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ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Are u bleeding at all now or has it completely gone or lightened flow to spotting? How short was last cycles period hun?

Have to say, any multi pre natal vits a bloody huge tabs, i always had difficulties swallowing them uhh!

Yeah hehe impending ovulation fertile window starts this wknd Sat or Sunday, although last cycle i didnt get any ov pains until cd13! Uhhh
Ohh exciting Golden! Do update us on the test!!!

Claireybell - have a fun weekend ��
That was meant to be a little winky face!

Sickness has started a little for me. Hopefully it won't be too full blown and won't last too long.

Have a good weekend girlies x
Thanks ladies but we got excited for nothing again, i tested and got negative with a cheapie.

My period is usually 3-4 days, last cycle it was 3 days but one day mainly spotting and this cycle, it was medium first day, spotting the second day and third day i saw some browish hue to my cm when i wiped. Its like getting shorter and shorter. Maybe it was stress related, i donno.

I will focus on getting some BD done this cycle and see, dont wanna stress too much about it bkz its affecting my cycle.

Poppet im so excited for ur scan, when is it?
Ah sorry Golden :( really thought it may poss of been a later implanter there.. How long are your cycles generally? Is it ling until next ovulation dya think??

Hehe thanks Poppet! Il be having wine & getting some baby dancing in over the wknd & this coming week, im on the cusp of my fertile week ee!! Im adament about lotsa sex this cycle to see if i can get that egg Lol!!

Hope your sickness is just really light hun, mine started came in when i woke up one morning & just felt weirdly diff like my body wasnt my own?? If that makes sense Lol! Wasnt until i was around 6-7 wks though, only last a few wks, hope ut passes Poppet
I didnt pay attention to my cycles before ttc, but around 28-29 it was.

3 cycles im paying attention

Aug was 25days, 3.5days of period
Sept was 30days, 2.5 days period
Oct was 27days, 1.5 days period

Counting half as spotting, i think i will ovulate Nov16-17
Are you still temp tracking? Are your temos still high or much lower now?
Last cycle my avg before ov was 37.2 and after ov was 37.6

Currently its 37.3-37.4

U can check my chart from my signature
Ah yes i see it Lol! My temps are also in the same range & then 36.6/7 after ov also :) i bet you ovulate literally a frw days after me hehe!

Did you put your order in for the his/her pre natal vits yet?
I didnt, bkz it said delivery would be dec 12, which is 2 days to my ovulation cycle #4, and i have ultrasound booked january 27 so i will just wait til i get the ultrasound done and see whats up.

I hav this weird theory, How if i ovulated CD22 and CD28 dip with blood was implantation (6dpo), and im 9dpo today?

I have this theory bkz CD15 dip was not so relable since i didnt get 3 hours of sleep that night and everytime i temped, my temp was different. Also around Oct 26-28 my sex drive was super high and i was wondering why at that time. And when we BDd CD22, i had this weird pain.

Do you think i can ovulate that late? I really need a better thermometer.

hehehe look at me, just cant let go :baby: Im making up theories:happydance:
I looked at my charts again and i think my theory is dumb :dohh:

Oh well i will ignore my stomach pain, leg cramps, bb pain and say thats it, CD4 for me cycle #3 here i come :D
Haha bless you! But it def is possible always to ovulate waaay after cd20 especially if you have long cycles, i used to have 35/6 day cycles years ago & would ovulate around cd20/21 ish.. Crazy!

I guess your temps are still fairly high though..
Looking at your chart, cm notes & temps it def looks like you ov'd on cd14, but if you didnt implant until later in the tww spotting wouldbe around period time when you got light bleed & spotting etc.. & even then it takes a few days! Maybe stress did cause your period to be iffy this cycle, wish stress made mine shorter Lol! Do your boobs usually hurt still after period arrives?
no after my period im usually pain free, i only get pain around ovulation and before period.

Im gonna watch this cycle and pay attention to how am feeling around cd22, i always get cramps cd21-22 but i think thats implantation and i never use opks, maybe i do ovulate late and im missing my ovulation.

I will follow p with this theory lol i hope its not true tho, late ovulation is not good i heard. Especially for 28-30 cycle.
Opk's are pretty good as soon as you know the test line is getting darker you know ov'ing is on the cards :) i cant remember if we've mentioned, do you look at your cm daily or every other day? Its like doing personal science experiment on the body ha ha
I check my cm daily but then i started that around my ovulation last month, i was checking what i wipe but then putting finger in gives me better results now.

I heard opks can be positive multiple times, and some ppl say opks not so accurate. Im not sure. I ordered https://www.fertile-focus.com/saliva-ovulation-predictor.html so i can really pinpoint the ovulation with estrogen tracking.
Ooh the saliva tracking, is that Ferning? .. Thats meant to be really good, my opk went negative the next day in the eveningbut i get ov twinges & allsorts, im just gonna hump all this week, my cycles lately seem to be ov'ing cd16 :) are those saliva tests much cost?
Make sure to do opks after 5pm, I usually get positive opk after work.

Well saliva test supposed to work as good as opks, some say better. Also it's not disposable like opks so I got mine for $27 dollars and that how much I paid for 50 cheap opks, and clearblue opks 20 test is $50, so it's definitely not pricey.
Hmmm thats def something i may have to go on Amazon for & have a gander, :)

You would think in the grand scheme if things we were made that our eggs lasted a bit longer than 12-24hrs! I mean come on mothernature, its like its almost a challenge & make it more difficult to fall pg uhh! Like 'i dare you, go on' lol

By this point in 2011 i had just gotten my bfp with my son & that took about 5/6 months, in feeling its gonna take alot longer this time around, i will stay positive but so frustrating isnt it?!
ah it is definitely frustrating, i wouldnt worry too much if i had at least one baby so i would know that im fertile.

oh well my fertility focus will be here nov17-24, it might be just after i ovulated (if i actually ovulate cd14), i will let u know if it works good.

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