Alright gonna try to finally catch up
Holly good luck this ( well I guess next) month! Only takes one time!
Aknqtpie how are you doing? Did you test again?
Kylas so sorry about your donor and doctor experience. I kind of felt put off by doctors as well and I feel as though this is when they are needed the most. Can you change doctors or make a complaint? I changed doctors after my d and c because I felt like one I had seen earlier was more empathetic.
Seems like fate that the donor flaked because I'm sure you would rather have someone reliable. Yay for AF for you
Brunette how are you doing?
Kbcupcake so sorry about all that is happening. I still owe $2500 for my d and c so I understand what you are going through. I know the amount of money for birth is SO much more but definitely would be worth it. I hope that this break works out for you and when you come back you get your BFP quick!
2nd time I'm sorry for your loss. Our bodies can definitely be confusing after loss and some don't get AF for much time or even ovulate. I hope your body gets sorted soon.
Kylie sorry for your loss. Good luck this month.
Slow how are you doing?
Bush I swear I see a squinter of a line! Good luck and can't wait to see the next test
Nessaw sorry for bfn. Digitals sometimes take awhile though so guess time will tell. Good luck
Hope I got everyone in there...if not hello to all
I tested this morning at 14dpo and bfn. Gonna wait until 16 dpo next to test. Started cramping so I'm guessing AF is on the way. I know by history cramping can be pregnancy but not really thinking so for this month.