ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

i have no idea what to expect and I'd rather find out myself than hear horrible stories. Every women goes through it, so I'm Sure we will be fine too.

Oh the days of hanging, I don't miss that feeling although morning sickness is just as bad! Not a lot. Will go out for dinner with my dad and family. It's my nephew's birthday tomorrow and they are doing the cake today so will pop there. I got a card for OH from bump, it's hard to write from a baby that is not here yet haha. So done half from me and half from bump.
I was looking at baby swings and they are pricey! Some are like £150. Grow out of them when they are like 9 months. I have been given a swing and it's got the music. No toy bar. I feel like baby should have a new one as its the first baby. I know it sounds so stupid! I've got a baby gym but was thinking I can put him in there if I'm doing something... Kind of what a new swing but not for £100!
Ah busy day for you today then Iak :) Still, hubby with love the card from Bump, me & SO did one for Riley & this bump on Mothers day & Fathers day.. I think with Mothers day ive seen the 'Mother to be' cards with a bumpy lady on it but couldnt find one anywhere with anything of similarity from bump on Fathers day, bit annoying really! Thats our money making scheme now hahaa!

You saying that about baby swings, my friend was only saying she got one given to ger aswell, great condition but yeah to buy new its crazy prices!! Have you looked on Amazon or ebay?

The last couple of days i have just not felt hungry its weird! Not fancying anything to eat or anything. Ive eaten but feels strange to eat, must be weird hormones or baby laying funny.. Its like a full up but not bloated or anything?.. I eat brekkie & then i justt dont fancy anything, makes me feel anxious lol! Ive gone off drinking tea agsin in the last few weeks so im just hoping its not a weird food aversion thing starting up again but just not feeling hungry if that makes sense, its really odd?! Sat here eating a really yummy salad, quiche & orange juice & i may aswell be eating my foot Lol

Heartburns here all the time at the moment so no doubt its all related..!
He loved his card! There was not many from the bump but managed to find a nice one. We went out for dinner with the family and then went to cinema. Lovely day.

I found a nice one on Amazon I think for £40/50. I've got a playgym, I want to get him a sit up cosy from early learning too. So don't know if it's worth getting a new swing. The swing has straps so will be able to put him in it if I go and do something. Are you getting a bouncer/swing ?

I was the same for a week or two a month ago, maybe it's just a stage or baby girl has had her growth spurt and is just chilling in there. Hope the heartburn settles but no doubt it will continue. They say that's to do with how much hair baby has. Don't know if that's a myth. I've been lucky, I haven't had any heartburns. I just had a yummy lunch, chicken, potatoes and yorkshires :) I haven't gone for one of my long walks in a while so will be taking the dog and going for one. Eaten too much!

I had a mw app today, was booked by mistake on their behalf. I had one last week too. Must of been a mix up even though I did say, they I insisted that I should go. So anhways- She checked baby and he is still head down :D Fx he doesn't turn! I woke up with a really sharp pain in my ribs this morning, I think he was kicking them all night or something haha.

How are you doing ? Did you hear from mothercare ? When's ur scan ?
ahh lovely :) What did you see at the Cinema?

we've already got a baby bouncer but its all blue with lotsa bright red bits on it, it will do i guess but now i want girly stuff Lol am i being fussy?

uhhh tell me about it, i had a wedged foot under my right rib today, each time ive leant over my desk to grab something its like its puching in haha!! lil madam

Your lunch sounds yummy, dont over do it on the walk or you may regret it later in the afternoon/evening, i always potter about & not relax much - i forget how far along i am & then later that evening.. ouchy!! all over my bump & under the ribs really aches like pulled muscles!

So the mw apt that was booked by mistake - good that they still saw you & not complete waste of visit, was it meant to of been for the 34 wk apt? Hope that ones booked in ready ;)

oooh my scan is on Thursday morning eeep!!! il be couple days shy of 35 wks! Hoping to go out & get the rest of al lthe bits this week or poss over the weekend, i have Dentist tomorrow for a filling in my Wisdom tooth, not looking forward to having it done tbh as its uptop & tucked out the way :( just hope it doesnt take that long.. i was sooo tempted to cancel it but thought it best to get it done before baby arrives!

Nothing from Mothercare yet pfft! tomorrow will technically be the 5th working day so if nothng by the afternoon il be calling them up! not that we have anywhere to store the buggy but still.. lol

I dunno if i believe about the hair & heartburn stuff, i had it a lil bit near the end with Riley & he had minimal hair, baby gir;l will probs be almost bald aswell haha!!! i think it just depends on the hormones & how far baby is pushing up... i guzzle my gaviscon like its a lil drink haha!!
We went to see The Conjoining 2. Was good. I love horrors once in a while.

Not at all! You can get a nice bouncy for a decent price. Seen some really nice girl ones on Amazon. Look at Bright Stars. This way if the 3rd is a boy or gir, you will be able to pass one down haha.

That sounds painful, esp when you are in a place that you scream. I was in the comfort of my bed, OH was like what's wrong? Has your waters broken. I was like NO haha bless him. He goes to me yesterday "you do know, it's going to be so painful" I was like I had no idea! But did say you will be going through some pain too! Haha

Oh god what do you do in the daytime to pull a muscle? Clairybell you need to take it easy esp at 34 weeks. No it's because I had changed where I see the mw, instead of going to the hospital, I now go to the dr surgery down the road. 34 wk app is with GP which is booked and 36 week is booked with mw. Eeekkk!

Aww I bet you excited for Thursday! Can't wait to see the pictures and how much she has grown. Will be the last time you see her before she arrives! I know you will want to put it off but it's best to go and get it out the way. Thanks for the reminder I need to see the dentist at some point. I hate fillings, I remember getting one as a teenager, horrible experience! The last thing u want to do is have a filling whilst trying to bf or something.

Best to give them a call at some point, I'm going to their expectant parent to be on Wednesday. Don't know if I can be bothered to go. I rang up to book the water birth workshop and 1st July was fully booked :( Booked the 5th aug. will be cutting it fine. The person I spoke to said if u want a water birth it's best u go, but they might cover some of it in a normal labour workshop.

Haha just make you don't overdose on the gaverson! I don't think the myth is true, I haven't had heartburn and baby is bound to born with loads of hair.

Thank you he was full of it with all his little badges and pressies. He is one of 4, with 2 brothers so they arguing over the presents haha
Oh dear lord you watched the Conjuring!! I cant even watch adverts for horrors hahaa im such a big ass woos Lol!! Glad you enjoyed though :)

Oh not like an actual injury strain hun.. Didnt mean to worry bless you! Just achey from overdoing it, just need to slow down, i tend to drive most places now as even walking up hill to collect Riley from school does me in, very achey down low aswell :(

Hahaa so nice of you hubby to say that! When your in labour & it starts getting too much you can say "i think its time to kick you in the balls!" Ha ha!

Tbh, they always have birthing pools on the wards so if you wanted to use one hun & hadnt been to the workshop you can still request it, they just chat through benefits & how calming it is & that really appealed to me, & as the pool water is at body temp you dont get wrinkly, bizarre but i guess thats true!

Oh fillings arent nice are they..! I had 2 done about 10 yrs ago but wasnt pregnamt then, im thinking whst you said about the breastfeeding & bany crying so thats why il go have it done! Eek!

I saw the advert in Mothercare for that event but i think it fellon a works day at my store, still, i coulooch online for a bargain ha ha!

Oh, did you take those Omega 3 caps back & have a mini moan?
Well you haven't got long left, driving has started to give me a backache but it's better than walking up a hill, pregnant or not pregnant.

I know how nice of him to remind me. He is drama, can't wait to see what he is like but I'm sure he will be great. No doubt we will still be discussing baby's name during labour! How does OH feel about you thinking about vbac instead of csection?

I will see how it goes around that time and see, they said it's a very popular workshop I knew I should of booked it earlier. If I don't decide to go you can find everything online or ask the mw. They say your not that prone to tear with waterbirths which is something I'm scared of.

The sensation of getting a filling is horrible. Not to make you feel worst. Sorry Hun- get it over done with and in a couple of days you will feel fine. I did take the omega 3 back, had a moan and didn't even get an apology. They took them back like it happens all the time. Next time you buy from there make sure it is sealed. It says it on the back of the tablets but you never expect it not to sealed!

What are you going to buy when u go shopping ? So exciting! I will be relieved when I do mine.
I think hes ok about vbac & hes seen a natural birth with his first son so he knows what happens but that was like over 11yrs ago, time for a refresher i think haha!! But he understands that im not big on pain & can see why i would also like a csection! I figure that if it gets too much il request an Epidural but want to go as long as i can in the pool providing waters havent broken & baby hasnt pooped in me :-/ omg im terrified of tearing or needing an Episiotomy, i think as long as youbreally listen to the midwife in the pushing stage you'll be fine hun :thumbup:

Grr cant believe that about Boots! But at least there was no quibble with exchanging it, for me its just the hassle of going back down there to return it! Pffft!

When i do the baby shop il be getting everything lol il blitz Mothercare i bet ha ha! Get a shopping trolley, an hrs parking & in i go! I dont think Mothercare are really that overpriced with a lot of items & more often than not when ive got to the till, its always a lil cheaper than what it says it is on the shelf :) il feel more relaxed & start nesting/cleaning when i have it all at home, i need to get a groovy nighty/long bed tshirt for when i go in, esp if it ends in csection or having an epidural as they put a catheter in as they dont want you peeing yourself Lol! Need to think about packing my hospital bag eek not sure what to pack, think il google ...
Ye know its just occurred to me your due date is my nephews birthday, he'll be 2 this August :hugs: my older sisters birthday is the 10th August aswell.. Baby could be born on either ha ha!

Also, remembered the miwife doing the waterbirth class, talking about going overdue & being induced, its 12 days over not 10! I looked at NHS online & it says 2 wks over?? Its all diff!! I wont be induced though.. Csection if she dont arrive ;)
So he has had some practice with natural- that's good. I have fears of the same thing- I even found some pregnancy oil to prevent tearing. I was speaking to my friend and she said the exact thing- listen to the mw when to push and u should be fine. Basically we shouldn't get too carried away haha

I'm going to book a tour at the hospital for the delivery suite and birth Centre, they left a message on my phone and said they have one next Tuesday I was thinking that's way too soon!

Aww if I was in Southampton I would of joined you! Mothercare has nice stuff but I think I will be getting bits from everywhere will have to do a list. Haha a "groovy night shirt" what did you wear when you had Riley ? I think I may dig out an old one. Will need a bikini top if I have a waterbirth.

I ve got the start of the flu! Got a terrible cold and headache. Started last night. Do you know if it's ok to take Halls or soothers ?

Aww I'm hoping he is born on your olders sister bday :) the 10th sounds good! I read that on the NHS too. No way am I going over 2 weeks. I think it depends on where you live too. Different hospitals do 10 days. 10 days seems so long too! If that's the case he may as well chill in there until September haha. I wonder if baby girl will be a July or August baby...
I think any base oils can be used for that aswell, almond oil etc.. I found some oil specifically for 'Perineal massage' in pregnancy, its in Boots in the baby lotions n potions section in a lil white bottle i think it was purple writing or something on it, i actually buyed some around wk 37 when pg with Riley but never got to use it lol so i binned it! I may start doing it this time, i read that sometimes its easier to fet your man to do it.. My god my man would end up trying to hump me :rofl:

Oh you should def go on the tour & see the rooms & ask any questions you may have, it may get booked up quick so always a good tjing :thumbup:

My filling went really well this morning, no injection needed as theres no nerves at the back up top apparently, a nice white filling took less than 10 mins :) All dental is also free whilst pg & for the following year! Get ye dental work in now lol!

Yeah im pretty sure soothers/halls are fine hun, oh no hope its not flu & justva summer cold.. Have you recently had a flu jab? When i had mine i felt awful a week or so later :( take paracetamol every 4hrs.. Bless you xx

Oh got the buggy today, havent opened it yet lol! Then SO buyed a lil all in one 3-6months coat thing for baby girl aww, some flip flops for me & then we had lunch while Riley was at preschool hehe! Hows your day been?

How you doing Golden? X
Sorry girls i have hard time following p with the convo here since its all third trimester talk and i donno much.

I booked an appointment with my fam doc so he can order some blood tests to see if my progesterone and hcg are good still, then he will book a scan. I wont be seeing gyno until next month so im getting my fam doc to follow p.

Apparently low progesterone can be problem with pcos so im worried now even tho i got no symptoms showing low progesterone. Clairey, did ur sister have any mc? or pregnancy complications?
Yeah Im going to get some of the oil, I found one specially for pregnancy but I think it's hard to find in store so may have to order it online. I will upload a picture.

I think they do tours twice a week so I'm going to give them a call back tomorrow and make an appointment nearer the time maybe when I'm around 36wks. I went into book a dentist app for next week, I haven't been in like 2 yrs. Hows your filling now? How did they numb it without the injection ? I bet you are relieved you got it sorted out.

No I couldn't get the flu jab as they don't have it in. Its only available during certain times of years. I think it is a mixture of hay fever and just feeling bummed up. Got this headache that does not go! Just feel yuck! I've been taking parcatomol which has been working.

Good news about getting pushchair. Aww lovely day :) when will u be putting it up? Ours is still in the spare room in the pushchair. I have checked that everything is in there but apart from that, it's still in the box. How are u feeling? Is bump getting loads bigger ?
This is the oil that I have found.


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Hey Golden! Good news about getting an app. I'm sure if there is no blood everything is fine and is progressing well, but as you have pcos it's good that you will be getting it checked. try not to stress yourself out too much. Have u looked into an early scan ?

I hope you are feeling well. Keep your fluids up, rest and eat well :)
Hi girls

Eeesh Iak can you hear that bloody Thunder??! Its 2AM & ive been rudely awoken by it! Uhhh & pouring with rain!

Golden, was your progesterone not checked by that other specialist? Its good that they are rechecking though :thumbup: whens your Drs apt hun?

Between my sisters baby/child No3 & No4 - she had 3 miscarriages but none of those pg's were planned & were simply off the cuff being less careful but hadnt had lots of 'actively trying' sex & it was just s***ty bad luck.. She had those 3-4yrs before she fell Pg with my nephew Seth who will be 2 in August! She had no complications with any of her pregnancies though Golden, only her first with Clomid, her pcos kind of cleared up after the Clomid like it boasted her fertility - middle 2 were unplanned aswell Lol! Im sure you will have no problems my lovely :hugs: im excited for ypur scan eeee! I know we chat alot third tri jibber jabber but def feel free to mingle in hun :)

Hahaa that oil cracks me up 'down below' :haha: def worth a shot at giving it a go as if it'll help to prevent even minimal tearing, im def game! Man i cant even see my bits own there anymore or anything now :( sooo much bigger than i were with Riley, i darent do a trim LOL!

Our buggy is still all boxed up in the boot of the car ha ha! I'l need to take it out by tomorrow or today later as il need the boot for food shopping..! I may put it up at wknd or get it out box to make sure it all looks ok & not damaged i guess.

Where the thunder has woken me, im laying here with heartburn eurghhh, to the bathroom for gaviscon me thinks eeew hate it Gag!

Filling was actually fine thankyou, did you know they dont give you injections in the third tri as it can cause complications? But.. Luckily, no nerve ontop by wisdom tooth so after 10 mins of drilling & the filling being put in etc i was out the Dentist :thumbup: all good!! Your dental check will be fine :) hows your bumpy coming along?

My scan at 0945 girls arhhhhh!! Last one before she arrives in like 6 wks or so eeek! Hoping for a nice lil facial 3D piccy..

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