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Welcome to the Nut Hut!

Angel Wings- yeah youre right, i may either get some opks or try try try to wait it out!! i think i should be able to test by Dec17 since my lmp was Nov 17, right? ahhhh this is frustrating! i just want to be pregnant again!!! i should be 6 months along right now!!! :(
Just woke up. btw my last post here was like at 3am here lol. But I could not sleep well and thought of you ladies.

Soooo temped as usual and waiting for some hint of ov. Since taking agnus castus my temps pre ov are already diff like more stable. have a nice day ladies!xx
ohhh i can never sleep at night, only think about wanting to be pregnant again :\ but really i just wish i still was. better try to go to sleep as it takes for ever. goodnight ladies
CD 6 today but obsessing with all of you lol

AF finally gone away, and now I can start obsessing over cm, cp, temp etc.......
So this morning I had a dream that I POAS and it was positive, and then I cutely ran into the bedroom and jumped OH and said "guess what?" and then shoved the test in his face. I woke up and I was like well that must be a good omen right? So I POAS and BFN!!! FML!!! I knew I shouldn't have tested so early :cry: so I'm not testing again unless :witch: doesn't show her face like the 9th or 10th.
I've been stalking this thread and highly amused for a few days now and finally thought I'd chime in when I realized this is the place for me. This is only my 2nd month really TTC rather than NTNP and I know I've gone a little bonkers when I realize that I've basically been trying to science my DH into not whining about how much sex I suggest we have. He wants a :baby: as much if not more than I do but he's a little older than I am (38 to my 31) and the poor dear is tired! :haha: I'm a lawyer so maybe the arguing comes naturally but if he even hints at taking a night off, I feel like I have 1 million reasons ready for why it's time to :sex:! And so so many of the great reasons have come from reading these boards! I even resorted last night to telling him that if he complied, I'd give him tonight off!

Here's hoping O happens today as suspected and I can safely enter the TWW and go absolutely bananas, but at least my DH can sleep!
I've been stalking this thread and highly amused for a few days now and finally thought I'd chime in when I realized this is the place for me. This is only my 2nd month really TTC rather than NTNP and I know I've gone a little bonkers when I realize that I've basically been trying to science my DH into not whining about how much sex I suggest we have. He wants a :baby: as much if not more than I do but he's a little older than I am (38 to my 31) and the poor dear is tired! :haha: I'm a lawyer so maybe the arguing comes naturally but if he even hints at taking a night off, I feel like I have 1 million reasons ready for why it's time to :sex:! And so so many of the great reasons have come from reading these boards! I even resorted last night to telling him that if he complied, I'd give him tonight off!

Here's hoping O happens today as suspected and I can safely enter the TWW and go absolutely bananas, but at least my DH can sleep!
Welcome! Looking at your chart, you had a nice dip, maybe today is your day!
bet you will get your spike soon!

Just keep up the bd, that's the best way. :sex:

So ladies, cd 33, with 5 positive opk's! Um....12dpo? Last night I had a something of a fit and took my last cheapie AND my digital!

So all I had this morning was my new bff, the opk stick, those lil' guys really like me! I get to see a :bfp: with those things! It's nice!

So....hoping that using my stupid diluted pee at yesterday's 11dpo is why I didn't get a positive hpt

Ugh! This is SO annoying!
Angel Wings- yeah youre right, i may either get some opks or try try try to wait it out!! i think i should be able to test by Dec17 since my lmp was Nov 17, right? ahhhh this is frustrating! i just want to be pregnant again!!! i should be 6 months along right now!!! :(

I definitely suggest getting the opks, I got a tube of 20 at target for $15. The hpts get expensive, and the :bfn: is irritating, even though I realize a LOT of women don't get their positive until 14dpo or even later...

But with the opk's read the instructions, some say to use fmu, some don't.
Good morning ladies! How is everyone today?

My chart is starting to look like an EKG :(
and my bbs are getting MORE sore and they have a burning like sensation...maybe I'm getting close to O. Come on OPK's GET HERE!
So this morning I had a dream that I POAS and it was positive, and then I cutely ran into the bedroom and jumped OH and said "guess what?" and then shoved the test in his face. I woke up and I was like well that must be a good omen right? So I POAS and BFN!!! FML!!! I knew I shouldn't have tested so early :cry: so I'm not testing again unless :witch: doesn't show her face like the 9th or 10th.
2 nights ago I dreamt that I was about 6 months pregnant with a girl, and she was kicking up a storm, then bounced like when they get hiccups - in the dream my fiance and I had our hands on my belly and were laughing.

One of those dreams that are so good you don't want to wake up and realize it was just a dream.

I guess wishful thinking, but I secretly would love a boy - I know my fiance would love to have a girl-
Obviously, it doesn't really matter, but I can't help but lean towards one way.... Then again I have 2 boys so a girl would be nice :)
So this morning I had a dream that I POAS and it was positive, and then I cutely ran into the bedroom and jumped OH and said "guess what?" and then shoved the test in his face. I woke up and I was like well that must be a good omen right? So I POAS and BFN!!! FML!!! I knew I shouldn't have tested so early :cry: so I'm not testing again unless :witch: doesn't show her face like the 9th or 10th.
2 nights ago I dreamt that I was about 6 months pregnant with a girl, and she was kicking up a storm, then bounced like when they get hiccups - in the dream my fiance and I had our hands on my belly and were laughing.

One of those dreams that are so good you don't want to wake up and realize it was just a dream.

I guess wishful thinking, but I secretly would love a boy - I know my fiance would love to have a girl-
Obviously, it doesn't really matter, but I can't help but lean towards one way.... Then again I have 2 boys so a girl would be nice :)

I'm wanting a girl right now :)
Good morning ladies! How is everyone today?

My chart is starting to look like an EKG :(
and my bbs are getting MORE sore and they have a burning like sensation...maybe I'm getting close to O. Come on OPK's GET HERE!
I'm just as anxious as I've been. This totally sucks!
Well I think I'm 6 dpo, if I O'd on cd 17, but if I O'd earlier then I'm like 9 dpo... so I'm hoping it's just too early for bfp. I guess now I know I wasn't pregnant from last cycle though! Ha... I still hate testing though. I want a boy as this would be our first kid, I always wanted a boy and then a girl so she could have a protective big brother! But I want at least 3 kids... I'm starting to get discouraged though on the baby making and this is only first cycle actively trying! OH got mad at me last night and told me I only want to have sex with him to have a baby :( makes me just want to give up.
So my fiance is running errands right now, so I texted him and asked him to pick up some dollar store tests, and he told me I need to detox,
:rofl: :rofl:

See, I he knew I still had that digital, plus another cheap store brand test - so I had to explain about me using them last night with diluted pee...

I actually feel like a junkie who is begging their dealer "for just one more" :haha:

I responded that he couldn't just cold turkey me, and that i'm still getting round the clock positives on opks (for more than 4 days!)...

He caved! :winkwink:

I saved my fmu, :haha:

It should still be good right?
Well I think I'm 6 dpo, if I O'd on cd 17, but if I O'd earlier then I'm like 9 dpo... so I'm hoping it's just too early for bfp. I guess now I know I wasn't pregnant from last cycle though! Ha... I still hate testing though. I want a boy as this would be our first kid, I always wanted a boy and then a girl so she could have a protective big brother! But I want at least 3 kids... I'm starting to get discouraged though on the baby making and this is only first cycle actively trying! OH got mad at me last night and told me I only want to have sex with him to have a baby :( makes me just want to give up.

Don't feel bad, there's even a thread on here about that...

My fiance has been wanting a baby badly for years, he's psyched I'm finally on board - even though I know he thinks I'm a little crazy and went from no to gimme a baby now!

I know it was the last mc that did it. Ten weeks in, you get attached, even though that pregnancy was an accident, I was happy...

It's like this big hole in my heart. Dang it! Water works again!!
Well I think I'm 6 dpo, if I O'd on cd 17, but if I O'd earlier then I'm like 9 dpo... so I'm hoping it's just too early for bfp. I guess now I know I wasn't pregnant from last cycle though! Ha... I still hate testing though. I want a boy as this would be our first kid, I always wanted a boy and then a girl so she could have a protective big brother! But I want at least 3 kids... I'm starting to get discouraged though on the baby making and this is only first cycle actively trying! OH got mad at me last night and told me I only want to have sex with him to have a baby :( makes me just want to give up.

Don't feel bad, there's even a thread on here about that...

My fiance has been wanting a baby badly for years, he's psyched I'm finally on board - even though I know he thinks I'm a little crazy and went from no to gimme a baby now!

I know it was the last mc that did it. Ten weeks in, you get attached, even though that pregnancy was an accident, I was happy...

It's like this big hole in my heart. Dang it! Water works again!!

Same thing with us, he's been wanting a baby, but I didn't want one. We had a MC a little less than a year ago (accident) and then this summer I was like 2 weeks late so we though I was pregnant (accident) even though kept getting negatives, and then I got a period... not sure if it was an MC but either way ever since the first MC he's been wanting a baby and then his sister had a baby which made him want one even more, she had hers about the time we would have been having ours. So I finally gave in this month to ttc and now I really want one and so does he, but he's being a big old poop head!
I officially cannot find those other pos opks...glad I have pics so I know they are real. I've looked under couches, behind this toy chest in my living room (it's flat on top, and has all the toys my kids don't play with, but can't part with either) where the cat and kittens food dishes are, in my closet, behind the toilet, you name it! I hope the kitten didn't eat the darn things cuz he eats everything! He got into my manicure box and ate pieces of a cotton ball the other day! When I pull ed it from his mouth, some was still hanging out, I went to get it and he swallowed it! He also islike a puppy, he begs and tries to snatch ANYTHING we eat...

He find the darndest things to put in his mouth. My boys never even did this!

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