Ttc #1 Positive thinking buddies, sticking together. (13 BFPs, 2 angels)

Oh and the pineapple - just make sure you don't start eating it until after ovulation!
Dear friends...

I would like to join in... I am currently at the beginning of a cycle.. 11th cycle of my TTC.... Tried OPK last month... BDed around POS... But in vain!

Hoping... JULY... To be the Month!
congrats bowmans!! that's SOO exciting!!

I wish I could help with the temping question :( I am waiting to start my third cycle of TTC (I am three days late for AF, but still BFN, so my body is just playing tricks on me!), and am temping this cycle. I have been temping the last three days, even though I am at the end of this cycle, just to get the hang of it. I used OPKs the first month, and those worked fine for me! I am just interested in temping, because I want to learn what my body does each cycle (luteal phase length specifically). I think either method works! Temping is definitely more time consuming.... I don't think I will stick with it forever, but I want to give it a go for a month just to see how it is. I would definitely use OPKs and temping though, because when you temp, it just tells you AFTER you ovulate, so you really have no way of knowing when to BD (if you plan it on/before O). Hope this helps :)
Thanks for all your kind words ladies. Never hear of the pineapple thing but I'll have to try next cycle if no luck this one. I've never done any temping but I love the cb digital opk that shows your estrogen and lh surges so you can make sure to bd before O. Very interested in checking out that book too!

Dear friends...

I would like to join in... I am currently at the beginning of a cycle.. 11th cycle of my TTC.... Tried OPK last month... BDed around POS... But in vain!

Hoping... JULY... To be the Month!

welcome! & hoping july is your month as well :)
Girls I'm going to hang around - bit lonely over on the pregnancy boards. I'm sending you a shipment of pineapple. Plenty of bd even when you think it's too late - I didn't get much bd in this month I had a huge glob of ewcm couldn't fit in bd that night so did it for 3 days after and that's how I got my BFP xxx
This really is the funniest community to be a part of. Have you guys thought about that?
I love it!
A huge glob of ewcm :haha: and we're all thinking like ooh ewcm is awesome!

I probably wouldn't have anything left of my sanity if it wasn't for you all! :hugs:
This really is the funniest community to be a part of. Have you guys thought about that?
I love it!
A huge glob of ewcm :haha: and we're all thinking like ooh ewcm is awesome!

I probably wouldn't have anything left of my sanity if it wasn't for you all! :hugs:

HAHAHAHA Maggz, that made me laugh so hard.
Please do stick with us, Bowmans! I look forward to hearing about your journey with your little sticky bean! :thumbup:

My temp went back down today, so now I know it was just a fluke. I'm sure it's for the best. On the other hand, the mittelschmertz really intensified last night, and I ended up having ewcm, so I seem to be entering the fertile window now! By my estimate I should probably O on Sunday or Monday. I'm so excited to be back in the swing of things!

As for temps and OPKs, I have never used OPKs, but I know lots of people love them! I sometimes have surges where my body gears up to ovulate, but doesn't, and then has another surge and finally ovulates a week later or so, so OPKs might be a little tricky for me. I'm also afraid, being the worrywart and perfectionist I am, that if we couldn't BD on my peak days according to the OPK, I'd get too anxious/upset. My goal is to stay as relaxed and positive as possible this cycle.

That being said, they work great for lots of others, so you never know - it never hurts to give them a try and see how you like them.

I have been temping for quite a while now, and while it can be a bit of a pain waking up at the same time every day (e.g., since I wake up at 7:15 on weekdays, I have to set an alarm for 7:15 on weekends, too, to keep it consistent), I do like it because it shows you your patterns very clearly. It's also good to be able to confirm ovulation for sure, especially for someone like me who at times has delayed ovulation. When you know the exact day you O'ed, it's easier to know when to test, to avoid testing too early and being disappointed.

Whew, sorry for the novel so early in the morning! LOL
Welcome Chicachic! I hope this cycle is the one for you!

Karen, that's exciting to be entering the fertile window! I know how it can feel when one temp seems to be a bit wacky and you can't wait for the next day to find out if it was a fluke.

I'm hoping I'm finally entering fertile time now too! I started getting EWCM yesterday and also a good amount today on CD 30. Hoping O is finally around the corner. :happydance: If so, I'll be testing mid-July around the 15th.
Could I make the move over from the June thread? AF got me today after keeping me testing because of my symptoms. Really thought I was pregnant. Oh well, onwards and upwards to cycle number 3.

TTC is so expensive. I've just spent £60 on amazon for prenatal vitamins, preseed, FRERs, OPKs (cheapies and clear blue digi ones). Phew - don't tell DH!!! X
Finally got AF today with terrible cramps!! Uggghhh hate that. And yes, bowmans I would love for you to keep us updated on your pregnancy! Loobs, this is our third cycle too!.Hopefully it will be our month!!! Good luck to all you girls in your fertile window this week, FX and baby dust girls!!!!!! Keep us updated :)
Could I make the move over from the June thread? AF got me today after keeping me testing because of my symptoms. Really thought I was pregnant. Oh well, onwards and upwards to cycle number 3.

TTC is so expensive. I've just spent £60 on amazon for prenatal vitamins, preseed, FRERs, OPKs (cheapies and clear blue digi ones). Phew - don't tell DH!!! X

Welcome loobs! Also moving into my third cycle.

Fingers crossed!

I haven't spent a cent on Ttc ... Yet.
Hey Loobs...

This was my first month TTCing :spermy:. It also was my first month doing any research in regards to trying to have a baby :help:. I read about Temping, charting, OPK's, Fertility Monitors, Ferning microscopes, checking Cervix position, and Checking Cervical Mucus :juggle:.

Like a crazy :fool: person, I decided to do all of them (except for the monitor that was a bit too much moolah). I also began reading that book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" :book:. I have kept all of my OPK's and dated them, and all of my slides (because crazy :fool: people buy real microscopes instead of lipstick microscopes haaaa haaa). I've decided to keep it all as one big scrapbook if/when I am able to have a baby. I think that it would be a great sentiment, or (definitely a conversation in which I can use as a torturous embarrassment campaign when I take 30 slides of spit and that cute picture of the baby in the tub :shower: and show it to their prom date :blush:.....lolololol evil laughter of a mad scientist.. :angelnot: )

Here is my take thus far on these methods.

Like Karen I seemed to gear up for ovulation. Every single sign said I was going to ovulate , and that I did in fact ovulate.... Had I not read that book, "TCOYF", I would not have known my body's signs. I suddenly had a new surge all of the signs came back again, and boom.....I ovulated (don't you hear the angel AAAaaahhhs:drunk:and the

Not all OPK's are made the same. Being the crazy (okay bored) chick that I am I bought several different brands of OPK's. STAY AWAY FROM THE TARGET BRAND:nope:. It was positive constantly. The name brands were expensive, and had I used only the 7 stick version:shrug:, I would have missed out on my true ovulation. The brand that I highly recommend is ......wait for it wait for it....WONDFO aka internet cheapie :comp:. I ordered 100 for $30 on Amazon, and they have not given me confusing positives.

Be careful. Do not fall into the trap that I see a lot of ladies fall into. Though it is called an ovulation predictor, it is not. The OPK detects a hormone called the Lutenizing Hormone. This is the hormone released right before ovulation takes place. It can also be released right before O is supposed to happen but will be positive even if O happens to change it's mind due to stress and any other number of reasons (a.k.a. delayed ovulation):shrug:.

Some ladies believe that a positive OPK means that they have or will ovulate the next day. It is important to also know your other fertility signs, to know if the OPK is accurate.

I would suggest OPK's as a secondary or third fertility checking method, but not as one to fully rely on.

Ferning Microscope

First off any microscope will due, including a $9.99 children's microscope from any convenient store.

Basically ferning is a phenomenon that occurs supposedly in your saliva and CM. A rise in Estrogen right before ovulation takes place, causes these long ferns to show up in your saliva under a microscope.

Ferning can be downright confusing. I would suggest using it daily for 2-3 months while getting to know your cycle, so that you can determine what you want to consider full ferning, partial ferning, and no ferning. Until then, it would not be of much use. I would not suggest you go this route unless you are completely bored and want to play scientist. The things that are posted on the websites about this method are completely confusing and seems to generalize women as having certain patterns. An all or nothing approach which leads to complete confusion.

For instance...They claim that when you are not ferning, you should only see dots under the microscope. I have yet to see dots. I see different levels of ferning, but no :nope:dots. So you must define the levels yourself (very time consuming.)

With that said, I love it. I think I am going to publish my personal findings on my website along with pictures. But, again, I have nothing but time, so let this be the lowest on the totem pole of things to help with your quest to fertility.

BBT Temping
This is the big mamma jamma.

During the the phase prior to ovulation Estrogen is predominant and our temps remain pretty low. There are some temp spikes that may occur and also lower lows, but the average temps are low. Once ovulation takes place, our temperature rises abruptly. Once the temp has gone high and has sustained it's rise for at least 3 days, then we can be sure that we have O'd. There are variations to the type of rise you may see, but in general that is what people are looking for when they Temp.

I have read some threads where women temp, but do not write down the temp. This is counterproductive, because sometimes our minds remember what is most favorable. To temp properly you should also chart. You can do so manually on paper, or by using any of the many online charting sites. I use fertility friend and TCOYF websites to chart my BBT's and other fertility markers.

I chose a time based on my bathroom patterns. I noticed that I usually wake up to go to the bathroom around 6:15 every morning, though I go back to sleep afterwards. Pick a time that can be consistent for you. If you have varying schedules but 4:00am allows you to get at least a 3 hour block of sleep in, and works around your work schedule than use that time. Another suggestion is to pick 2 different times. For a week Test at those different times to see how much of a difference it makes in your chart. (I would use AF week as experiment week). There are BBT calculators that can adjust your time for you, so if you know how much a difference to different time makes, the calculator will mathematically determine your temp. It isn't perfect, but perhaps it may work for your situation.

My experience with BBT was pretty anticipatory at first. I would look at each temp as having some sort of meaning. I looked up each and every fluctuation depending on where I was in the cycle. Some people may say that it is stressful, however I have a differing view.

Temping takes a minute to do (or as long as your thermometer takes to register your temperature.) If you don't wish to get up, and wish to fall back to sleep, I would suggest a BBT thermometer that keeps your last temp in its memory. This will allow you to write down the temp once you have risen from your precious slumber.

Cervical Position (CP)

Cervical position requires a hands on approach. Basically, you thoroughly wash your hands and insert your middle finger into your vagina. You will be feeling for your cervix. (Some people describe a low cervix as feeling like the end of your nose, but my nose feels nothing like my cervix, so I guess we will use Pinocchio's nose as a reference.) The low cervix is when you feel pinocchio's nose has grown close to the entrance of your vagina (He has been lying). This signifies low fertility. When Pinocchio's nose is halfway (Not bad boy, nor good boy status), then you would consider yourself also infertile, and would consider your cervix to be medium or midway. When Pinocchio is a GOOD BOY and his nose is short (your middle finger can hardly reach your cervix), that is considered High cervix which would be considered Most Fertile. You also have a hole (or a at the tip (entrance) of your cervix. You will be feeling if it is open, sort of open, or closed.

Like ferning these things can be a little tricky at first to know what is what. My suggestion is to keep trying and keeping mental notes of what you fel throughout your cycle. My cervix is like a 2 year old child. It can't seem to stay still. So I note the most fertile position of the day on my calendar and "call it a day". This is one of my weakest fertility signs, because I have no clue what I am doing yet.

Cervical Mucus (CM)

The last one I will talk about is Cervical Mucus.

Do you remember as a teen being so wet in your panties and thinking something is wrong with you? I even went to Planned Parenthood when I was 17 because I thought I had a yeast infection. It was nothing more than the different forms my cervical mucus takes during my cycle.

Infertile cervical mucus can be defined as Sticky, gummy, dry, etc...It was this mucus I was experiencing when I went to Planned Parenthood. (Of course they did not explain this to me, just said I was fine, and BTW here are some

Somewhat fertile CM is considered Creamy, lotiony, white but has some slick to it.

Fertile CM is described as watery, and/or like eggwhites with major strechies.

The CM is not that hard to get used to. You will find it close to the opening (nostril) of your cervix. My CM catches under my nail when I am checking for it, so I am able to assess what type I have.

Checking the cervical mucus has been a pretty reliable indicator for me.

In Conclusion
So far in my research the only thing that can truly indicate O is BBT. The rest will help you time BD AKA the squeaky bed:sex::sex::sex:..... Charting is not only helpful for TTC, but also as a way for natural birth control. It also can help you find out how many DPO you are and if your Luteum phase is long enough. Charting can help you cut through a lot of red tape when it comes to going to a fertility specialist, because it holds vital information that can help the Dr. make better choices and not put you through unnecessary testings. Which in the long run saves you a lot of money.

Because I looked up every little dip and rise, I have come to better understand my body and what it is or isn't doing. I am quite sure after 2 or 3 months of charting my signs, I will know my body without all of the excess equipment (i.e. microscope). These are all aids. But, I would rather poke and prod my own body in the comfort of my own bathroom, then to spend a fortune on someone else who doesn't have the time.

I hope you find this information somewhat helpful in your quest to find answers. I would again strongly suggest you read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." It is an easy read, and you will learn so much by the 2nd chapter, I guarantee it. :kiss:

P.S. Check out my chart to get an idea of how all of my signs pointed to a false O (highlighted in green) and then how the temp rise confirmed actual O. The AM & PM means BD :sex:
Sorry that my post was so long, and I didn't read back through it. So sorry if there are any errors... :oops:
Hi All,

Joining from the June board also!

I should be Oing between July 1-5th, testing probably on the 16th!

@tuamora, yea that was a long post, but very informative! Thanks a ton.
@loobs I'm here with ya!

To everyone else, nice to meet all of you!

My new thing for this cycle include, take Soy IsoF, CD1-5, Raspberry and nettle tea, and I'm going to try and check my CP sign. I got some babi opk off Amazon to test two times a day, instead of just once a day with ClearBlueEasy. I also got a spectlum to try and take some pics of my cervix. Tried today, but it wasn't very comfortable. The lighted mirror I got with it also, needs to be charged so I'll try again tomorrow.
Hey tuamora thanks for all that info! I won't be messing with fern or cervical position as of now, but thanks for talking about the Target brand OPKs!!! I just got them and usually I have plenty ewcm but it's just been watery and slightly sticky, but I was using the Target brand OPKs and it was positive yesterday (don't know if you saw the pic I put on the other thread we're on), which I thought was weird due to the lack of ewcm...
My cheapo Amazon tests just came in so I'm gonna try those for the next few days, I don't think ill be ovulating for a few more days.
Hey Loobs...

This was my first month TTCing :spermy:. It also was my first month doing any research in regards to trying to have a baby :help:. I read about Temping, charting, OPK's, Fertility Monitors, Ferning microscopes, checking Cervix position, and Checking Cervical Mucus :juggle:.

Like a crazy :fool: person, I decided to do all of them (except for the monitor that was a bit too much moolah). I also began reading that book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" :book:. I have kept all of my OPK's and dated them, and all of my slides (because crazy :fool: people buy real microscopes instead of lipstick microscopes haaaa haaa). I've decided to keep it all as one big scrapbook if/when I am able to have a baby. I think that it would be a great sentiment, or (definitely a conversation in which I can use as a torturous embarrassment campaign when I take 30 slides of spit and that cute picture of the baby in the tub :shower: and show it to their prom date :blush:.....lolololol evil laughter of a mad scientist.. :angelnot: )

Here is my take thus far on these methods.

Like Karen I seemed to gear up for ovulation. Every single sign said I was going to ovulate , and that I did in fact ovulate.... Had I not read that book, "TCOYF", I would not have known my body's signs. I suddenly had a new surge all of the signs came back again, and boom.....I ovulated (don't you hear the angel AAAaaahhhs:drunk:and the

Not all OPK's are made the same. Being the crazy (okay bored) chick that I am I bought several different brands of OPK's. STAY AWAY FROM THE TARGET BRAND:nope:. It was positive constantly. The name brands were expensive, and had I used only the 7 stick version:shrug:, I would have missed out on my true ovulation. The brand that I highly recommend is ......wait for it wait for it....WONDFO aka internet cheapie :comp:. I ordered 100 for $30 on Amazon, and they have not given me confusing positives.

Be careful. Do not fall into the trap that I see a lot of ladies fall into. Though it is called an ovulation predictor, it is not. The OPK detects a hormone called the Lutenizing Hormone. This is the hormone released right before ovulation takes place. It can also be released right before O is supposed to happen but will be positive even if O happens to change it's mind due to stress and any other number of reasons (a.k.a. delayed ovulation):shrug:.

Some ladies believe that a positive OPK means that they have or will ovulate the next day. It is important to also know your other fertility signs, to know if the OPK is accurate.

I would suggest OPK's as a secondary or third fertility checking method, but not as one to fully rely on.

Ferning Microscope

First off any microscope will due, including a $9.99 children's microscope from any convenient store.

Basically ferning is a phenomenon that occurs supposedly in your saliva and CM. A rise in Estrogen right before ovulation takes place, causes these long ferns to show up in your saliva under a microscope.

Ferning can be downright confusing. I would suggest using it daily for 2-3 months while getting to know your cycle, so that you can determine what you want to consider full ferning, partial ferning, and no ferning. Until then, it would not be of much use. I would not suggest you go this route unless you are completely bored and want to play scientist. The things that are posted on the websites about this method are completely confusing and seems to generalize women as having certain patterns. An all or nothing approach which leads to complete confusion.

For instance...They claim that when you are not ferning, you should only see dots under the microscope. I have yet to see dots. I see different levels of ferning, but no :nope:dots. So you must define the levels yourself (very time consuming.)

With that said, I love it. I think I am going to publish my personal findings on my website along with pictures. But, again, I have nothing but time, so let this be the lowest on the totem pole of things to help with your quest to fertility.

BBT Temping
This is the big mamma jamma.

During the the phase prior to ovulation Estrogen is predominant and our temps remain pretty low. There are some temp spikes that may occur and also lower lows, but the average temps are low. Once ovulation takes place, our temperature rises abruptly. Once the temp has gone high and has sustained it's rise for at least 3 days, then we can be sure that we have O'd. There are variations to the type of rise you may see, but in general that is what people are looking for when they Temp.

I have read some threads where women temp, but do not write down the temp. This is counterproductive, because sometimes our minds remember what is most favorable. To temp properly you should also chart. You can do so manually on paper, or by using any of the many online charting sites. I use fertility friend and TCOYF websites to chart my BBT's and other fertility markers.

I chose a time based on my bathroom patterns. I noticed that I usually wake up to go to the bathroom around 6:15 every morning, though I go back to sleep afterwards. Pick a time that can be consistent for you. If you have varying schedules but 4:00am allows you to get at least a 3 hour block of sleep in, and works around your work schedule than use that time. Another suggestion is to pick 2 different times. For a week Test at those different times to see how much of a difference it makes in your chart. (I would use AF week as experiment week). There are BBT calculators that can adjust your time for you, so if you know how much a difference to different time makes, the calculator will mathematically determine your temp. It isn't perfect, but perhaps it may work for your situation.

My experience with BBT was pretty anticipatory at first. I would look at each temp as having some sort of meaning. I looked up each and every fluctuation depending on where I was in the cycle. Some people may say that it is stressful, however I have a differing view.

Temping takes a minute to do (or as long as your thermometer takes to register your temperature.) If you don't wish to get up, and wish to fall back to sleep, I would suggest a BBT thermometer that keeps your last temp in its memory. This will allow you to write down the temp once you have risen from your precious slumber.

Cervical Position (CP)

Cervical position requires a hands on approach. Basically, you thoroughly wash your hands and insert your middle finger into your vagina. You will be feeling for your cervix. (Some people describe a low cervix as feeling like the end of your nose, but my nose feels nothing like my cervix, so I guess we will use Pinocchio's nose as a reference.) The low cervix is when you feel pinocchio's nose has grown close to the entrance of your vagina (He has been lying). This signifies low fertility. When Pinocchio's nose is halfway (Not bad boy, nor good boy status), then you would consider yourself also infertile, and would consider your cervix to be medium or midway. When Pinocchio is a GOOD BOY and his nose is short (your middle finger can hardly reach your cervix), that is considered High cervix which would be considered Most Fertile. You also have a hole (or a at the tip (entrance) of your cervix. You will be feeling if it is open, sort of open, or closed.

Like ferning these things can be a little tricky at first to know what is what. My suggestion is to keep trying and keeping mental notes of what you fel throughout your cycle. My cervix is like a 2 year old child. It can't seem to stay still. So I note the most fertile position of the day on my calendar and "call it a day". This is one of my weakest fertility signs, because I have no clue what I am doing yet.

Cervical Mucus (CM)

The last one I will talk about is Cervical Mucus.

Do you remember as a teen being so wet in your panties and thinking something is wrong with you? I even went to Planned Parenthood when I was 17 because I thought I had a yeast infection. It was nothing more than the different forms my cervical mucus takes during my cycle.

Infertile cervical mucus can be defined as Sticky, gummy, dry, etc...It was this mucus I was experiencing when I went to Planned Parenthood. (Of course they did not explain this to me, just said I was fine, and BTW here are some

Somewhat fertile CM is considered Creamy, lotiony, white but has some slick to it.

Fertile CM is described as watery, and/ like eggwhites.

The CM is not that hard to get used to. You will find it close to the opening (nostril) of your cervix. My CM catches under my nail when I am checking for it, so I am able to assess what type I have.

Checking the cervical mucus has been a pretty reliable indicator for me.

In Conclusion
So far in my research the only thing that can truly indicate O is BBT. The rest will help you time BD AKA the squeaky bed:sex::sex::sex:..... Charting is not only helpful for TTC, but also as a way for natural birth control. It also can help you find out how many DPO you are and if your Luteum phase is long enough. Charting can help you cut through a lot of red tape when it comes to going to a fertility specialist, because it holds vital information that can help the Dr. make better choices and not put you through unnecessary testings. Which in the long run saves you a lot of money.

Because I looked up every little dip and rise, I have come to better understand my body and what it is or isn't doing. I am quite sure after 2 or 3 months of charting my signs, I will know my body without all of the excess equipment (i.e. microscope). These are all aids. But, I would rather poke and prod my own body in the comfort of my own bathroom, then to spend a fortune on someone else who doesn't have the time.

I hope you find this information somewhat helpful in your quest to find answers. I would again strongly suggest you read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." It is an easy read, and you will learn so much by the 2nd chapter, I guarantee it. :kiss:

P.S. Check out my chart to get an idea of how all of my signs pointed to a false O (highlighted in green) and then how the temp rise confirmed actual O. The AM & PM means BD :sex:

ahhhhh god. i don't do any of that because, as reading this did, it just stresses me out & makes me worry & it feels like a project. but. i am so confused about CM. i mean. isn't like, stretchy CM supposed to be good?

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