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Welcome to the Nut Hut!

Also I know what you mean by the pinching/pulling, I've been having that in my right side a few times today (But I think I O'd from the left:shrug:). A few days ago I had bad cramps, worse than my usual AF ones, and also when I would stretch if I was laying down I would get this weird vibration or fluttering or something in my lower abdomen/uterus whatever. Last night I had to go pee like every half hour, but now my peeing is back to normal whatever that means. It keeps going back and forth between frequent and normal... and last night I was nauseous, but it might have had something to do with me staying up so late doing homework, even though I never get nauseous. I think I've had every symptom in the book now (even metallic taste) except for sore boobs. Which is odd because by now I should have sore boobs before AF and I would think being pregnant would make them like double sore or something! Right?! I need to go buy a few sticks lol...
I know how you feel, and FF still won't tell me when I O'd and my AF is almost due!! I don't get how you can get pregnant right before your period bc would your LP be too short to do implantation or any of that since implantation takes 6-12 days??
I just read this study - I wondered the same thing.

It said out of ( I think) 75 women, who had blood and us scan done daily for whole cycle, Every one of them had 2 LH surges. 50 of them produced an egg on one surge, not the other. Usually the first surge. 13 produced 2 eggs and 5 had 3 surges, but only eggs from 1 or 2 of them. 7 produced no egg.

Apparently, the "luteal phase" WILL begin on the first surge, egg or not.

On the second surge, an egg release is very un likely, unless the first surge didn't produce one.

When I get home I'll try to find the article and link it. Might still be in my history. It was very interesting. It's relatively new, and they are going to expand on those findings and do more studies. They are theorizing that a lot of couples with "unexplained infertility" may just be giving up when af is due...

They called the surges "ovulation waves"

There was a woman who had once a month conjugal visits with her husband. She dtd one day before her period started. Even had a period. 2 wks later she had pregnancy symptoms, took a test for the hell of it, :bfp: ! Doc confirmed conception with a dating us scan. Just one if those things!

It is rare though. Just goes to show, dtd every other day (at least during o week) or every 3 days even after supposed "o".

Also, on POAS.com they explain that ALL charting techniques have a margin of error +/- 3days! So don't fret if your temp dipped at a weird time.

Also on FF, it mentions that "triphasic" charts (showing a 2nd thermal shift, "assumed" to be from imp, but apparently not 100% confirmed) are 127% more likely to result in pregnancy.

My chart is tri-phasic this cycle, with a dip 5dpo - yet if that was really implantation, I would "most likely" get a bfp by now, but not always. Also, after my dip, my temp went up, and has stayed above my cover line, although barely on some days. Saturday my temp SOARED to 98.7! This has made me doubt my thanksgiving "o"...
Though it IS possible to o twice...

It's also known that women with a recent m/c are usually "extra fertile". With my long cycles since, I'm thinking I am surging twice...

Are 2 eggs coming out? Doubt it, but it's a nice thought :D

Sorry for the novella, just wanted to share what I've learned. When I get to my lap top I will link the interesting stuff. Or just google things like "what causes a 2nd lh surge" or "is it possible to ovulate just before af" etc....

:dust: for all!
That's great! I'd love to read that article if you can find it :D

Now I REALLY want my OPK's to show up!
ye sounds quite intresting, id probably also read that article, rooting for you Angel wings13 :thumbup: hope you get your BFP. this 2ww seems to be going so slow for me feel like its been forever and im only 4dpo lol, think i have most definatly lost my marbles :wacko: x
ye sounds quite intresting, id probably also read that article, rooting for you Angel wings13 :thumbup: hope you get your BFP. this 2ww seems to be going so slow for me feel like its been forever and im only 4dpo lol, think i have most definatly lost my marbles :wacko: x
Well, we thoroughly search all members for any remaining marbles before entrance to The Nut Hut™.
ye sounds quite intresting, id probably also read that article, rooting for you Angel wings13 :thumbup: hope you get your BFP. this 2ww seems to be going so slow for me feel like its been forever and im only 4dpo lol, think i have most definatly lost my marbles :wacko: x
Well, we thoroughly search all members for any remaining marbles before entrance to The Nut Hut™.

I'm having all types of baby dreams...

My fiance, cuz of my pos opks, believes I o'd this past friday...

Either way, we are covered

Dtd day before and of/after thanksgiving "o"

Dtd friday evening, and sunday.

Sorry for the in depth look to my :sex: life... :headspin:

At this point, whatever!

The more we care, the more we share, lol... The nuttier we can be!

Quick vote...

Should I use my digital test tomorrow at 12dpo ...

Or just keep using opks til I get a neg?
I'm having all types of baby dreams...

My fiance, cuz of my pos opks, believes I o'd this past friday...

Either way, we are covered

Dtd day before and of/after thanksgiving "o"

Dtd friday evening, and sunday.

Sorry for the in depth look to my :sex: life... :headspin:

At this point, whatever!

The more we care, the more we share, lol... The nuttier we can be!

Quick vote...

Should I use my digital test tomorrow at 12dpo ...

Or just keep using opks til I get a neg?

Agreed! I don't have a lot of people I can talk to about this so I'm glad I found you ladies :D
ye sounds quite intresting, id probably also read that article, rooting for you Angel wings13 :thumbup: hope you get your BFP. this 2ww seems to be going so slow for me feel like its been forever and im only 4dpo lol, think i have most definatly lost my marbles :wacko: x
Well, we thoroughly search all members for any remaining marbles before entrance to The Nut Hut™.
haha love it :rofl: iv never actually tried opks? would you recommend using them? we just :sex: on average 4/5 times a week anyways :blush: x
So last month I had literally zero CM leading up to O and I was pretty much PRAYING for something watery or even the holy grail of EWCM, and got zilch! Now, I'm only CD 9 (and typically don't O till CD 17) and watery CM is like pouring out of me! Is it normal to have fertile CM this far before O??
So last month I had literally zero CM leading up to O and I was pretty much PRAYING for something watery or even the holy grail of EWCM, and got zilch! Now, I'm only CD 9 (and typically don't O till CD 17) and watery CM is like pouring out of me! Is it normal to have fertile CM this far before O??

Yep, you can ovulate at any point of your cycle before AF shows up. In this situation I'd listen to your body cues instead of your temperature :) BD!
I'm having all types of baby dreams...

My fiance, cuz of my pos opks, believes I o'd this past friday...

Either way, we are covered

Dtd day before and of/after thanksgiving "o"

Dtd friday evening, and sunday.

Sorry for the in depth look to my :sex: life... :headspin:

At this point, whatever!

The more we care, the more we share, lol... The nuttier we can be!

Quick vote...

Should I use my digital test tomorrow at 12dpo ...

Or just keep using opks til I get a neg?

I've been having crazy baby dreams too! This is how you know I'm crazy--- My OH and I went to a psychic once, a long time ago, and she told us we were going to have 1 pregnancy but 2 boys (aka twins). Anyways I know psychics are whatever, but I had a dream a few nights ago that I was out of town with my family and I video chatted with OH's mom and she had twin boys (not identical though) sitting with her... They were probably around 2 years old and she was asking them what their favorite word to say was lol I don't remember what the first one said, but the second one said "triangle"! And I remember thinking in my head in my dream "They are so beautiful". It was the cutest thing ever I woke up crying! OH said that he thinks one of the boys I saw was probably his sisters kid, maybe he's right, but to me they looked the exact same age.:shrug: Anyways, maybe it's all psychological from the psychic telling us that, but either way I'm officially NUTS!!!:yipee: I'm about to go out and buy preg tests, I think I'm going to take one in the morning... According to FF I'm either 9, 10, or 11 dpo tomorrow.
p.s. think it's too early to test? Should I hold off? Tomorrow my period will be due in 5 or 6 days...
here is some info - but not what I am looking for... I'm determined and WILL find it - this merely mentions it:

"Ten per cent of the women studied released two eggs in the same month. And all the women examined by researchers at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada showed at least two waves of maturing eggs in their ovaries in the same month"
On a personal note, this happened to ME recently, which is why I researched it and found this out. I took very long to ovulate, and my monitor was showing NO estrogen or LH surges day after day. But, I could tell from other signs (EWCM, libido, cramps, moods, acne, ie signs of surging estrogen) that I WAS building toward ovulation - and my fertility acupuncturist confirmed this from my pulses.
Finally, one day I went to her and said I think I just need help popping this out, which she confirmed from my pulses, she put in the needles and immediately my right ovary started pinging away, like rapid fire fluttery cramps. She read my pulse and said yep you just ovulated. When i got home, a couple hours later, I got my teltale, never-fail sign of ovulation which is a thin bright red streak/line of blood in my cervical mucus.
Next day I woke up and was v confused b/c now suddenly I felt an impending OV on the LEFT side. I called up my acupuncturist and she said, it's a v small chance but come in just in case, and sure enough, my pulses showed I had another egg waiting to release on the opposite side. She did her needles, and immediately PING my left ovary started firing; two hours later - yep, red streak. Double ovulation! ALthough, since theywere almost within 24 hours of eachother, that might be considered "single ovulation, two eggs".
If I had conceived on that cycle (we didn't) it would have been twins who were a day apart in gestational age (assuming they had implanted at same time). And if I'd been messing around on my hubby, I could have been one of those news stories you hear about where a woman has twins from two different fathers! :)
PS - My fertility doctor insisted it's highly unlikely but I just knew it had happened to me so I researched it online and got the above study, and also the following:
...It used to be that twins were either fraternal or identical. However, with more advances in genetic testing, scientists are learning that there are perhaps more possibilities for twinning (and, therefore, ovulating twice in one cycle) than meets the eye.
Fraternal Twins of Different Gestational Ages?

In general, fraternal twins are the result of two eggs released within the same 24 hour period and then fertilized by two different sperm. However, in superfetation, a mother releases one egg, gets pregnant, and then releases another egg in a different cycle--her cycle not stopping during pregnancy the beginning of pregnancy. If both eggs are fertilized, this results in twins that have different gestational ages. It has been reported to have occurred, but is extremely rare.
Ah, here's one of them!!!!


The long post I made about an hour ago, I was condensing info from several sources, but quite a bit from this link! Very interesting!
So last month I had literally zero CM leading up to O and I was pretty much PRAYING for something watery or even the holy grail of EWCM, and got zilch! Now, I'm only CD 9 (and typically don't O till CD 17) and watery CM is like pouring out of me! Is it normal to have fertile CM this far before O??

Yep, you can ovulate at any point of your cycle before AF shows up. In this situation I'd listen to your body cues instead of your temperature :) BD!

SOOOOO true!!!!:kiss:


So rest up :sleep:
so you have energy for :sex:

And....(sing song voice) don;t forget our mission!

"Just say NO to AF! " :af:
Oh my that is interesting! I love twins but I am sooo scared of getting preg and having more than 2. So many risks for babies and mothers. Last cycle my temp was weird it got down and up down the day after nd than it rose normally hmmmmmm.
So sorry for the non-stop updates,lol....

Out of curiosity (again), I took an OPK after work, my pee was VERY diluted, practically clear, and STILL positive!!!

HPT: :bfn: :shrug:

:brat: I'm losing it big time. I just keep running in my mind the anecdotal stories of women that had a week of positive OPKs THEN FINALLY a REAL :bfp: !!! SO hoping that is me!!!

My body has so many "issues" who knows???

I have been trying to find out the sensitivity of target brand OPKs - the one in the tubes- because if their sensitivity threshold is a low MIU, then that means they will, by nature, show more positives - unlike HPT's, typically speaking you want an opk to have a HIGH threshold before a pos.... for example, if the test gives a positive around 10-20 MIU/ml, you will get more positives for o'ing. The ones that turn positive at 100 are actually "better" , because if THEY are positive, they can be counted on for being able to pick up your surge about 12 - 24 hours before a released egg.... and also the more LH, the more likely the egg will ACTUALLY RELEASE. Sometimes we gear up for O, but then our ovary "stalls". Therefore, you can keep getting pos OPKs, cause LH is just a FLARING! BUT once the egg IS released, the OPK should start going negative....

So....can't help but wonder if my non stop positive (since Saturday, with Sunday darker, and today even darker) DOES mean I'm preggers....

According to FF, and my last cycle, my luteal phase is like 19 days... I figured FF would still want me to test at 14 or 15 DPO...but nope. My "countdown" starts in 2 days, but my target test date is supposedly like a week away!!! Does a long luteal phase mean that I may be a slow riser? As in HCG?? If you look up charts for "normal" hcg levels in the first month of pregnancy, it's pretty broad!!!! I saw it was possible to be 3 weeks pregnant and have an hcg of like 29!! That's the low end, obviously, but I believe the high end of normal for the same length of pregnancy was like 1000!!!
Just went to walmart and bought some FRER's and Reese's :xmas13:... I could tell the guy checking me out was trying so hard not to laugh at me! Then when I went home, OH was outside smoking, we went in, I told him our place smells like shit and I kept asking him if he smells it and what is it... All he said was, "I don't smell anything, and you don't need that test." Haha ohh boy, if I'm not pregnant OH is in for an ugly AF!!!

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