Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Cycle 2:
1-3dpo - nothing
4dpo - slightly bloody cm in the morning. Bout of diarrhoea in the evening.
5dpo - bout of diarrhoea again in the evening.
6dpo - nothing
7dpo - intense craving for scones :haha:
8 + 9dpo - nothing really. BFN
10dpo - some AF cramps starting. Feeling some waves of nausea? Sometimes get this before AF though.
11dpo - AF cramps

BD on CD 14 & 16, O on CD 18 (according to period tracker app).

1-3 dpo - very sore boobs
4 dpo - very sore boobs, constipation, gas
5 dpo - sore boobs, extreme fatigue
6 dpo - sore boobs, keep passing gas, very sleepy and tired whole day
7 dpo - sharp pain left boobs, sharp pain lower right abdoment for few secs, keep passing gas, very sleepy and tired whole day
8-10 dpo - sore boobs, gas
11 dpo - lesser sore boobs, gas, heartburn, fatigue
12 dpo - not much sore boobs, light spotting in the evening, fatigue, heartburn, bloated, gas. AF supposed to come today.
13 dpo - spotting again, heartburn, cramps lower abs, bloated, gas
14 dpo - AF came

I normally don't feel any sore boobs unless it is about 1 week before AF came, but this time round was having very sore boobs since O, which was 2 weeks early. I felt weird and thought I was gonna get it this month so I started tracking all the symptoms and read more about it for comparison. But turns out not. Will try again next :) Started taking evening primrose oil (500mg/day) until O, fish oil (500mg/day) and vitamin C (500mg/day), in addition to my B complex (half tablet/day). Lol hope I'm not taking way too much vitamins considering taking lower dose each day. :dust:

I've kept up with this thread for the last few months, but I never posted. I'm as obsessive as they come, so I won't pretend that this is my first time POAS this month (or today :-|). I just got the faintest BFP in the history of faint BFPs, so here is what I noticed this tww:

O - weird pre-o cycle for me this month. Broke out in horrible acne during my fertile week and had ovulation pain on both sides (but mainly left). DTD the morning of suspected ovulation and 3 days before.
1 dpo - cranky; tender nipples (typical)
2 dpo - yeast infection starting; craaaa-ha-haaanky; tender nipples (typical)
3 dpo - full-blown yeast infection; starting to get hungry (super typical); nipples still tender (less typical)
4 - 6 dpo - yeast infection; ravenous; can't stop eating; one tender nipple; cramps starting
7 dpo - yeast infection subsiding; tested BFN; cramps (typical one week out); tenderness subsiding; 99% sure I'm out; cold at night; my dogs are always needy, but the dog we're babysitting can't stay out of my lap
8 dpo - BFN (can't stop once I start); weird pinching sensation in left abdomen - feels hot; cold at night
9 or 10 dpo - (not sure which; charts are slightly off) morning BFN; cramps; 99.9% sure I'm out this month; depressed, I drank coffee, bought a new bottle of wine (didn't drink any), and watched Netflix with reckless abandon

ran some errands and came back in the mid-afternoon; had to go to the bathroom, so I figured, "eh. Why not?" Took an IC test. You know, the ones that have indent lines, but you try to burn through them. Except the indent line remained at every angle...Used the same sample and a different brand IC test, and saw the faintest of faint lines. Opened up those FRER and used one with the same sample. It took the full time, but another faint line! I made an appointment and ran up to the pharmacy for a blue dye and digital test. Held for two hours and came back with two more positives (confirmed digital). :happydance: BFP!

I have my first appointment tomorrow, and I will update from there! We have been trying for our first, so I am incredibly excited!
I ovulated last night, August 8th. This will be my second time recording symptoms for the DPO, so I'm going to type out my symptoms for this cycle, and then in italics have my previous symptoms from when I tracked them in February. :winkwink:

1 DPO - Sore nipples since just before ovulation, decreased appetite, a little heartburn, just don't feel well. But obviously all that is too early to be related to pregnancy. Restless leg syndrome symptoms that night. (Sore nipples since just before ovulation, increased appetite/cravings)

2 DPO - Same as day 1, with a little bit of irritability and moodiness. Really short of breath later in the night. (Same as day 1)

3 DPO - Nipples are still sore, which is typical for me. A little gassy. My appetite is back, as well as my energy, even though I worked overnight. (Same as day 1)

4 DPO - Sore nipples and big appetite! (Same as day 1)

5 DPO - Sore nipples, increased appetite, gassy. (Sore nipples, cravings, fatigue, insomnia, gassy, pressure in pelvic region, heartburn)

6 DPO - Breasts are overall sore, increased appetite, woke up at 2am to pee, also had heartburn, couldn't fall back to sleep so I ate some ice cream and went back to bed around 7. Woke up in a good mood with lots of energy and deep cleaned the whole house. :wacko: (Sore nipples, cravings, fatigue, insomnia, gassy, mildly constipated, pressure in pelvic region, headache, nausea late at night)

7 DPO - Breasts are still sore all over. Skin is breaking out really bad, though it has been pretty much since day 1. Been having aching/pressure on the side from which I ovulated. Not really there today. Also woke up at 7am, then pretty much went right back to bed for a few hours. (Sore nipples, decreased appetite, fatigue, insomnia, gassy, mildly constipated, pressure in pelvic region, irritable, runny nose/allergies)

8 DPO - Did not sleep well last night. Up every hour or two peeing. But I know it's still too early for that if I am pregnant. My breasts are still sore. But that's pretty much it. (Apart from my nipples being sore and in increase in vaginal discharge, all my other symptoms are pretty much gone or just less today. Good mood and more energy than I probably should have after working a night shift and then only sleeping 5 hours after.)

9 DPO - Breasts still sore, a little gassy. (Increased vaginal discharge [can just feel it coming out; gross, white])

10 DPO - Breasts still sore, mild cramping off and on. Cravings. Took a million naps. I can feel the pre-AF vaginal discharge coming out. (Nipples are sore again, very strange, vivid dreams last night, increased vaginal discharge [wiped one time and found a nasty yellow glob], increased appetite, mildly constipated, gassy, mild cramping... I THINK I'm a little bloated too. It's hard to tell when you're bigger, but my pants felt extra tight today.)

11 DPO - Breasts aren't AS sore today. Mild cramping off and on. More vaginal discharge. Temp dropped a tad.
(Mostly just mildly constipated and gassy. Vivid dreams. Lots of vaginal discharge.)

12 DPO - Very queasy in the morning. Thought I was going to be sick. Mild cramping. Maybe from being constipated? Vaginal discharge continues. (Vivid dreams. Lots of vaginal discharge.)

13 DPO (Morning) - Mild cramping off and on. Vaginal discharge, still clear. Still a bit constipated. Woke up from some strange, vivid dreams. (Mild cramping, tan colored vaginal discharge... Other than those two things, which usually come just before my period sometimes... I have no other symptoms. See you soon AF.)

13 DPO (Afternoon) - Same as this morning. No AF yet. BFN on FRER. (AF is here and she's the heaviest she's been since before I got on BC... FOUR years ago. Ugh.)

14 DPO - My breasts are a little bit sore again, like if I lay on them. Still lots of clear discharge. Gas, constipation, and a increased sex drive.

15 DPO (Morning) - My breasts are still a little sore. Early this morning had lots of tan colored discharge, but not quite as much when I wipe now. No cramps. And no AF... yet.

15 DPO (Afternoon) - AF is here..
Oh, I love this idea! Based on OPKs, temping, and what I think was ovulation pain, I Oed on August 1. (Edit: Possible I Oed on August 2 instead, in which case the dpos below are one day ahead. My temps are a little off due to restless sleep.)

I've been having issues with fatigue and trouble sleeping since before O, so I'm not going to count those as symptoms. My LP is usually 14 days.

5 DPO - Mild period-like cramping, kind of gassy—burping out of the blue
6 DPO - Vivid (and somewhat disturbing) dreams, kind of gassy again in the morning, nausea and more period-like cramping on and off throughout the day
7 DPO - On and off nausea (mostly with empty stomach), mild cramping, gassy.
8 DPO - Nausea, reduced appetite (felt full after a dinner half the size of my usual), gassy, mild cramping. BFN.
9 DPO - Nausea, reduced appetite, gassy, mild cramping. Slight soreness on breasts around armpits, mostly left side. BFN. Feeling out.
10 DPO - Nausea, feeling more tired/easily winded even than usual, reduced appetite, breasts feeling heavier than usual, gassy. BFN.
11 DPO - Nausea, tired, reduced appetite, breasts feeling heavier, gassy. Occasional mild cramping.
12 DPO - Nausea, tired, reduced appetite, gassy, mild cramping, breasts a little tender if pressed. BFN.
13 DPO - Nausea, reduced appetite, gassy, mild cramping, sharp pains in breasts and chest (mostly left side). Throat felt scratchy when I first woke up but normal now a couple hours later. Feeling weepy with little provocation.
14 DPO - Big temp drop, heavy brown spotting when I got up. AF in full flow by mid-day. Turning this red!
1-3 dpo ovulation spotting, cramps
3 dpo stomach bug
4-10 dpo cramps
10 dpo bfn
11dpo coming down with a cold and feeling nauseated.
14dpo bfn
AF came but can't figure out the colour change sorry!
Good afternoon ladies! This forum has helped me so much over my past months of TTC and obsessing over symptoms. I'm so excited to post! I got my BFP at 10 DPO and then confirmed with clear blue digital today at 11DPO. Here's a rundown of my DPO:
0-4 DPO: not much of anything a little mild cramping
5 DPO: Cramping picked up, woke up in the middle of the night with my uterus feeling full/heavy/crampy
6 DPO: more cramps and backaches started (never get backaches with AF so it was a big sign), sleeplessness
7 DPO: stabby pains in my right side and a few in my left, cramps off and on, backache all day, sleeplessness
8 DPO: cramps and backache and sleeplessness
9 DPO: cramps, backache, started to feel some soreness under my armpits and aching in my breasts, started to feel some aches in my knees/ankles/hips when trying to sleep, still having a hard time to sleep, gas
10 DPO: took at test at 4AM because I woke up super early and got a pretty good FRER it was faint but no squinting and good color could see it from a distance, my clinicguard IC was more of a shadow but could see it; more of the same symptoms of 9 DPO and stronger gas
11 DPO: positive on digital, stronger lines on FRER and IC! Breast pain/ache has picked up, off and on cramping, gas, and exhaustion (I've taken two naps today!)
Hello! I'm here again this month. I try not to symptom spot too much, as I had all sorts of symptoms the last month but end up getting AF.

BD only on O day -CD 18 (according to period tracker app).

1-8 dpo - nothing, 8 DPO few secs pain on left pelvic bone
9-11 dpo - sore boobs, 9 DPO slight cramp left ovary
12 dpo - sharp pain left ovary, the pain comes on and off, and it lasted about 2 mins then stop.
13 dpo - sore boobs
14-16 dpo - AF supposed to come on 14 DPO, but only had light brownish spotting until today 16 DPO.
16 DPO AF arrived.

Been feeling very tired and sleepy always. Still no signs of AF and don't feel like AF is coming. Usually I will get the period cramps 1-2 days before AF come. I'm not sure if i ovulated late and delaying AF. But my cycle has always been consistent 30-31 days. I'm wondering what the spotting means..

Edit: AF arrived DPO16. Late 2 days.
hi i will update :) testing 7dpo

3dpo slight cramps nothing else

4dpo constipated thrush and a bit of a cold

5dpo absolutely nothing

6dpo weird feeling like butterflies and sickness

7dpo nothing faint bfp on clear blue 6 days early

8dpo can smell everything cramps bfp


ended in mc at 4 and half weeks :(
I'll play! :) I don't know exactly what day I O'd but I only BD'd CD 9 and 10 this cycle (hubby is in the process of finishing his notice at his job in Austin to move to Dallas with me and came for a visit one weekend). My cycles are normally 29-31 days but I feel like I may have O'd early this month. My DPO's will be estimates.

1-3 DPO Nothing unusual

4 DPO Significant fatigue. Did not feel motivated to work out but did it anyway. Had a bit of cramping down low in pelvis and eye started twitching! WTH?

5 DPO Even MORE fatigue and very strange vivid dreams. Very little CM, some breast tenderness (odd for me), and cramping. Craving tacos (although not unusual for me lol). Loose stool (ew sorry)

6 DPO Crippling fatigue. Unable to focus at work and made a couple of silly mistakes. One my my employees noted that I seemed a bit spacey. Aversion to coffee--skipped it this morning. Had a small wave of nausea today. Loose stool :( more intermittent cramping and breast tenderness. More cracked out, vivid dreams.

7 DPO SOOO TIRED. Had coffee this morning but it made me feel sick and I had to eat breakfast very slowly to avoid vomiting. Eye has twitched EVERY DAY since 5 DPO and it's getting so annoying. More intermittent cramping and breast tenderness and weird dreams at night. Very little CM to speak of.

8 DPO Can't stand the smell of coffee after yesterday's incident. Very tired! More cramping and breast tenderness as well as bloating and gas now. Day goes by sooo slowly. I am ready to pass out in bed at 7pm but force myself to stay up.

9 DPO Woke up at 5am to pee and took a FRER test--BFN :( I know it's early but I'm feeling very down about it. I've noticed that symptoms seem the strongest early in the morning and late in the evening. Had a weird craving in the morning for pretzels and smoked Gouda cheese dip, so I went with it. Also had coffee this morning and it made me feel jittery but not as sick. Eye it still twitching--what in the actual heck?! Random arm muscle twitch in the evening while watching tv too. Feeling sorry for myself because of BFN so I had some wine to relax. I've been so jacked up about this cycle.

10 DPO (today) resisted the urge to test. Felt pretty normal this morning aside from some abdominal heaviness, gas, and slight breast tenderness. Had breakfast and coffee and started to feel SICK! Mom was cooking something fragrant downstairs that made it worse :( suddenly felt like I needed to lie down due to fatigue+nausea. I'm laying in bed as I write this. I'm feeling frustrated because symptoms are intermittent and stronger at different times of the day. I'm not really sure how to interpret them. I'm trying not to obsess because I don't want to start imagining symptoms that aren't really there. I'm not really trusting my mind-body connection at the moment. Will update in a few days! I plan to test on Friday (hubby is back for good!). Let's see if I can hold out that long. Lol
OV - (8-26)

1dpo - super emotional, "dry" in the morning but was somewhat "wet" by the end of the day. Extremely tired by the end of the day.

2dpo - constipated and somewhat "wet"

3dpo - woke up with AF-like mild cramping/bloated feeling - lasted all day long; still wet

4dpo - very wet down there and yellow CM; tired; somewhat crampy, but not as much as yesterday

5dpo - slightly crampy; still wet with lots of yellow CM; chin brokeout with acne

6dpo - small backache; chin has lots of acne; still have CM; emotional; some bigger cramps in the evening with some pink/red mixed CM (IB?)

7dpo - small cramping and lots of creamy CM; noticed an extra amount of saliva that night

8dpo - back to yellow CM; somewhat crampy/bloated; very tired since waking up; still extra saliva;

9dpo - really bloated; lots of yellow CM; one sharp pain in my lower abdomen in the evening

10dpo - small backache; lots of wet/creamy, yellow CM
BFP at 4:30PM with a Dollar Tree test!

Top: 4:30pm
Bottom: 10:30pm

I'll play along

Ovulation - light cramping around my left ovary still. Spotting for 12 hours. Started as bright red, then turned brown ish (ovulation bleed perhaps?)

1DPO - bloating and uterus feeling full. Had a very vivid dream (I rarely dream)

2DPO - as above with lotion like CM and nipples hyper sensitive. Also had a vivid dream that I was pregnant

3DPO - lotion like CM,sore nipples and falling asleep at the drop of a hat

4DPO - lotion like CM and cervix is very high. Dull ache in my lower back on the right side. Oh and I've just discovered that I am constipated!

5DPO - woke up at 4am to use the loo (I never wake in the night) still constipated. Nipples are still sore. Slept for 8 hours and still feel shattered. After washing my hair today, it came out in handfuls!!! Has anyone else had this??

6DPO - nipples are NOT easing at all. Hair coming out massively. Watery CM. cervix is high and soft

7DPO - nipples have eased a little, sharp pains in left breast. Waking up shattered. I've also strangely lost 5lbs in 9 days without really trying?! My ICs arrived today and couldn't resist. It was of course a BFN. I'm away all weekend for a wedding so will be testing on Monday when I will be 11DPO. I just had the oddest sharp stabbing pain in my uterus right above my pubic bone. It only lasted 3-4 seconds but it made me double over. Had to have a 3 hour nap

8DPO- could not sleep for toffee last night. 3am was when I last looked at the clock. Also dreamed that my SO was pregnant ha ha ha WTH?! Going to sneak a test in later. Nothing else to report at the moment

9DPO - nothing much to report today. Nipples are still a little tender, and I had a teeny tiny spot of brown blood when wiping this morning. My CM has gone clear. May do a test tomorrow, not sure yet

10DPO - tested BFN. Still very much constipated. Even with herbal laxitive tea that would normally move things along.

11DPO- cervix feels high. Had a nap on the sofa today. I woke up to AF like cramps. I have started spotting this evening with strings of brown old blood

12DPO - CD26 - AF arrived in full combat mode today. I usually have a 28 day cycle but this month it was only 25 days.

The body sure does play some nasty tricks on us

Good luck to everyone xx
Hi, this month I'm joining!
Ovulation confirmed with clearblue digital OPK on CD14.
Let's start!

1DPO: crampy, probably still from ovulation

2 and 3DPO: nothing

4DPO: lots of CM

5DPO: still wet down there

6 and 7DPO: so crampy and so wet down there that I thought the OPK was wrong and I was ovulating again, checked and no smiley face.

7DPO: extremely sore nipples, so much that even my shirt hurt. Also, extremely tired and emotional.

8DPO: a spot of light brown CM on my underwear. Thought "oh well, AF is coming." But then it stopped. Nipples still extremely sore.

9DPO: light brown CM only when wiping, no pad required. Nipples still sore.

10DPO: no spotting whatsoever, nipples are still extremely sore, but pain is now propagating to the side of the breasts, near the armpit.

11DPO (today): another light brown spot on my underwear, but no more spotting upon wiping. Feeling super emotional, like AF is about to come early. Hoping I'm wrong! Breasts still sore.
August 2017 / 5th Cycle TTC

CD 11/13/16: DTD

CD 18: CM watery so excitedly DTD as assumed O was past / closer to CD 14.

CD 24: Odd gas like cramps. Implantation pains?

CD 26: POAS. BFN. :( Convincing self it's too early to tell. Feel pregnant this time. Buy t-shirt for LO that says Big Brother (will put this on him and video DH coming home -- this will be how I do the reveal).

CD 27: POAS BFN Unusual (or on high alert and so just noticing?) cramps on right side. Last month, AF showed on CD 27.

CD 28: POAS BFN Pink Discharge on TP. This the usual signal that AF will show by the next pee.

CD 29: No AF!!!! Does this mean yesterday's pink discharge was IB? Cervix is high and soft! Could it be? POAS BFN But it was $ store. Run to Walmart and buy FRER. Super faint line. Does this mean preggers???? So excited. But also confused.

CD 30: Still no AF. Am never this late. So excited. POAS. BFN. WTH?!?! Run to Walmart. Buy CB Digital. POAS. "Not Pregnant." Trying not to get too disappointed. If I implanted CD 27, Hcg leves wouldn't be high enough for BFP. POAS. Another BFN.

CD 31: AF. :cry:
Hey everyone! I've been reading this for quite some time and would finally like to contribute. Hubby and I have been trying since we got married in September of 2016. Here is my most recent: AF not due until 16 DPO. Will try to update daily. Fingers crossed!! Our 1 year anniversary is 9/17...would be an amazing gift to tell him them!
1DPO - right side cramping pains, school glue CM (tues, aug 29th)
2DPO - school glue CM
3DPO - right pelvic pain, gassy
4DPO - right pelvic pain
5DPO - nothing noticeable
6DPO - school glue CM
7DPO - breasts mildly tender to the touch, maybe a little bloated?
8DPO - feeling bloated, breasts more tender to touch, still mild cramping, feeling like a cold may be coming on/a bit sick-ly. Feeling "wet" down there, but not much show. Anxious and took a test. BFN
9DPO - still mild cramping/bubbly feeling, left breast quite tender on outer side by armpit, annoyingly bloated. Tested cervix myself for first time...felt high and medium hardness. Saw more school girl/mildly chunky/creamy CM. Still feeling "wet" with little show. Took another dollar store test...BFN.
Hello, lovely ladies!
I am just going through my second round of IUI on letrozole/femara. I thought I would share my experience this month after the IUI. I am currently 12dpo, still BFN as of this morning testing.
I am trying not to lose hope although after 10 years of not getting pregnant natural way and first round of IUI last month also ending with very painful AF.

Here are my symptoms by dpo.

Dpo1-Dpo5 - seriously constipated. I think it's a result of letrozole and IUI procedure that shocked my body a bit. No other signs.

Dpo6 - still constipated. I had my progesterone level test done today as I was heading for a trip out of province that night, doctor was fine with it being done dpo6 instead dpo7 as it's usually done. That evening I was feeling like I was gonna get a cold. I felt really drained and weak.

Dpo7 - finally a BM happened, I couldn't believe something like that would make me feel as happy as a child. 😜 I thought I would explode like a popcorn! Spent most of the day on the road. My face broke out on my chin. No other symptoms.

Dpo8 - woke up tired. I don't know if it's from the 11hour trip the day before or something else, but I just couldn't get enough sleep. I was yawning and on and off sleeping all day. BM twice today, very unusual for me, unless I ate something bad. I got the progesterone results - on dpo6 it was 76!!! I guess if I tested on dpo7 it would be over 80 for sure! Happy that I ovulated. Found out it means I probably popped out more than one egg (thanks, letrozole) which raises the chances of getting pregnant.

Dpo9- mild occasional cramping started in the afternoon. BM unbearable all day. I had to poop every 30 mins or so. So exhausting! Bloated extremely. I eliminated the thought of having a food poisoning because it just did not feel like that. I had terrible cramps on both sides of my ovaries and where my uterus is for the most of the night, accompanied with lower back aches. Hoping for those to be implantation cramps... they felt like AF type cramps, really painful as they usually are when AF shows up. But no AF this time and it's completely unusual for me to get AF cramps a week before AF is due. no CM either. Felt really dry which I was not happy about. I also expected implantation bleeding which did not happen.

dpo10- still pooping like crazy... I hate it. Still bloated. No big cramps, only occasional cramping here and there with occasional back ache, no CM (!!!!), no implantation bleeding, BUT my BBS started to hurt really bad! Ther were so sore all over at first, than mostly towards the arm pit and around nipples (nipples did hurt a bit, too but not too much). I couldn't sleep normally or even touch them, that's how sore they were. Woke up few times during the night by mild cramps and backache.

dpo11- BBS still crazy sore. Cramps almost gone, maybe happens here and there. Bloated still. Finally stopped pooping like a duck. Today went only twice. I was drinking like a thirsty camel today. So unusual for me. I feel full in my lower abdomen. CM is still not showing up, it upsets me. I tried to examine my cervix, but I totally suck in that and cannot really tell anything from feeling it. How do you ladies manage to tell?!?! I finally give up on inspecting it. Mad at the CM not showing up at all. Or implantation bleeding - never happened... insomnia for the most of the night. Maybe because of the overthinking..

12dpo - finally couldn't take it anymore so I tested this morning, FMU, FRER. Three long minutes ended with a BFN. Soooo disappointed. My partner is already convinced we're out for this month. I am trying to find a straw to hold onto, but I am fearing all my symptoms were result of exhausting trip and high levels of progesterone. I still can feel soreness in my BBS but not like for the past two days. My BM is back to normal. I am still bloated. CM still a no show, very little of it just to keep me from being nail file dry...
AF is due this weekend - Sat or Sun.... i am hoping I had a late implantation, but those horrible cramps from 9dpo should have already resulted in a positive test (first response FRER is what I used). I dunno if I should still hope or just start preparing for another dreadful AF....
Hello, lovely ladies!
I am just going through my second round of IUI on letrozole/femara. I thought I would share my experience this month after the IUI. I am currently 12dpo, still BFN as of this morning testing.
I am trying not to lose hope although after 10 years of not getting pregnant natural way and first round of IUI last month also ending with very painful AF.

Here are my symptoms by dpo.

Dpo1-Dpo5 - seriously constipated. I think it's a result of letrozole and IUI procedure that shocked my body a bit. No other signs.

Dpo6 - still constipated. I had my progesterone level test done today as I was heading for a trip out of province that night, doctor was fine with it being done dpo6 instead dpo7 as it's usually done. That evening I was feeling like I was gonna get a cold. I felt really drained and weak.

Dpo7 - finally a BM happened, I couldn't believe something like that would make me feel as happy as a child. 😜 I thought I would explode like a popcorn! Spent most of the day on the road. My face broke out on my chin. No other symptoms.

Dpo8 - woke up tired. I don't know if it's from the 11hour trip the day before or something else, but I just couldn't get enough sleep. I was yawning and on and off sleeping all day. BM twice today, very unusual for me, unless I ate something bad. I got the progesterone results - on dpo6 it was 76!!! I guess if I tested on dpo7 it would be over 80 for sure! Happy that I ovulated. Found out it means I probably popped out more than one egg (thanks, letrozole) which raises the chances of getting pregnant.

Dpo9- mild occasional cramping started in the afternoon. BM unbearable all day. I had to poop every 30 mins or so. So exhausting! Bloated extremely. I eliminated the thought of having a food poisoning because it just did not feel like that. I had terrible cramps on both sides of my ovaries and where my uterus is for the most of the night, accompanied with lower back aches. Hoping for those to be implantation cramps... they felt like AF type cramps, really painful as they usually are when AF shows up. But no AF this time and it's completely unusual for me to get AF cramps a week before AF is due. no CM either. Felt really dry which I was not happy about. I also expected implantation bleeding which did not happen.

dpo10- still pooping like crazy... I hate it. Still bloated. No big cramps, only occasional cramping here and there with occasional back ache, no CM (!!!!), no implantation bleeding, BUT my BBS started to hurt really bad! Ther were so sore all over at first, than mostly towards the arm pit and around nipples (nipples did hurt a bit, too but not too much). I couldn't sleep normally or even touch them, that's how sore they were. Woke up few times during the night by mild cramps and backache.

dpo11- BBS still crazy sore. Cramps almost gone, maybe happens here and there. Bloated still. Finally stopped pooping like a duck. Today went only twice. I was drinking like a thirsty camel today. So unusual for me. I feel full in my lower abdomen. CM is still not showing up, it upsets me. I tried to examine my cervix, but I totally suck in that and cannot really tell anything from feeling it. How do you ladies manage to tell?!?! I finally give up on inspecting it. Mad at the CM not showing up at all. Or implantation bleeding - never happened... insomnia for the most of the night. Maybe because of the overthinking..

12dpo - finally couldn't take it anymore so I tested this morning, FMU, FRER. Three long minutes ended with a BFN. Soooo disappointed. My partner is already convinced we're out for this month. I am trying to find a straw to hold onto, but I am fearing all my symptoms were result of exhausting trip and high levels of progesterone. I still can feel soreness in my BBS but not like for the past two days. My BM is back to normal. I am still bloated. CM still a no show, very little of it just to keep me from being nail file dry...
AF is due this weekend - Sat or Sun.... i am hoping I had a late implantation, but those horrible cramps from 9dpo should have already resulted in a positive test (first response FRER is what I used). I dunno if I should still hope or just start preparing for another dreadful AF....

12dpo Addition - soreness in my BBS increased again in the late afternoon. around 6:30 felt a tiny wave of weird nausea, almost like that feeling when you eat too much and then the fullness makes you feel like you are going to throw up but you don't throw up in the end.. lasted for several minutes. Burped few times during those few mins...
Also, I have a habit sitting curled up, my chin resting on my knees - totally was not able to stay in that position today for more than 3 minutes because it would bother me in my pelvic area. I almost had a feeling like my uterus is a bit swollen.. for the entire day I had the on and off kinda gentle pulling type cramps in pelvic area, as well. In the evening I felt something like almost a metal taste in my mouth.
As of yesterday's BFN, I am trying not to excite myself with all the symptoms in case they are phantoms or something other then possible pregnancy (like eating a watermelon and then a paté right after). I am trying to document this 2ww just to compare with a next one, if it comes to that.
FX for you all!

Here it goes:

CD9 - Had an apt with my gyn (a TCM practitioner); she specifically asked me to see her on the 3rd clean day after AF. Said my egg is formed and should BD the same night. She then put some heating pack on my tummy to help the egg. BD that night but not the following.
CD11-14 BD
O was probably on CD13

1-2dpo: had a cold, slightly feverish, tender bbs, white cm

3-4dpo: pulling sensations in tummy, frequent #2, bbs seem fuller and rounder

5dpo: mild cramps, burning ovaries, headache, feeling warmer than usual, dry mouth, cramps more intense in late morning, just like pms only AF isnt due for 10 more days. Symptoms went on and off during the day.

6dpo: mild cramps, hunger, back pain - more intense in the evening

7dpo: mild cramps and back pain

8dpo: somewhat sharp ovary pain in the late afternoon

9dpo: nothing

10dpo: cramps cramps cramps, probably just AF on her way, she's due in 5d

11dpo: craaaamps, although not that strong, weird gurgle in lower belly
Hello ladies, this is my first time posting but husband and I have been TTC baby number 1 since April. Came off the pill in Feb and have had 23 day cycles like clockwork since April. This is our 7th cycle and this time round we have BD every other day since I finished AF on 1st September.

I'm not sure which date exactly I ovulated, my app said Wednesday 6th September but I had EWCM up until and including Thursday 7th so I'm going to count from the 7th. Ovulation could have been 6th 7th or 8th September I think.

1 DPO thick line of creamy white CM in underwear. Never noticed this before.

2 DPO Creamy thick CM

3 DPO Watery CM (not EWCM). In the evening had really strong AF type cramps and back ache for 2-3 hours. Later on in the evening had throbbing feelings down below which I normally get on the day of AF.

4 DPO No CM. Woke up to loads of spots on my face and neck; I never normally get this even before AF let alone mid cycle. Frequent urination today. Bloating. Very gassy.

5 DPO still gassy, still going to the toilet more often than normal. Very bloated to the point its uncomfortable today. Early afternoon had a strong taste of blood that lasted for about 5 mins. Thought I had imagined it as it didn't come back. Noticed boobs getting bigger, AF due in 9 days.

6 DPO not quite as gassy as before but still bloating after eating. Boobs still getting bigger. Had the blood taste again in the evening and definately didn't imagine it this time.

7 DPO Sticky, creamy CM

8 DPO Heightened sense of smell, no CM. Slight headache but not majorly noticeable. Vivid dream.

9 DPO EWCM in the morning (but was after BD so may not be accurate) no more later on in the day. Dizzy spell mid afternoon. Very bloated. Greasy hair. Emotional. Slight headache. Fell asleep at 8pm work up at 12am wide awake til 4am. Vivid dream.

10 DPO Woke up to a full blown cold, sore throat and runny nose. Slight headache. Bloating. Breathless (probably because of the bloating) nausea all day, actually sick in the evening. Nose bleed at 10pm. Woke up at 3.30am until 5.30am. Bit of blood out of nose again whilst awake in middle of the night and went toilet twice. Vivid dreams. Very dark and enlarged nipples today. Dull ache on one side lower abdomen. AF due 4 days. No cramps since 3 DPO.

11 DPO BFN with FMU but had been to the toilet less than two hours earlier when awake in the night (clutching at straws?) Cold gone. Creamy CM. Slight cramps. Strong throbbing sensation again. Nausea still and dizzy all morning. Emotional. Feel like AF coming. Boobs very heavy and large but not sore at all, just heavy.

AF due Thursday 21st but too impatient so will probably test every day until then anyway. Also worth noting that when I say no CM, I wasnt completely dry (was thick when I checked) but just not enough to be visible in underwear. Will update tomorrow!

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