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TTCAL 2015 Rainbows! (7 Rainbows & 2 Angels)

Anytime you start testing opk's just show and I an others can tell you if it is positive.. it has to be equal dark or darker like you saw mine was... :) but dont start testing until day or 2 before you are due to ov.. if you get ewcm like I did 2/3 days ago thats when I started to test.. and tested smu then early afternoon/evening then smu... the afternoon evening was my strongest..and I BD that night and following morning.. they say the egg releases on avg 12-24 hours after a pos OPK test... maybe you would like the saliva microscope.. £17 here in uk. and they are reusable.. some people even look at the :spermy: on them I have read online.. I didnt want to waste any so not tried to look yet.. will do soon haha!
Can I also point out.. that saliva during oral can kill any :spermy: as saliva is hostile.. so if you want to have oral I would wait for non fertile BD or just for him... because if any saliva gets into vagina it may kill some of these precious gorgeous looking tadpoles :spermy: (just look at his little face) plus womans orgasms are apparently helping to conceive.. I always make sure I orgasm after him.. to contract them towards the right area..
Well there goes my lay back and enjoy through fertile window :rofl:
Ok so this cycle I should O at cd15-16.

Funny you mention checking :spermy: with microscope as DH was only saying that last week that we should take a look at his just to know ;).. So I might invest in one.

I'm feeling good about this one as af this time was very clotted remember last af was spotting and I had the faint BFP? Well I think that it may have been another early loss and I've only now sheded it. What do you think?

I'll be posting them like crazy and best thing is that DH is home and no need to go anywhere again so that's going to make TTC this cycle a lot easier :)
Oh.. maybe you need some baby aspirin 75mg if you clotted with af..? why not ask your dr for the blood tests?
Sorry bush and so I meant low as in low fertility on cbfm! Although it almost went wrong-treated myself to a pedi and the girl doing it had a perfect 7 month bump-due when I was. Almost left but bravee it. Turns out she had a mc pre pg and her mum has had at least 10.
I'm thinking this last mc has either mucked up hormones so not ov or pushed ov back as last 2 cycles were longer than before. So the cbfm used to show high fertility before cd10 then go to peak on 11/12. Am hoping it's going to go to high tom. Fingers crossed.
Kyla when I was on clomid the doc said not to bother with opks as it suppresses the oestrogen. I can't remember exactly why this is a prob. Think the oestrogen causes you to ov so suppressing it makes your body produce more of the oestrogen hence more eggs. And that messes up the opk. I know when I was on clomid and did the cbfm as I had irregular cycles it went straight into high fert cd6 no low days.
So whereabouts in wales are you?
All the other times I've been on femara I've used OPKs as well and it's always worked fine. I'm leaning toward it was just too soon after my last dose and that's why I got the rise in LH. My CM has been very watery (dear LORD will someone please turn off the faucet) which it usually does a few days before O. So hopefully I'm still on track to O next week! I've found a few places saying not to take them so soon after your last dose. Bc it does suppress estrogen so as soon as you don't take it anymore you have a surge, but not enough for ovulation as the egg(s) hasn't had enough time to grow yet.
Thanks everyone just tested with digital and got a bfp! Really quite scared though so I'm trying to ignore it like that would make it safer or something. So worried af going to come. Weird not having a af between now and my mc, my dr probably won't be too impressed lol
Pretty upset right now. Had my post op appointment. After waiting 45 minutes the doctor finally comes in. Doesn't examine me or anything. Asks if I have any issues I say no. Then he asks if I don't have any issues why am I there.....ummm you cut my dead child out of me two months ago remember that? I told him he told me to have a post op appointment. He was like "Oh". So then I asked him for my test results. He had NO IDEA what I was talking about. I said I got a bill for testing. And if I'm gonna pay a pretty penny for that testing I'd expect to have my test results. So then he leaves the room and sends someone from billing in. She comes over to me and says "I hear you have a question on your bill?" No. No I don't. I just want my freaking test results. Then she leaves and eventually they both come in (mind you it's been over an hour and I left work for this appointment and need to get back) and say they have no results....my labs all came back normal. What labs?! I haven't had any bloodwork done! Seriously, I have already lost my child and you're going to make getting the results of why I lost said child this difficult?! Told me to call the hospital the surgery was done at. Well you know what they're gonna tell me? That they can't give results out and to CALL MY DOCTOR! And so my morning is gone and I have no time to do the things I need to at work and all for NOTHING. I'm so upset

I just read this and I wanted to say I'm sincerely sorry. That is utter shit. I'm angry for you. :/ Did you get the test results? I hate how it seems the healthcare industry tries to suck money out of us. Are you planning on switching doctors? I find that behavior unacceptable from a healthcare provider :/

Anyhow I got the D&C done Monday of last week. In total it was under $3000. My parents were very kind and helped us with a portion of it. My husband and I are going halves on the remainder so it's not too rough for one or the other of us. I'm working a ton of hours to help pay for it as well. Things are looking up.

I've been bleeding some brown since the D&C, some days no blood at all, but since this past Wednesday I've had menstrual cramps and red blood. It's not heavier than my normal period (my normal periods have AWFUL pain and are very heavy on days 1-3), so I don't know if this is normal post-D&C or if my period is starting.

DH and I discussed it and since we're doing fine financially and things went better than expected, we're ok to try again. My OB gave me the ok to try whenever we're ready.

I'm so very happy to be joining you ladies again. This is by far my favorite TTC community. :) xxxxx

Also wanted to say, BIG congrats ladders!!! Very much hoping you have a sticky baby.
Thanks everyone just tested with digital and got a bfp! Really quite scared though so I'm trying to ignore it like that would make it safer or something. So worried af going to come. Weird not having a af between now and my mc, my dr probably won't be too impressed lol

Omg congrats!
Pretty upset right now. Had my post op appointment. After waiting 45 minutes the doctor finally comes in. Doesn't examine me or anything. Asks if I have any issues I say no. Then he asks if I don't have any issues why am I there.....ummm you cut my dead child out of me two months ago remember that? I told him he told me to have a post op appointment. He was like "Oh". So then I asked him for my test results. He had NO IDEA what I was talking about. I said I got a bill for testing. And if I'm gonna pay a pretty penny for that testing I'd expect to have my test results. So then he leaves the room and sends someone from billing in. She comes over to me and says "I hear you have a question on your bill?" No. No I don't. I just want my freaking test results. Then she leaves and eventually they both come in (mind you it's been over an hour and I left work for this appointment and need to get back) and say they have no results....my labs all came back normal. What labs?! I haven't had any bloodwork done! Seriously, I have already lost my child and you're going to make getting the results of why I lost said child this difficult?! Told me to call the hospital the surgery was done at. Well you know what they're gonna tell me? That they can't give results out and to CALL MY DOCTOR! And so my morning is gone and I have no time to do the things I need to at work and all for NOTHING. I'm so upset

I just read this and I wanted to say I'm sincerely sorry. That is utter shit. I'm angry for you. :/ Did you get the test results? I hate how it seems the healthcare industry tries to suck money out of us. Are you planning on switching doctors? I find that behavior unacceptable from a healthcare provider :/

Anyhow I got the D&C done Monday of last week. In total it was under $3000. My parents were very kind and helped us with a portion of it. My husband and I are going halves on the remainder so it's not too rough for one or the other of us. I'm working a ton of hours to help pay for it as well. Things are looking up.

I've been bleeding some brown since the D&C, some days no blood at all, but since this past Wednesday I've had menstrual cramps and red blood. It's not heavier than my normal period (my normal periods have AWFUL pain and are very heavy on days 1-3), so I don't know if this is normal post-D&C or if my period is starting.

DH and I discussed it and since we're doing fine financially and things went better than expected, we're ok to try again. My OB gave me the ok to try whenever we're ready.

I'm so very happy to be joining you ladies again. This is by far my favorite TTC community. :) xxxxx

Also wanted to say, BIG congrats ladders!!! Very much hoping you have a sticky baby.

KB - Nope. Never got the results. I've accepted I'm not going to. It really sucks, but nothing I can do about it.
I'm glad you finally got your D&C. Not that you needed one or that you lost your child. But so you can move on. I know it was tough for you. I had ten days of bleeding after my D&C. So,ex days a few spots some day a lot. Just give me a testing date and I'll add you back to the front page :)

AFM - Met with the donor and things went great! Inseminated about 5 minutes after he handed me the donation so nice fresh swimmers. Hopefully they are making their way up to my Fallopian tubes now (well to the egg if I have O'ed already). I have a feeling my OPKs were bc I was within the three days after my last femara when they tell you not to test. Hopefully on track to O next week! If I haven't O'ed over the weekend I'll meet with the donor again on Monday. Yay!
Thank you for the welcome girls.

Kylasmum - Oh goodness, he sounds like a PITA! Fingers crossed for you x

I see myself as TTC number six, I know I have three with me but my girls are still counted to me. I think the 1st of July or there abouts will be my testing date.

Mrs W, interesting that you say that. I notice I get ill just after ovulation and also early pregnancy. I am glad the other GP was more supportive.

Soanxious, I am sorry for your loses. Are you having tests?

Buttrfly, I dont have PCOS but know lots who have, given the right meds they all had successful pregnancies :thumbup: I too have vitamin d deficiency.

I am under a recurrent miscarriage specialist. He actually prescribes vitamin d as standard.

Ladders, congratulations. I know it is scary but I try to go with the enjoying every moment thoughts because then whatever happens you have no regrets. :hugs: Fingers are tightly crossed for you.

nessaw how frustrating with the lows.

bushmamma glad AF left :happydance:

KBCupcake, I am so sorry for your loss. As if a miscarriage isnt hard enough, paying for it must feel like a real kick in the teeth :hugs:
Hi Tasha.. thank you.. sorry for your losses too x

I am old. and as I am old my consultant does not seem to want to do anything.. I have really had to push to get what little I have got.. I had the clotting and antibody tests taken last week.. so hoping to get the results next week.. I am having the progesterone test done on June 6 (day 21 test) I had to fight to get folic acid 5mg only had that 2 days.. it seems to be.. well I have 3 grown up kids so thats enough as I am old.. but my OH does not have children so I find that not fair on the hospital staff.. they have never offered to run other tests, she has more or less told me if my results come back fine there is nothing else they will offer me.

I bought vitamin D today.. but wont it take a while to get into system? I ovulated a day ago .
Tasha I wondered if it was because the egg was being fertilised each month so the immune system lowers for implantation but then for whatever reason the egg isn't implanting. In my case I guess either low progesterone as I have a short lp or lining not good enough maybe. I don't know if that's possible but it seems odd to me and most women not ttc don't get I'll each month.

So anxious it's awful you've been made to feel that way because of your age, you are as entitled to help as anyone younger. I really hope the folic acid and vit d help. I'd say it might take a while to get into your system, with most things they say 3 cycles but hopefully it won't take that long.

Kylas I'm glad you met the doner and the ai!! That's fantastic!! So does the doner ever become involved later down the line or once you are pregnant you cut all ties, tell me to mind my own business if I'm being nosey, I'm just curious. Fx you ov this weekend!!

Cupcake I'm not surprised you were so upset, absolutely justified, I think I'd be writing a strong complaint letter if I were you. Absolutely awful. I really feel for you. It's such a tough time, you don't need anything to make it any harder for you, especially the people you trust and rely on to help.

Ladder, congratulations!!! X
soanxious, I hate that. Is your consultant a recurrent miscarriage specialist? Are you in Wales? And yes it takes a while.

Mrs W, I am not sure for you but for me I am pretty sure it is to do with my elevated natural killer cells (them and the multiple clotting disorders are the reason for all my loses). We all have NKC's, they fight off nasties like tumours etc but I have too many and they are very aggressive which means that they attack my babies. My theory (and it is just my theory :haha:) is that all my NKC's bugger off to my womb around that time and therefore I dont have them fighting the nasties.
Hmmm. Maybe I've got natural killer cells?! Have you always had them or can they develop at some point?
I dont know if I have always had them as it isnt something they test for soooo :shrug: but you can develop them at anytime. I didnt mean to worry you, it is a rare problem so it probably isnt that. And like I said it is just my theory and probably complete rubbish.
Thats what I am being tested for yes... if I come back positive for that then hopefully I can have something to prevent it.. No she is just my gynecologist.. maybe I should ask for a recurrent miscarriage dr.. not sure if they will though.. yes I am in Wales.. and its a nightmare here :(
Kylas I'm glad you met the doner and the ai!! That's fantastic!! So does the doner ever become involved later down the line or once you are pregnant you cut all ties, tell me to mind my own business if I'm being nosey, I'm just curious. Fx you ov this weekend!!

No, no involvement from the donor. I'm going at this alone. My choice. I'll send him periodic updates and maybe a few pictures but that's it. Once the child is 18 they can choose if they want to know him.

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