ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Yes def go into Tesco they have lovely stuff so does Asda. Yeah I just hope I don't have a 9 pounder! Everyone I know is going away this summer I am getting mega jealous. I love being in the heat next to the pool or beach.

How many newborn outfits would you say ? I have to go through what I have brought so far and make a list.

How much did Riley weigh?
Got such a backache today! Arghhh think I need a bath or something
My back & pelvis ache all the time its awful, evenings are the worse, when im trying to get off the sofa, im like an old lady holding my bits like a weeble wobbling around trying to get up Lol!

We dont have a bath tub, just shower.. :-/ i envy you!! I'd love a swim in the tub!

Riley weighed 7lb 5oz, diddy lil thing he was, he was born 39+2 :) i noticed he grew in a week, i remember texting my sister all upset when he was 6 days old that he was loads bigger HAHAA looking back obvs he was teeny lol

Im going to get x2 packs of 3/4 Newborn bits so 8 total like all in ones & vest tops, mainly if they sick alot but Riley wasnt very sicky as he was bf! But people will buy you stuff & pass on their previously owned baby bits hun so i wouldnt buy too much or buy last minute newborn bits after your baby shower ;)

Oh i cant wait to have a hot holiday!! Couple of friends are going away in June.. Clearly im not jealous Lol!!
Do you do anything to help with the pain ? Haha I bet that is a funny site!

Yeah I was thinking after baby shower I will just go out and buy anything that needs to be brought. Ahh so I'm guessing baby girl will be around the same weight. Did they give you an estimate before you had Riley ?

I will def be going away next year! Haha
Tbh theres nothing i can do really to ease it apart from frequently moving & switching positions, its definately worse on a work day like today, my backside is friggin killing me at the tailbone.. Paracetamol doesnt really do anything.. Oh well, just something il have to put up with i guess!

No, they never gave me an estimated weight but i had visions of him being huge lol but your body only carries what it can, its very rare that a small person would carry a baby that was physically too big for them to deliver.. Then they grow rapidly after they're born, girls are usually a little bit lighter in weight due to them generally being smaller bones & everything but i think it really just depends on baby & mother, im sure your lil dude wont be a huge Turkey lol as you look very petite from the pic i saw :)

Oh i cant wait to go on a hot hols! Not had a holiday abroad since 2007 :shock: deprived Lol!

Have my consultant app at 11:15am tomo eeee! Official bany birth date unless she arrives early mega ha ha!

So have you bedn told when your baby shower date is yet?
Yes moving positions help. I don't take parcatemol for the pains only when I get headaches. Ouch the tailbone! Maybe ask hubby for a massage :)

Yeah although I have heard stories of women that are not big give birth to 10 pounders lol and then having to have forceps! Omg so exciting let me know after your appointment!!! Girl, you need a holiday abroad! You can do it next year for Riley and baby girl's birthdays. Conjoin it hehe

Nope i will be deciding baby shower date... I'm thinking either 16/17 July. I'm due on 13th aug so will be 4 weeks before :)
Ah Saturday 9th July is Rileys birthday :)

Haha i know exactly what that massage will amount to.. I swear SO is on heat Lol! Not good for butt pain ha ha!!

Omg ye telling me, i need sun, sun lounger & lotsa Nivea sun cream, bliss .. Oh & a cold beer whilst i read my new book 'the unmumsy mum' haha! I follow the blog on fb & instagram, cracks me up!!

We were thinking about Spain next year with the sprogs & rent a villa or something for a week - 10 days.. Lovely :)

I think my baby shower was 3-4 wks before my due date last time, i knew nothing about it, was lovely, i ate so many fresh cream home made scones that after with fresh strawberries.. I felt so sick Lol!
Haha maybe try the massage when u r up for it then. I found some stuff coming out my boob the other day and showed oh, he now finds it assuming squeezing them so hard! Wish i didn't day anything lol

I know of the book but what's the blog all about ? Oh yummy got to love scones. Good luck for your app today :)
Colostrum!! Is it clear, creamy sometimes yellow bits? Ive had it since 20 wks!! I squeezed in the shower.. I should really stop doing it hahaaa!!

The blog updates basically shes just an unmumsy kind of mum & the crazy funny things that occur daily when you have babies or young children, the books hreat though, after you have lil man i def recommend a read, it puts you in the light of 'im not the only one & omg ive done that s few times' lol i wont spoil it ;)

Well, consultant apt went well but not got my csection date as now im possibly in VBAC mode lol!

Hows your day going? Im sat in the garden in sunshine, il be leaving to collect the chimp from preschool in about 10 mins :)
Yes it is colostrum. I have a look in the shower too haha

Will def have to get that after he is born :)

How comes you didn't get a date ? My day has been ok I've been up since 5 am. I woke up starving. I had 2 bowls of weatabix. I don't know what is wrong with me today I'm really hungry. Baby is def having a growth spurt!
I only find it comes out when im in the shower lol its weird, maybe i surge some hormone when im in the shower as i love a hot shower haha!

Im not a fan of Weetabix but i used to make myself eat ot for healthy bowel movement ha ha! I know eat Fruit n Fibre, i love all the dried fruit n nuts nom nom!!

The consultant said i should def still go on my vbac & waterbirth workshop, she gave me some info on anxiety combat techniques which will def help with labour, as i may feel diff after the classes & shes going to call me later in June to come in again, if im still not feeling the vbac she'll def book me the date, she wasnt pushy or stroppy so thats good. If i fo Vbac, i said i dont want to be cut etc or induced if i go over, if they need to induce they will just csection me :) so i am a bit more relaxed about it all now
I've only had it once but yes it was creamy/clear. I def will have a read after he is born :) will need something like that. Nervous of being a mummy and having this little person rely on me for everything. Scared that I won't be doing this right or this... Oh god!

I love fruit n fibre, since being pregnant I've had hemorrhoids and fruit n fibre really helps. Weatabix is usually my breakfast and fruit n fibre is a snack in the evening or whenever haha

Sounds like you have a really good plan in place :) When are your workshops ? So will you decide for csection after due date ?
I felt the same but you kind of just slip into the role, you'll make a great Mummy no doubt Iak :hugs:

The first night home was daunting as SO fell asleep, Riley was screaming as i got out shower & it seemed like forever to settle him & all i could think about was how fluffy & crap my hair would look in the morning because i wasnt able to dry it haha i really cried that night & then after it was fine :)

Ah i have a haemmoroid aswell, if its painful i find the best stuff to use is that Germaloids cream? It has local anaesthetic in it & numbs mega quick, i swear by it :thumbup: i was terrified of taking my Iron tabs incase of constipation but its been ok, lotsa juice helps, i gave up eating Ready to eat Apricots.. :sick: gag!!

Which workshops have you enrolled on? I cant remember...

Mine start mid-late June, so il see how i feel after & if i still want a csection they'll book me in around 39ish wks :)

If i decide to VBAC they'll only give ne the csection date when im overdue at 10 days i think or just before.. She'll probs come early lol!

Uhh been feeling awful uncomfy this eve, propped up on the sofa with indigestion :(
Thank you I hope so :) I guess after the first couple of weeks you get more confident. I am a worrier haha I'm sure your hair looked great hehe

I have heard the iron tabs make you more constipated. I went to the doctors around a month ago and got some cream seems to help. It comes and goes. I remember being on the plane from the U.S to the U.K and I could barely sit it was so bad. They put the seat belt sign on and I was literally sitting there in so much pain! It's such an uncomfortable feeling.

I have enrolled on all of them I think it's birthing, breastfeeding and caring for baby workshop. Mine start at beg of July for 3 weeks. Not really that enthusiastic about them tbh.

Oh god they let you go overdue for 10 days! I thought it was like 7 days and then baby had to be evacuated haha I was in Tescos yesterday and saw the cutest little wonder women swimsuit! You popped up in my head haha

How are you feeling now ? For 2 weeks now I have been getting really bad legs cramps ouchhh
Do you think you will opt for vbac if baby's head is engaged at before due date ?
Mornin :wave:

Babies already head down now so i dont reckon she'll change positions.. But you never know, i am def thinking more about a vbac though although scary eeek!!

If your def planning on breastfeeding i found the Breastfeeding workshop really usefull, they show you how to feed & get the right latch on for baby, why its beneficial etc.. Im doing it as a refresher as it helped me lots :) You'll probs feel more better about going on them nearer the time when they are for as you'll be around 35 wks then probs ;)

Mw apt went went, next in at 34 wks holy moly Lol im gonna be due in no tim im scared Lol! Yes they let you go over 10 days & thats it! Inducement is always day 11 unless if you have medical issues or your really anxious about baby being big you can ask about an early induction & see what they say maybe?

Dya know ive just started getting leg cramps this wk, not constant but i can feel them when trying to stand up pffft another ailment to add on lol!

Iron tabs can go either way, ive upped my juice & fruit intake & have salad with everything ha ha & do far.. No issues, if anything a bit more softer its weird! If you get given them take them when eating lotsa fruit & orange juice as it absorbs it much quicker into the blood, dont know if thats why ive not been constipated but hey ho.. Am feeling abit less tired so they must be doing something :)

I have Dentist at 10am today, ive just remembered urhhh! I have noone to watch Riley for 20 mins either so he has to cone with me, god i hope he doesnt create merry hell whilst im in the chair hahaa
Exciting! I think once I know baby's head down it will really kick in. Think about it you still have plenty of time. Ok that sounds good. Will have to see what it's like, def want to breastfeed so will be helpful.

Pleased mw app went well oh wow 34 weeks you will be due in no time then. That's only 4 weeks away! It's getting near eeekkk I don't know if I would want to go 10 days over but then you have to be induced which can make contractions feel worse. I'm hoping he is 1-2 days late haha If he takes after oh, he will be 2 weeks late!

I used to eat loads of salad before pregnancy and I hardly eat any. Need to start eating more. I'm a massive fruit fan! Fruit can sometimes make constipation worst though. That's good to hear you are feeling less tired. I hope Riley was a good boy for you. Are you two doing anything nice today ?
Oh dont, my Mum said i was s good 2 wks late & her waters were trickling the whole time!! Thats the eighties for ya, now they'll have you in on a drip with hormones lol! I was 8lb 11oz eeeeesh!! My mum was a trooper, she said i was the worst of all 3 of us to get out, i was a chubba baby hahaa!!

Thing is, if i get to 10 days over & nothing they will csection me, the mw consultant said quite alot of inducements do end up with intervention & csection.. Lovely!

My friends lil girl cant eat Bananas as they make here awful constipated but the main fruits i eat are satsumas, apples & strawberries, i love Strawbs mmmm :)

Dentist went well, Riley was so good, he sat & waited for me with no problems do the dentist gave him a sticker haha aww he loved that!

Im sat in garden at the moment with some lunch whilst the boy is snoozing on the sofa :) get in some quite chilled time with me & BnB ha ha

Have you done much today? Hows the room/wardrobe clearing going?
Yeah they use to allow you to go 2 weeks over. Ahh I feel for your mum! I read that a women in India had a 15lbs baby... Ouch!

Ahh bless him, you have him well trained :)

Nice weather today, bank holiday Monday is going to be rainy so best take advantage of it. Not a lot today, oh I will be doing some over the weekend. I rang in to find out my blood results. Lady said my iron levels are great and GD came back normal. So relieved! Going to eat loads of sweet stuff now haha I'm joking!

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