ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Just did a frer, 5min wait
Going to give blood now, brb <3


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Oh my reply did post.. I thought i lost the page earlier as my wifi went when we were out & i started cursing lol
Golden i can def see the progression there hun :thumbup: & loving the Frer result too hehe! Give it couple days when period is actually due, that Frer will be lovely & loads darker ;)

Hehee im soooooo happy & excited for you right now, sat here smiling to myself eeep!! Its such a lovely feeling getting that second line on a test! Yay you <3

Hahaaa Iak you should DEF get that baby grow/romper about the boobies :haha:

Eurghhh.. Yes! Heartburn on/off all the way though this pg, ankles & feet starting to puff out here n there, mainly when ive been buzzing about most of day! When i was pg with Riley i had huge feet 2/3 wks before due date only.. no heartburn or anything.. I had a really lucky but boring straight forward pg apart from the breech bit Lol! Its my own fault this time i jinxed myself saying 'i had nothing last time' haha!!

You could be really lucky & just get puffy feet & ankles near due date :thumbup:

Omg Marvel everything this boy is! Loves Spiderman & Cpt America! Have no idea what we'll get him this year but we'll be getting him an extra gift all wrapped up to take to hospital for when Riley comes up as a gift from his new lil sister hehe im excited about that.
Yay Golden- can see the progression. FRER is not as sensitive as cheap ones even though they claim they are haha. I bet it will be loads darker in 1-2 days time.
I'm sure it will. Don't worry-
Chill and enjoy this time. When can you get a scan? Getting a scan early def kept me at peace :)
I can get 6weekd scan

So my cheap tests are dried n yesterday's n today's line too the same when dried, is that okey?
Def a positive. Bless you, you are just in disbelief. So you can get a scan in around 2 weeks ?
Yea I'm 3 weeks n 5 days today so in two weeks we will go for scan to check for heartbeat
I'm cd27, one app says 3 weeks n 5 days n other app says 3 weeks and 6 days, which one is true?
Atm it is hard to say- Wait until your scan and they will tell you what one. EDD is given when they have scanned you, which they usually do around 12 wks. Also when you go for 6 week scan they will ask when was ur last mens cycle and calculate it that way.
I will keeping an eye out when I get closer to due date then. Aw that will be nice :) I bet he will love it. How long were you in hospital after your csection with Riley ?

How is baby girl ? How often is she moving ? I feel like the baby is more turning and somersaulting more than kicking now.
Clairybell- did you have the flu vaccination ?
Golden, just go by the first day of your last period hun & then when you have the 12 wk dating NT scan they will see if you are spot on or if your ahead, i was 4 days ahead with both my pg :) awww i bet hubby is well excited aswell eeep!

Yes, i had the Flu vaccination back in December - xmas eve to be exact lol! you can still have it done but its not in routine as its out of season so you may need to order it in at Superdrugs or a local chemist & then take it to the surgery for them to jab you if you still thinking about getting it done.. you wont need to pay for it though as your exempt until a yr after baby arrives :thumbup:

Riley was born on the Monday afternoon at 16:30 & i was discharged on Weds morning, i was up moving around on the Tuesday morning after the Catheter was removed.. eeesh makes me shudder thinking about Catheters Lol!!

Same as me Iak, shes wriggling loads but im getting somersaults & everything, makes me feel quite queasy tbh... but im getting a pushing feeling under ribs & then i get a poking feeling aswell, so i know shes not head down all the time.. eek! midwife will send me for a scan at 36/37 wks to check shes head down.

how did your midwife apt go today? Is baby boy still breech or head down now? dya know for ages my mw said Riley was head down & then when they found out he was breexh really late... :nope: i think he had been that way up for agggges as i can now feel the difference..
Todays test was darker, im so happy that line is getting darker. I used the last frer this morning cuz cheap one was taking forever. DH was not impressed hahah but then cheap one ended up being super dark. I think tom, it should be as dark as control line.

I think FF wrong, i ovulated CD14 and i usually get af on 14dpo so its either today or tom.

DH is really happy, we gonna wait until 12 weeks to tell ppl but i had to tell mt personal trainer which is my close friend so she can lighten up my workouts. She cried when i told her, then i started crying. Was so silly lol

Currently i get cramps here an there but main symptom is my nipples, hurts a lot. I have fitbit HR n my heart rate s so high n when i go up the stairs i can barely breath lol isnt that too early?

Also when do i need to start DHA, i havent started my prenatal because i wanna take all my current vits and the prenatal to the doc and see what he advises according to my blood test.
Yeah when ive put details in for due date calculators i never do the ones with date of ovulation as it was always out by a day or so, but what date or on/around will be your due date Golden? hehe exciting :)

haha i knew the Frer would be loads darker! i couldnt resist doing a good ol Clearblue Postive with the bright blue cross either, such pride in peeing on a stick haha, i love it! strangely, i miss that excitement aswell, i loved testing each cycle!

Nooo not silly at all & your hormones are up & down too :) The breathlessness is the high hormone count going around your body hun & maybe low iron too? The high hormones seem to process the blood longer or it takes longer so thats why, i had it quite early on aswell & now its because she right pushing up under my rib cage, uhhhh!

Whats DHA? Only advice, if your current Vitamins contain Vit A & they are not TTC/Pg ones id avoid them & start on a prenatal.. Vit A when pg is very dangerous if its derived from Retinol (pate is a big no no) but Vit A derived from Carrots & other veges that are Beta Carotene based are all good when pg :thumbup: Maybe check with your Specialist hun..
JUst make sure you are taking 400IU of Folic Acid (folate) each day as its essential in the first 12weeks, it prevents spina bifida & some other Nural defects hun.. X
Im not taking multi vit, just

Vit D3, B12, Folate and also take Hair supplement that contains Vit C and E, Biotin. If i start the prenatal, then i would be doubling folic acid and more D3 so it didnt seem right. I will wait until i get my blood results and see if im still D and B12 deficient.

Most prenatala have DHA, apparently helps with babys brain development.

Also how do you create that fruit tracker? i clicked on it and took me to registry but cant find the tracker
Clairybell- the mw advised me to get flu vaccination. Ashame I didn't do early on but was in America until April. I have a dr app tomorrow for hay fever so will ask then, but receptionist said we might have some left over from September.
They also said dr won't give it to you, has to be given by the nurse.. Strange lol
I've had the flu vaccination before as I have asthma and I thought it was a live virus?

What is a catheter? Aww lovely feeling them wiggly. Still makes me smile so much when he is moving around, I love it. Some days he is more quiet than normal and I said this to the mw today and she said to ring in if that ever happens, and not to follow the advise of sitting down and counting kicks. Some days he is really active too active and some days he quiets down. Next time he does I will just go in but I think that is part of his routine. I love how they have characters already! Baby boy is head down on my pelvic bone and back is near my ribs. She said we don't like to say if they are breached or not until 36 weeks and then we start saying..
Which is true as they are moving all the time.

Weather is terrible today over in London. Hasn't stopped raining!
When is your next app ? I will be seeing GP at 34 weeks and 38 weeks and midwife at 36 and 40 weeks. Was that the same for you ?

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