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ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Hey ladies

I know I still can't believe. Like you say - until I go for a scan I won't believe it.
I just want a date already! But I shall be patient and wait for the hosp to contact me!
I'm super excited but super nervous.
Keep checking toilet paper when I go to the bathroom in case of blood or something else!
Finger crossed all goes smoothly.
Goodluck for your TWW! I shall keep my fingers crossed for you both

Thanks Poppet, so im guessing that you due date will be late June/Early July ;) i never even thought about that when i found out i was pg, then i got excited about a sunmer baby ha ha
Hi Claireybell

Indeed - due end of June!

Just bit scared of something going wrong. But fingers and toes crossed all will be fine!

Just reading up as much as I can haha might buy a book!

Even started thinking of names!

How are you doing? You better?

Hope you are having a great weekend :0)
Hey ;)

Yes throats loads better now thankyou,

Ooh yes get yaself to a bookstore, i have 2 from previous but no doubt il buy another hehe!

Its hard to try & relax but im sure all will be great, have you got any pg app's on your phone? They give you weekly updates on fetal size, whats growing in comparison with fruit/vege sizes lol, enjoy as much snoozy time as you can :)

Hopw you have a nice chilled Sunday x
Clairey! i need help, i usually wake p 7:20, but today i had to wake p at 6:10 and my temp was 37.1C. Should i log 37.1 or calculate my possible temp at 7:20?

I got positive opk today, cervical fluid is watery(clear), not so strechy, do u think im ovulating today? I didnt get temp dip tho:shrug: Im confused
hi Golden

yes still log the temp as you still had undisturbed sleep as such for 3 or more hrs..


Yes start bd'ing, my cm was really cloudy watery but not quite egg white & i ovulated, watery is still fertile hun x
Nah, i was reading up & unless your man has low sperm count, couples should bd as often as poss over & before ovulation & it wont affect the sperm count ;)
oh thats good to hear, I will molest my hubby until he runs away :wohoo:

My ovulation pain is unusual this month, its like higher , just under my belly button and stabbing like pain, hmmm probably convincing:happydance: or just a trapped gas lol

Hope we get positive this month! even tho i don't want Leo sign kid, too high maintenance
Ha ha!! If i get positive this month the due date will be 4days or so before my sons in July lol talk about timing! If i dont, i be happy with an August baby, il be nice & plump preggers still when my younger sister gets married next year late July :)

You go molest your man ha ha!! As its such a small window the eggs viable for x
Hey ladies
How's it going?

Claireybell - when are you testing?
Am 5 weeks tomorrow but doesn't feel like I'm pregnant.
Been getting period pains in the night but during the day been ok - is this normal?

Golden - how's things with you? When will you be testing?
I think my bubba is going to be a Gemini! Depending on when he/she arrives.

Have a good day ladies xx
Hey ladies
How's it going?

Claireybell - when are you testing?
Am 5 weeks tomorrow but doesn't feel like I'm pregnant.
Been getting period pains in the night but during the day been ok - is this normal?

Golden - how's things with you? When will you be testing?
I think my bubba is going to be a Gemini! Depending on when he/she arrives.

Have a good day ladies xx

Heeeey! yea i heard u wont feel pregnant for fist 3 months unless u get morning sickness. My sister in law said she couldnt eat until 3rd month, now she cant stop eating :happydance:

Im Gemini , thats why my hubby didnt want our baby to be gemini lol i talk way too much and he said its enuf that i listen to u lol, S/he will be talkative, smart and fun (just like me :p)

Clairey, my chart is messed p this month again :dohh: I had so much pain yesterday, I could barely stand during BD, so i assumed i ovulated, but my temp is stable still:cry: Not sure why my temp is this way :nope:
Hey girls! Maybe if you ov'd later in the day the hormone temp shift may not happen until tomorrow.. Are you Vag temping or mouth? I cant remember lol.. I though i ov'd on cd17 but looks like 16 on my chart, are u doing them temp as soon as you wake & move your body, i have mine on window sill next to the bed, lean arm over & its straight in my mouth when alarm goes off,

Im gonna be doing an early test on Thursday hopefully :) il be 8dpo then acc to chart, had a faintest positive with my son then ;)

Poppet have u started waking for pees in middle of the night yet? I didnt start feelin pg until least 9-10 wks, bit of nausea & then had scan at 12wks, i had no bump until nearly 24/25 wks ha ha
I do vaginal temp, i dont move, i have the thermometer on my nightstand and i grab it as soon as i wake p. I also temped underarm yesterday to see if my thermometer is working, it was 36.4 and today it was 36.7, but i know under arm is not reliable. I hope it shifts tomorrow:cry:
I'm just so worried about the 3 months and what could happen.
Hopefully all goes well.
I have woken up loads to pee in the night but go a fair bit in the day!

When did you tell your friends and family? Or employer?

ooooo only one and a half days before you test - goodluck :0)

Im sure you'll get your temp shift Golden, i questioned my thermometre as it kept giving me 36.1 & 36.3, then i got it couple days later :) hang with it hun, hows your CM looking? Still watery? If it is you probs not ovulated yet

It is nerve wrecking Poppet but it'll all be fine hun, i never had any pg symptoms until i was a good few wks along, i was convinced thst my 12wk scan i would have nothing in there ha ha!! I spotted right up until 7-8 wks so i was very nervous but then it stopped. Have you had a call re Midwife apt yet? Hehe!
Im sure you'll get your temp shift Golden, i questioned my thermometre as it kept giving me 36.1 & 36.3, then i got it couple days later :) hang with it hun, hows your CM looking? Still watery? If it is you probs not ovulated yet

It is nerve wrecking Poppet but it'll all be fine hun, i never had any pg symptoms until i was a good few wks along, i was convinced thst my 12wk scan i would have nothing in there ha ha!! I spotted right up until 7-8 wks so i was very nervous but then it stopped. Have you had a call re Midwife apt yet? Hehe!

Yea hopefully it shifts tomorrow. So have u tested yet? i would have tested at 6dpo:kiss:
Dont judge me.. Yes twice today :haha: completely neg hahaa!! If it implants today i wont see for a couple of days.. I peed on 2 lil cheapies, they like 20miu so not sensitive at all ha ha
Hi claireybell

I got two letters today - one from hosp with a midwife appt at a local family centre. All feels but weird reading these letters.
However this is at about 9 weeks.
Would they book a scan at that appointment or is that when I have my first scan?
It's all very confusing.

Feel bit confused about the next steps.
But very happy about expecting.
Oh yay! In the uk your details get sent to hospital & then midwife contacts you, have the apt, bloods taken etc etc.. Sometimes a heartbeat doppler is used hehee very excited for you! & then about 2-3 wks before 12wks you usually recieve a letter for your scan.. Plenty of water which gives a really clearer piccy of baby awww! Any worries of anything chat with ye midwife, she/he be able to put your mind at ease hun :thumbup:

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