *never* do that.
Cycle 5 now TTC baby 2, would make all my Christmas wishes come true to see a first response with 2 lines!

1DPO - creamy CM nothing unusual
2DPO - creamy CM, cervix medium height and medium closed. Only strange thing I've noticed is there's no soreness at all in my boobs. Very unusual for me, I normally have sore boobs from ovulation to AF arriving.
3DPO - boobs still not sore. Creamy white CM, cervix medium height and closed. Woke at 7 30 and needed a nap 6 hours later. May be nothing but ill mark it down anyhoo
4DPO - cervix medium height medium opening. Boobs still not sore, creamy CM
5DPO - cervix high and tightly closed, creamy CM, boobs feeling tender to touch underneath.
6DPO - cervix high and closed, creamy CM and boobs aren't sore again haha. Leg cramps all night, bit weird!
7DPO - Leg cramps continue throughout morning, cervix high and closed, creamy CM
8DPO - Bled after brushing teeth? cervix dropped low and tightly closed, creamy CM. Boobs still not especially sore
9DPO - cervix medium height and closed. Stretchy white CM
]1-2 dpo nothing really
3 dpo so much bloating, and sore lower back!
4dpo horrible metallic taste in my mouth, lots of creamy cm, sore boob

5 dpo gasy, bloated, cramps
6 dpo more bad taste in my mouth but not as bad, thick stretchy cm
7 dpo really bad cramps more thick cm
8dpo bad taste really bad this morning, cramps, upset tummy, and woke up feeling so hungry
9 dpo horrible taste still there, temp spike, sore throat , heavy bigger bbs sore lower back and lots of thick, creamy cm
This looks fun lol ok : 2nd cycle TTC

2dpo: Bloating, Gas/Flatulence, Backache, Alcohol Tolerance Low, Chills, Hot Flashes, Diarrhea, Acne Breakout, Nausea + Vomiting - most likely a stumock bug since all other staff from nursery were sick too

3dpo: diarrhea and headache - prob still from bug

4dpo: bloating and Acne breakout

5dpo: Bloating, Gas/Flatulence, Tender Breasts, Dry Mouth/Increased Thirst, Constipation, Acne Breakout

6dpo: Bloating, Gas/Flatulence, Dry Mouth/Increased Thirst, runny nose, slightly sore throat, Achy Legs, Backache, Tender Breasts, constipation, acne, decreased appetite, craving milk (normally hate it)
Abdomen: Mild/Dull Cramps/Pressure
Emotional: Anxious/On Edge, Crankiness, exhaustion

7dpo: bloating, achy legs and back, breasts tender especially under arm area and heavy, runny nose, sneezing lots, Acne and nauseous
Abdomen: Cramps and one sharp pain in lower right back lasting few mins
Emotional: Anxious/On Edge, Crankiness, exhaustion

8dpo: bloating, achy legs and back, Acne, dizziness, sore throat and constipation
Abdomen: Cramps and odd few sharp pains on right side
Emotional: Anxious/On Edge, Exhaustion, vivid dream last night

9dpo: bloating, fluttering feelings in tummy where cramps have been, out of the blue lost my voice (know this isn't a symptom but thought I'd put everything here anyway) acne still bad and skin round finger nail and lips dry nd splitting
Another vivid dream

10dpo: today my tummy feels very tight as if I hav really tight hold me in pants on or something and odd twinge and fluttering, spots seem a bit better today, breasts seem bigger maybe and one episode of getting very hot n feeling nauseous then having diahrea. Also much more tired today even tho spent up till mid day in bed

11dpo: one episode of cramps lot lasting long, feeling nauseous constipated and lots of gas (em arising lol) not much appetite and spots drying up well.

12dpo: tummy feels tight again and not much appetite still. Feeling nauseous. Maybe af coming (due in next few days) but boobs are not even tender and normally are by now for af
1 DPO- bloated
2 DPO- bloated
3 DPO- nothing
4 DPO- boobs bigger but not sore (this continued throughout)
5 DPO- same
6 DPO- upset stomach
7 DPO- nothing new
8 DPO- night--period like cramps lasted a day, sore throat in morning
9 DPO- boobs even fuller but not sore
10 DPO- boobs full, slightly stuffy nose, but can somehow smell like never before
11 DPO- same, BFN
12 DPO- boobs still big, smell heightened, sore throat in morning
13 DPO- light BFP!!!
1-2 DPO: Nothing
3-4 DPO: Lower backache
5 DPO: Lower backache, eye twitch
7 DPO: Lower backache, fatigue, very mild cramps, dizziness
8 DPO: Lower backache, fatigue, very mild cramps, headache, eye twitch
9 DPO: Lower backache, fatigue, very mild cramps, dizziness, eye twitch
10 DPO: BFP! eye twitch, odd stomach cramps

I'm so excited! I was sure this cycle wasn't it!
Everything hurts so bad, my back and lower tummy ache so bad and the taste is so bad npwplis I can't keep my eyes open
AF is due Sunday 15th. Here are my symptoms:

1-2 DPO nothing
3DPO gassy, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea in pm
4DPO cramps, nose bleed, runny nose, decreased appetite
5DPO gassy, cramps, stuffy nose, vivid dreams, constipation
6DPO bloating, cramps, gassy, backache, dizziness/lightheaded, runny nose, sore throat, stuffy nose, decreased appetite, fatigue
7DPO cramps, gassy, lightheaded, runny & stuffy nose, vivid dreams, decreased appetite, sore throat in am
8DPO low blood pressure, gassy, cramps, emotional, nose bleed, headache, runny & stuffy nose, fatigue, constipation, acne breakout, sore throat in am
9DPO gassy, cramps, backache, runny & stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, nose stuffy, runny nose, sore throat in am
10DPO cramps, runny & stuffy nose, gassy,headache, dizziness, sore throat, fatigue, backache, low blood pressure (90/61) I think AF will arrive next week since I am getting cramps this early.
11DPO cramps, gassy
12DPO cramps, gassy, acne breakout, headache, fatigue, bloated
13DPO cramps, gassy, headache, fatigue, stuffy/runny nose
14DPO cramps, gassy, headache, fatigue, stuffy/runny nose, nose bleed, nipples hurt
15DPO AF is due so nothing yet, slight cramping, runny nose, breasts are sensitive
16DPO AF is 1 day late, nipples and breasts are very sensitive, fatigue
17DPO AF is 2 days late, nipples and breasts are very sensitive, fatigue
18DPO AF is 3 days late, nipples and breasts hurt, fatigue, fell asleep while my mom was talking on the phone to me! LOL! Called her back 1 hr later and she said oh you awake now!!!! I told her I didn't know that I fell asleep on the phone!
19DPO AF is still late, same symptoms as yesterday.

20DPO AF is still late, so I tested and :bfp::bfp:


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1 DPO- bloated
2 DPO- bloated
3 DPO- nothing
4 DPO- boobs bigger but not sore (this continued throughout)
5 DPO- same
6 DPO- upset stomach
7 DPO- nothing new
8 DPO- night--period like cramps lasted a day, sore throat in morning
9 DPO- boobs even fuller but not sore
10 DPO- boobs full, slightly stuffy nose, but can somehow smell like never before
11 DPO- same, BFN
12 DPO- boobs still big, smell heightened, sore throat in morning
13 DPO- light BFP!!!

Congrats seedling! I hope you have a healthy and happy pregnancy!!
Cycle 5 now TTC baby 2, would make all my Christmas wishes come true to see a first response with 2 lines!

1DPO - creamy CM nothing unusual
2DPO - creamy CM, cervix medium height and medium closed. Only strange thing I've noticed is there's no soreness at all in my boobs. Very unusual for me, I normally have sore boobs from ovulation to AF arriving.
3DPO - boobs still not sore. Creamy white CM, cervix medium height and closed. Woke at 7 30 and needed a nap 6 hours later. May be nothing but ill mark it down anyhoo
4DPO - cervix medium height medium opening. Boobs still not sore, creamy CM
5DPO - cervix high and tightly closed, creamy CM, boobs feeling tender to touch underneath.
6DPO - cervix high and closed, creamy CM and boobs aren't sore again haha. Leg cramps all night, bit weird!
7DPO - Leg cramps continue throughout morning, cervix high and closed, creamy CM
8DPO - Bled after brushing teeth? cervix dropped low and tightly closed, creamy CM. Boobs still not especially sore
9DPO - cervix medium height and closed. Stretchy white CM in am. Boobs finally starting to feel tender in PM and cervix has moved high and closed again. Ovulation type cramps 9pm
10DPO - period due anytime in the next couple of days. Boobs quite sore today. Between 2 and 4 in the afternoon really really fatigued. Cervix medium and closed in am. Feeling out by PM, CM starting to dry up
11DPO - Woke during the night feeling upset had a very vivid dream about my hubby being in a car crash. Boobs throbbing today. Cervix medium height, tightly closed. Cramping from early morning onwards could be pre af cramps though. Fatigued from 2pm again
I came off BC on the 2nd dec and AF arrived on 5th.... so I am completely guessing that I O'd on the 15th so....

1DPO: cold, sore throat, stuffy nose, sinuses, insomnia, constipated, bloated 'strange feeling' in lower abdomen, pulling sensation, cramps similar to AF cramps, sensitive clitoris, weird 'heat' in lower abdomen, feeling of wetness down below

2DPO: woke up with numb tingley hands, bloated, feeling of wetness, small amount of clear/white discharge, mild headache, mild cramping

3DPO: Nausea (YAY! Although I'm so desperately hoping it's baby related I wonder if I am only imagining it) on and off throughout the day, mild cramping, small amount of CM, mild cramping, bloated, vivid dreams last night, chocolate smells horrible (and I LOVE chocolate), slightly itchy bbs

4DPO: Not as many cramps (not a good sign I don't think?!), woke up gassy, mild nausea, runny nose/sneezing? Itchy bbs, emotional (just sobbed my way through Love Actually), feel wet down below and a small amount of CM.

5DPO: Stronger Nausea, odd full feeling in lower abdomen, more CM, tested this morning.... BFN :(, slight headache, gassy, sneezing!

6DPO: nausea all morning, no cramping, some CM, Gone off chocolate completely, sneezing, nipples a little sensitive, think my bb's may have grown but no soreness at all.

7DPO: Tested, BFN on FRER :( Woke up feeling very sick with cramps. Hope this isnt the start of AF, lots of EWCM, shooting pains in cervix/inside vagina, had Progesterone Blood Test at doctors - have to wait 6/7 days for the result.

8DPO: Lots of milky white CM, some neuralgia type pains around vaginal area, tiredness

9DPO: Lots of milky white CM, neuralgia type pains, constipated, tiredness

10DPO: Nothing of note, neuralgia type pains, sensitive clitoris, continued milky white CM, diarrheoa. Tried to feel cervix, normally can only touch the bottom edge, and could touch the centre so guessing low but closed. Tested with FRER with FMU: Negative :(. Had BD and it felt a little odd/different.

11DPO: Feel like AF is going to arrive, feel pressure inside lower abdomen but no cramps. Tried to feel cervix again, it must have moved back up higher, and I am guessing still closed. Breasts feel heavy but not sore, some pain in what feels like both 'ovaries' or the area around.

12DPO: Nothing of note other than a little nausea and CM, and AF cramps in the PM.

13DPO: Nothing of note other than a little nausea, feel for sure AF is going to arrive. Don't feel crampy but just have that "feeling". BFN on FRER with FMU :( Had a dream last night I got my BFP! So sad to wake up and realise it was a dream!

14DPO: Results on progesterone serum tests show no ovulation occured so now no idea what DPO I am supposed to be, if any at all! Had another PG serum test today, get the results on Tuesday. Feel a little crampy, no other symptoms of note. Sticky/stretchy white CM.

I dont know when my AF is due being the first month off BC so I dont know when to test! The constant cramping makes it feel as though she is on her way already and that my mind is playing tricks on me and I am imagining the rest of the symptoms! Also, I don't know if what I am feeling is ovulation related rather than pregnancy!
Hi guys

New to this!
Im 5dpo..

1dpo - crampy nausea

2dpo-crampy sore bbs

3dpo- bfp dream- wet cm crampy sore bbs mainly centre.

4dpo crampy wet cm

5dpo slight cramps sore bbs and wet cm cervix high closed soft/wet

This tww is driving me insane!
Sorry but could some one help? How do I edit my previous post? Being blind/stupid but can't see anything!!
On your post there should be a black box at the bottomnthatbsays edit, click onto this and then you can just add or take away from your post then re-save it.... Hope this works x

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