ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

ooh your baby boy will no doubt be gaaawjus with all thos mix of colourings hun :hugs:

haha i remember you saying your hunny wants 6 or something lol.. il see how i feel, i mean i may not be fussed on a third after this lil one..

i found myself rushing through each baby stage as i didnt really know what i was doing & found it stressy but now looking back, it wasnt as bad as i thought haha i know il do things diff this time around, its just a big leaning curve for new parents & the baby ;)

not sure where to look for Mat dress or a Maxi dress but imhoping H&M have some nice things.. luuuuuve H&M lol!

ooh no, i get emails from Boots about their baby/toddler events & bump up my advantage points but dont tend to spend alot in store.. i wonder if i have had emails & ive just trashed them, im going to have a look when im home haha!!!

im at work at the moment.. its been so nice today, think we're having a bbq when get home mmmm!

Have you been to any of the Asda Baby/Toddler events? they do those big bumper boxes of Pampers are bargain prices, like £10 for like 70-80 nappies!! i love it Lol
Thank you :)

Yeah I agree at the end of the day we are the ones carrying them but I do think it is nice having lots of siblings. I will need to get the pill soon after baby is pen. What did you use after Riley was born if you don't mind me asking ? If I remember from taking the pill it takes around 7 days to get into your system.

Oh really, I can imagine it is hard not to. I really want to enjoy him being a baby and try not to rush it. You will know exactly what u r doing so will probs find yourself enjoying them stages more this time round.

I'm sure you will find something nice in h&m. I always manage to find something there even if I go in for a browse. I've got a few things for the baby in there although the quality for baby stuff is not that great.

Is the Asda event an actual event or is just half price in store on things? Enjoy your bbq! It's been lovely today I ve been in the garden catching rays.
Haha i love H&M.. If i go in there for anything or nothing, i always come out with something pahahaa!!

Oh the Asda event is an 'instore' thing but the big hyper market places are the best as they have loadsa diff things, have a Google & it probs say when the next one is, i may do it in a minute actually haha :thumbup:

Literally, after having Riley, the very next day in hospital they come around asking about contraception :haha: if breastfeeding, the best form are Condoms or the progesterone only pill, you cant have combined pill when feeding them ye self, thing is i found that the progesterone only pill interferred with the milk supply.. Im not sure what il do tbh unless i end up bottle feeding then il be back on combi pill ;)

Golden girl :hugs:

How you doing hunni?

Haha nooo not just yet but not long hun, i have just under 8 wks left, 32+1 today eeeek!!!

Missed you on the 'General chatter' thread ;)
omg! not much left ha!! im excited:happydance:

I couldnt do the "General Chatter" thread, i go to washroom for 5 mins and 5 pages of convo goes on. Too many ppl to keep up for me:blush:

Im on to my 10th cycle, i could have given birth by now if first month was successful :dohh: went to see endo again, 3 months my pcos got better and he gave me clomid. First cycle on clomid, will see if that works. If not, then i wanna get my tubes checked, if they are blocked or whats happening.
Lol it is abit like that, i just chat in & out, alot of time i can never remember what ive read 2 mins previous :haha:

Ah hun, 10 cycles really.. Wow thats gone fast! I'd of thought they'd check tubes first..? Fx'd the Clomid def does the trick though hun!

How many days into your cycle are you on now? Im going to nosey at your chart in a minute :)

Ohhh i am excited but scared at the same time.. Eeek!! It'll be here in a flash :shock:
Well you've def ovulated Golden no doubt there hun :thumbup: 6dpo.. Entering the 'implanting zone' now hehe!
Thanks CB- I will be having a look for the Asda event to see if I can get any goodies. Maybe condoms for the time being then if pill interferes with breastfeeding, although I don't fully trust condoms haha!
Hey golden girl! How are you ?!

Nope not yet, I'm 30+2 today! So not long to go now.

I really hope clomid works for you, chart is looking good atm. FX you get your bfp soon! I would push for all the tests you can get, just keep everything going and you know exactly where you are whilst taking clomid and ttc. If Canada is anything like the U.K, it can take ages to get an appointment. Good news that your pcos has got better :)

Do you have any symptoms ? Will you be testing or waiting for af ?
Hey iak! Time flies ha?! Did u finish the baby shopping yet?

I got no symptoms and I will test on my bday which is June 8, then wait for af. we have an appointment with family doctor on Friday, first time meeting him so I will discuss with him about my tubes.
It really has gone so quickly. We have only brought the car seat, pushchair and a few bits so far.

If I remember at 9dpo I had pain on my right hip, diarrhea and some discharge. I tested that night and got a line. Everyone's symptoms are different. How many dpo will you be on the 8th ?

Good news that you are seeing your family doctor.
Im so glad that your pcos has gotten lots better though Golden! Ive known a few ladies who's body has geared up to Ov with the hormones & had the temp shifts but no eggs are released which is the pcos, i really feel Clomid will help :thumbup: im excited to follow your outcone this cycle hun :hugs:

I have zip symptoms apart from mild period aches & in my lower back but i knew it wasnt period as i had these a good 5/6 days before it was due & thats the only reason i tested on 10dpo & had oober faintest line! Fx'd lovely!

My god Iak im boiling my butt off today! Feeling the need to strip down to nothing haha!! Hows the heat in London?
I remember us discussing our symptoms and the lines back in November! Feels like ages ago and in some ways feels like it has gone so quick!

CB- I caught the sun yesterday my chest got abit tannish/red and my arms got some colour on them. I ended up having lunch outside it was so nice. Today it has gone cloudy and I can hear storms coming. Pregnant women is striping- may give the neighbours something to look at. I've got the fan on in the house, my body temperature has risen today! Hay fever has set in and I be had a nose bleed. Will have to ask mw next week what I can take for hay fever.
Thanks ladies, i will be 8dpo on June 8th. Im trying to get my hopes down because i dont wanna be miserable if af shows p. Also i read that clomid can cause early pregnancy symptoms so im trying not to symptom spot. If clomid doesnt work, endo will send me to fertility clinic in 6 months and that clinic is 2 hours away. Pray for me that it works:hugs:

With clomid, ovulation was super painful so hopefully i produced at least one egg!

I get hav hip and back pain, and sometimes cramps but that could be due to my workout. My temp went down today, hopefully goes back up tom.
Don't get too disappointed on 8dpo, as that is still really early. Enjoy your birthday! Have you got anything nice planned ?

What happens at the fertility clinic ? I'm sure you will be preg by 6 months ;) do you usually have pain in your hip and back after workout. It's probs hard cause you don't know what to expect as its only your first cycle with clomid. Temping is not always reliable but does help to record it. I never got that far with temping so don't know much about it only for what I have read on here.
yea DH got checked, he is all good. Only thing that we didnt check was my tubes and endo said im 99 percent sure thats not the case:wacko:

I donno what will happen at fertility clinic, maybe they will monitor my eggs or IUI or IVF.... donno, i dont wanna go thru all that:nope:

I can only try clomid for 6 months because it thins the uterus lining.
I'm sure clomid will work. Wait.. Just realised 8th is tomorrow! Happy birthday for tomorrow!!! FX you get your bfp too! If not tomorrow, this week :)
Thanks hun! im really hoping that i will get a bfp tom. I did graduate highschool and both my uni's on June 8! Also got most of my jobs on June 8. So thats why i love number 8 so much and deep down im hoping June 8 is my lucky day again.
Let us know how you get on. Got my fx for you. Don't get disheartened if it is not bfp as a lot of people don't get bfp until after 10dpo.

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