Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Congratulations Gemini and all the other mum's to be getting their BFP <3
I feel like in person I can see the line that would make the + complete ! Thoughts?? Early start to strong BFP?? I do have terrible eyes so if I'm alone here it would make sense &#128514;


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Diedrek - I think I can see it! The lighting makes it a little difficult though, maybe try an FRER tomorrow?
Last AF was 5-25 through 5-29, approx O 6-7. That make me give or take today 10DPO (if anything..less)

1-5 DPO nothing that I noticed
BD either 5-6 DPO and (TMI) was utterly yucked by the amount of lotiony CM going on.
6-7 DPO few R side pelvic area twinges here and there, few belly button twinges here and there. Sensitive nipples.
8-9-10 DPO have been severely i'm a small girl 112 lbs, and look like im 4 months preggers, was happy to see this morning my bloating went down (very uncomfy) but its huge? my belly and chest are hot and reddish colored my face feels flush. i may have had a VVVFP today but I see lines alot...also TMI...small like marble sized glob of boogery CM...
CD 25 approx 11 DPO-- starting feeling VERY AF like last evening..but then had "lightning crotch" lol jolts of pain...would it be too late to implant at 10DPO??? ugh confused. ALSO new...metal taste in my mouoth last evening and this morning...ugh still very AF feeling.

TTC for 2 years so this would be amazing...but i'm always hopeful

Skip forward to now 15 DPO....which makes me 1-2 days late.
I have been sorta crampy nothing crazy but I always do day before AF... so I keep thinking she's coming... not yet?? Cervix still really high and wet. My bbs are killing me but sometimes they do before AF. But my back... my back for 3 days now hurts so bad it's keeping me awake. But still BFN!?!?!? I just need to know.... one way or the other
Sounds really positive Mvalkosky97! Sounds very similar to my symptoms esp with lightning crotch at 10 and 11 dpo. I had a BFN test (store own brand test rather than FRER) at 11 dpo. Been feeling less *symptoms*/more energy yesterday and increased libido (TMI, I know!) which is typical of my cycle - so thinking AF might be on her way.
Will get a FRER over the weekend but not hopeful right now. Think AF is due Monday
MValkosky I think I had my O day wrong and that would put me at 17dpo at the most. I had some spotting Wednesday night which I thought was Af since she was due Thursday. BFN this morning. I'm so confused!
I still don't have answers either =( I am now cycle day 31 out of a usual 27-28. Mild dull AF like cramps but I have had them for over a week. I usually spot the day before AF too and have had none. Yesterday mid day took a clear blue and pretty sure it was negative. By guessing I am 16-17 DPO but I suppose it's possible I O'd late. I don't temp I just wing it basically....So I'm just waiting, I called doc yesterday and they said call back mid week if nothing has changed. BLAH!!!!
Alright so this is quite lengthy and a bit of a TMI but I figured I would post anyways to get some advice, personal experiences, or anything that can help.

In March I was 6 weeks when I unfortunately had a MC. That was my first pregnancy and it was a devastating blow to both myself and my fiancé.

Fast forward to this past month, I am very confused.

Start of my last AF was 5/13. Completely normal for me. I started testing with OPK around CD 10 and did not get a positive until CD 21-22, 6/3-6/4. Thought I was out for the month when I started to get what I thought was the start of AF on 6/18 at 14DPO. That would make it a 35 day cycle. But AF never truly came. I had a very light period, 3 days of brownish/reddish spotting with lots of CM. Took a hpt because I thought I was for sure preggo but got a BFN.

It only gets weirder from here, on CD 5 I got a positive OPK!!! But a stark white negative hpt (Wondfo internet cheapies)

I've been having hot flashes, waves of nausea, diarrhea (tmi I'm sorry), and twinges of pain in my breasts.

Has anyone had similar experiences? My first pregnancy I did not find out I was pregnant until I was 5 weeks because I had a weird, short "AF" so I assumed I wasn't preggo and therefore wasn't testing. This might seem dumb but I'm driving myself crazy! I just want some sort of answer so I can keep on trying if I'm not
Alright so this is quite lengthy and a bit of a TMI but I figured I would post anyways to get some advice, personal experiences, or anything that can help.

In March I was 6 weeks when I unfortunately had a MC. That was my first pregnancy and it was a devastating blow to both myself and my fiancé.

Fast forward to this past month, I am very confused.

Start of my last AF was 5/13. Completely normal for me. I started testing with OPK around CD 10 and did not get a positive until CD 21-22, 6/3-6/4. Thought I was out for the month when I started to get what I thought was the start of AF on 6/18 at 14DPO. That would make it a 35 day cycle. But AF never truly came. I had a very light period, 3 days of brownish/reddish spotting with lots of CM. Took a hpt because I thought I was for sure preggo but got a BFN.

It only gets weirder from here, on CD 5 I got a positive OPK!!! But a stark white negative hpt (Wondfo internet cheapies)

I've been having hot flashes, waves of nausea, diarrhea (tmi I'm sorry), and twinges of pain in my breasts.

Has anyone had similar experiences? My first pregnancy I did not find out I was pregnant until I was 5 weeks because I had a weird, short "AF" so I assumed I wasn't preggo and therefore wasn't testing. This might seem dumb but I'm driving myself crazy! I just want some sort of answer so I can keep on trying if I'm not
Hi ladies. My DH and I have been trying to conceive for 8 months now. We've been doing it pretty passively, but that doesn't make the waiting any better. So here is the TWW info.

1DPO- cramping, anxious, and bloated like crazy. I looked pregnant!
2DPO- nauseous, anxious, horny, still bloated, but a little less intense
3DPO- nauseous, tired, headache
4DPO- crampy, tired, cranky, moody
5DPO- cramps, moody, snapping at people
6DPO- grouchy, horny, tired
7DPO- oh joy! Yeast infection! Racing heart, tired
8DPO- infection is already clearing up, racing heart, exhausted, always wanting to sleep. Cramping through the day. Boobs are sore and fuller.
9DPO- infection is cleared and I'm just a little swollen. Racing heart, still want to live in bed.
10DPO- snapping at people, tired, craving serious amounts of sugar, still want to sleep, caffeine does nothing. Light cramping throughout the day.
11DPO- tired, but can't sleep. Better mood. Sugar crazy.
12DPO- exhausted, stuffed up, mood swings, HEADACHE! Want to sleep constantly, but can't.
13DPO- Today. Still exhausted, boobs are sore, racing heart is still continuing on and off throughout the day, and I'm still craving sugar like mad.

My period is due in three days. What do you think ladies?
This is my first cycle TTC #3

I believe I am 2dpo today, however I am not 100% sure as I'm not using OPKs or temping etc. It is also my first cycle off BCP, so I know things can get a little hectic! I am on C16. We managed to BD on CD6, CD7, CD10, CD12, CD14 + CD15 so far. Hopefully we have covered all of our bases.

Lots of bloating, larger nipples, lotiony discharge at 5 & 6dpo.

AF 1 day early.
I started reading this thread a few weeks ago and love it! I wanted to share my symptoms by DPO as I benefited from reading so many in here. It definitely makes the TWW go by faster.

We were TTC baby #2 and I would say that my symptoms really began to take shape from 8/9 dpo. Before then, I had the same symptoms that I have had with a cycle with AF.

The three major symptoms I noticed this cycle (where I got my BFP! :bfp:) that were also present with my first pregnancy:

(1) frequent urination. Not just peeing a lot or frequently, but peeing just about every hour (like I did when I was much further along in pregnancy).

(2) fatigue. Again, not just really tired, but like I fall asleep while not doing anything for 5 mins and it feels like I slept for an hour.

(3) out of breath. Getting out of breath by doing things that would normally not make me winded - like huffing while walking upstairs while holding my 30lb toddler. I work out daily so am in pretty good shape and do not get winded that easily. When I did, I knew something was up.

I should also add that, this cycle, I had the same symptoms that have been typical of me getting AF. No difference except for the three symptoms above. I seriously thought AF was coming. So, sometimes you think you are out, but you are not. I did not have sore breasts or IB (and did not have either with my first pregnancy either).

Baby Dust to everyone waiting on their BFPs! :dust:
I started reading this thread a few weeks ago and love it! I wanted to share my symptoms by DPO as I benefited from reading so many in here. It definitely makes the TWW go by faster.

We were TTC baby #2 and I would say that my symptoms really began to take shape from 8/9 dpo. Before then, I had the same symptoms that I have had with a cycle with AF.

The three major symptoms I noticed this cycle (where I got my BFP! :bfp:) that were also present with my first pregnancy:

(1) frequent urination. Not just peeing a lot or frequently, but peeing just about every hour (like I did when I was much further along in pregnancy).

(2) fatigue. Again, not just really tired, but like I fall asleep while not doing anything for 5 mins and it feels like I slept for an hour.

(3) out of breath. Getting out of breath by doing things that would normally not make me winded - like huffing while walking upstairs while holding my 30lb toddler. I work out daily so am in pretty good shape and do not get winded that easily. When I did, I knew something was up.

I should also add that, this cycle, I had the same symptoms that have been typical of me getting AF. No difference except for the three symptoms above. I seriously thought AF was coming. So, sometimes you think you are out, but you are not. I did not have sore breasts or IB (and did not have either with my first pregnancy either).

Baby Dust to everyone waiting on their BFPs! :dust:

Congrats! I never get sore breasts either, and have never had IB in 3 pregnancies.
1-5 dpo no noticeable symptoms

6-7 dpo mild cramping! Some nausea. Frequent urination/ poor bladder control

8dpo lower back ache (feels like :af: ). Peed myself a bit...
9dpo BFN on clear blue digi
10dpo cramping, creamy cm. Peeing a lot!
12dpo can't sleep, obsessing over symptoms. Feels like I'm getting a yeast infection.. loads of creamy cm. Crampy. Sore boobs
13dpo BFN on frer
14dpo af got me.

I have been waiting 4 years to post here with my :bfp:

0 dpo - OV day
1 - 3 dpo no symptoms except normal sore boobs

4 - 7 dpo sore boobs eased off and light cramps

8 dpo, constant hunger, nausea, hot all the time, sneezing, ever changing bowel movements, tired no matter how much I sleep

9 dpo constant thought of food even if I've just eaten, nausea(no vomit), tired, sneezing, positive HPT

10 dpo can't stop thinking about food, no feeling sick today though, sneezing, positive FRER with no hold so 20 mins later I got positive on a clearblue plus
It's been a while since I've been on here... we went back to NTNP after 1 month of TTC. However, this cycle we officially tied the knot and everything seemed to line up.

0DPO - 3DPO; nothing
4DPO - some light cramping after DTD but that's about it
5DPO - light spotting at night
6DPO - tested because I can't help myself, BFN, lol... Cramping off and on all day, some hunger/nausea cycles, a few bb twinges but no throbbing or soreness that sticks
7DPO - tested this morning with OPK and HCG. Both negative. Cramping again this morning. Didn't feel great all afternoon/evening. Went to bed early.
8DPO - tested this morning with OPK & HCG. I thought I saw something, but general consensus negative. Woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous. Cramps in the morning.

So nothing really out of the ordinary. I sometimes spot about a week before my period normally.. and I always cramp around O, after O and during AF.

I have been waiting 4 years to post here with my :bfp:

0 dpo - OV day
1 - 3 dpo no symptoms except normal sore boobs

4 - 7 dpo sore boobs eased off and light cramps

8 dpo, constant hunger, nausea, hot all the time, sneezing, ever changing bowel movements, tired no matter how much I sleep

9 dpo constant thought of food even if I've just eaten, nausea(no vomit), tired, sneezing, positive HPT

10 dpo can't stop thinking about food, no feeling sick today though, sneezing, positive FRER with no hold so 20 mins later I got positive on a clearblue plus

PIXIE!!!!!!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU HUN! I just signed back in from last months AGAIN negative. I am 8DPO today and trying to not symptom spot and taking it day by day. CONGRATS!!!!
I swore I wouldn't be up to this again, I get let down with negative after negative. But reading everyones stories and chatting helps to ease the anxiety during my TWW.

I believe I O'd near the 7th. We BD the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th...enjoying vacation lol

I am around 8 DPO today..VERY sore BBS, kinda veiny. I am hungry all day. I am very foggy and fatigued. This morning wacked my head with my car door and now have a giant bruised goose egg. Just thought I would share how I started my day there.. only me..otherwise am doing my best not to symptom spot.

Probably around 3-4 DPO I remember telling DH I think i'm coming down with a cold...but now I feel fine.

I have been waiting 4 years to post here with my :bfp:

0 dpo - OV day
1 - 3 dpo no symptoms except normal sore boobs

4 - 7 dpo sore boobs eased off and light cramps

8 dpo, constant hunger, nausea, hot all the time, sneezing, ever changing bowel movements, tired no matter how much I sleep

9 dpo constant thought of food even if I've just eaten, nausea(no vomit), tired, sneezing, positive HPT

10 dpo can't stop thinking about food, no feeling sick today though, sneezing, positive FRER with no hold so 20 mins later I got positive on a clearblue plus

Ok update from me :)
11 dpo extreme tiredness(never expected this much) sore boobs(normal amount for me) increased thoughts of food, never full up, sneezing

12 - 14 dpo, so so tired, still thinking of food all the time, bloating, sneezing, + HPT

15 dpo, can no longer wear jeans already at work due to 8 hours on my feet the bloating is bad :(, sleeping more, omg extreme sore boobs and I always thought I could handle the sore boobs through pregnancy as I've always suffered but omg they are 100 X worse ! + CB digi 1-2 weeks

16 dpo sore boobs(worse after wearing bra for hours) swollen boobs, extreme fatigue, stuffy nose, sneezing + CB digi 2-3 weeks

Now 18 dpo - major sore boobs and they're growing, sneezing, AF type cramps, gas bubbles feel like they are floating around

Sneezing is big thing right now :/

Doctors appointment finally booked now for Wednesday where he/she will mark me as 6 + 1 but further scan will change that by a week as I ovulated late in my cycle CD21



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I have been waiting 4 years to post here with my

0 dpo - OV day
1 - 3 dpo no symptoms
4 dpo - creamy cm, right pelvic pain
5 - creamy cm

8 dpo, Nausea, backache, cramps right pelvic pain, creamy cm, gas, mood swings

9 dpo Nausea, bachache, bloating, creamy cm Mood swings

10 dpo cramps, backache, nausea BPN, mood swings

11 dpo -Spotting

12dpo - Tender breasts, cramping, backache, insomnia, BFN (25 HCG level test)

My cycle is usually 30 days, so I am not sure when I should be taking the tests. I get so nervous that I'm making the symptoms up but they're pretty really. This would be my fourth kid and I'm nervous.

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