Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

I love reading this post. I am 32 and have a 10 year old daughter. This is my first month ttc. I'm not coming off any BC .just good planning :flower:
1dpo: cramping
2dpo: cramping cp med ewcm
3dpo: cramping cp med creamy cm, dizzy
4dpo: cramping cp high CCM craving salty or starchy
food (like pasta but I'm GF so rice will have to do.)
Went for a short walk was dizzy winded and light
headed and it was a shorter walk then I'm used too.
5dpo: cramps exhausted. No appetite. Except for rice.
Moody. Enhanced smells.
6dpo: nausea cramps sharp throbbing pain(hoping it's imp) we shall see

7dpo: everything smells. Really crampy and nauseous. And man am I exhausted. Cp is still high and creamy.
I almost don't feel I deserve to get to post yet because this is my first month TTC, and I know many of you have been waiting and hoping for a while now! But have been married 8 years this month, and I'm 32, so though we haven't actually been trying till this month, in some ways it feels like a while!

We are testing for the first real time tomorrow morning and I hope it will be a BFP. To get me through waiting tonight, I'm joining this thread which has helped me!

Timeline: Got off birth control Tuesday, April 18.

I believe I ovulated Fri/Sat April 21/22 because there was bleeding after intercourse both days. That hasn't happened to me before, since I can remember. I don't KNOW that it was ovulation, but it feels like a sign that it was.

If that was ovulation:
1-5dpo Nothing
6po Thursday 4/27 distinct cramping on right side, late morning through early afternoon. Though I didn't have a period on the bc pill, I remember cramping from periods before, and it was never on one side like this.
7dpo mild right side cramping, on and off.
8dpo woke up with right side cramping on the lower right. I noticed I felt slightly nauseous before dinner, went away after I ate. Felt anxious, moody, and irritable.
9dpo Felt anxious, moody and irritable. External factors could easily explain this though. Nauseous on empty stomach, went away after eating.
10dpo-11dpo Nothing
12dpo one boob feels sensitive.
13dpo (5/4) Slightly tired, nauseous on empty stomach, went away after eating.

Of course - could all be my hormones adjusting from birth control withdrawal. Makes me feel crazy. Thanks for listening! Feels better to talk about it!
8dpo cramping disappeared. I had increased nausea and heartburn. No appetite but starving.
9dpo back ache and cramps are back.
I almost don't feel I deserve to get to post yet because this is my first month TTC, and I know many of you have been waiting and hoping for a while now! But have been married 8 years this month, and I'm 32, so though we haven't actually been trying till this month, in some ways it feels like a while!

We are testing for the first real time tomorrow morning and I hope it will be a BFP. To get me through waiting tonight, I'm joining this thread which has helped me!

Timeline: Got off birth control Tuesday, April 18.

I believe I ovulated Fri/Sat April 21/22 because there was bleeding after intercourse both days. That hasn't happened to me before, since I can remember. I don't KNOW that it was ovulation, but it feels like a sign that it was.

If that was ovulation:
1-5dpo Nothing
6po Thursday 4/27 distinct cramping on right side, late morning through early afternoon. Though I didn't have a period on the bc pill, I remember cramping from periods before, and it was never on one side like this.
7dpo mild right side cramping, on and off.
8dpo woke up with right side cramping on the lower right. I noticed I felt slightly nauseous before dinner, went away after I ate. Felt anxious, moody, and irritable.
9dpo Felt anxious, moody and irritable. External factors could easily explain this though. Nauseous on empty stomach, went away after eating.
10dpo-11dpo Nothing
12dpo one boob feels sensitive.
13dpo (5/4) Slightly tired, nauseous on empty stomach, went away after eating.

Of course - could all be my hormones adjusting from birth control withdrawal. Makes me feel crazy. Thanks for listening! Feels better to talk about it!

BFN today. 5/5
Congrats to the bfp's and good luck to all the ladies still trying ❤

It's been a while. Tried to stop focusing so hard on ttc as it was consuming me. I don't temp anymore but when I did over the last year, o day is cd 12.

CD 11 mothers day brunch followed by special mothers day BD 😅 haha.
O day don't even think we bd'd
1 dpo nadda
2 dpo .... The 'yeast' &#128557; TMI and I'm sorry but thick chunky Cm by the cup full<99% sure at least 1 full one &#128534; I even called hubby into the shower. No smell or color, White and chunky.
3 to 5 dpo the cm slowly calms itself
4 dpo weird rash like spots on tummy
6 dpo mother in laws birthday dinner. Had a funeral the day before and was emotionally drained. Ended up waking out with our kid in tow, crying... Me... I was crying lol. Also proper had myself a melt down that am. Someone was in our yard in the night and smashed my rose bush I had babied all season... She was slaughtered and the waterworks came... At 6 am on a Saturday.... I was so upset I woke hubby cause I needed a hug (funeral emotions and hormones I see now haha)
7 dpo MY VAGINA IS BACK TO NORMAL! &#128514; but the rash on my stomach is now up to my armpits and itchy! Also on my upper thighs.
8 dpo rash is fading. Hubby points out the dogs attachment as of late and I realize I have been tripping over him constantly. Poas = bfn
9 dpo Nada. Rash gone. Poas = bfn
10 dpo busy with work. Didn't get home until 1130. Bed time by 1 and I was overcome by a chill that took a blanket, duvet, and heating pad to fall asleep still with teeth chattering.
11dpo had nephew and ds all day keeping me busy then away they went for a sleepover. I ripped up to the $store for 3 tests and bringing busy all day, hadn't peed. I don't mind wasting another 1.25 on an evening pee lol. BFP!!!!! super faint haha but its there! Hubby could even see!

Also had acid reflux when I woke up 3 ish days in a row in the middle somewhere haha. Which I never get.

Started checking cp again after the strange cm and it was consistently about a knuckle higher than usual

Can't wait to use another tomorrow and see my line progress! I clearly won't need 2 tests for some time hahaha

Babysit to all of you lovely ladies!! There's numerous posts on here (most unfinished I'm sure) of mine going back for some time. We're getting our rainbow, you bfp will too!! &#10084;
It wouldn't let me upload the clear blue digital but we got our BFP and are 4+ weeks along!


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Sorry I never updated my dad has been very sick and I have had to prepare to move nearly 1300 miles back home. Anyways that month was a BFN and we're still ttc ��

O'd on the 7th. Definitely knew it this time because I felt so gross and sweaty down there all day!
1dpo-nothing unusual
2dpo-my sweetheart starts talking about craving pickles and that he hasn't craved anything like that since his ex-wife was prego 15yrs ago. Hes weird tho
3dpo- tingling and sharp pains in bbs. My brother starts craving ranch making it extra weird lol. Some nausea. Slighlty hungrier. Totally exhausted after waking up at 3am from a horrible nightmare soaked in sweat. I suffer from depression but it was 10x worse
4dpo- at work and i can smell the pizza from across the plaza?? Sciatica acting up. Soda is making me a tad queasy. Sinuses feel dried up. Still hungrier than normal. Woke up extremely happy. Cm clear and watery still. Cp SHW. Hasn't even been an hour and I have to pee again
5dpo- crazy mood swings, mild cramps, cp high but thats normal, cm thick and chunky and theres more of it than normal, hungry but can barely eat without feeling crappy, mild indigestion, legs are aching
6dpo- feeling totally crappy physically completely drained, whole body aches, starving today, cramping, urinating more, gassy, cm same as 5dpo, did i mention exhausted???
7-8dpo- still exhausted, body aches still, gassy, frequent urination, cm creamy now but still more than normal, cp soft high and feels more closed than ever but im not that great at that part anyways, tingling and discomfort in bbs off and on, no appetite but starving, extremely moody, nausea off and on, general crappy feeling still. BFN i kno 2 early. My sweetheart keeps telling me im preg and now has his hopes up :( lower abdomen hurts if i cough or sneeze
9-10dpo- cramps are gone but smells are heightened, nausea comes and goes, no appetite at all but i need 2 eat, gassy, bbs hurt and tingly still, frequent urination, cm creamy still but less of it, cp high soft and closed, still exhausted with my body aching, sciatica acting up, still moody
11dpo- nausea has lightened, cp high and soft still and feels closed still i think, cm watery and increase in amount body aches arent so bad, any pressure on my uterus makes me cramp, bbs still hurting and tingling off and on, appetite still sucks, gassy, tired with no motivation, and so angry today. Cant stand anymore waiting so going to test again tomorrow
12dpo- only thing thats changed is cp high firm and closed, cm creamy snotty like and not much of it, checking actually made me start to cramp BFN today.:sad1: Af due in 3 days. Just feel like im out tho
13dpo- bbs still tender, nausea has lightened, cm creamy but very little of it, cp medium high and closed, cramping like af is gonna show, very emotional cuz i really feel like im out
14dpo- nausea and hunger are back, exhausted again, body aches especially my back, teeth have bothered me off and on, still emotional and stressed, cp still high and closed, cm dry, af due tomorrow FX'd that she doesn't show!

Ok so I may have gotten my O day wrong since I don't use opks or temp. I would anywhere from 12-15dpo now. I've had light spotting this morning which is unusual for me. Af is usually heavy from the start. Af is due today so I am rrather saddened at the thought that maybe its just taking it's time. When i checked my cervix there was no other blood (sorry tmi!) so I'm saddened that I may be out. However I know that I'm not actually out until the witch shows. Still keeping my Fx'd!

It won't let me update the color on my phone. After 4 days late that dreaded witch showed up. Heres to next month
Think I O'd may 31st

3 dpo - cramps left pelvic pain constantly
4 dpo - cramps, craving for ice cream and I never want ice cream. Weird.
5 dpo - boobs hurt (this is new)
6-8 dpo - still cramps and pain, boobs hurt, now I'm cold. Needed 2 blankets to sleep in this Florida heat. Had the chills like crazy.
8 dpo - feels like someone keeps twisting my left nipple. Burns and hurts randomly. Still cramps every day. I never cramp except sometimes day of af

12 dpo and bfn still :/ af due in 3 days

Hi all.
Think I have a good chance this month so will post the 2ww here

Believe ovulation happened 6/10/17 but not 100% sure because there was some thermometer issues. CM, Ovulation pain and opks support this

1 dpo - tired, cm is part watery part creamy, mild discomfort around both ovaries when stretching or similar

2 dpo pure creamy cm,still sensitive around both ovaries,more right than left though, fatigue,

3 dpo, cp is medium and fairly firm, still feel discomfort (not really pain just discomfort) around both ovaries- more right than left, Creamy cm

4dpo cp low and firmed, still discomfort in ovary/tube area, in evening had very heavy uncomfortable breasts, creamy cm, sleepy

5dpo cp is back to medium height and medium texture, sleepy, ovary/tube discomfort totally gone, more cm, creamy

6 dpo cp fairly high but still pretty firm, was very fatigued earlier but a bit better in the afternoon, still sleepy though, slight probe like feeling uterus area. I walked into Subway and absolutely loved the scents in there today when usually it's just meh to me. My breasts again feel heavy. creamy cm, not a lot of it. constipation

7 dpo Medium cervix, pretty firm, creamy, slightly watery cm, very fatigued, sharp, spider web like pain from cervix to uterus before fell asleep last night, feel sensative nipples, very moody, temp still low(lower than 6dpo actually) and feeling pressure in that whole area. Headache on and off. Nausea in the morn and mid day, thought of greasy food was making me feel icky.

8dpo Producing lots of creamy, partially water mostly clear cm, not as fatigued but got 9.5 hours of sleep too but could have slept more. Less moody, Temp rose back above 98. Minor back pain on and off. Probing and squeezing sensations in uterus. Getting gassy as well. constipation

9dpo: Producing less but still very creamy cm,cp is high, soft and spongy feeling. Another 9 hours of sleep and heavy eyes for several hours.In good mood but easy to cry, Temp rose higher, minor constipation, no cramps, pressures or other uterine sensations. Craving sugar and chocolate.

10dpo: Producing medium amount and very creamy cm, CP is medium-high and medium texture, still full/spongy feeling, Eyes are still very heavy even now in the evening/late afternoon. In ok mood, still prone to tears easy though. Mild cramps on and off in uterus area, very gassy, bloat feeling, breasts again feel heavier than norm. Temp was down some but still over 98 so ok. BFN on wondfo ic hpt Mild heartburn, chest gas in evening after eat hamburger.

11dpo Producing a lot of very creamy cm, CP is medium- high and medium texture, constipated, very gassy, eyes aren't as heavy but still tired feeling/yawning. Mild cramps on and off from uterus area. Temp is hanging at about 98 so still ok. Sneezing a bunch. bfn on first signal (possible shadow, dried with nice evap where shadow was. ) took a cb test later saw lightest line. Spotting started before bed.

12dpo(possible cd1) Still spotting, No full flow but is heavy spotting with stringy clots. Never had spotting go this long (13 hours and counting) No cramps, mild pressures, gassy, Took an IC, saw maybe a light shadow but nothing definite. Temp was below 98, above CL but I was up 2+ hours early. possible chemical pregnancy
Ok, assuming I O'd when my Clear Blue monitor said I did (6/4), I would currently be 9DPO. Here's what I've got going on:

4-6DPO - slight poking cramps on right side, bloating, fatigue, on and off mild headache

7DPO - tugging/poking senstations, acne, sensitive nips, mood swings, EXHAUSTED

8DPO - sensitive nips, 5-6 SHARP cramps on left side, some tugging/poking sensations and acne that started two days prior, lots of creamy CM

9DPO - slight tugging sensations, gassy/bloating, very tired and difficulty concentrating, back ache, sensitive nips bbs slightly sore on sides, lots of creamy CM and CP is soft, high and wet

FX'd! I had a really good feeling about this cycle when it started, but keep getting BFNs :(
Ok, assuming I O'd when my Clear Blue monitor said I did (6/4), I would currently be 9DPO. Here's what I've got going on:

4-6DPO - slight poking cramps on right side, bloating, fatigue, on and off mild headache

7DPO - tugging/poking senstations, acne, sensitive nips, mood swings, EXHAUSTED

8DPO - sensitive nips, 5-6 SHARP cramps on left side, some tugging/poking sensations and acne that started two days prior, lots of creamy CM

9DPO - slight tugging sensations, gassy/bloating, very tired and difficulty concentrating, back ache, sensitive nips bbs slightly sore on sides, lots of creamy CM and CP is soft, high and wet

FX'd! I had a really good feeling about this cycle when it started, but keep getting BFNs :(

Sounds similar to my bfp month! I tested from 7 dpo on and didn't get bfp (test sensitivity 25) until 11dpo, and it was barely visible haha. Sounds promising!
Thanks for letting me know, MamaPlus2! I'm still holding out hope. Symptoms have stayed relatively the same from two days ago, but I'm also congested and feeling very warm/flushed in the face on and off. Testing again on Saturday, will definitely update so everyone knows how it turns out!
First month of TTC, I track my patterns through the my fertility calendar app.

10dpo - 14dpo - Lightning crotch struck with shooting pains (similar to AF pain) in uterus and tops of thighs. Lots of watery cm. Not sure if implantation has happened or AF is on her way early. HPT BFN at 11dpo
14 dpo - AF due but seemingly a no show. One bout of lightning crotch which made me think she was coming. Stared hard at pad at bed time. 1 maybe 2 light brown spots. Nothing when wiping and no flow.
15 dpo - Snuffles, sore throat and few mild cramps. Kept checking pad as felt wet bit was quite dry (less CM). Few more spots today on pad but cant be more than 3 or 4, nothing when wiping and no flow.
16dpo - Sore throat and Sense of smell is like a spidey sense today. Had a sly can of coke as exhausted and felt cramps kick in. Felt very hungry today, lots of carbs consumed.
17 dpo - Felt beyond wiped out this morning, had to force myself to work as felt terrible. BFN with Clearblue digital and still no AF.

I traditionally have long cycles 32/33 days. AF ended up being 3 weeks late
Ok, assuming I O'd when my Clear Blue monitor said I did (6/4), I would currently be 9DPO. Here's what I've got going on:

4-6DPO - slight poking cramps on right side, bloating, fatigue, on and off mild headache

7DPO - tugging/poking senstations, acne, sensitive nips, mood swings, EXHAUSTED

8DPO - sensitive nips, 5-6 SHARP cramps on left side, some tugging/poking sensations and acne that started two days prior, lots of creamy CM

9DPO - slight tugging sensations, gassy/bloating, very tired and difficulty concentrating, back ache, sensitive nips bbs slightly sore on sides, lots of creamy CM and CP is soft, high and wet

FX'd! I had a really good feeling about this cycle when it started, but keep getting BFNs :(

Ok, so today is approximately 13DPO, here's what I've had going on since my last post:

10DPO - light cramps, sore bbs, watery and egg white cm, back ache

11DPO - light cramps (more just like pressure), gassy, sore bbs, watery cm

12DPO - temp increase (highest this month), cramps/pressure, sore bbs, headache and exhaustion in the afternoon, bloating, sticky cm

And my cervix has been high and soft since Monday. Testing again tomorrow, so FX'd I'll be turning these posts green soon!
Following your symptoms as I have a lot of these too (all new to me as didnt experience any symptoms except missed AF with DD1) - good luck for testing, keeping everything crossed for you!
Last AF was 5-25 through 5-29, approx O 6-7. That make me give or take today 10DPO (if anything..less)

1-5 DPO nothing that I noticed
BD either 5-6 DPO and (TMI) was utterly yucked by the amount of lotiony CM going on.
6-7 DPO few R side pelvic area twinges here and there, few belly button twinges here and there. Sensitive nipples.
8-9-10 DPO have been severely i'm a small girl 112 lbs, and look like im 4 months preggers, was happy to see this morning my bloating went down (very uncomfy) but its huge? my belly and chest are hot and reddish colored my face feels flush. i may have had a VVVFP today but I see lines alot...also TMI...small like marble sized glob of boogery CM...
CD 25 approx 11 DPO-- starting feeling VERY AF like last evening..but then had "lightning crotch" lol jolts of pain...would it be too late to implant at 10DPO??? ugh confused. ALSO new...metal taste in my mouoth last evening and this morning...ugh still very AF feeling.

TTC for 2 years so this would be amazing...but i'm always hopeful:shrug:

will attach my tests, IRL i can see its thicker than indent line which I see a lot, though VERY faint. On inversion you can better see the thickness of the line.


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I decided not to document daily because the symptoms have been pretty much the same

DPO 1-5: Sore BB's instantly! Which I always get right before AF. But I mean *right* before.. like 2-3 days before and then disappear immediately the second I start to bleed. I've always thought that was super wierd but maybe it's totally normal? Lol. Wet CM! Lik literally gushing out of me.. wore a panty liner every single day that I had to change all throughout the day! Super wet and soo much! But it was white and lotiony.

DPO 5-10: Cramping started around Day 6. Light mild cramps low in uterus. Like the very very start of AF. But started getting more on my left side by ovary! That stayed pretty constant on and off .. and not so much a cramp but just like waves of muscles being pulled. Can't explain lol! Still testing negative on FRER (only bought one box of 2) and about 3 dollar tree cheapies! Temps shot up .. I don't have a BBT thermometer cause I don't like to temp .. but I felt so hot at night for a few days in a row that I used a regular thermometer and I was at 100.2 for a few days every night. It then lowered to high 90's for a few days and I have stopped temping. But I feel so hot at all times but at night it's like I am on fire! I wake up drenched in sweat in the middle of the night or in the mornings. Been having super vivid dreams. Every single night. And I never dream or maybe just don't remember them! Still gushing CM. Sometimes wet and sticky, others times white and lotiony. So wierd.

DPO 10-14: Still all BFN's on dollar tree tests! Will be buying FRERs after work today though and then test in two days. I am sometimes very irregular BUT I know when AF is coming because like I said 2-3 days before the sore BBs come and then light cramping (almost like need to go #2! Sorry TMI!) but followed by heavy cramping that is so bad I take off work the first two days of AF!! CM seems to be letting off some. No more abundance but definitely still there, and lotiony. Still waking up from dreams and with wet sheets from sweat =/ I hate that! That one for sure is not an AF symptom of mine. Why all the BFN's I don't know :( But I will say that my sister didn't test positive for FOUR months! She didn't know she was pregnant until 16 weeks and already started showing by then! BBs still huge and to me it's noticeable since I'm a SMALL B cup.. they are now huge and full of veins that also criss cross all over my chest as well. Starting to think peeking at these forums have made my body decide to trick me &#128545;&#128545; Praying for a BFP &#128591;&#128591;&#128588; but will be happy to see AF so I no longer feel like my body is pulling strings just for fun &#128556;
Following your symptoms as I have a lot of these too (all new to me as didnt experience any symptoms except missed AF with DD1) - good luck for testing, keeping everything crossed for you!

Celticmum - just turned my post green because I did end up with a BFP on Friday!!! :) FX'd its the same for you!
I think i O around Jun 5, which makes me currently 16dpo. I didn't really have any symptoms and fully expected to get AF yesterday. Last Sat morning (12dpo?) I woke up to bad cramps, but it went away after a short time, once I had situated myself on the couch in a comfortable position. I have had slight cramps off and on since then and a little bit before However, I always get cramps, so that isn't anything unusual for me. I did have sore BB a bit last week, but that's normal for me too. Looking back, there was a couple times I was kinda nauseous for just a few minutes on a couple days last week and the week before, but not bad and thought I was just imagining it. I tested at 9dpo (last Weds) and it was negative.
Otherwise, I have had just about zero symptoms and certainly no reason to think this month would be any different from the past.
Anyway, AF didn't show up yesterday, so I tested today and it was a BFP:) Guess a blood test next:)

I was on Clomid this month and this was the last month I was going to be on Clomid (this was my 6month on It. 4th month on 100mg). I switched doctors last week and they were gettingr eady to do some tests on me and my hubby and most likely would've put me on a different medicine. I guess we won't need this now:)
Following your symptoms as I have a lot of these too (all new to me as didnt experience any symptoms except missed AF with DD1) - good luck for testing, keeping everything crossed for you!

Celticmum - just turned my post green because I did end up with a BFP on Friday!!! :) FX'd its the same for you!

Congrats momma!!! That's amazing!!! Hoping others start seeing BFP's and turning post green! Yay! &#9829;&#65039;&#9829;&#65039;&#9829;&#65039;&#127882;&#127882;&#127882;&#127881;

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