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ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Some places do offer an early scan .. Usually a vaginal one but you can always call mw to check this xx
Good morning ladies
How's it going?

Claireybell ---- any news?? My fingers and toes are crossed for you.

I'm still the same - not much symptoms apart from odd period pain style cramps and achey legs.
No sickness....yet! I'm hoping this is normally?!

Hope you are well. Keep us updated xx
Hi Poppet

Have done 2 but all neg uhh! Im only 8dpo so its crazy early, feel a lil bleh as got a faint positive with my son at 8dpo.. Silly to think the same this time but i had odd twinges & cramps yesterday so it could be implanting still (if i am preggers ha ha)

Odd pains here & there are quite normal, i had some, i see it as good things that everything is stretching & growing in there.. :) as long as its not awful bad period cramping painful & any bleeding you're all good hun, no sickness - excellent! Not everyone gets it, you may skip it, jammy, its horrible Lol xx
Heyooo 8dpo is still early! FX

Im sure i ovulated but not sure when :cry:

Got positive opk CD13, but i could have gotten it CD12 at night but didnt test so donno if i got the LH as asoon as it happened. Then CD14 i got upset with hubby for falling a sleep at 8pm and didnt BD, so i couldnt get a good temp since i had such a restless sleep:cry:

We BDd last night at CD15, and today my temp went up. CD15 cant be ovulation since my opk was on CD13, since LH surge doesnt last more than 36 hours. Also I didnt get any ewcm this cycle.

Do you guys think im out since we didnt BD on CD14?
Hi ladies

Claireybell - fingers crossed it was implantation! Will def keep everything crossed for you.
My pains are just normal period pains - I wouldn't say they are awful - as I am not needing to lie down or curl over but they are annoying and they come and go!
Just feel worried noting is insdie :0(
Hehe maybe at the 6 week mark sickness will come taunt me lol

Golden ratio -
I ovulated on CD16 - and I inseminated the night before, twice on the day - am and pm, and once following evening. And touch wood all is going well now - am 5 weeks.
I think I ovulated CD15 night cos I got the ovulation cramps.

Hope you are both having a good day :0)
Hi ladies

Claireybell - fingers crossed it was implantation! Will def keep everything crossed for you.
My pains are just normal period pains - I wouldn't say they are awful - as I am not needing to lie down or curl over but they are annoying and they come and go!
Just feel worried noting is insdie :0(
Hehe maybe at the 6 week mark sickness will come taunt me lol

Golden ratio -
I ovulated on CD16 - and I inseminated the night before, twice on the day - am and pm, and once following evening. And touch wood all is going well now - am 5 weeks.
I think I ovulated CD15 night cos I got the ovulation cramps.

Hope you are both having a good day :0)

When did u get positive opk? I got positive opk CD13 and extream ovulation pain but my temp shift didnt happen until Cd15. If i go by opks and ovulation pain then, i ovulated CD13. Ughhh so confusing, i wouldnt worried this much if my annooying husband stayed on schedule and BD on CD14 :dohh:
I used the Clearblue digitial dual hormone ones
It was just an empty circle on CD15 (low fertility) and went straight to a still smiley face at CD16 (peak fertility)
Normally you should get flashing faces before still face which means high fertility.
So I did think maybe something was wrong with the kit and would be out. But all worked well in the end.

If you look on pregnancycountdown you can put your dates in a 'when to have sex calculator' and it will tell you when to Dtd.
So not doing it on CD14 may not be anything bad.

Countdown to pregnancy intercourse timing calculator

Pop in your dates and it will come up with Dtd plans.

Hope this makes sense and may help a bit

Countdown to pregnancy intercourse timing calculator

Pop in your dates and it will come up with Dtd plans.

Hope this makes sense and may help a bit

I checked it and some fit my schedule, some dont. I hope it worked this time, i hate waiting.
Ooh no, opk lh surges indicate you are ovulating or expecting to in the next 24-48 not 36 hrs hun.. You bd the day before ov the same as me ;) good luck! Hehe, plus male sperm live for 2-3 days & girls upto 5. In fertile cm, i never had ewcm this month either but i usually only get a tiddly bit lol

I had positive opk on cd15,16 & 17 but i never peed on one cd14 bet that would be positive aswell, i only ended up jigging once early eve on cd15, very brief encounter shall we say lol, im getting odd twinges here& there but i dont recall getting this on other cycles so im hoping its all good :)

Poppet as long as you are not in mass pain bleeding etc im sure all is groovy :) if you were empty inside you wouldve had period haha, its because theres no early early pg symptoms, takes a while until hcg kicks in i reckon.

I remember Clairey said she fell pregnant the month she took temp because she found out that she actually ovulates couple days after getting positive opk. So im assuming same thing is happening to me, i ovulated yesterday which is way more than 12-48 hours after first positive opk.

You are lucky poppet than ur opks actually spot the ovulation, thats what my sister in law used and got pregnant too.
Dtd tonight and tomorrow - no harm in it!
You never know :0)


And claireybell - let us know tomorrow poas result :0)
Yeah Golden get in some more jiggy action ;)

Absolutly girls il keep you both posted! Fingers crossed we both caught our eggs Hehe xx
Hi girls

Well i tested with a frer this morning .. Zip, nuthin! I thought i saw something faint but i think it was the shadow line & couldnt determine any colour uhhh!!! I bet im out this cycle.. Only 9dpo but poss 8 i think also

Hows you both today :) x
Hey Claireybell
I'm good thanks!
Glad it's the weekend!

Ahh your not out until the witch arrives!
Are you testing again tomorrow?

Hope you get a BFP!! :0)

Hope you are having a good day xx
Im def in tgif mode! My temp was high today too, so im sure i ovulated either CD14, 15. We tried to BD but we both couldnt get into any mood, and i told him that im done with scheduling, he was so happy lol. I think idea of schedule puts him off. I will secretly schedule muhahahahhaha:happydance:

So we didnt BD last night, hopefully i get positive this cycle. I already feel sick but 2dpo is way too early to feel sick lol

Clairey! 9 dpo is still early, wait for af:hugs: You didnt even have implantation dip, maybe u didnt implant yet? Even you did at 7dpo, it takes 3 days for hormone to built p
Ah thanks Poppet, i know im not out just yet but im 10dpo tomorrow.. Hmmm, im hoping my lil temp dip at 7dpo was an implanting dip & im still building hcg hehe! Much planned for wknd? Pretty sure i have nothing planned ha ha! Hope your cramps are eased off now xx
Ah thanks Poppet, i know im not out just yet but im 10dpo tomorrow.. Hmmm, im hoping my lil temp dip at 7dpo was an implanting dip & im still building hcg hehe! Much planned for wknd? Pretty sure i have nothing planned ha ha! Hope your cramps are eased off now xx

Lets say 7dpo dip was implantation, and ur hormone doubles everyday, 9dpo is still early. My cramps are gone, but i feel nauseous and i have diarrhea, that could be from something i ate. Tmi but my stool smells like metal, which never happened to me. I went thru what i have been eating lately but nothing unusual.
Ahhh look at me, 2 dpo and already symptom spotting :dohh:
Hahaa im on google & everything looking at dpo per miu rubbish :rofl: i do this even though i know the answers, 10dpo+ is the best time to test or i could wait until period due next Weds-ish.. Unlikely haha!! Well.. Not sure about the poop smells haha... Your taking pregnancy vitamins yes? I wonder if its those related.. Esp with the diarrohea .. Hope that passes quickly hun
Hey girlies

Still getting cramps - but according to stuff I've googled it's normal from week 4-6.
My pain woke me up this morning
Maybe part of it psychological. Maybe I'm being too anxious.

I want to relax but finding it a little hard.

No plans over the weekend - working tomorrow and maybe catch up with some family.

Want to relax myself a little!

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