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**The Lucky Thread**

Good morning girls! I've started sewing the quilt top for my son! Hoping to get that all put together today and tomorrow.

I finally bought something for baby last week...a seat belt tightener to get a secure fit for a car seat. What have you bought?
ive only bought 1 thing and it was in Tesco at £10.. its a wee fabric seat that the baby sits in, which goes in the bath....
Hi everyone, so glad to hear everyone is on good form! I have not bought a thing....still don't want to tempt fate!!! Maybe after the 20 week scan I will go into town and make a little purchase to celebrate.

So delighted it is Wednesday already tomorrow!!

I had my first person come to me today and say " are you expecting?" So i must now finally look preg and not just fat!
You def look pregnant and not just fat! I woke up at 5 today to wee and can't get back to sleep :-( I've only bought an electric steriliser and a bottle warmer as they were in the sale. Planning on breast feeding again so prob won't even need them for a while!
Hi everyone, so glad to hear everyone is on good form! I have not bought a thing....still don't want to tempt fate!!! Maybe after the 20 week scan I will go into town and make a little purchase to celebrate.

So delighted it is Wednesday already tomorrow!!


Yes, you hit 19 Weeks!!!!!

I had my first person come to me today and say " are you expecting?" So i must now finally look preg and not just fat!

You didn't look fat at all in the picture you posted! They may have suspected earlier on, but didn't want to offend you if you weren't pg.. (I've had people ask if I was pg when I wasn't, just PMS bloating and boy was that a sad day for me!)

You def look pregnant and not just fat! I woke up at 5 today to wee and can't get back to sleep :-( I've only bought an electric steriliser and a bottle warmer as they were in the sale. Planning on breast feeding again so prob won't even need them for a while!

I'm planning to BF too--based on how sore my breasts are, I'm thinking they must be getting ready to make LOTS of milk for bubs.

I ordered a bunting today--Children's Place was having a big sale, 30% off a $60 purchase, and if I ordered one more thing I could get my sons winter coat for half price. The bunting is adorable, fuzzy & soft with teddy bear ears on the hoodie.

The quilt top is done, but now I'm panicking because I have no idea how to bind & quilt it. My grandma gave me directions over the phone, but its all Greek to me.
Hey ladies, I am planning on breast feeding too...if I can!! A week today is my 20 week scan...I have decided I am going to find out the gender but not tell anyone (except you guys!!). Has anyone thought about prams yet? I was having a look online and that's what made me decide to find out the gender....I saw one I really liked (that wasn't really expensive) but it was kind of girly....so....decision made on the strength of a pram!!!
I am quite a thrifty, no clutter, no stuff I don't need kind of girl so it will make planning and buying easier.

I got an email today from Ted's uncle in New York asking if I had "registered" anywhere yet. I feel bad saying that we don't do that here. Imagine if we did, UK girls? I didn't even do it for my wedding. I guess baby showers are getting more popular and that will be next!!

I keep waking up to wee but I think this baby is having a nightly party that starts about 4.45. Definately most of the growing and stretching is happening in the night....so tired going to work!!

Hope everyone is good. I am wavering between excited and terrified every day! xxx
Hey ladies, I am planning on breast feeding too...if I can!! A week today is my 20 week scan...I have decided I am going to find out the gender but not tell anyone (except you guys!!). Has anyone thought about prams yet? I was having a look online and that's what made me decide to find out the gender....I saw one I really liked (that wasn't really expensive) but it was kind of girly....so....decision made on the strength of a pram!!!
I am quite a thrifty, no clutter, no stuff I don't need kind of girl so it will make planning and buying easier.

I got an email today from Ted's uncle in New York asking if I had "registered" anywhere yet. I feel bad saying that we don't do that here. Imagine if we did, UK girls? I didn't even do it for my wedding. I guess baby showers are getting more popular and that will be next!!

I keep waking up to wee but I think this baby is having a nightly party that starts about 4.45. Definately most of the growing and stretching is happening in the night....so tired going to work!!

Hope everyone is good. I am wavering between excited and terrified every day! xxx

No pram for me. It will be too cold & snowy to do any walking for a few months, so I'll probably get one in the late spring, and before that just use a sling. Although here in the US our strollers aren't as fun or cute as yours. I was at Babies R Us and the most expensive stroller they carry was about $250, but most were in the $150 range. I love looking at the pram threads and it floors me seeing strollers for 750 gbp.

I started filling out a wish list on Amazon--so I can keep track of what I like. Right now I'm trying to get cloth diapering supplies sorted so I can be prepared on that front. People say "just buy a few of each so you know what you like" but I want things to match, and have all the inserts go with all the covers, and so on.

I'm sure no one will shop online for shower gifts, and most will just buy whatever they want so no point in registering for a shower. My SIL has offered to throw me a shower and she's talking maybe the second week in January. Traditionally they do showers at 7 months, but there's no way people will have time to attend a shower in December with the Holiday madness. She wants me to start making a guest list now though, so she can do hand made invites (bless her!).

Anyone else starving? I'm so hungry all the time.
Anyone else starving? I'm so hungry all the time.

Yes! I can't stop eating!! Every day I say that tomorrow is a new start but I just can't stop! I am gonig to be huge if I don't watch. I think around this time there is a growth spurt so I am going to blame that!!! xx
Sorry im im NOT going to be BFing.. it make me queezy the mear thought of it. So its def not for me!

I have saw the pram which is a babystyle oyster. went for this one as its very compact for my small boot. Prob order it in Nov - no rush.

I cant stop eating either and nearly sh*t myself when i weighed myself the other day. I have gained about 10lbs since falling preg - which i think is quite high for me as im only
Babystyle Oyster is so cute and modern looking! That's one of the ones I was showing DH the other day.

I've gained 12 lbs so far I think. Seriously this is getting outta control, but if I'm hungry baby must be hungry, right? I'm eating all healthy foods b/c sweets & high fat foods give me indigestion.
im still eating well but also having choc and crisps...need to sew my mouth up
Hi ladies, I just plucked up the courage to weigh myself and have gained 10lbs...less than I thought, but I hadn't lost all the weight from the previous pregnancy yet, so am 12lbs over my normal weight. that is not so bad I suppose, but I have got to stop eating rubbish! I am also eating lots of good things too so baby is getting plenty of nutrients.....it's all the extras!!!!

I have had a horrid week at work (I work in a social inclusion area with lots of problem parents) with parental complaints...mostly that i am bullying their children by giving asking them to complete work and giving them homework!!!! All these complaints need to be taken seriously with formal meetings and investigations and my stress levels have been through the roof. One week left until the hols...hope I can last that long! Hope everyone else is having a stress free time and loving their bumps. xxx
I think I will throw my scale out the window. Now it says I'm down two pounds, but I think I'm still eating normally.

Korrinalex-that sounds so stressful! What nerve you have to expect the children to be accountable for their work (LOL!) DH used to have to attend all kinds of parent meetings with his last job and I remember how hard it could be with some people. Good luck!
I've been so f.r.e.a.k.e.d. out today. I realized this morning that I have forgotten to take my aspirin for the last 3 days. And baby hasn't been moving as much all morning. S/he seems to be moving some now...so all is probably fine, but I've been feeling like a stupid idiot all day and worrying that I've ruined things.

How is everyone doing? Second trimester is starting to bore me...and 3rd is a long way off. I'm almost halfway there, but there is so much to get past (holidays etc) before baby will be here that it just seems like I'm going to be pregnant for-ev-er.
Don't panic about the aspirin Hun, I'm sure it will be ok and baby is having a quiet few days. I know what you mean about time going sloooowly!

Afm I had my 20w scan and it was amazing, baby looked really good! Still team yellow! X
Don't panic about the aspirin Hun, I'm sure it will be ok and baby is having a quiet few days. I know what you mean about time going sloooowly!

Afm I had my 20w scan and it was amazing, baby looked really good! Still team yellow! X

Baby was wild & crazy last night, so I think all is well. Dh said I should start sleep training him/her on a schedule now, since s/he sleeps all day and is up all night already. :p

Are you happy to still be on team yellow, or were you hoping for a glimpse?
Glad baba is moving again, they do it to worry us!

Dh was the one who wanted to be on team yellow, I wanted to find out, but I let him win! We were outside the scan room though and he suddenly said he wanted to know! Happy to be team yellow, but I did try to see if I could see anything but no joy! Just a pain when it comes to shopping now! X
Hello ladies....I had my 20 week scan today and all was great...have a look at the scan pics and you can see quite clearly what gender this little one is!!!
Just as I thought!!! Very happy indeed!!! xx


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Aw fab pics! Glad everything looked good! Yay lucky thread! Xx

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