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Welcome to the Nut Hut!

Hey Nut Hutters!

Paranoid that I am going to O early because of the B6, so the BDing begins tonight, despite being 7 days away from when my O usually is!

Can't hurt I guess.

Who else is gearing up for O this week?

Wugz!! I am. I've had negative OPKS, but I am CD11 today, but last month I either O'd on CD11 or CD13. So I am preparing for a lot of BDing. I did a lot this past weekend and am going to continue to ALL week!!! Hoping to catch an eggie.

I apologize everyone I've been going NUTS literally on my own. I went out of town and was super busy with work. I need to read a few previous posts to get caught up.

Angelwings I hear you are still in the running! Whooop whoop when are you testing?

When is everyone else gearing up for O???
Hi Ladies!!

Sorry its been awhile since Ive posted, busy week last week at work and just starting to slow down, phew! So AF was due Sunday took a HPT...BFN :cry: My periods are like clock work so its crazy that im late...today makes it two days and no sign of AF. Waiting till Friday to test again but getting a BFN two days ago makes me think its on to cycle 4 for us. Will keep you guys updated!!
I've been wondering! We are the only 2 from the other thread that haven't gotten af! Although confetti had a super light one, so idk...

Fx for everyone!

Nice to see you!

Oh and wb lisa!
Angel Wings, that all sounds very promising!!!! FX!

FTMommy, late is a good thing! Don't give up hope!!!

For all of us Oer's, enjoy your BD time before the insane stress and craziness of the TWW takes over our lives!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Thanks, I keep thinking it looks promising as well, but I have lost the ability to distinguish "real" and "fantasy" symptoms.... At least with the opk's I know something is happening!
Another odd symptom (sorta):
On saturday, I was sitting on my bed, leaning over to grab my water, and my cat, out of nowhere was behind me and purring very loudly. He is not a loud purrer... His purrs are so quiet that usually you feel them more than hear them. This cat never even "meowed" til he was 2! He's very smart, we even have him trained to do tricks - he will sit, give you his paw, sit up on his back legs with one arm up ( we say "nugget, up!"), lay down&roll, and if we say "gimme kiss", he'll lick us, just like a dog!
Anyways, the kitten, however, purrs VERY loud. So when I heard the purring, I assumed it was Tank. I turn around and saw nugget, and said whoa! What's with you? He then started bumping my shoulder, purred louder, so I start petting him, and he then CRAWLED INTO MY LAP. In his 3 yrs 3 mos we have had him, he has never ever done that! He proceeded to purr like crazy, and cuz he's pretty fat I had to re-situate myself so he could fit on my lap, he didn't mind, he just rested his head against me, purring like crazy!

I know that this falls into Nut Hut™ madness, but if you knew my cat, you'd understand. My oh barely believed me when I told him!

He said maybe nugget was using his 6th sense... Crazy, yeah I know...

How odd it was the day after the bd that my OH thinks we have conceived on... Man, if I catch a bfp before af, I sure do have a lot of stories!

But , to be safe, we're bd'ing every other day as long as that opk is positive! I also had a big temp spike that day...so maybe I just caught a second LH surge... But I'm still positive on opk! I swear I used to be sane! :wacko:
Tigger! Welcome back! I've been testing lol! These pos opks are confusing me! Neg on hpt, very pos opk, a couple were a lot darker than the control line!

:sex: and :dust:
Angel wings I've heard lots of family and friend stories about a pet being overly affectionate during pregnancy! I'd call that a really promising sign!!!:dust:
Angel Wings, that all sounds very promising!!!! FX!

FTMommy, late is a good thing! Don't give up hope!!!

For all of us Oer's, enjoy your BD time before the insane stress and craziness of the TWW takes over our lives!!!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

Thanks, I keep thinking it looks promising as well, but I have lost the ability to distinguish "real" and "fantasy" symptoms.... At least with the opk's I know something is happening!
Another odd symptom (sorta):
On saturday, I was sitting on my bed, leaning over to grab my water, and my cat, out of nowhere was behind me and purring very loudly. He is not a loud purrer... His purrs are so quiet that usually you feel them more than hear them. This cat never even "meowed" til he was 2! He's very smart, we even have him trained to do tricks - he will sit, give you his paw, sit up on his back legs with one arm up ( we say "nugget, up!"), lay down&roll, and if we say "gimme kiss", he'll lick us, just like a dog!
Anyways, the kitten, however, purrs VERY loud. So when I heard the purring, I assumed it was Tank. I turn around and saw nugget, and said whoa! What's with you? He then started bumping my shoulder, purred louder, so I start petting him, and he then CRAWLED INTO MY LAP. In his 3 yrs 3 mos we have had him, he has never ever done that! He proceeded to purr like crazy, and cuz he's pretty fat I had to re-situate myself so he could fit on my lap, he didn't mind, he just rested his head against me, purring like crazy!

I know that this falls into Nut Hut™ madness, but if you knew my cat, you'd understand. My oh barely believed me when I told him!

He said maybe nugget was using his 6th sense... Crazy, yeah I know...

How odd it was the day after the bd that my OH thinks we have conceived on... Man, if I catch a bfp before af, I sure do have a lot of stories!

But , to be safe, we're bd'ing every other day as long as that opk is positive! I also had a big temp spike that day...so maybe I just caught a second LH surge... But I'm still positive on opk! I swear I used to be sane! :wacko:

LOL maybe he senses you're fertile. I think pheromones work the same across all the species. Might be a good sign :D

Mine just wants to cuddle when I'm talking on the phone LOL
Tigger I'm CD 10 and am looking forward to a nice, big spike this weekend or early next week!

Weird question, but I guess there are no weird questions on here... Last month my period was seriously like 8 days long. I started taking maca root and now the B6 and my period was super heavy on day 1 and then extremely light for 2 more days and then gone. Having a shorter period wouldn't have any effect on O, right? Like it wouldn't come sooner just because my period was only 3 days instead of 7-8?
Tigger I'm CD 10 and am looking forward to a nice, big spike this weekend or early next week!

Weird question, but I guess there are no weird questions on here... Last month my period was seriously like 8 days long. I started taking maca root and now the B6 and my period was super heavy on day 1 and then extremely light for 2 more days and then gone. Having a shorter period wouldn't have any effect on O, right? Like it wouldn't come sooner just because my period was only 3 days instead of 7-8?

Not sure, I was going to start the B6 today, but I forgot my wallet at home so I had to leave everything. My period was really heavy for about a day and then light-ish for a day and then I spotted for 3-4 days. A couple of my friends told me to take an HPT because that's what happened to them and nothing. My chart is starting to look like an EKG lol.
Wugz - your period shouldn't effect your ovulation. The supplements will hopefully regulate your cycle though. Of course it never hurts to :sex: just in case !

I want to know if having a long luteal phase effects anything. Would that mean I have to wait longer to test (lol! I can't "wait" to test either way ), I mean test positive. Like my uterine functions are in slow mo?

I did just read a story where this lady , after ovulation, tested pos on opks for 7 days before getting her bfp! I really hope that happens for me!

Rose, you'll have to let us know how your opks work for you!
Yep I will (when I get them!!). Going back to the store tonight to get my B6.
What does b6 do? Are you guys taking any other drugs like prenatals and junk?
What does b6 do? Are you guys taking any other drugs like prenatals and junk?
I take a pre-natal and also one baby aspirin. The baby aspirin helps thin the blood, I think once you confirm pregnancy you are supposed to stop unless you have a clotting disorder.

I noticed a difference in my AF right away. Also, with my m/c, I had a sub-chorionic hemmorhage, meaning my membrane tore a bit from the uterine wall. Apparently it's pretty common and rarely leads to m/c. The blood from the tear caused a clot in my uterus - making the membrane tear more as the sac grew... most people, the body absorbs the blood, and the membrane will heal. Since mine clotted up, I figured the baby aspirin thing was a good way to go. It's listed along with grapefruit juice and soy as being helpful for fertility - I think just because it keeps the uterine wall stronger - no effect on ovulation or anything.

Ok, so I took a pic of yesterdays opk, which is the one that was MUCH darker than the control - in the pic it's the top line, and now that it is dry, it's lightened up a bit, but still clearly darker. I also took a couple snapshots with my phone of my dollar store pg test, that I took tonight, not with FMU. I also have a pic from yesterday's hpt..... There is a dark blue line (control) on the left, and on the far right a medium blue line that is part of the "wick", in the middle (test line), I swear I see blue...even in the photo...

Um, how do I upload a pic??
I know I'm most likely imagining that ever so faint (due to it not existing :p)
pink line....and the blue one.....

BUT I KNOW that OPK is more than positive!!! I am either 12dpo or 4dpo.....

so if no AF by next week or no bfp, I will be pulling my hair out!!! I'm SO sick of moving back my TWW! It's now like the 3 ww, and soon it will 4ww!! A lot of you will probably be just getting ready to test AGAIN around the time I get a bfp or af!
What does b6 do? Are you guys taking any other drugs like prenatals and junk?

Yep I've been taking prenatals since July along with calcium, fish oil, Vit D (it's a northern thing), and just started B6 (apparently it's supposed to lengthen your LP to help an egg implant, but I've also been told it helps with weight loss too).
So it looks like I'm probably going to take this job, which is good for my career, but not so good for TTC. DH and I think we might need to take this cycle off to see what happens. Might not have news until after Dec 17 which is after my O date. Pretty bummed about this but it's just a month, or a few months. Sigh.

Hopefully this all goes by quickly and things settle. Life is good but it's chaotic. In the last few months we got married, moved into a new house we built, started TTC and now new job. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just all these changes so quickly are giving me vertigo lol.

I see the blue one faintly, but not the pink one. Blue ones get evap btw, I never use them.

I take a prenatal, fish oil, vitamin c, and also juiceplus pills bc I don't eat fruits or veggis. I have b complex pills but I never take them bc they make me throw up.
What does b6 do? Are you guys taking any other drugs like prenatals and junk?
I take a pre-natal and also one baby aspirin. The baby aspirin helps thin the blood, I think once you confirm pregnancy you are supposed to stop unless you have a clotting disorder.

I noticed a difference in my AF right away. Also, with my m/c, I had a sub-chorionic hemmorhage, meaning my membrane tore a bit from the uterine wall. Apparently it's pretty common and rarely leads to m/c. The blood from the tear caused a clot in my uterus - making the membrane tear more as the sac grew... most people, the body absorbs the blood, and the membrane will heal. Since mine clotted up, I figured the baby aspirin thing was a good way to go. It's listed along with grapefruit juice and soy as being helpful for fertility - I think just because it keeps the uterine wall stronger - no effect on ovulation or anything.

Ok, so I took a pic of yesterdays opk, which is the one that was MUCH darker than the control - in the pic it's the top line, and now that it is dry, it's lightened up a bit, but still clearly darker. I also took a couple snapshots with my phone of my dollar store pg test, that I took tonight, not with FMU. I also have a pic from yesterday's hpt..... There is a dark blue line (control) on the left, and on the far right a medium blue line that is part of the "wick", in the middle (test line), I swear I see blue...even in the photo...

Um, how do I upload a pic??
I see the second blue line. But I do not like blue dye tests.
So it looks like I'm probably going to take this job, which is good for my career, but not so good for TTC. DH and I think we might need to take this cycle off to see what happens. Might not have news until after Dec 17 which is after my O date. Pretty bummed about this but it's just a month, or a few months. Sigh.

Hopefully this all goes by quickly and things settle. Life is good but it's chaotic. In the last few months we got married, moved into a new house we built, started TTC and now new job. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, just all these changes so quickly are giving me vertigo lol.

Good luck and hope you will settle soon in your new routine. Xxxx

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