Sorry I never updated my dad has been very sick and I have had to prepare to move nearly 1300 miles back home. Anyways that month was a BFN and we're still ttc ��
O'd on the 7th. Definitely knew it this time because I felt so gross and sweaty down there all day!
1dpo-nothing unusual
2dpo-my sweetheart starts talking about craving pickles and that he hasn't craved anything like that since his ex-wife was prego 15yrs ago. Hes weird tho
3dpo- tingling and sharp pains in bbs. My brother starts craving ranch making it extra weird lol. Some nausea. Slighlty hungrier. Totally exhausted after waking up at 3am from a horrible nightmare soaked in sweat. I suffer from depression but it was 10x worse
4dpo- at work and i can smell the pizza from across the plaza?? Sciatica acting up. Soda is making me a tad queasy. Sinuses feel dried up. Still hungrier than normal. Woke up extremely happy. Cm clear and watery still. Cp SHW. Hasn't even been an hour and I have to pee again
5dpo- crazy mood swings, mild cramps, cp high but thats normal, cm thick and chunky and theres more of it than normal, hungry but can barely eat without feeling crappy, mild indigestion, legs are aching
6dpo- feeling totally crappy physically completely drained, whole body aches, starving today, cramping, urinating more, gassy, cm same as 5dpo, did i mention exhausted???
7-8dpo- still exhausted, body aches still, gassy, frequent urination, cm creamy now but still more than normal, cp soft high and feels more closed than ever but im not that great at that part anyways, tingling and discomfort in bbs off and on, no appetite but starving, extremely moody, nausea off and on, general crappy feeling still. BFN i kno 2 early. My sweetheart keeps telling me im preg and now has his hopes up

lower abdomen hurts if i cough or sneeze
9-10dpo- cramps are gone but smells are heightened, nausea comes and goes, no appetite at all but i need 2 eat, gassy, bbs hurt and tingly still, frequent urination, cm creamy still but less of it, cp high soft and closed, still exhausted with my body aching, sciatica acting up, still moody
11dpo- nausea has lightened, cp high and soft still and feels closed still i think, cm watery and increase in amount body aches arent so bad, any pressure on my uterus makes me cramp, bbs still hurting and tingling off and on, appetite still sucks, gassy, tired with no motivation, and so angry today. Cant stand anymore waiting so going to test again tomorrow
12dpo- only thing thats changed is cp high firm and closed, cm creamy snotty like and not much of it, checking actually made me start to cramp BFN today.

Af due in 3 days. Just feel like im out tho
13dpo- bbs still tender, nausea has lightened, cm creamy but very little of it, cp medium high and closed, cramping like af is gonna show, very emotional cuz i really feel like im out
14dpo- nausea and hunger are back, exhausted again, body aches especially my back, teeth have bothered me off and on, still emotional and stressed, cp still high and closed, cm dry, af due tomorrow FX'd that she doesn't show!
Ok so I may have gotten my O day wrong since I don't use opks or temp. I would anywhere from 12-15dpo now. I've had light spotting this morning which is unusual for me. Af is usually heavy from the start. Af is due today so I am rrather saddened at the thought that maybe its just taking it's time. When i checked my cervix there was no other blood (sorry tmi!) so I'm saddened that I may be out. However I know that I'm not actually out until the witch shows. Still keeping my Fx'd!
It won't let me update the color on my phone. After 4 days late that dreaded witch showed up. Heres to next month