ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Clairybell I have sent you a private message with my fb name, feel free to add :)
Haha Golden i can see how excited you are re the Turkish background for you both hehe! I had a BnB private message from you asking where our Thread had gone but not fb?.. I just checked & nothing hun..

I never ask the pharmacists advise as they decline to sell me anything as im pregnant pfft so i just buy them but my midwife said its great supplement to take :thumbup:
Oh god the pregnacare vits plus Omega are like £15-20! Hell NO to paying that!! When i was pg with Riley i was taking Sanatogen Mother to be vits & the seperate Boots omega 3 capsules, Sanatogen vits are bit cheaper in price :)

Oh Isk you should get a belly bar suitsble for pregnancy, its like a flexible gel bar that doesnt irritate & its lots bigger for when the belly pushes out, i had a sparkly blue one with Riley :) i couldnt get my piercing back in after 3-4wks of tsking mine out with the Ectopic pg.. Id use a pg gel one to keep the hole open & use some savlon/antiseptic healing cream to help the redness..

Yeah a Maxi Cosy carseat clips into it apparently, the lady in Mothercare was very imformative hehe! No carry cot asi never really used the one last time! Im so excited for my Friday delivery eeeep!

They only do Catheters when you gave a csection or numbed for forceps (EEEK) as the bladder needs to be empty otherwise you'll pee everywhere ha ha ohhh the indignity!

I know, I'm not paying that either- i have just brought the normal pregnacare, i will be getting the ones you said, i saw them on boots website earlier when i was researching. The chemist was useless today. I have found hay fever balm that is suitable for pregnancy :happy dance: Fx it works!!!

I think i will be purchasing a pregnancy belly bar, i have been just piercing it through every now and then... feels weird not having it in there, looks kinda ugly haha i have had it in for so long.

Wow its coming on Friday, they are quick! I had to wait 6 weeks for mine. Are you going to set it up or wait ? Baby girl is def reacting to your purchase for her, she loves it!

I dont even want to know about this strange instrument hahaha i hope i dont meet one on d-day!

Thank you Golden :hugs: I feel massive though, I am living up to my name "prego" which OH calls me. I just hope i can get back in my clothes after baby is born. I refuse to buy bigger clothes haha I have only brought a couple tank tops and a few leggings which are one size up and two maxi dresses, although i have 8 weeks left. Just eat in proportion and you will be fine :) You are a beaut anyways!
Have a look on ebay or Amazon for Pregnancy belly bars, think i only paid something like £2-3 for one - bargain haha!

Well.. im having the Buggy delivered instore to the local Mothercare & il get a text advising when its arrived, was just thinking if i dont like it for whatever reason they can send it straight back from there & il get a refund but im sure il like it.. il probs leave it in the box or however it comes until nearer the time, with all the extension works going on in the house at the moment it'll probs get fairly dusty eurghh!!

and.. we will now be buying another Carseat as the one we had with Riley again doesnt fit in the car properly grr! its just a crappy carseat tbh & it was second hand & shouldve come with a base unit but it didnt! Mothercare have some online for like £35-40 :thumbup:

My god im in a lot of pain today :( i feel like my pubic bone is being kicked & ripped apart, so painful.. i wonder if shes starting to push down & engage :shock: god i hope not.. not even 34wks yet eek!
Thanks I may just continue to piece it through every now and then and then put it back in after.

Yeah maybe a good idea to leave it in there. I think Joie car seats are quite cheap although there reviews are not that great. Our car seat came with the pushchair as we got a travel system, got the base too but you use the car seat without the base too.

Ahh sounds like she is pushing now, I was ready online that they find it much more comfortable being head down as they have more space and only 5% of babies are breach at full term. Feels like a lot more are on bnb. Does it matter if they are head down now because they can always turn again ? When I went to the mw she said his head was on my pelvic bone. My birthing ball really helps when I'm in abit pain, I would recommend it.

How are you feeling about VBAC? How you had any more thoughts?
I've been in bed most of the day, my nose is suffered. Hayfever is bloody horrible.
Clairey, my niece was upside down the entire time. Sil's 20weeks scan until she was born and she had pelvic pain all the time. I think she is just turning to get positioned but doesnt mean she is gonna pop out ha :happydance:
Oh shes def head down, so much pressure down there & all my bits are inflated Lol i can barely see past my bump i need a mirror hahaaa!!!

Yeah even if they're head down they can turn at any point, but typical that was Riley was in that 5% of breech babies lol!

Im actually feeling ok about the VBAC.. Its nice not knowing when shes arriving though :) I have my Waterbirth workshop at the hospital tomorrow eve 7-9pm, looking forward to that unless it sends me on a panic frenzythen il want the csection haha!

Sorry your Hayfevers made you feel awful Iak, hopefully with the rain etc it may lower the Pollen count, would the Dr not give you anything or advise to take anything hun?

Hows the bloated tummy Golden?
i got used to the bloated tummy but im having cramps and leg/hip pain today. Also super tired, i fell asleep during my lunch break:blush:
Hahah poor you Clairybell. I think in a week or two I will have to join you with the mirror thing :/ I hope you feel better today.

Hope you enjoy the water birth workshop. Let me know how it goes, may book myself on one as I'm def going to opt to have one but don't know if it's worth going to a workshop about one. It's exciting not knowing when they will arrive, although csection is good too.
At least u can plan everything haha. When will u need to decide by ? Also if baby is breach on 36/38 week app will they book u in ?

Dr gave me tablets, eyedrops and nasal spray, but when we went through whether they are safe in pregnancy there was no 100% answer as they haven't done enough studies on them. I don't really want to take the risk. I found this balm that you put over your nose and eyes which is drug free and it is made for children, pregnant women and women that breastfeed. It's not that good as the tablets would be but its helps abit. I think im allergic to grass pollen, which usually settles late July. I'm going to pop into boots at the weekend and see what else I can take.

I was really ill last night, I don't know what happened but I was sick everywhere. My poor mum was cleaning my sick off the floor, I didn't make it to the toilet. I feel a lot better now. I haven't felt like that since early stages of pregnancy. I thought at one stage am I going into labour haha funny thing is baby boy was kicking around when I was being sick. It must of been something I ate.

Golden, sounds like your having implantation pain. I had hip pain for a couple of weeks befoee and after bfp. Good luck at your appointment today. Let us know how you get on :)
Tiredness kicking in there Golden, sometimes the first 3 months really takes it outts ya! Sleep when you can hun :thumbup: mine kicked in more around wk 15/16.. All of a sudden i just couldnt keep my eyes open zzzzZ!

So, the Waterbirth NHS workshop was fab, definate thumbsup! Goes through loadsa stuff & very imformative! Def recommend seeing if theres any classes available at the birthing unit/hospital Iak if you can get on one, il have to use on on 'Labour Ward' as im classed as high risk due to previous csection, can use as pain relief only & not to give birth in but il def have a go if i vbac :)

Oh no, have you been ill anymore? Hoping its not random sickness returning.. It does for some :shock:

If baby is Breech by off chance at 38 wks then they'll probs give me a csection date, i wont bother have her try to turn as il be too far gone & its uncomfy as less room for baby! My last study scan is next Thursday morning so she'll check then if baby is head down.. Mw apt today couldnt tell if she was head down or what as she could ferl what felt like heads at both ends hahaa!
Great! Thanks for letting me know. I have had a look and at one of the hospitals there is 1 July or 5th August. It says you have to be more than 34 weeks so may book it for 1st July. If I go to 5th August I will be due in 8 days.. Think it may be abit too much then haha. Was the workshop boring or was it worth the 2 hours ? did you take OH?

At least you will know next week and you will be around 35 weeks. Did the mw take any more blood ? I asked the mw on Monday and she said blood tests are all done. Yay.

I think baby boy is head down or I'm just being optimistic. I really hope I'm not one of the 5%. I was reading up on last night and they say if you feel them kicking under your ribs they are likely to be head down, which in last 1-2 weeks I have really noticed him doing and also I have been peeing so much in the last month. Today i think he must of turned, whole belly moved side wards. I think it's too early to think about, I will start guessing again when I'm 36 weeks.

I've been reading up on raspberry leaf tea, have u heard of it and did you take it with Riley ?

Thanks Hun, I'm feeling much better today, I felt awful last night. So pleased it has gone. How are you ?
I think it was def worth the couple of hrs & it was free, just made me feel more relaxed about it all & the midwives that were doing the class were really lovely & they are doing the VBAC class in a couple of weeks time :) did make me laugh though as they showed a quick 7 min really old video of a Waterbirth, nothing graphic but you could see the baby crowning & being born, i never watched it & walked off as im squimish haha! Everyone else turned to look at me walking away like 'omg shes not watching the video' hahaaa made me laugh!

See if you can book the 1st July one :thumbup: i went alone as SO was looking after Riley, i was the only one there without a partner & on baby no2! Kind of felt superior Lol!

If your unsure about baby being breech nearer the time you can always request a presentation scan or have a private one as can say you've felt baby turn & your worried, im sure they'll check for you :) they were saying that because breech babies in uk are delivered by csection esp if being a first time Mum, when they check you in labour when dilating & its babies bottom they will do an emerg csection..!

Glad your feeling lots better, just keep your fluids up :thumbup: maybe you had a 24hr bug or something?.. Bless you!

I actually buyed some Raspberry Leaf tea when preggers with Riley but never got to use it, you shouldnt drink it before 35/36 wks i think but anytime after is good, i was planning on drinking it around 38+ but after he was breech i never saw the point! I will get some this time i think, it relaxes the uterine muscles to encourage a smoother 'less painful' labour ... :haha: yeah we'll see... & to help bring labour on, i used to work in Holland & Barret health food shop yrs ago in my early twenties & we sold loads of it!
Hey ladies, i just didnt want to be here after yesterdays disappointment.

So basically i was super excited yesterday, went to doc appt and doctor said pregnancy test is negative. I was in total shock because i was just holding my digi test that said pregnant. Then i asked him what was my hcg level, and thank god i asked. He said he didnt do blood test, it was an urine test!
Blood test that he did was to check my vit levels and sugar level. What and idiot!!! I was super mad, like super super mad. Im already freaking hormonal angry, i was ready to bunch him in the face. I said to him why urine test, they sell those at stores, did u know that? and i didnt have to wait 1 week to get urine test result.
I gave the urine sample on 12dpo but it wasnt fmu and with fmu that morning i barely had a line. So no wonder it was negative. He told me to start taking 5g folic acid if i think im pregnant, i was just gonna tell him to F*ck off but DH said "5g folic acid is way too much, i think we will be leaving". So we left his office angry.

Then i had my appt with the endocrinologist. I absolutely lov him, he made me feel better. He looked at my tests and said i think u are pregnant so lets do a blood test. He will call me either today or monday depends on when he gets my result because i gave blood at 3pm yesterday. He also said if im pregnant, then he wont be able to help me further so he will refer me to a gyno.

Basically i dont even know if im pregnant and most likely i wont get an early scan:cry:

After i gave blood i went to Starbucks to treat myself lol then i was passing by baby gift store and i saw a onesie on sale for $7 and it said "Worth the wait" and had a turtle pic on it, all cream color with black writing. I bought it because i felt like it was a sign and i like to give that to DH on fathers day.
Oh Golden im so sorry you had a rubbish day lovely!

And WTF to that specialist?!!! F'ing idiot & i would be sooo angry aswell, i mean testing blood for vits & sugar?! Grrrr!! Like you say, the oober faint line you had was on a sensitive IC test 10-15miu & Drs tests are rubbish at like 25-50miu! & to have a Digi say pregnant aswell..!

You are most definately pg hun, if you werent you wouldve had your period or started bleeding already, considering how regular your periods are but just not ovulating as the Clomid has proved that..! The bloods that your having done will most def indicate pregnancy do i wouldnt worry but i would be blazing still after that other apt!! & people pay to see him or with Insurance!!

Bug hugs :hugs:

Awww that baby onesie sounds adorable hehee hubby will love that ;)

I have no idea what to get SO for Fathers day on Sunday, i have got a card & a retro sweety pizza lol & thats it?! I need to go out & have a wander, i would grab a bottle of smellies but he has loads of aftershave hmmmm...!
Well healthcare is free so i didnt pay anything otherwise i would beat him up. Especially 5g folic acid! i just cant trust him anymore.

You know yesterday i was complaining about how many mosquioto bites i have and how they are attacking me more than ever. Then when i was searching to see which repellent is safe during pregnancy, it said pregnant women gets 2 times more bites than others. No wonder! now i hav an other symptom lol

I would buy DH activity tracker, its really good for men at his age. Especially if he is eating sh*tty and not exercising. Doctor told DH that he got high cholesterol, because he eats fries and chips and chocolate all day everyday! then when we went to grab coffee, he couldnt get his donut, he looked so sad.
Yeah 5g folic acid aswell?!! Erm no!!!

Oh wow i never knew that about Mozzy bites!! You must have yummy good blood lol! Hope they're not causing you too much grief hun.. Cool showers & soothing lotions :thumbup:

Hmm.. SO is really fussy & difficult to buy for & he just wouldnt use donething like that but i think its a fab idea! I would definately use something like that! Im sure il find something, il make him brekkie in bed & take him for a Carvery Roast yummers hahaa.. Even il benefit from that :haha:

Omega 3&6 & soya is really good for lowering Blood cholesterol if he wants to try getting it down naturally with foods or supplements, men love their sweet foods dont they?! SO has a really sweet tooth.. But he has a physical job so is always burning everything off but still makes me worry!
My bloos test came back positive at hcg 385:happydance: im so happy right now. I hope it stick and i will get a good gyno
Ah ha!!!! Knew it!! Thats great news Golden! You can rub that in the nose of that other specialist Lol!! Soooo so happy for you guys!! its def a sticky bean in there :hugs:
Is 385 quite a high hcg count? .. TWINS <3

Im going to google levels at 4wks haha

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