ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Ive requested to to be referred to a consultant as im thinking i may want a csection.. But indecisive aswell lol

Yeah am doing ok, just cant seem to kick this bloody cold, had it for 2 weeks just lingering about :( my bumps pushed right up now & gets soooooo uncomfy after i eat its awful.. Didnt have that with Riley, how you doing Iak? Are u waking again to pee in the night? Drives me nuts Lol
The best thing to do is discuss with the consultant. I was under the consultant as I had a cyst that they found early in the pregnancy but today I had an appointment and it is all normal and has gone. Sometimes in the early pregnancy the hormones produces a cyst which is healthy, so everything is good and now been referred back to midwife. My hospital don't do midwife appointments and found out my GP doesn't have a GP so I have to find someone local that has a midwife. Really peed off!

Oh and the worst thing is you can't take anything.. Feel for you :( plenty of fluid and rest. I'm ok bump is starting to grow. Feel fat though! I'm in between a bump and looking podgie haha. I'm off to a baby show on Sunday so looking forward to that. Yes been getting up to pee it's so annoying. I use to get up 2-3 times a night but gone to once now. Has your sickness passed ?

Are you having a baby shower ?
Ah love going to those baby shows/events, they sell all sorts, & you can get some good bargains & cuuuuutest baby outfits hehee!

Yes sickness has completely gone now, i really dont know know how some cope having sickness all the way through.. We're lucky i guess :thumbup:

I had a suprise baby shower with Riley, both my sisters organised it, im not sure if i will have one this time around.. If ones arranged suprise again it'll be lovely but i feel abit cheeky organising my own & then invite people to buy me presents hahaa!

Are you having one hun? Im sure your friends & family will organise a lovely supruse pne :hugs: ooh have you told everyone about what gender yet?
Yes i can't imagine vomitting for 9 months. My mum and sister want to arrange one. I know what u mean by inviting people yourself haha. We were going to keep it from everyone but I want everyone to be involved especially when I go shopping be lovely to go friends, so yes everyone knows. If it was our 2nd baby we wouldn't of found out the gender, but seeing it as its our first baby we both wanted to be prepared. I'm sure you will have a surprise baby shower.

Has it fully sunk in that you will be having a daughter ? How is Riley dealing with a new baby coming into his world ?
Ah thats nice of your mum & sister :) i wonder if you get a Nappy cake made? My friend did one for me, 4 tiers of rolled napues with cuddly toys & baby outfits, it was awesome! I think i have a photo somewhere il see if i can find it :)

Everyone knows the gender with us aswell, although when i say 'yes its a girl' i feel the need to say 'apparently' lol!

Part of me is sad that its not another boy but im excited for a girl aswell, its definately weird saying Daughter ha ha!

We are still in debate of 2 names we like, 'Lara' & 'Nuala' pronounced Noola, i like Lara more because i thought of it haha! Have you guys thought of any names yet or its all hush hush? :)
Yes it is being left to them... I don't want to be involved other than knowing day and time and saying who I want there.

CB, your a cauliflower!!!

Aww it's so nice that you will have one of each. Is this the last baby ? Or you planning for more after.

Aww lovely names. Did you have a name ready for Riley or did you wait until he was born? We have discussed names but we have no idea! I have names for a girl but not for a boy haha But I think if it was a girl it would be the other way round. When we decide on a name we will see if it suits him when he is born. I don't want to be 100% on a name just have a few ideas. I can't even think of 2. We won't be telling family or friends of a name until he is born. Although everyone keeps mentioning names lol.
Haha i know that feeling, everyone says ooh what about this one/that one & its like.. 'Erm no!!' Lol!

I know a Cauliflour eeeesh!! And a very wriggly one at that ha ha!

Well, SO only wanted us to have 2 but hasnt definately said no to a 3rd but we'll see.. I may have this one & say no, no more :haha: how about you guys? Just the one or see how it goes?

I thought of Riley & we both liked the name, then i changed my mind as SO told everyone thats his name grrr but then we couldnt settle on another boys name so he kind of got his choice of name, my turn with baby girl Lol
Yeah I keep saying it's not easy to choose a name and stick to it. I have a feeling that the baby will not have a name for a while!

It's weird as my OH never brings it up but when I do he goes yeah we need to decide soon. We will def have more than 1, he wants 6! I am like no not 6. 3 yes.
6 omg!! Lol!

My sister has 4 but i think 3 if anything is probs my limit unless the last pg be twibs eek!
Haha I know. My brother has 4 and they are all under the age of 6.

When are u having the 4D scan ?
My next scan is at 28wks & they may do a couple of 4d snaps then.. I am tempted to go private for a 4d one but apparently if you have Anterior placenta it really affects the clearness of the images so they wont be as great .. :-/ This is what the scan lady told me at the private ultrasound i had at 20wks

Will you be having one?
Is the 28 wk one part of the survey you are doing ? Yes I have heard that. I don't know debating whether to or not. I like the idea of not knowing who they are going to look like. Find that the 4d will ruin that.
Yes its part of the survey, il also have the glucose tolerance bloodctest done that morning aswell, hoping they do the blood stuff first so i can drink the drink before the scan.. Dreading feeling awful :(

I know on the 4d 20-21wk one i had i had a couple of clear face pics & she looks just like Riley does, i never had a proper 3/4d scan with Riley though but i wish i had, i probs wont have anymore done even though they are soooo tempting, they're very pricey though these private scans! Cha ching!!
Is the test that bad ? So when I have my midwife app at 28 weeks, I will have the blood test done?

I know i went to baby show yesterday and they were selling a package for 130 and had nothing in it! You can look on groupon ect for deals.
My glucose blood test is being done by the study as its part of the study, the midwife wont do the test its done at hospital or a clinic usually.. But some Drs surgerys do them m, the nurse usually, maybe ask your midwife what the procedure is hun?

Its not that bad a test really, a blood test, drink the glucose drink & then 2hrs later they draw blood again & thats it done, its the whole fasting thing im never good at, pg or not Lol

Ooh Asda has their baby-toddler event at the moment, i just got 144 size 1 pampers for £12! Bargain :) i need get more as in the first few weeks they get through about 9-11 nappies a day esp if breastfeeding uhh Riley would s**t all the time :rofl: lol
Yeah will if my doctors do it. Really how long are they in size 1 usually ?

Do you get any pains round your stomach? Had some pains like tightening when I was getting out of bed and also back ache.
Riley was in size ones for about a month or so but boys grow rapidly, size 2-3 he was in alot longer.. He probs got through lotsa nappies because he was breastfed for first few months & the Milk goes through them loads quicker than formula, sadly Riley wouldnt feed if he was Wet or Poopy.. Fussy bugger Lol!

You've probs been exp braxton hicks.. Mine does it all the time, started noticing around 11wks this time & 14wks with Riley, its weird hardening pulling sensation, mine gets really uncomfy, i think i have SPD - pelvic pain which radiates to thighs, lower back & everywhere, she must be laying really low i think, have you had any pelvic pressure at all? Im like an old woman hobbling around most evening lol
Thanks clairybell. How many nappies do you get for the first month ? How many do they tend to go through a day ?

Did you buy formula before you gave birth just in case he didn't feed ? Sorry lots of questions! First time mum haha

Yes I think so comes and goes. Not too much on pelvic pressure. I said the other day that I think he will arrive early but everyone must feel like that. How's everything going with you ? You must have midwife app coming up soonish
How's OH dealing with pregnancy ?
Hullo my lovely

Lol d'ya know what, i actually messaged my sister earlier adking how many size 1's should i get as i really cant remember ha ha!! I think il get 3 size 1's & a size 2 to begin with & see how we go lol, i didnt buy Formula just incase with Riley but i had all the bottles.? Whats that about ha ha!! I will be this time incase breastfeeding doesnt work out due to length of feeds & school runs in morning etc..

Newbies can get through anything from 8-10 nappies a day roughly, lotsa pee & loadsa poop if on the Boob..

Am doing ok, just feeling really achey & i having lotsa shooting pains on my Tail Bone ouch!! My 27-28 wk scan for that study is next Tuesday & next Thursday is midwife :)

Whens your next mw apt hun? Hope hubby is giving you lotsa foot rubs :hugs:

SO asks 'hows my girls doing today' its very sweet, for the first time i know hes not talking about my Boobs Lol

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