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ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Yes, stress is definately not the Key when ttc! It got stressy with me & SO so to the point that having sex was a chore uhh! Your alarm goes off at 1am for taking temp or is it in the morning? Oh bless you Golden, are you 7-8 dpo at the moment? When you google, 9dpo is very much the average dpo for implantation, if your testing now & implanted at 6dpo say, hcg still wont be strong enough hun to detect on an early First respnse test hun, give it few more days, NTNP was kinda howi felt the cycle i got pg, fingers crossed hun xx

My alarm goes off at 7am but i sleep walk time to time, so i woke p at 1 am all worried about themping. Im 8dpo if my temping is correct, 9 dpo if opk is corret.
Claireybell - I did another test. Control line came up super dark - maybe more so than the rest line. Do you think that means anything?

I'm really hoping you ladies get some good news soon! It be the best xmas present :0)
Temping is more accurate Golden, opk's are goid but dont give you exact ov'ing day, go with 8dpo hun :) its still really early, you are so in with lots of chance,:thumbup:

Poppet, yes, it means your very pregnant Lol! My last 2 frer tests with my son (which i still have) the test lines were mega dark loads more than the control, just means theres lots of hcg detected :)
Hey girlies :) Poppet you had your mw apt yet? I forgot when it was.. :-/

Golden, any news hun?

Me, im cd6 already!! I'l be entering my 'fertile' period once again in less than a week no doubt hehe come on August 2016 baby!!
Hey girlies :) Poppet you had your mw apt yet? I forgot when it was.. :-/

Golden, any news hun?

Me, im cd6 already!! I'l be entering my 'fertile' period once again in less than a week no doubt hehe come on August 2016 baby!!

heeey! already Cd6! crazy how time passes. Im 12dpo today with bfn, i have sick stomach this cycle, hoping its a good sign. My stomach s so bloated, constipated, and lower abdominal and back pain, along with leg cramps. Also when i sneeze or cough, i get cramps. dont have sore bbs but itchy. Fx i get bfp, even tho i feel out this cycle :wacko:

Either is a huge gas or bfp s coming.
Hey ladies

Midwife appointment is at the end of the month.

Been keeping well - no actual sickness at the moment but lots of nausea. Apart from that I've been ok!

How are you golden?

Fingers crossed this month is your month Claireybell. Be positive and think positive.

Golden - huge gas hahaaa love it! But really hoping you get your bfp hun & all these sickyness is pg related! I was getting so stressed over my negatives i just wanted my period if that makes sense Lol! Il be hoping in/out this thread to get updates hehee!

Ooh just a few wks for you then Poppet :) i had horrible nausea aswell but passed after 4/5wks ish.. Hopefully it'll pass for you!

Ive decided that this cycle starting cd10 i will be doing a 7 day challenge! To have sex everyday up until after ovulation lol! I will be having words this eve with SO to get him on board lol
Cd1 for me, af arrived right on cd28. I'm not sure what went wrong, maybe bkz we didn't bd on cd 14. I will get a new thermometer bkz mine s weird. Not gonna stress or run after hubby this month. I will try to bd for three days once I see positive opk.

I feel like no matter how many tests I do or how many symptoms I have, the witch arrives on time. I will let it be n if it meant to be, it will be :happydance:
Amen! Get your jig on Golden Lol! Dont leave bd'ing until ovulation as you want to generate lotsa good healthy ones from previous bd'ing, i revkon thats why i missed the egg, not enough good seimmers me thinks Lol.. Trying to convince myself ha ha
Ahh sorry to hear that Golden.
Fingers crossed for the both of you this month!
Be a nice early xmas pressie! X
Our forth year anniversary is in Dec 8th, and 8 always has been my lucky number so im hoping, next cycle will give us a good anniversary gift :kiss:
Ahh that will be an awesome gift!
Goodluck to you both for the next month!
Ahh that will be an awesome gift!
Goodluck to you both for the next month!
I wanted to order Pregnacare His & Her Conception Tablets but shipping will take a month:cry::cry::cry: What should i do
Can you not buy them in local chemists hun? Have you tried Boots(uk online pharmacy) they sell them, Holland & Barrett.. I was taking Sanatogen Mother to be, i think they may do a mans one aswell, i think the blokes fertility ones ate just the sane as mens vits, with zinc etc for their swimmers health.. Have a Google hun, somewhere must be able to get them, im going to try & find you a link, x
They have some on Boots.com pharmacy but may need to check delivery status i couldnt check it for some reason.. :-/ arhh! If you cant get your hands on any until they get deluvered, just make sure you have folic acid or folate to take each day ;) thats a must in ttc & early pg esp first 3 months x
Its not available in Canada and when i order from uk, it takes at least a month. Btw my period lasted day and half, started 13dpo(2 days early), ended yesterday mid day it was just spotting.

What do u guys think, why is my period so short :cry: I didnt even take pain killers
Oh Golden!! What i think is you should pee on a stick, frer as they pick up everything! So how many dpo would you be now then, 15/16dpo?? You kniw if you implanted at the later end of the scale your bleeding would be around when period is due.. I would def retest hun :) keep us posted hehe!!

Do any local phamacies/chemists do any own brand pre natals? X
Oh Golden!! What i think is you should pee on a stick, frer as they pick up everything! So how many dpo would you be now then, 15/16dpo?? You kniw if you implanted at the later end of the scale your bleeding would be around when period is due.. I would def retest hun :) keep us posted hehe!!

Do any local phamacies/chemists do any own brand pre natals? X

Im gonna test when i get home and give up, i thought my last cycle period was short, this cycle it got even shorter :dohh: I feel sick today, have cold i think, plus cramps and leg pain maybe stress scared my period away.

My pharmacies have prenatal but i liked that one, has good combo of supplements in it. Especially one for men.

Are u close to ovulating?

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