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ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Hey girlies

Still getting cramps - but according to stuff I've googled it's normal from week 4-6.
My pain woke me up this morning
Maybe part of it psychological. Maybe I'm being too anxious.

I want to relax but finding it a little hard.

No plans over the weekend - working tomorrow and maybe catch up with some family.

Want to relax myself a little!

My sister inlaw said she didnt have any cramps but she was so emotional, she was crying anf yelling at everyone. Did ur mood swings start?
Hahaa im on google & everything looking at dpo per miu rubbish :rofl: i do this even though i know the answers, 10dpo+ is the best time to test or i could wait until period due next Weds-ish.. Unlikely haha!! Well.. Not sure about the poop smells haha... Your taking pregnancy vitamins yes? I wonder if its those related.. Esp with the diarrohea .. Hope that passes quickly hun

I seen so many posts, ppl getting neg up to 16dpo! What are ur symptoms?
Also do u log every BD time to ur chart?
I'm not getting moody yet.... But it may creep up on me!
I'm just tired and crampy lol
I'm not getting moody yet.... But it may creep up on me!
I'm just tired and crampy lol

I think im gonna try Vitabiotics Pregnacare His & Her Conception pills too , my next cycle. Can i still take my prenatals while taking these?
That's what my hubby and I took the month I conceived. Get them off amazon - cheaper!
Not sure if you can take with prenatals. Prob ask doc or pharmacist.
That's what my hubby and I took the month I conceived. Get them off amazon - cheaper!
Not sure if you can take with prenatals. Prob ask doc or pharmacist.

I wanna order it but then im like how if i get positive. I wonder how long amazon will take to deliver it
Dont count yaself out yet Golden lol its early after ovulation :)

I dismt start getting emotional until quite a few wks over 12wks but then i dont get that usually anyway, i can remember losing it after spilling the sugar pot :rofl: no joke, i spilt sugar & it made me go wild, hilarious to look back in hahaa!!

I wouldnt take pre natals the same time as taking the his & hers, do one or the other, i bet, if you look, apart from 1/2 extra vits, they'll have the same as prenatals hun, you dont wanna dbl up & od of vits as such, bot that you would od but you know what i mean, too much is bad for you xx
Oh sorry yes, i put every bd on my chart, even after ov'ing :)

When my temp went at its highest this morning, i let out a little chuckle hahaa & SO was like wtf u laughing at st 05:10 ha ha
So you didnt BD on ovulation day? Im just upset and feeling like out bkz we didnt BD CD14 and CD16 (yesterday), my hubby said he cant get in mood since i started with scheduling. Oh well next cycle, i will plan secretly :D

I will just hang out in my lingerie and put on candles when i wanna BD hehe I will be like whaaaat , what schedule, im just hanging out :shrug:
Haha I can imagine me going mad if I spilt sugar too haha
Let me know how your test goes tomorrow!
Fingers and toes crossed for the both of you that you get you bfps.
Nope! Ended up jigging the day before ovulation, i was actually reading that percentages are higher to have sex leading upto or just before ovulation rather than on ov day, as you could bd on ov day in evening say & you could ovulate in the morning or like early hours of that day & thrn you missed the egg.. Your still in hun ;) im still hoping lol

When we were ttc my son it got really stressful as we're not a couple who have loadsa sex anyway so scheduled sex seemed like a chore & not fun, we started arguing & SO often tried to get out of having sex! So the month i charted to see if i were ovulating etc we werent meant to be actively 'trying' that month but i could see from my chart i hadnt ov'd so i were just getting random humps in throughout the week lol & then it happened, its weird, i had an odd feeling we had done it that cycle & we did, cant explain it.. Hope it doesnt get stressful like it this time around, well not for bd'ing anyways ha ha! I keep forgetting though it may take longer as i only have 1 tube & 1 good ovary, lost the other tube to Ectopic in 2013 :(
Afternoon ladies
How are you both?
Any news?
Just had lunch - feel awfully sick now but not been sick.
Tea tastes odd to!
Is this normal that things start to taste odd?
Hey girls! Uhhh yes! Tea & coffee & they are worse if de caf .. Gag! Chicken is another common one too, loads have aversions to Tea,

Im just about to have some lunch aswell :)

My 10miu test was blank negative again. Ohhh deflation lol
Hello ladies
How are you both?
Any news?
Hope you had a lovely weekend x
Hi girls

Yeah wknd were ok, had a yummy roast today mmm! How you feeling poppet? Whens your Midwife apt?

No testing for me, im all outta tests Lol! Period should arrive on Thursday & i usually get cramps the evening before, so gonna hold off til then & if nothing Thursday il buy another test ;)

Hows your wknd been? X
Ahh nice :0) sounds like a yummy din!
I'm good thanks - weekends been ok.
Am feeling ok at the moment - just a bit tired. Period pains woke me up again last night. Walked about for a bit then was ok. Hope this is normal.
Midwife appt is mid nov. And they said after that the hosp will contact for first scan!
Sometimes I forget I'm even pregnant hehe

Ahh hope the witch has flown away for 9 months for you :0)
Hello ladies! Had headache and diarrhea entire weekend, it sucked. My temp is high and stable, I hope I get bfp this time, I already started testing, I'm so lame :(
Goldenratio - how are you feeling this evening? Fingers crossed the stable temp is good news for you.

Claireybell - did you cave in and buy another test?

I might get another test - really feel like I'm not pregnant. No symptoms at the moment - boobs hardly hurt either :0(
Not sure if this is normal.

Have a good evening x
I had 0.1 C drop today, plus still going to bathroom as if I hav diarrhea but actually I'm really constipated n gasy, bbs are swollen, cold sweats. Not sure if it's all in my head but I get random stabbing pains from lower abdominal area n lower back, and side of my bbs. I do weight training so some pain might be associated with sore muscles too. I hope this month is mine!
Goldenratio - how are you feeling this evening? Fingers crossed the stable temp is good news for you.

Claireybell - did you cave in and buy another test?

I might get another test - really feel like I'm not pregnant. No symptoms at the moment - boobs hardly hurt either :0(
Not sure if this is normal.

Have a good evening x

Don't worry! Ur baby is so tiny n u won't feel it unless hormones affect you, but some ppl hav it really easy so don't stress about it. You are lucky that u don't hav symptoms, but I heard painful bbs n morning sickness kicks in at week 6! So fx u don't get it

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