ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Yay for finding out the sex! I must admit, i did like the not knowing but the uncontrollable urge to find out hits you after you have a scan lol!

Omg we very rarely jig lately! If anything, im ontop with my back facing SO as its more comfy & i can control the movements but this afternoon - hahaa you'll laugh! In the bathroom up against the sink with my foot wedged up on toilet seat LOL! Very romantic, only a 30sec wonder ha ha!!
woaaa that sounded so graphic :blush: hehhe maybe thats why he only lasted 30secs. I wish! DH takes so long, to point that even my pregnancy cm dries up. I just think i have super low sex drive right now and im making excuses hehe.

DH just cant resist my new figure, i got pamela anderson quality boobs and my butt started to stick out more:holly:
Clairybell, sounds like things are moving down there! I think you will def have baby by induction if not by Tuesday! My prediction I have feeling tomorodw or Monday :)

How are u feeling today ? My pains started with pressure in my but on Friday then lost my Saturday morning around 1 or 2 am, then again at 9am and by the time I got examined at 11:30 I was 4 cm! Things can progress very quickly! I hope it is the same for you.

Can't believe it's been 1 week already! Baby is def more settled! I'm expressing and making formula, along with breastfeeding. He is so fussy with the breast but he takes it for a few minutes. Any advice on how I can get him to nurse for longer ? I'm thinking about going to a class next week. Today I have said is the last day for visitors, been all week. Abit of joke.

I went to go and look at the sleepyhead yesterday but they said it can't be used in a Moses basket because it's too big so saved myself £110, I brought a mattress from mothercare instead

Been feeling abit emotional today, me and OH had an argument about the names and he had a go at me saying he "feels like he is in the background"
Ooh all the curves in all the right places hehee i love being preggers, before my bump started looking quite prominent my boobs looked massive aswell lol but now in comparison they seem an 'ok' size.. They aint fulla milk yet though HAHA!

Usually SO is pretty good & last about 15-30mins, not a huge time but its fine :) when they're drunk its awful, its like the neverending goal & just never gets there lol!

My drives been a bit blah for couple months now, all the extra weight & feels all uncomfy & puffy down there :-/
Oh Iak big hugs hun :hugs:

Hubby is probably overwhelmed by everything hun & if hes not directly involved feeding which SO wasnt with Riley in the first few wks as he was always on me, its just an adjustment & it will be ok.. Takes time to get to know each other <3 if im honest me & SO argued so much the first year after having Riley, i hated it but we're loads better now, just take time to sit with each other & cuddle when you can :thumbup:

Ah wow good job you never purchased the sleepyhead in the end!

Cant believe your lil dude is 1week old already! Dont forget that as soon as uou register him & get birth certificate, send it recorded delivery to Tax Credits along with child benefit claim form, £82 a month :thumbup: its abailable for every child! They send it back recorded aswell!

The only thing id say is keep popping him on your boob in between feeds to encourage the breast feeding, Riley never wanted a newborn dummy straight away & kept spitting it out, probs as it was too big for his mouth maybe?! thats why he liked the boob more i reckon ha ha!

Not alot going on with baby today pfft abit deflated tbh! After i woke up last night after falling asleep on sofa, nothing really! Bit achey after strawberry picking today but nothing else, the odd bh thats it! May have some more 'boom boom' later lol see if it does anything, im drinking the tea now aswell, fx'd domething happens..
Names are always tough though! We argued over that aswell last time & i got compared to his ex as controlling & never listened! I raged that afternoon!!
One of those days, been arguing all day. His family are coming over and whenever he organised something with them he gets so stressed don't know what it is.

I know, this time last Saturday he was nearly born! Amazing experience, part of it I would do it all again except the pain. We have it all on video and I can only watch bits of it atm as it makes me so emotional and I start crying.

I'm putting him on after I give him abit of feed, but he doesn't nurse for long. They have breastfeeding sessions that I may attend. When did you start taking Riley out ?

Ahh bet you are fed up. Do you feel like you will make the appointment on Tuesday ?
I have heard pineapples help, but they say sex is the best. Even recommended by the doctors. I believe sometimes if the baby is not ready, then nothing will help. It really is a waiting game! Feel for you hunny. Not long now. Enjoy these last days as a family of 3.
Thats probs how i feel when i watch One Born every Minute, blub blub i cant help it <3

I think Riley was about 1-2wks old, i walked to local shops etc but weather was lovely & i wasnt stsying indoors for noone & my sister lives around the road from us so it was drop in visits!

You guys probs be doing much better when all the visitors have stopped, its knackering! SO's parents popped around after i got home & Riley was crying when his Step mum was holding him, i cracked & started crying as she was refusing to pass him back as he wanted me, in the end she did & stopped crying instantly! That was horrible, id never do that to someone who just had a baby! SO was not happy! Anyhow.. Once you guys are you 3 of you bonding together it be lovely :) You should all 3 of you go for a nice walk & have a picnic, baby can snooze whilst you both have some time together, Rileys been a real nightmare being naughty & mouthy/cheeky & just being ignorant these past couple weeks! Hes def missing nursery & preschool those few days a week! A lil bit dreading when baby arrives but il involve him in everything with her :thumbup:

Does baby boy cry alot inbetween feeds? Hes not got Colic or anything? Its very common, i used Infacol with Riley with every feed before boob & bottle when he starred, just eases the trapped air in there & helps burping.

I have had some Pineapple the other day actually but gives me heartburn uhh! Softens the cervix app.. I wont be having any 30secs of wonder this evening now as SO is asleep on sofa ha ha oh well, may have to sort myself lol but its really the mens Semen that encourages labour more than anything..!

Be nice if she does arrive on her own, i dont want to be induced on Thursday but il think about it! I may just ask for booked csection if she dont arrive by Thursday, its a shame as my midwife is lovely & she very rarely does a hospital shift as shes more of a community mw but shes working 8pm - 8am tonight! Be lovely if it happened quick & i had her deliver the baby :hugs:
Aww i now know how it feels when they say your emotions might be all over the place. Sometime all they want is their mummy even at such a young age, they can smell us. I said yesterday was the last day, got a few messages asking to come and see him today and next week, but have said no. We have a family surprise party for my uncle next month, so they can see him them or within in the next couple of weeks. Literally been one goes and one comes. They just sit there eating and holding him. I understand that it's lovely holding him but let him sleep!

No he doesn't cry in between feeds but he has gas! I go to change him thinking he has done something but nope, just gas haha stinky little boy. He loves his massages, lies their making the cutest sounds. He has settled down a lot. Been waking up every 3-4 hours for feed. Yesterday i found he has wanted more, I think he is having a little growth spurt.

Riley must know that baby is approaching and probs want more mummy and daddy time. He is out of his routine too, my nephews play up when they are off school/nursery. Do you have a lot of friends with children the same age as him ? Put your feet up and rest, let OH take over.

Hmmm I've ran out of ideas for you. Has your bump dropped? Remember I sent you that picture last week when I thought my bump dropped. Didn't even drop that much just noticed abit of a difference, so look out for any signs also your discharge.

You will have to find out her schedule for the week :)
Well at least you guys have put ye foot down to no more visitors at the moment! Give you all a break! & theres no pressure to entertain which even when non pregnant/non new mummy is tiring anyway!

Avatar piccy is soooooo cute! <3

Bumps not really dropped much more tbh, maybe i gave a very small pelvis? Lol

But, as you lost buts of your mucus plug il ask some things as i had some odd CM about 10-15 mins ago..! Was abit achey in bed this morning but nothing major, eased off after i peed, so anyway i felt a sudden 'splurge' down there! Its was tons of creamy yellow white CM but it was kinda stretchy?! Not all of it but i know its not sex related as never had it yesterday in the end! I know you had some greeny yellow, was it creamy stretchy aswell? Or globby snot like? Sorry its tmi & its before 10am.. Just looking for signs really Ha ha! Its probs nothing but i guess il look out for some more & see what happens..

Oh your def right about the playing up when no nursery etc & he knows new baby is anytime now, maybe it is last minute attention seeking, i hate SO telling him off, Riley gets upset & then i do but he cant get away with being bratty! Hey ho! Roll on school in september ha ha
I found that week I got an increase in discharge. I don't know if you remember but the Monday I got green mucus like snot and then the Saturday morning I officially lost the plug at 2/3 am and then again the whole lot at 10 am. The day before I felt really achy and pressure down there. I thought it might be just that things were preparing not that I would be giving birth within 24 hours. I remember reading you will know when the time comes and I was scared to think I wouldn't and end up giving birth in a strange place, but you know! Remember not everyone loses their plug or water. After I lost the plug in the morning I got some watery discharge with blood, which I thought were my waters but my waters went when I was in the water around 1- 2 hours before he arrived, the strangest feeling ever! It's like a big pop!

I can't believe your still pregnant, I miss my bump. I actually can't imagine life without the little one now. I tried to go to a breastfeeding support group this morning , got there and went to the wrong place.. Waste of time. Did you find Riley to feed more when he was around a week old ? He is waking up sometimes every 2 hours instead of his usual 3/4. Although got a good rest last night he only woke up once at 4 am.

I'm sure you will get into a routine quickly with them both, is hubby taking any time off work ? The first morning that OH wasn't here today, I've never showered and got ready so quickly before haha. Make up was done within 1 minute haha.

Your right about the visitors, OH family came round on Saturday. The next day I got a message from mil asking me what was wrong with me and why was I so tired. OH mentioned it too, that I was not my chatty bubbly self. I felt like sh*t like "I'm tired I have hardly slept for the last week!"

How are you feeling today ? What will happen tomorrow at the consultant app ?
Hello everybody i have a question i had my period on july 14 2016 and my period is due next week i have ovulation on the 24 of july so on saturday i has some spotting so i was reading on implantation bleeding can happen one week before the next period. So i would like to know have anyone had this before and if so what was the out come of it
Hi Happy & welcome :hugs:

When i was pg with my son i had implantation bleeding & it went on for weeks on end at least until i was 10-11wks pg! It started around 5dpo although for this early i probably ovulated abit sooner than i thought! I tested at 9dpo & had a reeeally faint bfp! So yes, its very possible your pregnant! My friend is having the same thing right now & im trying to get her to test but i think shes scared Lol! She ovulated on or around 24/25th July & had 1.5days or reddy/brown last week & nothing since!

This pregnancy i never had implant bleeding but 6 days before period was due i had 2 days of bad low back ache & period cramps but it was waaay too early for my period so i tested, 10dpo faint bfp :thumbup: anything out of the ordinary for you can def be a pg signal! Good luck :) When do you plan on testing??
Omg i know shes dragging her heels in there lil madam! Lol! I have had increased creamy CM for the last few days & after i woke for a pee earlier this morning i got back in bed & had some period cramping, very mild but it was def there then it went after 10mins! I have the consultant at 13:45 today do i wont request a sweep or anything but may ask if they can see have effaced my cervix is as if its looking ready to go maybe i will ask for a sweep or go for the induction on Thursday morning as it may trigger things with the Pessary or gel, i really dont want the hormone drip, eek! I'l see what they say today & if nothing happening at all in there & cervix is not even effaced il book the csection! I'l keep you girls posted on that :thumbup:

I was bf Riley every 2-3hrs for the first few weeks, your lil dudes stomach has increased in size so hes probs getting more hungry hun thats why hes waking more often, bf literally is just feeding on demand! Do you have any multivitamins + Iron? Im going to buy some reasy to start taking for when shes arrived to give me a lil boast! Did you find your appetite has dropped? I just wasnt hungry the first couple weeks, i just wanted odd bits of food little n often! Oh no, is the hospital you had him in local or do you drive? Most Mat wards/Hosp's have a breastfeeding help unit, they have one at ours! Def go along to one if you find another as they're great support & other mums there for the same! Did you say theres the Breastfeeding NHS workshop coming up that you were going to attend?

Lol its amazing how quickly you'll get ready with clothes & make up now :) im like as long as my hair looked good & had abit of eye make up on so i didnt look like crap from no sleep i was ready to go!! & if baby cries whilst showering, let him cry, it wont harm him, i felt rushed by this & felt i needed to soothe him every 5 mins but they adjust aswell :hugs:

SO is working really local, like 5 mins drive round the corner so il doubt he'll take much time off tbh! He took a week with Riley but that was it, he may take the rest of week off & go back to work on Monday next week but that'll be it i expect, probs be diff if Riley was at school etc but luckily its the hols & i czn try get a routine going etc!

Feeling abit hormonal & miffed last day or so though as i feel like my body has failed me again with labour & delivery! Riley was Breech - kinda his fault really but still had a csection! & no spontaneous labour with this one yet, makes me sad! Pfft! Not alot i can do really!
I have heard that induced labour on the drip can be worst then natural labour, so hopefully you won't have to be induced. I really hope things move quickly for you and you are starting to dilate. Saying that babies come when they want, either late or early. When I was in labour I was talking to the mw about it and she said usually if you go into labour before 40 wks or are late, when it comes to have another child they usually follow in the same pattern. So if Riley wasn't breached and csection you may of been the same and late too.

There's breastfeeding support clinics which you can attend. Yes I drive but they are not at the hospital they are around the borough, I'm going to try and attend one tomorrow. It's at 9:30-11 so will try and pop in. Takes me forever to get out of the door these days. So much to get ready, will have to start getting things the night before or early in the morning.. Feel like I'm getting ready to go to school again haha.

whenever he moans I rush over, but I'm learning to just leave him be when be is like that. I've been having a 2 min shower aha. Glad you said that, I have no appetite at all, which is not good for the milk. Do you recommend anything? I don't know if it because I'm keeping busy or what.

Ahh pleased that hubby will be on hands for you. Take the pressure of looking after both of them on your own until uou get into a routine. Make the most of feeling hormonal haha. I've had one of them days, I put a picture of me and little man on my whatsapp pic and mil messenged me saying I look old now that I have had a baby. Feeling really down, I'm only bloody 24! A mature 24 year old but saying that I have just had a baby! Obviously I'm not going to look my best. I told Oh and he completely dismissed it.

Yeah was in two minds of taking it down but I'm not pregnant anymore! Still have to update it with his name!
Personally, i think its the mass drop in hormones & thats why i just never felt hungry, i thought it was something weird with me but i dont think it is now haha! I know other ladies are ravenous starving after having a baby, whether it be natural labour or csection hmm! Id suggest a multivitamin with iron for abit of energy & to help increase appetite, im going to get some from Superdrugs tomorrow :thumbup: Also with bf, drink plenty when your feeding him & just graze throughout day if your not mega hungry thats what i used to do :)

So consultant apt went well, she checked my cervix & its soft yay! But babys head was right down low & in the way pahahaa so she couldn't really feel to see if i had dilated at all hmm.. She was poking trying to feel but i started getting uncomfy & crampy so she stopped after couple minutes.. I was still undecided about what to do on Thursday so im booked for an induction & csection lol! I need to call hospital tomorrow yo let them know which im going to do! Id prefer naturally to go into labour but i honestly cant see it happening :( SO doesnt want to hump me anymore to help get things moving if they may do as hes working tomorrow grrr.. Maybe il try n sway him later or tomorrow morning? That way he can still work in daytime ha ha!

OMG i cant believe your MIL said that??!! Thats abit cheeky lol! Fair do's your tired & noones make up is miracle hiding stuff but its like 'thanks for making me feel worse than i am as im bloody tired like fook' just ignore that comment hun! I looked knackered in some of my pics aswell but i bet you look lovely :hugs: & you most def dont look old!! Maybe she meant you seem to look older being that you have a newborn now & look more grown up older?! Blokes just pass stuff off like that all the time, SO does! But sometimes its like 'a hug wont go a miss babe!'
hey ladies! CB i cant believe that u are still pregnant hehe push it out woman! what is this!!

Iak, ur baby is so cute and i changed my mind on who he looks like, i think he looks like u hehee:hugs: lol to ur mil, sounds like something my sil would say hehe. Just ignore it, i saw ur photo on snap and u look great. Its normal to look tired and feel down first weeks. Dont let her get to you. They just need to freaking stop visiting so you can adjust to being mother and doll up eventually.

Im 12 weeks today according to my calculations (which i trust more than the us measurements), anyhow when will i consider myself in second trimester? 13 or 14 weeks? did the mc rate drop at 12 weeks or it drops at second trimester?
Hahaa i know Golden, shes reeeeally hanging in there! But.. Me & SO had some bump n grind about half hr ago & i been having fairly painful braxton hicks since, so im now recording them on my contraction timer :thumbup:

Second Tri starts 14 wks :) oooh your nearly there eeee! Mc rate drops significantly after the first 3 months so your in the clear really hun! Mainly because the placenta has fully took over at this point, theres always a chance all the way through of loss bit it def drops a lot by 2nd Tri!
Thanks for cheering me up girls! It's 23:47 and I have just had time to eat dinner! I feel like I have never been so bus in my life! Babies def keep you busy. Me and Oh agreed on a name, we have named him Zaki. Still deciding on middle names. I rang to make an appointment to register him and the next app is beginning of September!

Clairybell what did you decide to do ? I'm pleased OH is keeping you busy too and giving in to your demands. Baby really needs to get out of there now. Nearly 2 weeks! Try having a bath, it should ease the pain. I had a bath just before I went to hospital when I was in labor and it really helped. BH can be so decieving.

Golden- mc risk drops after 12 weeks. After then don't think about it. Some counties say 2nd trimester is 13 wks and some say 14 wks. I think USA say 13. Here in the uk we say 14 weeks. When are you announcing the news to your families ?

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