Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Not sure the exact day I O'd, but according to Ovia Fertility my highest fertile day was Sept 4/CD 21.
I had EWCM starting Sept 3.

1 DPO- right side pelvic pain, EWCM.

2 DPO- watery CM, had sex on this day.

3 DPO- had a little EWCM. No other symptoms

4 DPO- watery CM. low back aches and bloating.

5 DPO- creamy CM, bloated, little cramps.

6 DPO- Creamy cm, tired.

7 DPO- watery CM. Had a busy day so didn't really notice symptoms

8 DPO- watery CM, appetite increase, low back pain,cramps, nipples a little sore. Had sex.

9 DPO- watery/creamy CM, super exhausted. I never take naps and I started taking naps, heartburn, gas and cramps. Nipples a little sore. VIVID DREAMS START.

10 DPO- same CM has before. Diarrhea, Gas, back aches, cramps, super fatigue. More vivid dreams at night.

11 DPO- creamy CM, same symptoms as day before but nausea starts. No diarrhea.

12 DPO- creamy CM, left on panties as well. Gas, fatigue, back pain, cramps, more nausea.

13 DPO- same symptoms as day before but started to get dizzy.

14 DPO (AF DUE TODAY) - no AF as of yet,usually comes in the morning. Watery/creamy CM. a bit of nausea. Edit: took test in afternoon, BFN. still no sign of AF

15 DPO (AF 1 DAY LATE)- globs of yellowish CM, looks like mucus/egg whites, some low abdominal cramping early morning, nausea, diarrhea. Took CB digi test, test was a dud. Will update more as day goes on. EDIT: started to get egg whitish CM with pink spotting, dull lower back aches.

The witch came today at 15dpo.

CD 9, 14, 15 -- BD / POAS OPK:N

CD 16 -- POAS OPK:P / BD

CD 17 -- POAS OPK:N / Assumed Ovulation Day / HR = 68 BPM

CD 18 -- 1 DPO BD (for good luck)

CD 19 -- 2 DPO

CD 20 -- 3 DPO -- very vivid dream, slight stuffy nose like getting a cold

CD 21 -- 4 DPO -- vaguely remember a dream / slight stuffy nose

CD 22 -- 5 DPO -- POAS: BFN / slight stuffy nose seemed to go away / Heightened Sense of Smell?

CD 23 -- 6 DPO -- dreamed I was pregnant / sniffly, scratchy throat / HR = BPM 72

CD 24 -- 7 DPO -- no cold symptoms whatsover (maybe from sanding w/o a mask?)

CD 25 -- 8 DPO -- POAS: BFN / Acne flare ups (the last several days now, not sure when I first noticed)

CD 26 -- 9 DPO -- POAS: BFN / Hot Flushes (in face) / scratchy throat

CD 27 -- 10 DPO -- Test Day / Heightened Sense of Smel

CD 28 -- 11 DPO -- AF DUE / No AF

CD 29 -- 12 DPO -- Very odd sharp cramp when I sat on arm of couch / Hot Flushes (in face) / AF

CD 30 -- 13 DPO -- NO AF!?!?!?!? / POAS: BFP

CD 9, 14, 15 -- BD / POAS OPK:N

CD 16 -- POAS OPK:P / BD

CD 17 -- POAS OPK:N / Assumed Ovulation Day / HR = 68 BPM

CD 18 -- 1 DPO BD (for good luck)

CD 19 -- 2 DPO

CD 20 -- 3 DPO -- very vivid dream, slight stuffy nose like getting a cold

CD 21 -- 4 DPO -- vaguely remember a dream / slight stuffy nose

CD 22 -- 5 DPO -- POAS: BFN / slight stuffy nose seemed to go away / Heightened Sense of Smell?

CD 23 -- 6 DPO -- dreamed I was pregnant / sniffly, scratchy throat / HR = BPM 72

CD 24 -- 7 DPO -- no cold symptoms whatsover (maybe from sanding w/o a mask?)

CD 25 -- 8 DPO -- POAS: BFN / Acne flare ups (the last several days now, not sure when I first noticed)

CD 26 -- 9 DPO -- POAS: BFN / Hot Flushes (in face) / scratchy throat

CD 27 -- 10 DPO -- Test Day / Heightened Sense of Smel

CD 28 -- 11 DPO -- AF DUE / No AF

CD 29 -- 12 DPO -- Very odd sharp cramp when I sat on arm of couch / Hot Flushes (in face) / AF

CD 30 -- 13 DPO -- NO AF!?!?!?!? / POAS: BFP

Yay congratulations xx
Hello ladies, this is my first time posting but husband and I have been TTC baby number 1 since April. Came off the pill in Feb and have had 23 day cycles like clockwork since April. This is our 7th cycle and this time round we have BD every other day since I finished AF on 1st September.

I'm not sure which date exactly I ovulated, my app said Wednesday 6th September but I had EWCM up until and including Thursday 7th so I'm going to count from the 7th. Ovulation could have been 6th 7th or 8th September I think.

1 DPO thick line of creamy white CM in underwear. Never noticed this before.

2 DPO Creamy thick CM

3 DPO Watery CM (not EWCM). In the evening had really strong AF type cramps and back ache for 2-3 hours. Later on in the evening had throbbing feelings down below which I normally get on the day of AF.

4 DPO No CM. Woke up to loads of spots on my face and neck; I never normally get this even before AF let alone mid cycle. Frequent urination today. Bloating. Very gassy.

5 DPO still gassy, still going to the toilet more often than normal. Very bloated to the point its uncomfortable today. Early afternoon had a strong taste of blood that lasted for about 5 mins. Thought I had imagined it as it didn't come back. Noticed boobs getting bigger, AF due in 9 days.

6 DPO not quite as gassy as before but still bloating after eating. Boobs still getting bigger. Had the blood taste again in the evening and definately didn't imagine it this time.

7 DPO Sticky, creamy CM

8 DPO Heightened sense of smell, no CM. Slight headache but not majorly noticeable. Vivid dream.

9 DPO EWCM in the morning (but was after BD so may not be accurate) no more later on in the day. Dizzy spell mid afternoon. Very bloated. Greasy hair. Emotional. Slight headache. Fell asleep at 8pm work up at 12am wide awake til 4am. Vivid dream.

10 DPO Woke up to a full blown cold, sore throat and runny nose. Slight headache. Bloating. Breathless (probably because of the bloating) nausea all day, actually sick in the evening. Nose bleed at 10pm. Woke up at 3.30am until 5.30am. Bit of blood out of nose again whilst awake in middle of the night and went toilet twice. Vivid dreams. Very dark and enlarged nipples today. Dull ache on one side lower abdomen. AF due 4 days. No cramps since 3 DPO.

11 DPO BFN with FMU but had been to the toilet less than two hours earlier when awake in the night (clutching at straws?) Cold gone. Creamy CM. Slight cramps. Strong throbbing sensation again. Nausea still and dizzy all morning. Emotional. Feel like AF coming. Boobs very heavy and large but not sore at all, just heavy.

AF due Thursday 21st but too impatient so will probably test every day until then anyway. Also worth noting that when I say no CM, I wasnt completely dry (was thick when I checked) but just not enough to be visible in underwear. Will update tomorrow!


Was really emotional yesterday evening (11 DPO)

Today, 12 DPO

Woke up to no symptoms, felt absolutely fine, tested BFN. By early morning I had mild AF type cramps and felt like it was definately on the way. Really thick CM today, not loads and not like dry/crumbly, just thick? Mid morning coffee that I had went in the bin as it tasted really bitter today and I couldnt stomach it. By late afternoon I was so bloated I looked about 4 months gone already, been breathless all day and boobs feel huge. They aren't hurting at all though, they just feel really full and firm? They normally feel lumpy before AF but they just feel like they've been pumped with air at the minute. In the last hour I've had a wave of nausea to the point I've tried to make myself sick, but nothing really coming up. Cramps have completely gone, just so bloated and nauseous at the minute. Was utterly convinced that I was out this morning and that AF was sure to turn up on Thursday, now I'm not sure. Am I imagining all this as keep getting BFN?
Very new here! Only on second go of ttc so still relatively hopeful (even though I have taunted myself with coil removal horror stories!) this is a great idea, I have started reading from the first page so think I will have a good distraction for a few tww!

Anyway, here we go! I estimate that I ovulated on 14th Sept...
1 DPO - nothing
2-4 DPO - tender BBs and acne (but this is normal for me) also fairly bloated but not sure if this is new.
5 DPO - some Cramping, bloated, a bit breathless, a sore throat (but probably more to do with the fact I looked after a snotty child yesterday) also a bit nauseas after eating chocolate (may just be related to the sore throat) I've also not been sleeping great but possibly due to my mind being in overdrive! Quite thick creamy CM.

Will be back to update after I have stalked everyone else's posts!
Good luck!
FX for you all!

Here it goes:

CD9 - Had an apt with my gyn (a TCM practitioner); she specifically asked me to see her on the 3rd clean day after AF. Said my egg is formed and should BD the same night. She then put some heating pack on my tummy to help the egg. BD that night but not the following.
CD11-14 BD
O was probably on CD13

1-2dpo: had a cold, slightly feverish, tender bbs, white cm

3-4dpo: pulling sensations in tummy, frequent #2, bbs seem fuller and rounder

5dpo: mild cramps, burning ovaries, headache, feeling warmer than usual, dry mouth, cramps more intense in late morning, just like pms only AF isnt due for 10 more days. Symptoms went on and off during the day.

6dpo: mild cramps, hunger, back pain - more intense in the evening

7dpo: mild cramps and back pain

8dpo: somewhat sharp ovary pain in the late afternoon

9dpo: nothing

10dpo: cramps cramps cramps, probably just AF on her way, she's due in 5d

11dpo: craaaamps, although not that strong, weird gurgle in lower belly

11dpo: I tested, got a veeery faint line. Cramps are still a thing, BBs are full. Headache. Might be from worrying.

12dpo: BFP! Went to confirm with my gyn, results are coming in two days, will change colours accordingly when it's confirmed.

Fx everyone!

Just wanted to add that I had vivid dreams, that I clearly remembered the day after, throughout the whole TWW.
Hello ladies, this is my first time posting but husband and I have been TTC baby number 1 since April. Came off the pill in Feb and have had 23 day cycles like clockwork since April. This is our 7th cycle and this time round we have BD every other day since I finished AF on 1st September.

I'm not sure which date exactly I ovulated, my app said Wednesday 6th September but I had EWCM up until and including Thursday 7th so I'm going to count from the 7th. Ovulation could have been 6th 7th or 8th September I think.

1 DPO thick line of creamy white CM in underwear. Never noticed this before.

2 DPO Creamy thick CM

3 DPO Watery CM (not EWCM). In the evening had really strong AF type cramps and back ache for 2-3 hours. Later on in the evening had throbbing feelings down below which I normally get on the day of AF.

4 DPO No CM. Woke up to loads of spots on my face and neck; I never normally get this even before AF let alone mid cycle. Frequent urination today. Bloating. Very gassy.

5 DPO still gassy, still going to the toilet more often than normal. Very bloated to the point its uncomfortable today. Early afternoon had a strong taste of blood that lasted for about 5 mins. Thought I had imagined it as it didn't come back. Noticed boobs getting bigger, AF due in 9 days.

6 DPO not quite as gassy as before but still bloating after eating. Boobs still getting bigger. Had the blood taste again in the evening and definately didn't imagine it this time.

7 DPO Sticky, creamy CM

8 DPO Heightened sense of smell, no CM. Slight headache but not majorly noticeable. Vivid dream.

9 DPO EWCM in the morning (but was after BD so may not be accurate) no more later on in the day. Dizzy spell mid afternoon. Very bloated. Greasy hair. Emotional. Slight headache. Fell asleep at 8pm work up at 12am wide awake til 4am. Vivid dream.

10 DPO Woke up to a full blown cold, sore throat and runny nose. Slight headache. Bloating. Breathless (probably because of the bloating) nausea all day, actually sick in the evening. Nose bleed at 10pm. Woke up at 3.30am until 5.30am. Bit of blood out of nose again whilst awake in middle of the night and went toilet twice. Vivid dreams. Very dark and enlarged nipples today. Dull ache on one side lower abdomen. AF due 4 days. No cramps since 3 DPO.

11 DPO BFN with FMU but had been to the toilet less than two hours earlier when awake in the night (clutching at straws?) Cold gone. Creamy CM. Slight cramps. Strong throbbing sensation again. Nausea still and dizzy all morning. Emotional. Feel like AF coming. Boobs very heavy and large but not sore at all, just heavy.

AF due Thursday 21st but too impatient so will probably test every day until then anyway. Also worth noting that when I say no CM, I wasnt completely dry (was thick when I checked) but just not enough to be visible in underwear. Will update tomorrow!


Was really emotional yesterday evening (11 DPO)

Today, 12 DPO

Woke up to no symptoms, felt absolutely fine, tested BFN. By early morning I had mild AF type cramps and felt like it was definately on the way. Really thick CM today, not loads and not like dry/crumbly, just thick? Mid morning coffee that I had went in the bin as it tasted really bitter today and I couldnt stomach it. By late afternoon I was so bloated I looked about 4 months gone already, been breathless all day and boobs feel huge. They aren't hurting at all though, they just feel really full and firm? They normally feel lumpy before AF but they just feel like they've been pumped with air at the minute. In the last hour I've had a wave of nausea to the point I've tried to make myself sick, but nothing really coming up. Cramps have completely gone, just so bloated and nauseous at the minute. Was utterly convinced that I was out this morning and that AF was sure to turn up on Thursday, now I'm not sure. Am I imagining all this as keep getting BFN?

Today, 13 DPO

Same as yesterday, woke up feeling fine. Had some minor cramps but nothing too startling. Then, after lunch major feeling of sickness and really bloated. BFN this morning and CM slightly wetter than it has been, but not EWCM like I normally get before AF. Quite gassy today and realised I've been a bit constipated since Monday. Breathlessness again with the bloating. Boobs bloody huge and now starting to ache, but not painful at all. Had a few stabbing pains in my boobs over the last couple of days but nothing painful and it has been very sporadic.

Feel like I'm defo out this month, will test again in the morning if AF hasn't arrived when I wake up. Will update tomorrow!
I'm new here

Have not had any symptoms whatsoever since ovulation other than today on 9DPO. I've been having the strangest sensation in my belly, almost feels like bloating but I'm not physically bloated. Been finding it extremely hard to stay positive the last 2 days, keep thinking that this is not my month
2dpo:discharge creamy/liquidy eggwhite sore bbs
3dpo:same as day 2 vivid dreams
4dpo: IB vivid dreams about beaches and water
5dpo: severe headache IB
6dpo: IB cramping
7dpo: IB cramping discharge liquidy nauseous in the am

Been temping temp is high everyday by 1 degree vs before ovulation

We are TTC for the first time and the ovulation kits didn't show a definite positive so we kind of guestimated when the ovulation actually happened! Hoping for the best!
Hello ladies, this is my first time posting but husband and I have been TTC baby number 1 since April. Came off the pill in Feb and have had 23 day cycles like clockwork since April. This is our 7th cycle and this time round we have BD every other day since I finished AF on 1st September.

I'm not sure which date exactly I ovulated, my app said Wednesday 6th September but I had EWCM up until and including Thursday 7th so I'm going to count from the 7th. Ovulation could have been 6th 7th or 8th September I think.

1 DPO thick line of creamy white CM in underwear. Never noticed this before.

2 DPO Creamy thick CM

3 DPO Watery CM (not EWCM). In the evening had really strong AF type cramps and back ache for 2-3 hours. Later on in the evening had throbbing feelings down below which I normally get on the day of AF.

4 DPO No CM. Woke up to loads of spots on my face and neck; I never normally get this even before AF let alone mid cycle. Frequent urination today. Bloating. Very gassy.

5 DPO still gassy, still going to the toilet more often than normal. Very bloated to the point its uncomfortable today. Early afternoon had a strong taste of blood that lasted for about 5 mins. Thought I had imagined it as it didn't come back. Noticed boobs getting bigger, AF due in 9 days.

6 DPO not quite as gassy as before but still bloating after eating. Boobs still getting bigger. Had the blood taste again in the evening and definately didn't imagine it this time.

7 DPO Sticky, creamy CM

8 DPO Heightened sense of smell, no CM. Slight headache but not majorly noticeable. Vivid dream.

9 DPO EWCM in the morning (but was after BD so may not be accurate) no more later on in the day. Dizzy spell mid afternoon. Very bloated. Greasy hair. Emotional. Slight headache. Fell asleep at 8pm work up at 12am wide awake til 4am. Vivid dream.

10 DPO Woke up to a full blown cold, sore throat and runny nose. Slight headache. Bloating. Breathless (probably because of the bloating) nausea all day, actually sick in the evening. Nose bleed at 10pm. Woke up at 3.30am until 5.30am. Bit of blood out of nose again whilst awake in middle of the night and went toilet twice. Vivid dreams. Very dark and enlarged nipples today. Dull ache on one side lower abdomen. AF due 4 days. No cramps since 3 DPO.

11 DPO BFN with FMU but had been to the toilet less than two hours earlier when awake in the night (clutching at straws?) Cold gone. Creamy CM. Slight cramps. Strong throbbing sensation again. Nausea still and dizzy all morning. Emotional. Feel like AF coming. Boobs very heavy and large but not sore at all, just heavy.

AF due Thursday 21st but too impatient so will probably test every day until then anyway. Also worth noting that when I say no CM, I wasnt completely dry (was thick when I checked) but just not enough to be visible in underwear. Will update tomorrow!


Was really emotional yesterday evening (11 DPO)

Today, 12 DPO

Woke up to no symptoms, felt absolutely fine, tested BFN. By early morning I had mild AF type cramps and felt like it was definately on the way. Really thick CM today, not loads and not like dry/crumbly, just thick? Mid morning coffee that I had went in the bin as it tasted really bitter today and I couldnt stomach it. By late afternoon I was so bloated I looked about 4 months gone already, been breathless all day and boobs feel huge. They aren't hurting at all though, they just feel really full and firm? They normally feel lumpy before AF but they just feel like they've been pumped with air at the minute. In the last hour I've had a wave of nausea to the point I've tried to make myself sick, but nothing really coming up. Cramps have completely gone, just so bloated and nauseous at the minute. Was utterly convinced that I was out this morning and that AF was sure to turn up on Thursday, now I'm not sure. Am I imagining all this as keep getting BFN?

Today, 13 DPO

Same as yesterday, woke up feeling fine. Had some minor cramps but nothing too startling. Then, after lunch major feeling of sickness and really bloated. BFN this morning and CM slightly wetter than it has been, but not EWCM like I normally get before AF. Quite gassy today and realised I've been a bit constipated since Monday. Breathlessness again with the bloating. Boobs bloody huge and now starting to ache, but not painful at all. Had a few stabbing pains in my boobs over the last couple of days but nothing painful and it has been very sporadic.

Feel like I'm defo out this month, will test again in the morning if AF hasn't arrived when I wake up. Will update tomorrow!

14 DPO So today I'm in a bit of limbo. Had no nausea today, sore nipples and boobs still huge. Woke up to clear skin (normally get a couple of spots the day before or day of AF) and had mild cramps on and off all day. No AF as of yet.

Something weird happened last night though, I checked my CP (high!) And I noticed some pink CM on my finger after (sorry, TMI!) I CM was thick. I checked again and there wasn't any more pink CM and nothing showed on underwear. Very odd. Just check CP again and still high but no pink CM although CM was lotion like. Tested and BFN!!!

If AF isnt here by tomorrow then my plan is, test with another cheapie with FMU tomorrow, if it's BFN wait until AF shows. If it's not here by Saturday morning I will test with something more expensive.. just a waiting game now!
Hello ladies, this is my first time posting but husband and I have been TTC baby number 1 since April. Came off the pill in Feb and have had 23 day cycles like clockwork since April. This is our 7th cycle and this time round we have BD every other day since I finished AF on 1st September.

I'm not sure which date exactly I ovulated, my app said Wednesday 6th September but I had EWCM up until and including Thursday 7th so I'm going to count from the 7th. Ovulation could have been 6th 7th or 8th September I think.

1 DPO thick line of creamy white CM in underwear. Never noticed this before.

2 DPO Creamy thick CM

3 DPO Watery CM (not EWCM). In the evening had really strong AF type cramps and back ache for 2-3 hours. Later on in the evening had throbbing feelings down below which I normally get on the day of AF.

4 DPO No CM. Woke up to loads of spots on my face and neck; I never normally get this even before AF let alone mid cycle. Frequent urination today. Bloating. Very gassy.

5 DPO still gassy, still going to the toilet more often than normal. Very bloated to the point its uncomfortable today. Early afternoon had a strong taste of blood that lasted for about 5 mins. Thought I had imagined it as it didn't come back. Noticed boobs getting bigger, AF due in 9 days.

6 DPO not quite as gassy as before but still bloating after eating. Boobs still getting bigger. Had the blood taste again in the evening and definately didn't imagine it this time.

7 DPO Sticky, creamy CM

8 DPO Heightened sense of smell, no CM. Slight headache but not majorly noticeable. Vivid dream.

9 DPO EWCM in the morning (but was after BD so may not be accurate) no more later on in the day. Dizzy spell mid afternoon. Very bloated. Greasy hair. Emotional. Slight headache. Fell asleep at 8pm work up at 12am wide awake til 4am. Vivid dream.

10 DPO Woke up to a full blown cold, sore throat and runny nose. Slight headache. Bloating. Breathless (probably because of the bloating) nausea all day, actually sick in the evening. Nose bleed at 10pm. Woke up at 3.30am until 5.30am. Bit of blood out of nose again whilst awake in middle of the night and went toilet twice. Vivid dreams. Very dark and enlarged nipples today. Dull ache on one side lower abdomen. AF due 4 days. No cramps since 3 DPO.

11 DPO BFN with FMU but had been to the toilet less than two hours earlier when awake in the night (clutching at straws?) Cold gone. Creamy CM. Slight cramps. Strong throbbing sensation again. Nausea still and dizzy all morning. Emotional. Feel like AF coming. Boobs very heavy and large but not sore at all, just heavy.

AF due Thursday 21st but too impatient so will probably test every day until then anyway. Also worth noting that when I say no CM, I wasnt completely dry (was thick when I checked) but just not enough to be visible in underwear. Will update tomorrow!


Was really emotional yesterday evening (11 DPO)

Today, 12 DPO

Woke up to no symptoms, felt absolutely fine, tested BFN. By early morning I had mild AF type cramps and felt like it was definately on the way. Really thick CM today, not loads and not like dry/crumbly, just thick? Mid morning coffee that I had went in the bin as it tasted really bitter today and I couldnt stomach it. By late afternoon I was so bloated I looked about 4 months gone already, been breathless all day and boobs feel huge. They aren't hurting at all though, they just feel really full and firm? They normally feel lumpy before AF but they just feel like they've been pumped with air at the minute. In the last hour I've had a wave of nausea to the point I've tried to make myself sick, but nothing really coming up. Cramps have completely gone, just so bloated and nauseous at the minute. Was utterly convinced that I was out this morning and that AF was sure to turn up on Thursday, now I'm not sure. Am I imagining all this as keep getting BFN?

Today, 13 DPO

Same as yesterday, woke up feeling fine. Had some minor cramps but nothing too startling. Then, after lunch major feeling of sickness and really bloated. BFN this morning and CM slightly wetter than it has been, but not EWCM like I normally get before AF. Quite gassy today and realised I've been a bit constipated since Monday. Breathlessness again with the bloating. Boobs bloody huge and now starting to ache, but not painful at all. Had a few stabbing pains in my boobs over the last couple of days but nothing painful and it has been very sporadic.

Feel like I'm defo out this month, will test again in the morning if AF hasn't arrived when I wake up. Will update tomorrow!

14 DPO So today I'm in a bit of limbo. Had no nausea today, sore nipples and boobs still huge. Woke up to clear skin (normally get a couple of spots the day before or day of AF) and had mild cramps on and off all day. No AF as of yet.

Something weird happened last night though, I checked my CP (high!) And I noticed some pink CM on my finger after (sorry, TMI!) I CM was thick. I checked again and there wasn't any more pink CM and nothing showed on underwear. Very odd. Just check CP again and still high but no pink CM although CM was lotion like. Tested and BFN!!!

If AF isnt here by tomorrow then my plan is, test with another cheapie with FMU tomorrow, if it's BFN wait until AF shows. If it's not here by Saturday morning I will test with something more expensive.. just a waiting game now!

Today 15 DPO
Arghhh feel like im gping
Hello ladies, this is my first time posting but husband and I have been TTC baby number 1 since April. Came off the pill in Feb and have had 23 day cycles like clockwork since April. This is our 7th cycle and this time round we have BD every other day since I finished AF on 1st September.

I'm not sure which date exactly I ovulated, my app said Wednesday 6th September but I had EWCM up until and including Thursday 7th so I'm going to count from the 7th. Ovulation could have been 6th 7th or 8th September I think.

1 DPO thick line of creamy white CM in underwear. Never noticed this before.

2 DPO Creamy thick CM

3 DPO Watery CM (not EWCM). In the evening had really strong AF type cramps and back ache for 2-3 hours. Later on in the evening had throbbing feelings down below which I normally get on the day of AF.

4 DPO No CM. Woke up to loads of spots on my face and neck; I never normally get this even before AF let alone mid cycle. Frequent urination today. Bloating. Very gassy.

5 DPO still gassy, still going to the toilet more often than normal. Very bloated to the point its uncomfortable today. Early afternoon had a strong taste of blood that lasted for about 5 mins. Thought I had imagined it as it didn't come back. Noticed boobs getting bigger, AF due in 9 days.

6 DPO not quite as gassy as before but still bloating after eating. Boobs still getting bigger. Had the blood taste again in the evening and definately didn't imagine it this time.

7 DPO Sticky, creamy CM

8 DPO Heightened sense of smell, no CM. Slight headache but not majorly noticeable. Vivid dream.

9 DPO EWCM in the morning (but was after BD so may not be accurate) no more later on in the day. Dizzy spell mid afternoon. Very bloated. Greasy hair. Emotional. Slight headache. Fell asleep at 8pm work up at 12am wide awake til 4am. Vivid dream.

10 DPO Woke up to a full blown cold, sore throat and runny nose. Slight headache. Bloating. Breathless (probably because of the bloating) nausea all day, actually sick in the evening. Nose bleed at 10pm. Woke up at 3.30am until 5.30am. Bit of blood out of nose again whilst awake in middle of the night and went toilet twice. Vivid dreams. Very dark and enlarged nipples today. Dull ache on one side lower abdomen. AF due 4 days. No cramps since 3 DPO.

11 DPO BFN with FMU but had been to the toilet less than two hours earlier when awake in the night (clutching at straws?) Cold gone. Creamy CM. Slight cramps. Strong throbbing sensation again. Nausea still and dizzy all morning. Emotional. Feel like AF coming. Boobs very heavy and large but not sore at all, just heavy.

AF due Thursday 21st but too impatient so will probably test every day until then anyway. Also worth noting that when I say no CM, I wasnt completely dry (was thick when I checked) but just not enough to be visible in underwear. Will update tomorrow!


Was really emotional yesterday evening (11 DPO)

Today, 12 DPO

Woke up to no symptoms, felt absolutely fine, tested BFN. By early morning I had mild AF type cramps and felt like it was definately on the way. Really thick CM today, not loads and not like dry/crumbly, just thick? Mid morning coffee that I had went in the bin as it tasted really bitter today and I couldnt stomach it. By late afternoon I was so bloated I looked about 4 months gone already, been breathless all day and boobs feel huge. They aren't hurting at all though, they just feel really full and firm? They normally feel lumpy before AF but they just feel like they've been pumped with air at the minute. In the last hour I've had a wave of nausea to the point I've tried to make myself sick, but nothing really coming up. Cramps have completely gone, just so bloated and nauseous at the minute. Was utterly convinced that I was out this morning and that AF was sure to turn up on Thursday, now I'm not sure. Am I imagining all this as keep getting BFN?

Today, 13 DPO

Same as yesterday, woke up feeling fine. Had some minor cramps but nothing too startling. Then, after lunch major feeling of sickness and really bloated. BFN this morning and CM slightly wetter than it has been, but not EWCM like I normally get before AF. Quite gassy today and realised I've been a bit constipated since Monday. Breathlessness again with the bloating. Boobs bloody huge and now starting to ache, but not painful at all. Had a few stabbing pains in my boobs over the last couple of days but nothing painful and it has been very sporadic.

Feel like I'm defo out this month, will test again in the morning if AF hasn't arrived when I wake up. Will update tomorrow!

14 DPO So today I'm in a bit of limbo. Had no nausea today, sore nipples and boobs still huge. Woke up to clear skin (normally get a couple of spots the day before or day of AF) and had mild cramps on and off all day. No AF as of yet.

Something weird happened last night though, I checked my CP (high!) And I noticed some pink CM on my finger after (sorry, TMI!) I CM was thick. I checked again and there wasn't any more pink CM and nothing showed on underwear. Very odd. Just check CP again and still high but no pink CM although CM was lotion like. Tested and BFN!!!

If AF isnt here by tomorrow then my plan is, test with another cheapie with FMU tomorrow, if it's BFN wait until AF shows. If it's not here by Saturday morning I will test with something more expensive.. just a waiting game now!

Today 15 DPO
Arghhh feel like im gping

Whoops posted to early! Anyway...

Feel like I'm going mad here! No sign whatsoever of AF... Boobs are hugeee! Still having mild cramps on and off all day. Tested FMU and put in my drawer whilst I got ready, when I looked it had the faintest line but defo a little pink line... now I have convinced myself it was an evap and just not sure what to think at all! Tomorrow morning can't come sooner... 13 hours and counting until testing!
Hello ladies, this is my first time posting but husband and I have been TTC baby number 1 since April. Came off the pill in Feb and have had 23 day cycles like clockwork since April. This is our 7th cycle and this time round we have BD every other day since I finished AF on 1st September.

I'm not sure which date exactly I ovulated, my app said Wednesday 6th September but I had EWCM up until and including Thursday 7th so I'm going to count from the 7th. Ovulation could have been 6th 7th or 8th September I think.

1 DPO thick line of creamy white CM in underwear. Never noticed this before.

2 DPO Creamy thick CM

3 DPO Watery CM (not EWCM). In the evening had really strong AF type cramps and back ache for 2-3 hours. Later on in the evening had throbbing feelings down below which I normally get on the day of AF.

4 DPO No CM. Woke up to loads of spots on my face and neck; I never normally get this even before AF let alone mid cycle. Frequent urination today. Bloating. Very gassy.

5 DPO still gassy, still going to the toilet more often than normal. Very bloated to the point its uncomfortable today. Early afternoon had a strong taste of blood that lasted for about 5 mins. Thought I had imagined it as it didn't come back. Noticed boobs getting bigger, AF due in 9 days.

6 DPO not quite as gassy as before but still bloating after eating. Boobs still getting bigger. Had the blood taste again in the evening and definately didn't imagine it this time.

7 DPO Sticky, creamy CM

8 DPO Heightened sense of smell, no CM. Slight headache but not majorly noticeable. Vivid dream.

9 DPO EWCM in the morning (but was after BD so may not be accurate) no more later on in the day. Dizzy spell mid afternoon. Very bloated. Greasy hair. Emotional. Slight headache. Fell asleep at 8pm work up at 12am wide awake til 4am. Vivid dream.

10 DPO Woke up to a full blown cold, sore throat and runny nose. Slight headache. Bloating. Breathless (probably because of the bloating) nausea all day, actually sick in the evening. Nose bleed at 10pm. Woke up at 3.30am until 5.30am. Bit of blood out of nose again whilst awake in middle of the night and went toilet twice. Vivid dreams. Very dark and enlarged nipples today. Dull ache on one side lower abdomen. AF due 4 days. No cramps since 3 DPO.

11 DPO BFN with FMU but had been to the toilet less than two hours earlier when awake in the night (clutching at straws?) Cold gone. Creamy CM. Slight cramps. Strong throbbing sensation again. Nausea still and dizzy all morning. Emotional. Feel like AF coming. Boobs very heavy and large but not sore at all, just heavy.

AF due Thursday 21st but too impatient so will probably test every day until then anyway. Also worth noting that when I say no CM, I wasnt completely dry (was thick when I checked) but just not enough to be visible in underwear. Will update tomorrow!


Was really emotional yesterday evening (11 DPO)

Today, 12 DPO

Woke up to no symptoms, felt absolutely fine, tested BFN. By early morning I had mild AF type cramps and felt like it was definately on the way. Really thick CM today, not loads and not like dry/crumbly, just thick? Mid morning coffee that I had went in the bin as it tasted really bitter today and I couldnt stomach it. By late afternoon I was so bloated I looked about 4 months gone already, been breathless all day and boobs feel huge. They aren't hurting at all though, they just feel really full and firm? They normally feel lumpy before AF but they just feel like they've been pumped with air at the minute. In the last hour I've had a wave of nausea to the point I've tried to make myself sick, but nothing really coming up. Cramps have completely gone, just so bloated and nauseous at the minute. Was utterly convinced that I was out this morning and that AF was sure to turn up on Thursday, now I'm not sure. Am I imagining all this as keep getting BFN?

Today, 13 DPO

Same as yesterday, woke up feeling fine. Had some minor cramps but nothing too startling. Then, after lunch major feeling of sickness and really bloated. BFN this morning and CM slightly wetter than it has been, but not EWCM like I normally get before AF. Quite gassy today and realised I've been a bit constipated since Monday. Breathlessness again with the bloating. Boobs bloody huge and now starting to ache, but not painful at all. Had a few stabbing pains in my boobs over the last couple of days but nothing painful and it has been very sporadic.

Feel like I'm defo out this month, will test again in the morning if AF hasn't arrived when I wake up. Will update tomorrow!

14 DPO So today I'm in a bit of limbo. Had no nausea today, sore nipples and boobs still huge. Woke up to clear skin (normally get a couple of spots the day before or day of AF) and had mild cramps on and off all day. No AF as of yet.

Something weird happened last night though, I checked my CP (high!) And I noticed some pink CM on my finger after (sorry, TMI!) I CM was thick. I checked again and there wasn't any more pink CM and nothing showed on underwear. Very odd. Just check CP again and still high but no pink CM although CM was lotion like. Tested and BFN!!!

If AF isnt here by tomorrow then my plan is, test with another cheapie with FMU tomorrow, if it's BFN wait until AF shows. If it's not here by Saturday morning I will test with something more expensive.. just a waiting game now!

Today 15 DPO
Arghhh feel like im gping

Whoops posted to early! Anyway...

Feel like I'm going mad here! No sign whatsoever of AF... Boobs are hugeee! Still having mild cramps on and off all day. Tested FMU and put in my drawer whilst I got ready, when I looked it had the faintest line but defo a little pink line... now I have convinced myself it was an evap and just not sure what to think at all! Tomorrow morning can't come sooner... 13 hours and counting until testing!

17 DPO (although I'm not sure this correct now, I think I may have ov'd on "3DPO" when i had the cramps so might be 14 DPO) I've just had 2 BFP!!! Had a very faint one yesterday but wasn't convinced so tested today with FMU and SMU today and got two distinct lines! Looks like I wasn't going mad after all! Boobs are still big, pretty thirsty and still having mild cramps but feeling fine and happy overall!! So excited, dates would put me at 3+4 days
I'll play! :) I don't know exactly what day I O'd but I only BD'd CD 9 and 10 this cycle (hubby is in the process of finishing his notice at his job in Austin to move to Dallas with me and came for a visit one weekend). My cycles are normally 29-31 days but I feel like I may have O'd early this month. My DPO's will be estimates.

1-3 DPO Nothing unusual

4 DPO Significant fatigue. Did not feel motivated to work out but did it anyway. Had a bit of cramping down low in pelvis and eye started twitching! WTH?

5 DPO Even MORE fatigue and very strange vivid dreams. Very little CM, some breast tenderness (odd for me), and cramping. Craving tacos (although not unusual for me lol). Loose stool (ew sorry)

6 DPO Crippling fatigue. Unable to focus at work and made a couple of silly mistakes. One my my employees noted that I seemed a bit spacey. Aversion to coffee--skipped it this morning. Had a small wave of nausea today. Loose stool :( more intermittent cramping and breast tenderness. More cracked out, vivid dreams.

7 DPO SOOO TIRED. Had coffee this morning but it made me feel sick and I had to eat breakfast very slowly to avoid vomiting. Eye has twitched EVERY DAY since 5 DPO and it's getting so annoying. More intermittent cramping and breast tenderness and weird dreams at night. Very little CM to speak of.

8 DPO Can't stand the smell of coffee after yesterday's incident. Very tired! More cramping and breast tenderness as well as bloating and gas now. Day goes by sooo slowly. I am ready to pass out in bed at 7pm but force myself to stay up.

9 DPO Woke up at 5am to pee and took a FRER test--BFN :( I know it's early but I'm feeling very down about it. I've noticed that symptoms seem the strongest early in the morning and late in the evening. Had a weird craving in the morning for pretzels and smoked Gouda cheese dip, so I went with it. Also had coffee this morning and it made me feel jittery but not as sick. Eye it still twitching--what in the actual heck?! Random arm muscle twitch in the evening while watching tv too. Feeling sorry for myself because of BFN so I had some wine to relax. I've been so jacked up about this cycle.

10 DPO (today) resisted the urge to test. Felt pretty normal this morning aside from some abdominal heaviness, gas, and slight breast tenderness. Had breakfast and coffee and started to feel SICK! Mom was cooking something fragrant downstairs that made it worse :( suddenly felt like I needed to lie down due to fatigue+nausea. I'm laying in bed as I write this. I'm feeling frustrated because symptoms are intermittent and stronger at different times of the day. I'm not really sure how to interpret them. I'm trying not to obsess because I don't want to start imagining symptoms that aren't really there. I'm not really trusting my mind-body connection at the moment. Will update in a few days! I plan to test on Friday (hubby is back for good!). Let's see if I can hold out that long. Lol

Well AF showed up right on time :/ Hopefully this month will be different. :cry:
Good Morning!

I just updated my post from last month, and here is this month so far. This time I used the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor for the first time as well as Preseed. I am feeling cautiously optimistic after having felt so betrayed by my body last month :hissy:

The good news is, because I used the CBFM I know almost exactly when I ovulated! Very enlightening considering I O'd much later than I thought I would. The monitor read "LOW' until CD 17 when it suddenly jumped to "PEAK"--on hubby's birthday too! I was so excited :LOL:

1-4 DPO: Nothing to report except for creamy CM after being pretty dry right around O

5 DPO: A little tired...nothing special. Had cramping in the evening down low. They felt like light AF cramps. I've had PMS cramping before and been misled, so trying not to get my hopes up. A bit constipated.

6 DPO: Feeling a little tired, but could be because I woke up to DH's five thousand alarms this morning :coffee: My skin is looking very clear! IT's a nice change considering I'm usually a mess from O to AF. Also constipated :blush:

7 DPO: Dull cramping down low, achy hips, had an orgasm in my sleep :blush: that’s a new one for me! Swollen gland under chin

8 DPO: Woke up with a cold/nasal congestion, consitpation, cramps, a little fatigue but nothing to write home about, twingy bb’s, a little nausea (could be excitement/anticipation), had some weird dreams last night but that’s not uncommon for me during LP.

9 DPO: it’s getting harder and harder not to test early! Continued cramping, stuffy nose/congestion in the morning, strange dreams, constipation, creamy CM, occasional ache in bb’s but nothing severe (last month I had a lot of breast pain and it was a BFN)

10 DPO: I don’t remember dreaming last night so hopefully that isn’t a bad sign :/, continued stuffiness and cold symptoms, smelly pee, cramping, creamy CM, constipation, brief episodes of nausea (again, could be excitement/anxiety). I think I’m going to break down and test tomorrow because my parents are hosting a wine tasting tomorrow night. I think I’ll feel better about participating (or not) if I know what’s going on! AF is due today or tomorrow, but I took vitamin B6 this cycle to lengthen LP

11DPO: Had a dream about getting a BFP, but tested and got a BFN! :( Feeling SUPER sad and discouraged today. I wanted to cry after testing. Feeling exhausted and still have cold symptoms. I was cranky and a royal b**** to my staff this morning at work because the lobby looked like garbage. So unlike me and SO not cool :/ Still cramping—AF must be right around the corner. Feeling depressed and very “out”.

12DPO: Woke up feeling very tired, feeling icky after wine tasting last night even though I didn’t overindulge, bad bout of nausea this morning at breakfast—the smells hit me like a freight train. Nausea and fatigue throughout the day but felt a little better when I went on a walk outside. Cramping is significant and noticeable. Creamy CM and still no spotting or AF—I expected to start yesterday or today (CD 30). A 30 day cycle wouldn’t be completely unheard of for me, but my last few have been shorter.

13DPO: BFN, feeling less sad about it though. If I am not pregnant, the vitamin B6 I am taking has clearly succeeded in lengthening my LP! Cramping but less than yesterday, fatigue, breakout on my face and back, random bouts of breast tenderness/achiness, BD with hubby (I thought it might bring on AF but it did not), creamy/watery CM, cold symptoms have faded to just a stuffy nose when I wake up.

14DPO: Still no AF! She’s at least 2 days later than normal now. Tested and got BFN on FRER. Feeling frustrated and in limbo :( I just want to know one way or another! Tender B’s, cramping has pretty much gone away, tired, sore throat, still broken out, feel nausea on an empty stomach
Very new here! Only on second go of ttc so still relatively hopeful (even though I have taunted myself with coil removal horror stories!) this is a great idea, I have started reading from the first page so think I will have a good distraction for a few tww!

Anyway, here we go! I estimate that I ovulated on 14th Sept...
1 DPO - nothing
2-4 DPO - tender BBs and acne (but this is normal for me) also fairly bloated but not sure if this is new.
5 DPO - some Cramping, bloated, a bit breathless, a sore throat (but probably more to do with the fact I looked after a snotty child yesterday) also a bit nauseas after eating chocolate (may just be related to the sore throat) I've also not been sleeping great but possibly due to my mind being in overdrive! Quite thick creamy CM.

Will be back to update after I have stalked everyone else's posts!
Good luck!

I'm back...

6 DPO - Breathlessness
Woke up in night for toilet
Wretching in morn after coffee/cleaning teeth

7DPO - craving spicy food.
Pain in bbs

8/9 DPO - BFN

10 DPO - faint bfp

11 DPO - slightly darker bfp
Bbs hurting a bit less but sill achey

12 DPO - faint bfp on ic and cb
Nausea and lots of wretching

13DPO - BFN on digital :(
Af cramps
Bbs feeling better

14 DPO - today - no AF yet but she normally comes in the afternoon so still time.
Very dizzy
Bfn on digital. Fainted of lines on cb but guessing it's an indent or evap. :(

This is now 2nd month of getting BFPs only to realise AF is very much waiting to catch me 🙁

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