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TTCAL 2015 Rainbows! (7 Rainbows & 2 Angels)

Great news Tasha! Good luck!

What tactics do you use, opks, temping? Everything?! Or more relaxed? X
Enjoying this gorgeous weather today! It's been so rainy here lately. Seriously all our rivers are so high. So much rain. Bright and sunny today.

Had a temp dip yesterday and up this morning. Maybe I ovulated yesterday? Not sure. OPKs are confusing lately. No idea what's going on. I usually have ovulation pain before I ovulate and haven't had any so who knows what's going on. Any ideas?

My Ovulation Chart
Doesn't look like a big enough rise for O yet.

You need three days after O of temp rises to confirm ovulation. I'm only one day past the dip so I can't have the three days of rise yet. It doesn't have to be a big rise after the dip as long as it consistently goes up for at least three days.

Not to say that I did O. I still think it is coming this week sometime.
Yeh I know :) I've been charting for ages. It just doesn't look like a big enough jump. Good Luck though!
Yeh I was going to say doesn't look like it yeh but hopefully soon! Or maybe you'll have big rises the next two days. That's the annoying thing about temping, one temp on its own can't tell you much but they build up a pattern. X
I've never had a big jump after a dip even when I got pregnant. My temp rises or dips tend to be more subtle. When I manage to get them under control. I have PCOS and one thing with that is temps can be ...well, sucky haha Except when I had strep last cycle and my temp jumped up to 102. That was no fun. I don't care when I ovulate. I just want to know that I do. Hopefully Wednesday or Friday!

I'm gonna invent a test that will say in plain English, YES YOU OVULATE TODAY! And become rich :)
I had a ov dip then a small rise this cycle.. just had my coverline today.. so 3dpo :D
I also got pregnant on small rise last month.. https://www.fertilityfriend.com/ttc/index.php?d=2014-04-18

And pregnant month before on small rise https://www.fertilityfriend.com/ttc/index.php?d=2014-03-22
I think it's meant to raise 0.4 to 1 degree after O.

Soanxious I wouldn't say that's a small increase on yours this month. :) FX!
last cycle it went from 35.42 - 36.58 and this cycle it went from 36.34 - 36.64 thats all :shrug:
Looked at my chart from when I conceived. My temp only went from 97.9 on O day to 98.02 the day after. Only a .1 degree rise
I temped when I conceived my son back in 2011.. but have forgotten so much about it! Need to go back through that tutorial! My problem is I work an irregular schedule of days and nights so I found it hard to get consistency.
Temping can be a challenge of making sure you get the right amount of sleep before testing. I wake up at 6am everyday - even on weekends - to temp. On weekends I just go back to sleep after haha
Kyla thats good then if yours didnt rise much either..

Yeah that could be a problem Bug..

I have fallen asleep 3 times today..and once sat here with laptop on my lap and OH woke me.. lol apparently that means high progesterone.. I am hoping its nice and high!
I do same with temping.. I go back to sleep afterwards... then click it back on and go into the memory to check what it was as I was so tired taking it.. I have even fallen asleep with it in my mouth a few times... good job I dont temp vaginally.. can you imagine.. OH wakes up.. there's me snoring me head off legs apart with a blooming thermometer up my foof!! :rofl:
:rofl: I always temped vaginally. I'm a mouth breather so couldn't use my mouth!

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