**The Lucky Thread**

Yeah, dang the increased premiums. She said ours will go up about $15/month for the first year, and then slightly less for the next 2 years as long as we remain accident free after this of course.

Shop can't get our car in until the 17th, so I'm still driving it around.

Yes, always grateful no one was hurt. It scared me though--I feel weird going anywhere with kids in the car, because something could happen so fast and that's it.

I wonder if the cervix pain means your baby has dropped? I keep hoping my little girl will drop and get out of my ribs...but then of course that comes with more pelvic pain, and having to pee more and so on. I can't believe we only have 50 some days left though! It's starting to go fast!!
going fast ---- it sure it!

i have been counting the days till i finish - only 8 more shift... cannot wait.
How good will it be to finally stop having to dress for work...and instead we can stay at home all day eating and getting FATTER!!
well girls my hosp appointment on weds went well. the anesthetist seemed quite positive that we could try a spinal blockve me about to getwe had enough time they could move me about to get it to spread properly. if it is an emergency though I will have to be put asleep for a c-section but apparantly it is a lighter dose and i would be awake within 30 minutes. so feeling a bit more positive! and of course it could all go swimmingly fine and i cough and the baby is out :)

still have to go back to see the consultant in 2 weeks so that they can confirm i am ok to go midwifery led and the same week i am going on the tour of the hospital maternity unit - very scary makes it all seem so real!

and we picked up our pushchair - yipee! most things done now except to pick up a new baby monitor, nearly 6 weeks to go! Also took our car into the garage, it will take about 2 weeks to repair as basically the whole outside needs repairing - stupid husband. apparantly we will only get a small courtesy car so will have to squash into that for now. just waiting for the insurance company to authorise repairs and get it in, which will hopefully be soon, or else we'll be cutting it fine with the baby!

and next week is my last working, to say i cannot wait is an understatement, I am sooooo tired it is ridiculous!

I had my appt yesterday, 33 weeks! Since everything is looking so well, I don't go back until 36w.

She wants me to stop the low dose aspirin, and she will screen for GBS at my next appointment.
im due a 34weeks growth scan on the 17th, and it cant come quick enough.

We have been told a girl - so the nursery has pink bits and we have been buying pink clothes etc - so im looking forward to another scan so we can be sure its DEF a girl!


I have a really sore back now, it comes and goes..
Cant sleep at all! Seem to have restless legs!

My underwear is very dischargy - all the time....YUK!

Other than that im tickety boo
I feel your pain with the restless legs, isn't it awful?

I lost part of a mucous plug yesterday and contracted all day--not hard or regular though, just BH. Today it seems to have settled down. I feel weird because it seems so early--but I lost my plug with dd 5 weeks before she was born.
so what your plug like? creamy and mucusy? or pinky/red?
was it a lot?
I feel your pain with the restless legs, isn't it awful?

I lost part of a mucous plug yesterday and contracted all day--not hard or regular though, just BH. Today it seems to have settled down. I feel weird because it seems so early--but I lost my plug with dd 5 weeks before she was born.

oooh how exciting, that is early, so I guess for you that doesn't indicate you are going to have the baby just yet? does the plug re-form? I didn't lose my plug with dd until I was in labour in the hospital!

I think it can re-form. I lost it with DD early on, but don't remember seeing anymore after that, but of course at the hospital you can't always see what's going on so maybe I lost more when I had her?

It wasn't red or bloody, a little more brownish than white, and just looked like boogers I guess. LOL. Not a huge amount, but enough to look like more than just CM.
Hi everyone....I have had terrible jet lag - flew back on Tues and was working Wed....think I must have forgotten I was pregnant when I booked that flight!! Sort of back to normal and need to work every evening this week too to get my termly plans in for school. No couch time...gonna be dead by Friday...if I make it!! Loads of people at work are off with this and that, and I have just booked in 3 anti-natal classes as well as the usual check ups. I am probably not popular but what can you do???

I have an appointment on Wed (run of the mill I think....had some protein in urine last time so will get results of that) but have realised I am due another anti-d now and no appointment has been scheduled for that so I better remind them!!

I had what I think must be BH for the first time today. Is it really low down and the pain goes into your legs as well? Comes and goes and is like period cramps?

I look and feel like a giant elephant and don't care anymore, and I would probably appreciate a little slack from work and family but none is forthcoming. People just think when you are so used to doing everything at top speed that you are still firing on all cylinders. Not the case!!! Brain like a sausage. The kids are still managing to work out what the hell these fraction things are so at least I must be still communicating ok for a 10 year old!:wacko:

I'm hoping to finish at mid term 11th Feb, which is still a month away...but still have had no response from the council about my maternity leave:growlmad: What a wonderful system they must have!!

Glad to hear everyone is ok apart from the horrible symptoms of no sleep, restless legs etc that I am not escaping either. Had horrible, crazy, hormonal strop this weekend too. Poor hubbie!!

Take care xx
Karen, I hope you are feeling better? It does sound like BH that you are having. I've been having some as well, although its calmed down from last week!

I've had more energy this week too, and I've been able to help on the office project a little. My mom called and asked what fabric I want for the baby's room, and she's offered to make the quilt for me! So I need to email her with the choices.

I hope everyone is plugging along and your LO's are all doing well!

im due a 34weeks growth scan on the 17th, and it cant come quick enough.

We have been told a girl - so the nursery has pink bits and we have been buying pink clothes etc - so im looking forward to another scan so we can be sure its DEF a girl!


I have a really sore back now, it comes and goes..
Cant sleep at all! Seem to have restless legs!

My underwear is very dischargy - all the time....YUK!

Other than that im tickety boo

How did the growth scan go? I would love another scan to see the baby at this stage!

Hi everyone....I have had terrible jet lag - flew back on Tues and was working Wed....think I must have forgotten I was pregnant when I booked that flight!! Sort of back to normal and need to work every evening this week too to get my termly plans in for school. No couch time...gonna be dead by Friday...if I make it!! Loads of people at work are off with this and that, and I have just booked in 3 anti-natal classes as well as the usual check ups. I am probably not popular but what can you do???

I have an appointment on Wed (run of the mill I think....had some protein in urine last time so will get results of that) but have realised I am due another anti-d now and no appointment has been scheduled for that so I better remind them!!

I had what I think must be BH for the first time today. Is it really low down and the pain goes into your legs as well? Comes and goes and is like period cramps?

I look and feel like a giant elephant and don't care anymore, and I would probably appreciate a little slack from work and family but none is forthcoming. People just think when you are so used to doing everything at top speed that you are still firing on all cylinders. Not the case!!! Brain like a sausage. The kids are still managing to work out what the hell these fraction things are so at least I must be still communicating ok for a 10 year old!:wacko:

I'm hoping to finish at mid term 11th Feb, which is still a month away...but still have had no response from the council about my maternity leave:growlmad: What a wonderful system they must have!!

Glad to hear everyone is ok apart from the horrible symptoms of no sleep, restless legs etc that I am not escaping either. Had horrible, crazy, hormonal strop this weekend too. Poor hubbie!!

Take care xx

Hope you are over the jet lag now, not long until maternity leave, you will get there! I hear you on the no sleep...at the moment I am getting about 6 hours and waking up twice a night and I feel great, which goes to show how badly I was sleeping before!

Karen, I hope you are feeling better? It does sound like BH that you are having. I've been having some as well, although its calmed down from last week!

I've had more energy this week too, and I've been able to help on the office project a little. My mom called and asked what fabric I want for the baby's room, and she's offered to make the quilt for me! So I need to email her with the choices.

I hope everyone is plugging along and your LO's are all doing well!


Aw that is nice of her to make a quilt! Did you finish yours off in the end?

AFM - had midwife appt last Thurs and the baby is still lying the wrong way (transverse or oblique) which I didn't realise was bad until now :dohh: i thought that the baby would just move! but no, apparantly if it stays that way I might need a c-section, so my hosp appointment on monday will be less about me asking to be taken out of high risk and instead will be about seeing if I have to have a planned section! I was quite upset at first, but now I have spoken to people who have had sections and it doesn't seem that bad. sods law though that now i am getting my head around it the baby will move!

hope everyone is not feeling too exhausted!

growth scan was good... baby healthy and growing well BUT

She is breech! she has 4 weeks to move or its a section for me too!

not sure how i feel about this
Naughty breech babies! I hope they will both turn for you girls!

Alina, yes I did finish my son's quilt. I need to post pictures of it still. I think it turned out cute, but I ended up sending it to my grandma to quilt it for me, and I specifically asked for it to be fluffy--paid for the fluffy batting and such.

When my mom came down to visit, she brought it down and she VACUUM sealed it into a tiny bag, so the whole thing is utterly flat and cannot be revived. I'm still baffled as to why she would do that (I mean, I know she wanted to fit it in her carryon, but it ruined the fluffy comforter we were planning on.)

Girls, I think my baby is going to be huge. She's putting so much pressure on my ribs sometimes I think they are going to crack. I have no idea where she is going to grow for 5 1/2 more weeks!!!
35 weeks today!!! I'm 7/8 of the way there!

Hubby was scheduled to work an extra week around the 17th of Feb, and I was really worried in case this LO comes early, but then things changed again so he will be home from Feb 16 through the first half of March with no traveling. *whew*
Hi all, hope all these babies are a-turning!! I don't know what position mine is in as noone has checked it for ages...last person was a very young male doc who didn't seem too clued up on baby position!!!

I am feeling fine and over the jet lag, but can't believe how busy I am at work...for UK mums in the know...I am the eco person at school and our 4th Green Flag assessment is on 3rd Feb....major amounts of work! Was on a litter pick the other afternoon finishing building A bug mansion....sounds like I am fit but I am sooooo not! Back killing me and should not be doing these things!!! I am doing too much at home too and need to slow down but can't seem to stop pushing myself and stressing a bout getting loads done!!! DH keeps telling me to stop working but I have been doing this project for 2 years and want to see it through. Madness!!!

I have my heart echo at last on 31st and then I can think about a birth plan depending on the results...quite fancy the birthing pool but will see.

Sophia, so rubbish about your quilt...hope you can find a way to give it back some "ooomph" ....after all the love you put into it.

Isn't it great how far we have all come? Nearly there! Must say I am getting a bit anxious incaser anything goes wrong but trying to squash these thoughts. Keep well everyone. :flower:
I'm getting anxious too--I keep thinking its easier to check on a baby that is actually in your arms.

My little girl has dropped and I've lost more mucous plug, contracting regularly every night from about 5-10 pm, but they never get more intense or closer together so I know its not the real deal yet. I finally have relief in my ribs though!!! It's wonderful to be able to breathe! She's taking advantage of the extra room to do more cartwheels and flips in there.

I go for my 36 wk appt on Friday and she's going to do a GBS swab, so I wonder if she will check my dilation too. Not that it matters, I was dilated to a 3 for weeks and weeks with my other kids and still went overdue!

Karen-good luck with school! My son has big testing stuff starting in Feb too, and its getting crazy stressful. What kind of bugs for the bug mansion?
hi ladies.

i had my MW app on fri, and she said there was slight protein in my urine. So a sample has been sent away for testing. She was confident it was a urine infection and nothing more serious... it would just be my luck it was something more serious... somethign else to worry about!

I am now officially on Mat Leave - and its been a pretty boring day. i went for a swim, which was good, had lunch then watched the sopranos.

Once hubby comes back from the rig ( next week) i wont be so bored im sure.
hey girls sounds like you are all doing well! hooray for maternity leave kathleen! hope baby is trying to turn around?!

woo hoo for dropped baby sophia! although contractions every night for no point must be no fun!

karen sounds like you are crazy busy! i'm not sure how you manage it!

afm my hosp appointment was rubbish :-( they did a quick scan (i literally saw nothing!) baby is completely the other way to what the midwife thought, but still wonky. so either it has turned around or she had it wrong all along?! so it's head is to the right, so oblique which is still bad but it doesn't have far to go to be in the right place. so I have to go back in 2 weeks to check where it is again so another 2 weeks of limbo for me!

the worrying thing is because it is sideways if i go into labour it is classed as an emergency as the cord could prolapse so i have to go in the minute i start to feel anything. the doc said i should go in even if i think it is just twinges. how stressful is that - i could be in there every day with false labour pains! AND even if the baby doesn't move it looks like they would try to move it and then break my waters to induce me so it couldn't move back. it's all so scary i just wish that the baby was here and safe :-(

sorry for the moan, but I feel like I have got so far and now there are all these setbacks!

hi ladies.

i had my MW app on fri, and she said there was slight protein in my urine. So a sample has been sent away for testing. She was confident it was a urine infection and nothing more serious... it would just be my luck it was something more serious... somethign else to worry about!

I am now officially on Mat Leave - and its been a pretty boring day. i went for a swim, which was good, had lunch then watched the sopranos.

Once hubby comes back from the rig ( next week) i wont be so bored im sure.

Did you hear back on your urine or are they just treating you for an infection? Hope you aren't feeling sick!!

Good for you for swimming! How often do you go? I haven't done any kind of work out in months.

afm my hosp appointment was rubbish :-( they did a quick scan (i literally saw nothing!) baby is completely the other way to what the midwife thought, but still wonky. so either it has turned around or she had it wrong all along?! so it's head is to the right, so oblique which is still bad but it doesn't have far to go to be in the right place. so I have to go back in 2 weeks to check where it is again so another 2 weeks of limbo for me!

the worrying thing is because it is sideways if i go into labour it is classed as an emergency as the cord could prolapse so i have to go in the minute i start to feel anything. the doc said i should go in even if i think it is just twinges. how stressful is that - i could be in there every day with false labour pains! AND even if the baby doesn't move it looks like they would try to move it and then break my waters to induce me so it couldn't move back. it's all so scary i just wish that the baby was here and safe :-(

sorry for the moan, but I feel like I have got so far and now there are all these setbacks!


Oh gosh that sounds stressful. Have you been having any signs of labor? I hope your baby settles into a nice cozy spot so you don't have to worry about this!!

I had my 36 wk appt today. I've only gained a pound in the last month, and my blood pressure is the lowest its ever been this pregnancy at 98/58. I thought she would check me when she did the GBS test, but she had me swab myself in the bathroom so I didn't get to find out if I'm dilating.

She said we can go 2 more weeks before my next appt since everything looks good, and to come in if I have any concerns. Meantime she encouraged DH to find lots of fun things for me to do this month because the waiting during the last 4 weeks are awful.

And she said if I haven't had my baby by my due date, I will be considered "overdue" and have to have a nonstress test that day! I can't believe it, I thought we got 2 weeks past our due dates before we were considered truly late! I've never had a nonstress test, so I don't really know what it is...but hopefully I won't need one!

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