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Welcome to the Nut Hut!

I'm totally obsessing over this short bleeding in this cycle! should I keep Thu. as CD1 or change it back to Wed? Now it looks like I should move it back up since it was just spotting yesterday and today?!?!?
Does it affect charting? I don't think so.....I will O somewhere between Mon-Wed next week...... Why am I going nuts over this???? Aaaaaaa

It is not imp. The imp thing is to take your temp daily so you can find when u ovulated and hopefully start your 2ww.
Hi ladies!! Sorry I've been absent all weekend! We just moved into a new house and I'm having fun playing decorator.

Have I missed anything?????

So FF says this is the big BD weekend coming up!!!! Very optimistic with all my new supplements and BD strategies! My DH goes out of town on the day of my predicted O (of course he does :growlmad:) so we are going to BD that morning before he leaves and PRAY that my O is on schedule or early!

Can't wait to see if this B6 really lengthened my LP!

Whats up with you girls??
:wave: welcome back Wugz, congrats on the new house!
Thanks for reminding me about the B6, I'm going to grab some today. How much are you taking?
STILL crying!! WTH????

I'm just sitting here, googling away (like always), and I was actually reading a POSITIVE story about OPKs then a bfp on HPT....and I cried! THEN I read a story about positive OPKs, pos HPT, then M/C! Cried again - thought about my babies that were taken from me...

Currently in the middle of reading a long thread where a woman in a similar situation (about 9dpo, I'm 10dpo) and is getting pos OPKs...AFTER pos OPKs at around cd15....


This is either my month or I am gearing up for one HELL of an AF!!

i have nooo clue how many dpo i am if any yet.. not sure when i ov this cycle because this is my first cycle since mc but we are BD'ing every other day just so we dont miss it ;) anyway my point here is that ive been having some light cramps (very light) and a few twinges in my left ovary.. but starting today i am crying over songs on the radio, thinking about how much i love my DH or my son, just stuff that is rediculous haha! not symptom spotting this cycle because i dont want to get my hopes up at all, but thought it was odd that i am tearing up over dumb stuff right in the middle of my cycle.. lmp was Nov17.. i am lost!
My one and only af after my september mc was 11/2

It was hard to pick a day one, but I looked online and general consensus for a natural mc was the day heavy bleeding started...
My cycle was 40 days from that, with o at cd 21 - 19 day luteal phase.

Thinking I would snap back to the regularaty i had before bc and mc, I thought I would o around the 15th.


O'd.on thanksgiving I think.

Just read an interesting article
About a second lh surge...

To help my anxiety and get my pee stick fix, I used another opk this evening (mine specifically say use fmu, and I've been "very" pos) with urine so diluted, almost clear...like water with a lemon squeezed in it...
Even then got a pretty darn near opk pos! Test line was immediate and just slightly lighter than control line.

Oh caught some stomach bug(sympathy symptoms I couldn't help but wonder?), and has been asleep...think I will wake him, just in case my o is waiting an insane amount of time to happen..(cd 32 atm!!) :sex: until the :witch: sings!

well i really hope this is your month!!!! the pos opks sound promising!! just keep BD'ing!!!!
Man my chart is all over the place this month. Can't wait for my OPK's to get here!
TexasMomma I truly hope this will be your month too.

I am currently cd6 temping like a hawk. Woke up this morn quite unbalanced and dizzy. looks like I am going to spendva day in bed cause usually when I feel this way I need to rest a lot it is either my bp orvthe water behind my eardrums again.

I hope you get to feeling better, yes do get plenty of rest!

considering that i dont really know when im supposed to ov, if i already did, or if i AM.. my lmp was Nov17 so according to calculator (between a 28 day cycle and 35 day cycle) i am supposed to ov anywhere between Nov29-Dec10 (no clue, so BD'ing til AF) do yall think it would be crazy for me to start hpt'ing??? (with dollar store tests ofcourse, or id make DH go broke hehe) or is that a bit nuts!?? after all this is the "Nut Hut" ;P maybe ill wait until Dec15.. but not sure if i cannnnn!
I'm totally obsessing over this short bleeding in this cycle! should I keep Thu. as CD1 or change it back to Wed? Now it looks like I should move it back up since it was just spotting yesterday and today?!?!?
Does it affect charting? I don't think so.....I will O somewhere between Mon-Wed next week...... Why am I going nuts over this???? Aaaaaaa
It's all part of The Nut Hut™, sweetie. When you click this thread and we all talk about our symptoms, we get crazy. Don't feel bad I would obsess too! You think I'm bad now, you should have seen me when they told me the baby had no hb! I was in 100% denial. I went to the er the next day, THEY found a hb, but said it was 96. Also said my hcg looked good. But I had an sch and an enlarged yolk sac, dx: "threatened miscarriage, f/u scan and beta in 3 days"

meanwhile I find all these women online that were about to get a d&c, then at the final u/s bam! Hb showing! The earlier tech didn't see it...
So I was still in denial. 5 days later, still half hoping, is when it started, and no one would have been able to deny that. Sep 12th was the day no heart beat was found. I m/c on sep 23rd officially. I read so much about conceiving right away... I'm a woman possessed now.

Oh, and btw, got another imaginary line ( I think - I even dismantled the thing to see the strip - I swear there was a faint blue line. Probably just the anti-body strip)

Opk- test line now about 4 shades darker than control.

Now I have crampy af cramps! Bb's slightly heavy, not tender, at times (this is weird) I feel a strange sensation, almost like a little lightning bolt deep inside - from behind my nip, all the way back toward my breast bone...odd)
Texas momma- I wouldn't hpt yet.... Maybe b buy some opk's? Especially since you aren't sure when you will o.
:sex: every other day is always a good plan, especially if your schedule allows!

We :sex: last night, technically around 1am this morning, not sure how I should mark it on ff - think I'm going with sun pm, since I hadn't gone to bed yet...
I take 100mg of B6 a day, plus whatever is in my prenatal sup.
My crosshairs are back. Same o date. Hmm...

According to fertility "friend" (using friend loosely, I don't think it's very accurate for me - unless I get a bfp or af by when it says)

Can't really blame them though. My temp times/sleep patterns are too erratic. But it is easier than keeping a journal.


I don't even know for sure if I'm in the 2ww or not - how many days would I get a pos opk if it was positive for ovulation? 3 seems like a lot, especially when today was darker, AND I used SMU, as I got up to pee around 6ish then went back to sleep. Pee was not as concentrated as last 2 days.

This weepy emotional stuff is for the birds! I hate it! I need a :bfp: or :witch: soon or even The Nut Hut ™ might not contain me! :haha:
Feeling better now. Hey Wugz welcome back!!

Angel I feel like I am in the 2ww with you lol!! pls :bfp::bfp::bfp:
Feeling better now. Hey Wugz welcome back!!

Angel I feel like I am in the 2ww with you lol!! pls :bfp::bfp::bfp:
Being the obsessed nut that I am,
:headspin: I found that some women have a second lh surge. Usually an egg is released in the first, but NOT always. It is technically POSSIBLE to get pregnant just before af is due...

I get how you feel! I would be thinking, what if I had a lt period, cuz an egg just got fertilized? Ib ?

What if, what if, what if.... :rofl:

Arrgghh! So frustrating! I just want to know where I am in my cycle! I know I'm cd 32, but AM I 11dpo?
Idk! Maybe I'm 3 days past! Maybe my body still didn't o ! :brat:

Maybe all this obsessing is stressing my ovary out,lol
I don't like these cramps I keep getting off and on.
Normally before af I get cramps (bad ones) 1-2 days before. I've been crampy for like 6 days! But it comes and goes! And they vary! Some are identical to pms cramps, some are like o pain, also pinching and pu lling...


I have my digital test still. I THINK I'm going to use it tomorrow. @12dpo. The only reason I've held out so long is because I had other tests, and I hate seeing "not pregnant" even more than
" :bfn: "
I mean there's nothing to interpret, you'd think that would be better, but I actually get angry at the digital test. Truly PO'd!
we are all in 2ww with angel :)
That's sweet, and by the looks of your chart, you almost look like you nay have had ib? Are any of you peeing on sticks of any kind? I'm beginning to feel like head nut. I'm even what if'ing other peoples stuff! :dohh:
I should add that if the pinching and pulling are from a little sticky bean, then I do not hate them, but embrace them!
I know how you feel, and FF still won't tell me when I O'd and my AF is almost due!! I don't get how you can get pregnant right before your period bc would your LP be too short to do implantation or any of that since implantation takes 6-12 days??

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