Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)

Hi I'm here again, posting my symptoms for the third time. :D
BD 1 day before ovulation, using preseed.

DPO 1-6: Nothing
DPO 7-10: Boobs start to sore DPO 7. As usual 1 week before AF.
DPO 11: Last night had 2 small slices of papaya and didn't drink water after that. Start to feel heaty in the throat. Stuffy throat and nose.
DPO 12-13: Sore boobs continue. Stuffy nose and itchy throat making me cough. Slight dizzy. Bloated and gas.
DPO 14-15: Same as before. Plus had bad heartburn all day. Feels like burping but stuck in the throat burning. Making me hard to breathe.
DPO 16: Today. **BFP** on cheap pregnancy strip. Sore boobs continues. No more heartburn. Good happy mood.
DPO 17: Tested another cheapie strip, also BFP.:happydance: Sore boobs, flu like symptoms. Nothing else feeling completely normal.

The only thing I felt different this time was stuffy throat and nose, flu like symptoms, no cramps, energetic and happy. And sore breast all the way until now. Maybe slight white creamy CM. No implantation bleeding or ovulation cramp also.

Baby dust to all!
1 dpo: Felt warm but very alive and full of energy

2 dpo: crashed hard. Very fatigued, headache, felt off and like I had a cold
A bit crampy, bloated and random pain shooting through boobs.
Had a few mood swings and felt unlike myself, fuzzy. Very warm
Throughout the day.

3 dpo: a little more alive but smelled everything, weird cravings, off and
On feeling fine. Headache was there, cramping was there.
CM has been stringy, sticky, opaque white, watery since 1dpo

4dpo: cramping, headaches, body sore, boobs sore, cold symptoms (all
of the above listed symptoms)

5dpo: achey, hot at night, pressure in my abdomen, dizzy, stomach unease
(Most of the symptoms listed above still present off and on)

** I tested today for fun and of course getting BFN.

It's been over 5 years since my first pregnancy and can't really recall all the symptoms I had my first go around! This is tossing me off for sure!

* fingers crossed *
This seems fun! Not sure exacty when I O'd, but here are my symptoms based on when I think it happened. I usually run on a 30-day cycle and according to my calculations and my Ovia app, I O'd on CD 17.

1-3 DPO -
Nothing out of the ordinary.​
4 DPO -
Started feeling extremely tired. A terrible headache and neck pains - dismissed this as I sit at a desk most of the day for work.​
5-7DPO -
Got hit with a terrible cold which made it really hard for me to pay attention to any pregnancy-related symptoms.​
6 DPO -
Tested on this day even though I knew that it was way too soon to test - obviously got a BFN.​
7DPO -
Light twinges and cramping once or twice throughout the day. Didn't pay much attention to it because it was so unnoticeable and only lasted for a few minutes. EDIT: I should also note that this is when I started noticing fuller and heavier Bs.​
8DPO -
Some more light twinges and cramping. Once again, very mild and not really worth noting. Once again foolishly decided to test. BFN (obviously). Fuller and heavier Bs.​
9DPO (today) -
Okay so today I am legitimately cramping - it started out not as strong as I normally do when AF is due, it's much duller, but now it's definitely getting stronger. I also never cramp unless AF is due within the next 24 hours so this is worth noting. B's are now heavy and sore! Either this is implantation-related, or AF is due very shortly... which is odd because I'm only on CD 26. AF supposed to be due this coming Sunday (in 5 days). Stay away! :af: Unless of course, we didn't conceive this month, in which case, let's get it over with so that I can start fresh. *sigh*

Will report again tomorrow.​
Hello ladies, this is my first time posting but husband and I have been TTC baby number 1 since April. Came off the pill in Feb and have had 23 day cycles like clockwork since April. This is our 7th cycle and this time round we have BD every other day since I finished AF on 1st September.

I'm not sure which date exactly I ovulated, my app said Wednesday 6th September but I had EWCM up until and including Thursday 7th so I'm going to count from the 7th. Ovulation could have been 6th 7th or 8th September I think.

1 DPO thick line of creamy white CM in underwear. Never noticed this before.

2 DPO Creamy thick CM

3 DPO Watery CM (not EWCM). In the evening had really strong AF type cramps and back ache for 2-3 hours. Later on in the evening had throbbing feelings down below which I normally get on the day of AF.

4 DPO No CM. Woke up to loads of spots on my face and neck; I never normally get this even before AF let alone mid cycle. Frequent urination today. Bloating. Very gassy.

5 DPO still gassy, still going to the toilet more often than normal. Very bloated to the point its uncomfortable today. Early afternoon had a strong taste of blood that lasted for about 5 mins. Thought I had imagined it as it didn't come back. Noticed boobs getting bigger, AF due in 9 days.

6 DPO not quite as gassy as before but still bloating after eating. Boobs still getting bigger. Had the blood taste again in the evening and definately didn't imagine it this time.

7 DPO Sticky, creamy CM

8 DPO Heightened sense of smell, no CM. Slight headache but not majorly noticeable. Vivid dream.

9 DPO EWCM in the morning (but was after BD so may not be accurate) no more later on in the day. Dizzy spell mid afternoon. Very bloated. Greasy hair. Emotional. Slight headache. Fell asleep at 8pm work up at 12am wide awake til 4am. Vivid dream.

10 DPO Woke up to a full blown cold, sore throat and runny nose. Slight headache. Bloating. Breathless (probably because of the bloating) nausea all day, actually sick in the evening. Nose bleed at 10pm. Woke up at 3.30am until 5.30am. Bit of blood out of nose again whilst awake in middle of the night and went toilet twice. Vivid dreams. Very dark and enlarged nipples today. Dull ache on one side lower abdomen. AF due 4 days. No cramps since 3 DPO.

11 DPO BFN with FMU but had been to the toilet less than two hours earlier when awake in the night (clutching at straws?) Cold gone. Creamy CM. Slight cramps. Strong throbbing sensation again. Nausea still and dizzy all morning. Emotional. Feel like AF coming. Boobs very heavy and large but not sore at all, just heavy.

AF due Thursday 21st but too impatient so will probably test every day until then anyway. Also worth noting that when I say no CM, I wasnt completely dry (was thick when I checked) but just not enough to be visible in underwear. Will update tomorrow!


Was really emotional yesterday evening (11 DPO)

Today, 12 DPO

Woke up to no symptoms, felt absolutely fine, tested BFN. By early morning I had mild AF type cramps and felt like it was definately on the way. Really thick CM today, not loads and not like dry/crumbly, just thick? Mid morning coffee that I had went in the bin as it tasted really bitter today and I couldnt stomach it. By late afternoon I was so bloated I looked about 4 months gone already, been breathless all day and boobs feel huge. They aren't hurting at all though, they just feel really full and firm? They normally feel lumpy before AF but they just feel like they've been pumped with air at the minute. In the last hour I've had a wave of nausea to the point I've tried to make myself sick, but nothing really coming up. Cramps have completely gone, just so bloated and nauseous at the minute. Was utterly convinced that I was out this morning and that AF was sure to turn up on Thursday, now I'm not sure. Am I imagining all this as keep getting BFN?

Today, 13 DPO

Same as yesterday, woke up feeling fine. Had some minor cramps but nothing too startling. Then, after lunch major feeling of sickness and really bloated. BFN this morning and CM slightly wetter than it has been, but not EWCM like I normally get before AF. Quite gassy today and realised I've been a bit constipated since Monday. Breathlessness again with the bloating. Boobs bloody huge and now starting to ache, but not painful at all. Had a few stabbing pains in my boobs over the last couple of days but nothing painful and it has been very sporadic.

Feel like I'm defo out this month, will test again in the morning if AF hasn't arrived when I wake up. Will update tomorrow!

14 DPO So today I'm in a bit of limbo. Had no nausea today, sore nipples and boobs still huge. Woke up to clear skin (normally get a couple of spots the day before or day of AF) and had mild cramps on and off all day. No AF as of yet.

Something weird happened last night though, I checked my CP (high!) And I noticed some pink CM on my finger after (sorry, TMI!) I CM was thick. I checked again and there wasn't any more pink CM and nothing showed on underwear. Very odd. Just check CP again and still high but no pink CM although CM was lotion like. Tested and BFN!!!

If AF isnt here by tomorrow then my plan is, test with another cheapie with FMU tomorrow, if it's BFN wait until AF shows. If it's not here by Saturday morning I will test with something more expensive.. just a waiting game now!

Today 15 DPO
Arghhh feel like im gping

Whoops posted to early! Anyway...

Feel like I'm going mad here! No sign whatsoever of AF... Boobs are hugeee! Still having mild cramps on and off all day. Tested FMU and put in my drawer whilst I got ready, when I looked it had the faintest line but defo a little pink line... now I have convinced myself it was an evap and just not sure what to think at all! Tomorrow morning can't come sooner... 13 hours and counting until testing!

17 DPO (although I'm not sure this correct now, I think I may have ov'd on "3DPO" when i had the cramps so might be 14 DPO) I've just had 2 BFP!!! Had a very faint one yesterday but wasn't convinced so tested today with FMU and SMU today and got two distinct lines! Looks like I wasn't going mad after all! Boobs are still big, pretty thirsty and still having mild cramps but feeling fine and happy overall!! So excited, dates would put me at 3+4 days

Congrats!!! I’m hoping for the same outcome! 14 DPO and still BFN’s! I’ve had some of the same symptoms :)
This seems fun! Not sure exacty when I O'd, but here are my symptoms based on when I think it happened. I usually run on a 30-day cycle and according to my calculations and my Ovia app, I O'd on CD 17.

1-3 DPO -
Nothing out of the ordinary.​
4 DPO -
Started feeling extremely tired. A terrible headache and neck pains - dismissed this as I sit at a desk most of the day for work.​
5-7DPO -
Got hit with a terrible cold which made it really hard for me to pay attention to any pregnancy-related symptoms.​
6 DPO -
Tested on this day even though I knew that it was way too soon to test - obviously got a BFN.​
7DPO -
Light twinges and cramping once or twice throughout the day. Didn't pay much attention to it because it was so unnoticeable and only lasted for a few minutes. EDIT: I should also note that this is when I started noticing fuller and heavier Bs.​
8DPO -
Some more light twinges and cramping. Once again, very mild and not really worth noting. Once again foolishly decided to test. BFN (obviously). Fuller and heavier Bs.​
9DPO (today) -
Okay so today I am legitimately cramping - it started out not as strong as I normally do when AF is due, it's much duller, but now it's definitely getting stronger. I also never cramp unless AF is due within the next 24 hours so this is worth noting. B's are now heavy and sore! Either this is implantation-related, or AF is due very shortly... which is odd because I'm only on CD 26. AF supposed to be due this coming Sunday (in 5 days). Stay away! :af: Unless of course, we didn't conceive this month, in which case, let's get it over with so that I can start fresh. *sigh*

Will report again tomorrow.​

Okay so no AF as of yet *knock on wood*. I checked my cervical position this evening and it seems to be medium height and medium firmness with some minimal creamy cm. Didn’t pay too close attention to the opening though. Fingers crossed for everyone!
Good Morning!

I just updated my post from last month, and here is this month so far. This time I used the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor for the first time as well as Preseed. I am feeling cautiously optimistic after having felt so betrayed by my body last month :hissy:

The good news is, because I used the CBFM I know almost exactly when I ovulated! Very enlightening considering I O'd much later than I thought I would. The monitor read "LOW' until CD 17 when it suddenly jumped to "PEAK"--on hubby's birthday too! I was so excited :LOL:

1-4 DPO: Nothing to report except for creamy CM after being pretty dry right around O

5 DPO: A little tired...nothing special. Had cramping in the evening down low. They felt like light AF cramps. I've had PMS cramping before and been misled, so trying not to get my hopes up. A bit constipated.

6 DPO: Feeling a little tired, but could be because I woke up to DH's five thousand alarms this morning :coffee: My skin is looking very clear! IT's a nice change considering I'm usually a mess from O to AF. Also constipated :blush:

7 DPO: Dull cramping down low, achy hips, had an orgasm in my sleep :blush: that’s a new one for me! Swollen gland under chin

8 DPO: Woke up with a cold/nasal congestion, consitpation, cramps, a little fatigue but nothing to write home about, twingy bb’s, a little nausea (could be excitement/anticipation), had some weird dreams last night but that’s not uncommon for me during LP.

9 DPO: it’s getting harder and harder not to test early! Continued cramping, stuffy nose/congestion in the morning, strange dreams, constipation, creamy CM, occasional ache in bb’s but nothing severe (last month I had a lot of breast pain and it was a BFN)

10 DPO: I don’t remember dreaming last night so hopefully that isn’t a bad sign :/, continued stuffiness and cold symptoms, smelly pee, cramping, creamy CM, constipation, brief episodes of nausea (again, could be excitement/anxiety). I think I’m going to break down and test tomorrow because my parents are hosting a wine tasting tomorrow night. I think I’ll feel better about participating (or not) if I know what’s going on! AF is due today or tomorrow, but I took vitamin B6 this cycle to lengthen LP

11DPO: Had a dream about getting a BFP, but tested and got a BFN! :( Feeling SUPER sad and discouraged today. I wanted to cry after testing. Feeling exhausted and still have cold symptoms. I was cranky and a royal b**** to my staff this morning at work because the lobby looked like garbage. So unlike me and SO not cool :/ Still cramping—AF must be right around the corner. Feeling depressed and very “out”.

12DPO: Woke up feeling very tired, feeling icky after wine tasting last night even though I didn’t overindulge, bad bout of nausea this morning at breakfast—the smells hit me like a freight train. Nausea and fatigue throughout the day but felt a little better when I went on a walk outside. Cramping is significant and noticeable. Creamy CM and still no spotting or AF—I expected to start yesterday or today (CD 30). A 30 day cycle wouldn’t be completely unheard of for me, but my last few have been shorter.

13DPO: BFN, feeling less sad about it though. If I am not pregnant, the vitamin B6 I am taking has clearly succeeded in lengthening my LP! Cramping but less than yesterday, fatigue, breakout on my face and back, random bouts of breast tenderness/achiness, BD with hubby (I thought it might bring on AF but it did not), creamy/watery CM, cold symptoms have faded to just a stuffy nose when I wake up.

14DPO: Still no AF! She’s at least 2 days later than normal now. Tested and got BFN on FRER. Feeling frustrated and in limbo :( I just want to know one way or another! Tender B’s, cramping has pretty much gone away, tired, sore throat, still broken out, feel nausea on an empty stomach

15DPO: :witch: :witch: :witch:
Okay this is my first time posting & I absolutely love this thread.. my wife and I have done artificial insemination for the first time. Symptoms are:
1-4 DPO not too much out of the ordinary, I didn’t get sore boobs after ovulation which is out of the ordinary for me

5DPO- a lot of twinges and cramps on the lower left side, SUPER GASSY, really tired.

6DPO- still feeling the cramps and twinges, Boobs still not sore, creamy cm, and thinking I’m starting a UTI.

7DPO- I go get tested for a UTI, negative.. so really confused about that. Peeing more than usual. And still feel
Like I have or am getting an UTI. Lots of weird pains and tugging in the lower abdomen.

8DPO- still crampy, cm is more watery, boobs begin to hurt finally, still crampy and just feel off

9DPO- still super gassy, nothing really new it’s all the same except my boobs aren’t sore again. Which is VERY strange

10DPO- all the same symptoms, again no sore boobs decide to test and it’s a very faint BFP. I get so excited I almost drop the test.

11DPO(today)- feel super off, all the same symptoms, woke up and my boobs are super sore again, I’m actually currently having a mild tooth ache (not sure that’s related) watery cm, cervix is high and hard, and a couple red pimple like bumps on my left boob. Tested again the FMU and it was super faint still almost hard to see.

I’m gonna wait a few days and test again. Still have 5 days until Aunt Flo arrives (I’m hoping she doesn’t)
Im currently 4dpo....
At time of ovulation i had such bad stomach pain i thought i had a water infection but its my fiest month off bc so assume it was just an extra strong ovulation.
1dpo - Af cramps
2dpo - af cramps (moderate now and noticeable all the time) bloated
3dpo - af cramps on and off still noticable, face has broken out in some really sore spots i usually have quite clear skin, sore throat
4dpo - af cramps continue, face looks awful and mother of all headaches has come on this pm, feel like im coming down with something :(
5dpo - cramps still!! Worse today and sore boob around the nipples.
6dpo - cramps again, a few pinchy type pains and feels a bit like round ligament pain when stretching. Boobs still sore. Feeling starving when i shouldnt. Face still looks awful!
Will update with more when i can.
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Hi all, I'm new to this site. Feel a bit alone with ttc as noone else to speak to.

In the first month of ttc, I had every brand new symptom you can think of, cramping, metallic taste in mouth, hot flashes, stabbing pain in boobs. I kept testing and it was always bfn which left me very confused as I knew my body and what I was experiencing wasn't the norm for me. Then I started bleeding and thought well I'm out. But the bleeding was only 2 days (my period is always 5 days) and all my symptoms continued after the bleeding which gave me renewed hope but alas, that cycle was very strange and ended in a heavy AF for me. I strongly believe I may have had a chemical.

So I'm back on the wagon this month! I'm 9dpo at the moment and my symptoms have been so far

2dpo - Shooting pains in bum (thought this was weird), queasiness
3dpo - Cramping
4dpo - Cramping, fatigue
5dpo - Ovary twinges, sharp pain on lower left abdomen, very bloated
6dpo - Vivid dreams, very bloated, cramps, sore breasts, shooting pains in rectum
7dpo - Vivid dreams, bloated, gassy, queasy and burping, sore breasts, pressure in rectum, AF type cramps
8dpo - Bloated, queasy on and off, burping a lot. Sore breasts, cramps. Tested BFN
9dpo - Queasy on and off. Burping

Since my symptoms aren't as strong as my chemical last time, I feel I'm out this month. I'm trying to work on my mental wellbeing as have felt an emotional wreck lately!
Hi all, I'm new to this site. Feel a bit alone with ttc as noone else to speak to.

In the first month of ttc, I had every brand new symptom you can think of, cramping, metallic taste in mouth, hot flashes, stabbing pain in boobs. I kept testing and it was always bfn which left me very confused as I knew my body and what I was experiencing wasn't the norm for me. Then I started bleeding and thought well I'm out. But the bleeding was only 2 days (my period is always 5 days) and all my symptoms continued after the bleeding which gave me renewed hope but alas, that cycle was very strange and ended in a heavy AF for me. I strongly believe I may have had a chemical.

So I'm back on the wagon this month! I'm 9dpo at the moment and my symptoms have been so far

2dpo - Shooting pains in bum (thought this was weird), queasiness
3dpo - Cramping
4dpo - Cramping, fatigue
5dpo - Ovary twinges, sharp pain on lower left abdomen, very bloated
6dpo - Vivid dreams, very bloated, cramps, sore breasts, shooting pains in rectum
7dpo - Vivid dreams, bloated, gassy, queasy and burping, sore breasts, pressure in rectum, AF type cramps
8dpo - Bloated, queasy on and off, burping a lot. Sore breasts, cramps. Tested BFN
9dpo - Queasy on and off. Burping

Since my symptoms aren't as strong as my chemical last time, I feel I'm out this month. I'm trying to work on my mental wellbeing as have felt an emotional wreck lately!

I can't edit my post as I'm a brand new member so I'll have to quote for now

9dpo - Noticed a lot of white 'lotion-ny' cm today and I'm still burping. Not sure if the cm means anything... My boobs still sore but less than before but today I went braless. Felt emotional and low.
Hi all, I'm new to this site. Feel a bit alone with ttc as noone else to speak to.

In the first month of ttc, I had every brand new symptom you can think of, cramping, metallic taste in mouth, hot flashes, stabbing pain in boobs. I kept testing and it was always bfn which left me very confused as I knew my body and what I was experiencing wasn't the norm for me. Then I started bleeding and thought well I'm out. But the bleeding was only 2 days (my period is always 5 days) and all my symptoms continued after the bleeding which gave me renewed hope but alas, that cycle was very strange and ended in a heavy AF for me. I strongly believe I may have had a chemical.

So I'm back on the wagon this month! I'm 9dpo at the moment and my symptoms have been so far

2dpo - Shooting pains in bum (thought this was weird), queasiness
3dpo - Cramping
4dpo - Cramping, fatigue
5dpo - Ovary twinges, sharp pain on lower left abdomen, very bloated
6dpo - Vivid dreams, very bloated, cramps, sore breasts, shooting pains in rectum
7dpo - Vivid dreams, bloated, gassy, queasy and burping, sore breasts, pressure in rectum, AF type cramps
8dpo - Bloated, queasy on and off, burping a lot. Sore breasts, cramps. Tested BFN
9dpo - Queasy on and off. Burping

Since my symptoms aren't as strong as my chemical last time, I feel I'm out this month. I'm trying to work on my mental wellbeing as have felt an emotional wreck lately!

I can't edit my post as I'm a brand new member so I'll have to quote for now

9dpo - Noticed a lot of white 'lotion-ny' cm today and I'm still burping. Not sure if the cm means anything... My boobs still sore but less than before but today I went braless. Felt emotional and low.

Ok, 12dpo now. Since 9dpo I've experienced a stuffy nose, coldsore, queasy on/off, thirstiness. I had cramping yesterday but no spotting which was strange. But other than that, I'm not feeling pregnant like I did with the chemical a couple of months ago.

Wishing everyone on here the best!
12DPO: Body aches, fatigue, nausea, headaches
14DPO: Twinges on lower abdomen, headaches, nausea, dizziness, Creamy/Watery CM
15DPO: Dizziness, hot flashes, nausea, fatigue, bloating, Creamy CM
9dpo: sharp pain in uterus area when stretching up
10dpo: sharp pain in uterus area when stretching up
11dpo:boobs slightly sore when touched
12dpo: uterus area feels bruised to touch
13dpo: extremely barely there mild cramps and dry mouth
14dpo: neg test, period cramps, sore to touch breasts, yellow tinge on tissue when wipe and very slight streak of blood, AF incoming
15dpo: no af as such, but there's light brown on tissue when I wipe and also jelly like discharge that's light brown too...
Been ttc since July...

August - all the standard 'pregnancy symptoms' got a faint bfp then the next day af showed.

September- every symptom you can think of, you name it, I definitely had it.... nausea, cramps, acne, vivid dreams, cravings, dizziness, lots of cm - got 5 faint bfps on a range of tests from cheapies to frer. Af showed up as normal.

October - deleted my tracker, stopped temping, determined to ignore any trace of a symptom, vowed not to buy any tests until 2 days after af as I've wasted so much money on them.

I roughly knew I would ov in the middle of the month based on previous months and then got ewcm (difficult not to track that when wiping) dtd and tried to forget about it by working lots and sorting DD bday party.

I have had literally zero pregnancy symptoms (and I am prone to nausea and smells at the best of times), cramping for about a week and all the typical symptoms I get running up to Af which was due on Saturday.

Last week I was so certain I was out that I went and spent £30 on epo and b6 ready for this month, I have been eating badly and drinking more coffee than should be legal in a mood because 'it's not like I am pregnant anyway'. So today, just to put myself out of my misery I went and bought a £1 test after work. Didn't even take it straight away as thought I would save myself the disappointment, did it this evening after drinking lots of peppermint tea and ... low and behold the clearest and fastest bfp I have ever seen. It came up before the liquid could even reach the control line.

So there we go girls, no amount of tracking or testing is going to change the result and you really cannot tell based on symptoms!

Ps. If I am I unlucky enough to have a third month with a bfp then af shows I might just about lose my mind 😂 But it has never been this dark and fast before 🤞🏼


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Hello everyone. I'm feeling really alone and anxious about this cycle. It's my second cycle ttc and my few symptoms are as follows:

5dpo: broke out, as per normal while waiting for AF
7dpo: nausea constantly this morning. I'm supposed to have AF sometime next week (fertility Friend says Monday a period tracker app says Wednesday). I have no other signs of AF, normally I'd be cramping a lot by now if it was going to be Monday. Trying not to get my hopes up but I just want to know so badly. Afraid to bring it up with my husband because I don't want him to get his hopes up.
8dpo: headache this morning and cramps that started out barely noticeable to nearly constant. Feel like AF is coming after all.
9dpo: still crampy, told my husband I think we're out this month. I've been kind of dizzy and nauseated but I think there's a stomach thing going around
12dpo: fertility friend says I'm supposed to get my period today. No sign except cramps. Feel nauseated and CP is high and firm. Two bfns.
14dpo: still no AF, still crampy, still nauseated, CP is so high I can't reach. Another bfn.
15dpo: no AF, no nausea, still crampy. No other symptoms to report.
16dpo: I'm now on CD 35 and still no AF. I bought two more FRERs and kept waking up overnight so I finally at a quarter to 4 I took one and bfn. Went back to sleep feeling really depressed and vowing to not test again. Sore boobs, nauseated and just so ready to know what's going on already.
1DPO cramps and very irritable
2DPO cramps and really good mood. Bloated and gassy too.
3DPO cramps and dizzy. Also my nose feels dry and kind of stuffy today.
4DOO woke up with a hot feeling in nipples — breasts not tender to touch though. Lots of sharp cramping on the right side and low down cramps today. Plus a wishy stomach.
Im currently 5dpo
1dpo - Sore Nipples (Still nursing)
2dpo - bloated, Sore Nipples
3dpo - bloated, Sore Nipples
4dpo - Headache started when I got home from work, feel like im coming down with something, sore throat, sniffles and really tired, Sore Nipples
5dpo - Headache still and feel sick and nauseous, Sore Nipples, mild cramp like pains, increased thirst, (feels like being full and bloated) snored last night (pregnancy symptom my in the past)
6dpo - Woke up and stayed really warm, minor cramp like pains,
7dpo - Woke up and stayed really warm, minor cramp like pains, thirsty
8 dpo - Woke up and stayed really warm, minor cramp like pains, thirsty
9dpo - Woke up and stayed really warm, minor cramp like pains, thirsty, very irritable, faint positive!
10dpo- started spotting and then bleeding later on. Chemical pregnancy

11dpo- dark red blood

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