ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

How many is that in a pack then ? Yeah I'm thinking if I'm in hospital and he doesn't take the boob, what am I going to do! I've got bottles anyway but going to use them to express.

Oh baby girl has obviously found her spot to lye! Oh is it 3D/4d? My mw app is on 19th and then have the dreaded blood test on 20th. Hubby is obsessed with the boobs and nipples are extra sensitive haha. Aww bless him so it's sinking in that you are not only going to be the female in the house. It will be nice for you to have extra time with baby whilst Riley is at school
I have the worst headaches for the last week. It's on the side of my head starting off on one side and now is on the other side and feels like it is at the back of my eye. Take paracetamol and then it comes back. OUchy!
Ah hun, headaches are the worst :( lotsa water, are you sleeping very well? Sometimes i get them when ive had crappy sleep..

Ooh on tv i just saw Tesco have their Baby event on, buy one get one free on Nappies, ends this Sunday i think?! The bumper packs i have are packs of 72 lol but giving that between 8-11 ish a day, 72 wont last long ha ha!!

In hospital they usually provide lil teeny newborn bottles & formula, dont bother taking any bottles & formula etc with you, i never did with Riley, never occured to me too but my sister never did & they provide them so dont stress there hun :thumbup:

I was Googling about tailbone pain in pg, it can shift around & lower die to the 'relaxin hormone' its been horrendous at work, i dont think i can take another 3 months of x2 days a week desk job in pain, getting up & trying to sit down is awful, think im going to have to indulge in a sitting pillow Lol

The scans mainly 2d but they will switch it over to 3/4d for a couple of bits, really hoping for a lovely face piccy, fx hehe!

Ah is that you glucose blood test on 20th? You'll be fine hun, i think its just the thought of it & not eating anything, we will power through it :)
Headaches have got better. Sleeping fine but just been abit stressed out so maybe that's why. Ok thanks for the nappy advice haha

Since yesterday my stomach has been getting really hot just under where my bra line is and feels hot inside, have you heard of this ? Tried googling it but haven't really found anything.

I can't believe your 28 weeks already. I have downloaded an app on my phone for the countdown, really looking forward for going into labour and having baby boy. I bet I'm not saying that when the time comes. Are you going to go on mat leave early ? I know what you mean I get it when I have driven for too long.

When is your scan ? I really want another scan! Although I have had like 6 haha
Hey hun! Im 27wks :) but nearly 28 lol!

My 27-28wk scan is on Tuesday eee excited!! Just hope i can see a clear face pic & they can check to see definate girls bits Lol!

I havent experienced the hotness on/under the skin but i think its where your skins stretching hun, its kinda like a burning sensation i guess, are you usung any oils on the tummy to help elasticity to reduce any stretchmarks? Im using a kind of 'Bio Oil' but cheaper version with Vit E etc, smells ok & for 99p in Savers why not lol

Hahaa 6 scans total so far! They get addictive like poas lol! Do you have anymore booked here or you thinking of a 4d one abit later on?

Probs wont do early Mat leave, i did 7wks with Riley - 3 of those were holiday - OMG i was sooo bloody bored lol! Theres only so much cleaning one can do :haha:

I have 2 wks hols to take so il take a week before my 'planned csection date' whenever that is & then a week after then start Mat leave i think, want to get Mat leave money to last as long as poss! I will have a planned csection around 39wks & if i labour beforehand il see how i go but if i need to be intervene'd with, they'll section me!

I looked forward to labour with Riley, plus near the end your huge & its like 'get the ffff outta me' LOL! Sadly Riley was breech & i was gutted about that but my anxietys have grown since so i am more calmer about csection :)

You doing much this bank hols? We just had a Curry take out.. Man i feel whale like lol! Hows your bump? Load a piccy hun X
How exciting. Upload some pics after Tuesday. Have you heard of the hotness sensation ? No more booked. Was thinking of 4d at like 32 weeks. We had one when we had the gender scan at 14 weeks in USA but was not clear. I like the idea of not knowing what features he has so will probs not to have the 4d scan.

Oh really yeah I'm not working atm but finishing off my masters so preoccupied with that until June/July. So are r u def going with csection ? It's weird that you will know the date that she is coming and you don't have to wait around.

No nothing planned. May start cleaning out wardrobes as haven't done anything since we have been back from USA. i have so many clothes that I won't be wearing for summer so will be putting some away... Makes me sad but I'm a preggo for now as OH likes to call me! What about you? Any plans ?
No ive not heard of the hotness sensation but probs to do with the skin, could always drop the midwife a quick text? ..

Yeah i know there will be no suprise again with a planned csection but if i have it booked in ready & if i change my mind abit later i will cancel it :)

Omg im so ready to start the 'nesting' cleaning but its waaay to early! If i start it now il end up re doing it later & i have no energy hahaa!!

Cant believe im still awake at midnight ughhh! I'l feel knackered tomorrow as alarm for SO goes off at 6! Think hes working tomorrow morning.. Hmm!

I get called 'tubby' lol!! I dont mind as pre pregnancy i was too slim so i quite enjoy being a waddling mini chunk :haha:

No plans as yet for tomorrow afternoon, might make a roast dinner or bake a cake, really loving Banana cake at the moment mmm!
Believe it or not I'm only meeting my midwife on 19th. My hospital does not have midwife appointments, so after your 20 week scan you have to see community midwife and my gp does not have midwives. So I'm in the middle of registering at a gp down the road from me.

hope you feel sleep soon after writing that! Clairybell how much clothes did you have for Riley like newborn, 0-3 months ect. I don't know how many outfits to buy baby for newborn, 0-3 months.

Yeah although I do feel my bum getting bigger, I put my size 10 skinny jeans on the other day, they were tight but still fit. I was so happy. As long as I get back to my size 8 after baby is born I will be very happy.

Did you end up making your roast dinner/ banana cake ? What recipe do you follow for banana cake? OH loves banana milkshake, may try a cake haha

We ended up going for brunch and then to the racers. Ashame the weather is typical May Day weather!
How many weeks will you be when they do csection? Good that you are will be prepared this time and know what to expect.
I have my midwife apts at my Drs surgery aswell, never have had any at the hospital but i think if consultant led its diff. Honestly i had way too much 0-3 months clothes, vests etc, people just give you loads new & used & honestly you eont even use half of it Lol you end up having a few items that you love seeing them in & it gets re-washed ha ha!

No we ended up going out for lunch today, TGI Fridays mmmmmm i had sizzling fajitas & i still cant move now :haha: I found a basic Banana cake recipe on Google, i think it may of been on Mumsnet actually which says to add milk aswell but it makes the mixture too sloppy, never made that either.. I may do tomorrow!

Omg the weathers been crap this afternoon hasnt it??! Alot nicer tomorrow & 19degreed Friday or warmer more inland :)

csection will be booked for 39 wks same as Rileys so im thinking probs on or around the 25th July.. Eeek! Not long!!

Ooh Asdas baby event is closing soon or has already, anyway their already liw priced items are even lower!!! Pop on down & grab a bargain :thumbup:
How many packs of bodysuits and vests should I buy for newborn? Struggling to decide whether to buy newborn or 0-3 months as I have no idea how much he is going to weigh. I love asda baby clothes, they have lovely baby clothes. I remember looking in there when my nephew was born and I brought him some lovely Disney stuff.

Oh I love TGI although hardly go there. I love their cocktails will have to go once baby arrives haha. Weather is meant to be nice on Friday. Although I wake up and it looks nice but cold outside.

When you think about it that it will be end of July it does not feel long at all. Hopefully will go quick. I feel like the days are going past so quick.

How's Riley with bump ? Have you managed to buy anything for her or are you going to sort everything out nearer the time. We brought the pushchair the other week. Can't wait for it to arrive... Never thought I'd be so excited for a pushchair haha

Did you buy a cot before Riley arrived ? I don't know whether to buy it when he is a couple of months as we will be moving in August/ September.
I had 25 wk checkup with GP today. All is well, so funny the doctor went to check heartbeat and he was kicking the Doppler off haha

I love how they are developing characters already!
Hahaaa cheeky lil munchkin!! I love it when they kick at the Doppler :hugs: so glad Drs apt went well hun :hugs:

Ive made a lust of things to get as we have literally nothing apart from baby bath, baby carseat & just nappies that ive buyed! Il copy a picture of list for you hun..

Only thing with baby boys is that once they're born they grown really quick, Riley was out of his Moses basket & i cot by like 6-7wks he just got big Lol!

Rileys looking forward to having a sister, although i think hes more excited about a present we'll get from her to him hahaa bless him! Scan went well today, have a face piccy & shes def a girl measuring just right for gestation! Il post a pic in a minute along with the list hun.. Although, my glucose test didnt go well, i had fully hydrated veins & they couldnt draw blood, my body was being a nightmare, i have bruises & pierce holes everyon both arms & hands do in end, test never got done Lol so ive just munched out on everything!!
Baby girl piccy
and the list!!! Lol! Ive probs forgotten bits so in baby books & online they have lists aswell :) just to give you done ideas.. Remembering you'll get given loads, people just cant help themselves ha ha
Thank you so much clairybell, so lovely of you to send your list. I have seen lots of lists but none of them say how much of things. Are your vests and rompers newborn size ?

Glad scan went well and she looks adorable. Haha girl bits are still there. You sound like you are still in shock that it is a girl.. Ahhhh :)

Clairybell I was scared about the diabetes test and now I feel worst lol still got two weeks though. I hate when they can't find the veins. Have they booked you in for a different date ?

I may order cot then and just keep it in the box just incase we haven't moved yet. Do you think it's worth getting a changing table ?
Thanks after our 12 week scan I sent friends this when I was still in the USA
Your more than welcome :thumbup:

Yes sorry, newborn sizes & maybe an extra pack actually for 0-3 or upto a month old, forgot to add to the list 'Infacol' drops! Drops for trapped wind &/or Colic, can be used from birth & it just eases their wind, worked great with Riley :)

If your having a nursery or baby has his own bedroom you could always look at getting a change unit to store everything on but its completely upto you hun & what style bedroom you'll be having, we had a change board that sat ontop of the Cot, helped loads as i had a csection, no bending down etc.. I think il be getting another one :)

The glucose test itself is usually ok just makesure your well hydrated as you can drink lotsa water so it'll plump ye veins up, i think my body just doesnt like needles Lol! You will be fine hun :hugs: I have to let my midwife know on Thursday & she'll probs rebook via the normal routes .. Only due to my Dad having type 2 Diabetes which he only got because he was so old bless him but they wanted to test me anyway pffft!!!

Think il mooch about Thursday morning to get some baby bits purchased hehe!

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