ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Golden- good news about tests, although bit weird that he won't give you an early scan. I thought that would be a normal procedure seeing as you took clomid. Maybe you can look into a private scan instead or just wait. I'm sure everything is good and baby is growing fine :) Don't worry about currency, I'm sure it won't last long. It will settle down and it will rise back up. London has been manic today. I was up most of the night watching the news and then this afternoon I had a 3hr nap, I was exhausted.

Clairybell- sounds like you are ready to give birth there haha Aw it's lovely feeling them move like that. I am finding baby's movement are so much stronger and u can actually feel a person in there.

Sounds yummy!
I wonder what fruit we will be tomorrow hehe.. The joys of Saturdays :)
Durian Fruit & Coconut woop!! Have NO idea what a BMO is though? Lol! Its been a lovely warm morning & now its crazy raining! Uhh! Least the lawn got mowed & me & SO cleaned the house through :)
I donno most of the fruits so I picked the nerdy ticker! It's so much fun but I donno how big is bmo either, I may change it to cravings ticker.

I'm pretty upset that I couldn't get a scan, I would be so relaxed to see that it's in my uterus n has heart beat. There s no private scan available in Canada. My sils sister lives in uk n she has the same due date as me n her blood test came abnormal so she did get an early scan. She has uti, low blood n iron so they suspect ectopic. They couldn't find the baby yet tho, she s gonna go next week again.

I'm so tempted to run to emergency saying I'm bleeding so I get scan right away... But how if my lie comes true lol
Hmmm.. Usually with ectopic its slow rising hcg levels & weird bleeding, im sure shes fine & nothing like that :thumbup: Hopefully its just the uti, low Iron is very common in pg early or late.. Im on Iron tabs at the moment

Im sure your all good lovely & no probs in there, how comes Canada doesnt do private/early scans or is it just the routine ones at 12 & 20 wks?
Saying that & just looking at your ticker hun, i think unless theres issues, most pg cant be seen under 6 wks on scan as dates can be off ever so slightly with ovulation etc, its the same in uk unless your having issues or you pay privately! No doubt your lil bean is sticking in there :hugs: plus your first bloods all looked good ;)
Weird weather today Clairybell. Me and my nephews were in and out the garden throughout the day. At one point they were getting so confused lol. Hope you had a good day. I'm getting really tired in the evening. Keep dozing off on the sofa.

Golden I hope everything goes well for your sil sister. It's a shame you can't get a scan. Did they give you a date for your 12 wk scan or do u have yet to recieve the app ? Only 7wks left. Will be counting down with you :)
Its crap weather today isnt it?! Eurghhh!! Really warm inbetween the mad rain showers, so glad all my washing was done ha ha!

Im actually suprised that im still awake tbh, last 2-3 nights ive passed out on sofa & woke up around 12-12:30 then half asleep stumbled to the bedroom all wobbly lol!

5 wks left eeek! Starting to freak a lil bit that she could arrive anytime now & i have no bag packed or any baby stuff really!!

Been feeling a lil hormonal today, we popped out late afternoon to SO's cousins house but most of day apart from cleaning this morning, been mooching about, Rileys been abit cheeky & being told off, i been tired & achey but knowing thats its all going to be over very soon also makes me sad, possibly my last pregnancy & makes me want to cry.. :(
Didn't even get a date for 12 weeks scan but he said come back July 22 and I will do a checkup and book the scan. He annoys me:(

Clariey 5 weeks! So soon u will meet ur princess! It's gonna be so much fun dressing her up and doing her hair
Thst would annoy me aswell Golden, i could undeestand if you had fallen pregnant straight away no issues but it was the opposite! Fx'd he will give you a scan date hun!

I know arghhh she'll be my very own Barbie doll Lol
It's not long at all until baby girl makes an apperance. FX she doesn't keep you waiting too long. Have u given csection any more thought ? When will u be getting the rest of your bits ?

I won't be packing my bag until around 36/37 weeks. I brought baby his first set of jeans today they are so small and they are up to 3 months.

I think also it has gone so quickly. Some women say their pregnancy really drag I'm finding the opposite. You can always have another one in a year or so :)

Aww hope Riley calmed down for you and you had a good evening. I've been at home bored, thought me and OH would of gone out today but obviously not. He went out with a friend for abit, phone died and now they are sitting outside in the car talking. I don't have any of his friends numbers, only family numbers and Ive started to think about if I go into labour I won't be able to get hold of him if his phone dies. I have told him so many times and he just goes yeah it's too early anyways. Wtf hormones are getting to me or I have a good reason to be annoyed! Sorry ladies for the rant
Golden- I feel for you, he sounds frustrating. Is there any way u can get a scan when you see OB/gyn?

Will you be waiting until 12 wk scan to announce ?
I will definitely wait for 12weeks scan to tell out families but it won't be an announcement, less ppl know the better off I will be.

I would be annoyed too! U should get his friends phone numbers because how if u hav early labour. You can predict these things. Guys are so careless sometimes. But I'm super hormonal too so you better of getting someone else's opinion on this lol

Today we had our marriage anniversary dinner, I ordered beer buttered fish then DH was like is there beer in there?! We cancelled the order lol it's so funny how I didn't catch that before him.

We had a talk over dinner about how I shouldn't stress about this kid. Like my husband lived in Sweden all his life n me meeting him was like a miracle lol and we believe that if something s meant to happen, it happens regardless. So even I can't see the baby until 12weeks, I'm sure it's okey now. Definitely got rid of my worries for now lol
Def agree with you. We told our families straight after 12 wk scan. Although I told my mum and best friend after I had a scan at 9 wks. We then told friends when I was around 18 wks. We take the evil eye to the next level haha.

I had a go at him when he came in and he felt really bad. I told him that I had been trying to get hold of him ( I only messaged him once) and that I didn't feel well ( I felt fine) haha but still wanted him to feel bad. Men just don't get it, I know I have 7 wks left but this is my first pregnancy so I don't know what to expect I may be someone who labours early or late. Also I could of needed to go in to be monitored. I think this nesting stage is starting.

Oh golden your hormones have majorly kicked in too! Tbh I don't feel really hormonal, it's just things like this that p*ss me off!

Happy anniversary! I hope you had a lovely dinner. Welcome to cancelling orders and annoying waiters. I'm terrible when I go out, it takes me ages to pick and when I do I ask the waiter so many questions. Some people get so annoyed. I just think it's my body and my baby and plus I'm paying! I'm pleased you feel a lot better, sometimes that all it takes is to sit down and talk things through as a couple. I'm a great believer of everything happens for a reason, although at times it doesn't feel like it should.
Hullo girlies

We been out to a house warming bbq today & come home, showered Riley to find Chicken Pox! Joys! He has them EVERYWHERE! Poor lil dude, on his lil winky, bum bits & EVERYWHERE! Drs in the morning .. *sigh* week off work & maybe il take him strawberry picking Lol silver linings if the weathers nice ha ha!

I think il be making an informed decision on the vbac/csection after the vbac workshop this Thursday evening, i was hoping to get the rest of baby stuff this week but now with Riley ill, i cant really risk taking him out to places where i know pg ladies & newborn babies will be, may have to wait until the wknd or week after now, spots started yesterday on his legs but i thought just random eczema spots & theres more today, i think Google ssid 5/6 after rash appears & they crust over they are not contagious, ive had it so im ok!

You have every reason to rant & be annoyed Iak, yes ot is early but babies are still born at 32wks same as me at 35 wks, scary!! Blokes just dont get it, maybe ask a couple of his friends for numbers, luckily i have most of So's friends numbers do in an emerg il be ok, although he wont be drinking next month up until baby artives, he'll be 'on call' hehe!

Ahhh happy anniversary Golden :hugs: just fyi, any alcohol in food like beer battered fish, white wine sauce or white wine chicken etc etc.. The heat when cooking cooks out & gets rid of the alcohol & its just left with the flavour :thumbup:

How many yrs you guys been hitched for?

Man i ate faaaaaar too much at this bbq & that was around 2ish.. Im still sooo uncomfy! Too many veges & meat lol
Aw poor Riley :( Hope it is not too uncomfortable for him. Has he got them bad ? Luckily he has got them before baby is born. Aww I love bbqs, glad the weather kept up for you guys. We went Westfield, had to pop into Mac to get a few comestics and had a look around.

Do you have the workshop weekly ? Mine are 3 weeks in a row. Yeah he felt bad. How do I explain this nesting stage I don't think he gets it. So frustrating. I feel like I have no energy arguing about it. He wants to go and see his dad that lives in a different country before the baby arrives, as he hasn't seen him for a while. Says he will be back before August. I'm like really you have had all this time, like he is doing it to stress me out. Feel out of it, doesn't help my back is killing.
Rileys not arisen yet i just hope they havent appeared on his face poor dude! He has them quite scattered everywhere & even on his bpy bits & inbetween his bottom :(

Ahh nesting! Its just having everything cleaned & set in place before baby arrives so you know that in the first few wks or first month you dont have to worry isnt it, men dont get that either Lol! My SO never does but he leaves me to it ha ha!! I was obssessed with having all the skirting boards really ckean, no dust on them & the bedroom had to be REEEEALLY clean with no dust or Cat fur as i fidnt want baby sleeping in here with anything that could affect breathing/allergies, its weird how the instincts set in haha!

Just seen on fb Golden! It was your 1yr anniversary <3 how lovely!

No, the workshops are just booked whenever inbthe last 4-6 wks i think, this Thursday is a one off 2hr session & then on July 7th i have the 2hr breastfeeding one & then they all done!

Had a weird dream that baby arrived but it was my kitten? Lol! But it was then a baby, so weird! She couldnt breastfeed & i was distraught, kept giving her a dummy & SO couldnt understand why i was getting upset haha!!

Ah hun.. Sorry your backs giving you jip aswell :hugs: keep using the ball, my groin & lower pelvis is hurting all the time lately, i can barely lift my leg :(

Whens Hubby looking to go away? Tbh, if hes thinking of doing it, he should go now in the next 2-4wks as anytime in the last 4/5 wks baby can arrive anytime & i know he'll be pissed & you more so if you go into labour & hes not here, wh hasnt he gone beforehand or can it not wait until baby boy arrives? He can take pics & videos with him then or all of you go even? Blokes & their impulsive ideas eh!!
Oh poor Riley! Hope he makes a speedy recovery. I remember having them as a child it's horrible. All 3 of my nephews had it really bad, in their scalp, mouth literally there was nowhere that they didn't have it. Saying that they don't have any marks. Did you have it as a child ? How is Riley doing today ?

Men don't get a lot of things! Thank god we as women are pregnant, they just wouldn't cope if they had to go through some things we have to. I'm not in the best moods with him atm and I don't feel like even talking about it because it's just going to be an argument and I really can't be arsed for it all.

I can't believe it's 1st of July this week. Literally the countdown is on for you Clairybell! My workshops start on 7th July, 2 hour sessions. Seems long! Hopefully they will be useful.

Hahaa it was a kitten. Hopefully you won't have them problems. I didn't really have weird dreams throughout my pregnancy, some women have it during 1st trimester. I had a dream too last night that I went to the toilet and was bleeding, it was quite graphic haha

I went for a walk yesterday and this morning which helps a lot with the back pain. Pelvis pain is def baby moving further down. Baby is sticking his leg out of my stomach and u can see it. OH was rubbing my belly last night where his legs were and he kept kicking back. He kicked OH in the face haha

He is looking to go away in the next couple of days although needs to sort out his visa for 3 wks. I will be outraged if he does go. Appartely I should intervene him seeing his dad. I don't understand how his son being born is not as important. He doesn't think the baby will come early as I'm "young and healthy" he doesnt even know what to say when I say u have had all this time to go and u decide to want to go now. It's so selfish. Tbh we could go as a family in January but he doesn't want to wait that long... His dad is old and he think he will pass away before he gets to see him.

When is your next mw app ?

Golden how was the blood results ?
I just made use of Riley being poorly (bad mummy) & took him strawberry picking ha ha! They are sooo sweet n juicy <3 Riley loved it! I have yo upload a pic as they look yummy haha!!
Check out ;)

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