Welcome to the Nut Hut!

Huh. Just noticed it said "Latin America" which may be the reason for slight measurement differences.
Umm angel, care to share your notes with me? :D lol I have no clue what to look for.

And confetti that sounds horrible. Birth gets scarier every day the more I hear...

Didnt want to scare you Nazz. Unfortunately pushing feels a lot like pooping times 100 lol. I was in pain cause at hospital they just told me I needed a cream and that is it. This time I will be using the cream before during and after just in case.

I have a photo of a few mins before starting.pushing I will post it. I was so happy with my gas and air. A lady came into the ward didnt make it to the delivery suite. She literally spat the baby out. Everyono is diff you will havd your own story to tell.
Oh confetti, I remember bowel movements right after having DD, OUCH!!

I cant believe with not being very far along yet how quickly my body is already changing. I heard you show a lot faster with your second child but man, I feel like in another week or 2 my pants are going to be super snug! I have a tightness feeling in my upper stomach area, I googled it (of course :haha:) and it said nothing to worry about, in early pregnancy its a sign that everything is stretching and rearranging to make room for baby, guess thats good!

Im so jealous of everyone getting scans, I dont know how I am going to make it until May 22nd. :shrug:
Had my HSG this morning...FS cannot see my right ovary or fallopian tube...and he did a transvaginal ultrasound which caused me pain, as always so now he wants to check my ovary(ies) again on CD21 and he thinks I may have endometrosis, and according to the symptoms seems plausible...

I hope one day I can get good news when I go in to see him :(
Had my HSG this morning...FS cannot see my right ovary or fallopian tube...and he did a transvaginal ultrasound which caused me pain, as always so now he wants to check my ovary(ies) again on CD21 and he thinks I may have endometrosis, and according to the symptoms seems plausible...

I hope one day I can get good news when I go in to see him :(
I'm sorry its one thing after another.

I know how that is.

At least you're taking steps and endo isn't a death sentence for ttc'rs .
My sis in law had it bad, they told her she needed a hysterectomy (she was in mid thirties with 3 boys) if she wanted the pain to go away. She asked if she could try one more time for a girl. (technically they had 4 boys, the oldest passed away at age 2, I can't even imagine that) the doc said yes, but wouldn't give her more than a year. She feel pregnant quickly it seemed (idk if it was assisted or not, I was only 20 at that time) and sure enough, they had a boy!

But she was still able to conceive
At least. I know everyone is different, buy you're doing everything you can, it wool happen for you, I just know it. :D
I hate Trans vaginal u/s too. It always hurts me as well, as do paps. I guess I have a sensitive cervix or something.
I really hope Thursday they will TRY abdominal. I can't help but associate vaginal ones with bad news... They scare me. The American association of obstetrics and gynecology issued a statement saying that early u/s should.NOT be used regularly, but so few docs listen to that.
It hadn't been proven safe for the fetus yet. Some people say its no more radiation than standing next to a microwave, some say the radiation plus heat can damage the tiny cells that are still developing....
I'm going to ask them to at least try abdominal. From what I've read, I'm right on the border of them being able to see abdominally. Fx
Pdubs don't worry! They have plenty of crazy meds for endo out there and theres a ton of women on bnb with endo that you could talk to! I see them everywhere in the ttc threads! Everything will work out!

Confetti- I heard that some women actually poop themselves when giving birth because of all the pushing lol. I'm planning on doing a water birth so I really hope I'm not one of those people! :haha:

The transvaginal us is the only one they have given me. I don't find it very comfortable, but it is not exactly painful except when they start digging around my ovaries. At the first one when I went to the ER the woman was like "put this in like a tampon" and I was like "you want ME to put that in by MYSELF?" haha after I did it I realized how easy it was and how crazy I must have sounded. I hate all the KY Jelly that comes pouring out of you for the rest of the day also. Feels so gross.
Thanks for that website Angel... even though all those dead embryo pics are scaring the crap out of me! Hope I don't see one of those tomorrow!
Goodluck on your guys scans this week! Hope we get to find out what your having Anake!!

Sorry for the bad news PDubbs, but from the sounds of it, its not the end of TTC for you! :thumbup:
So, DH and I have been:sex: like wild bunnies the last couple of weeks. My dr said on thursday to test next monday the 6th. I had this crazy dream last night that I woke up this morning and took a test just for the hell of it. And it popped up :bfp: in the dream, i immediately snapped a pic with my phone and sent it to my DH. And since waking up this morning, I have been fighting the urge to go POAS! Do ya'll think it's to early to test?? would I be wasting my time. Would be totally bummed if i got a :bfn:
I had bfp dreams every month, this last cycle, for the.first time, I had a bfn dream. Turned out I actually had a :bfp: in my future! They say opposite is good!
In some cases opposite is good, but not what i'm hoping for. :cry:
Don't let what happened to ME reflect your situation star!

Out of everyone here, I'm the only one that had a bfn dream at ALL, much less a bfn dream while actually preggo!

Typically "opposite is good" refers to real symptoms, not dreams hun.

I'm naturally a vivid dreamer. I didn't mean that to mean you aren't getting a bfp, just sharing a funky story about me :)

With all the :sex: and the fact you've been tested and cleared, I'd say it's just a matter of time for you - hopefully this month!

If you are probably 8 dpo, I'd TRY to wait till about 12 dpo, 14 if you're REALLY patient, lol.

Bfn's are disappointing, not to mention the waste, I actually was well behaves thus last cycle, usually I spend like a minimum of $50 a cycle on tests. I would literally start testing at 8 dpo, by 12 dpo I would use like 3 different brands to test!
Crazy! The worst month for me was January. I have had wonky cycles myself (click on my ff chart!), but was coming into my first cycle after (finally!) Having a 28 day cycle....
Bd was perfect! 4 days before, 2 data before, 1 day before, day of and day after, I was convinced wee did it! I had strong o symptoms, at 3 dpo a bit if brown when I wiped...
Never had that happen, I'm thinking early implantation bleeding... I google it and it's technically possible though rare.. By 5dpo it was full on bleed. I go to doc (my new, never meet before Ob/gyn) freaking out, I cried like 5 times, showing the nurse and then him my charts, wanting to know what was wrong with me...
He called me down, said that they don't typically start testing for problems till one year ttc, and that since I had 2 boys, and I was clearly ovulating, that the 2 hardest problems to fix were already taken care .... He then said, no lie, " I won't make you wait a year. Tell you what, give it 3 more months, and then make an appointment, I'll run preliminary tests, but I'd be very surprised if the next time I see you its for testing, I expect to see you in 3 months for your prenatal check up"

I even told the girls here at the time, so its documented, lol! Sue enough, that was January, and April, 3 months later, bfp! Crazy!

I know the waiting sucks, but at least you don't have to over come any big obstacles. You'll get your bfp soon I'm sure!

Thanks for all your encouragement! I was in such a "debbie downer" mood yesterday. And stressed cause I sooooo wanted to test. Total bi-polar day! Sorry!
Had my HSG this morning...FS cannot see my right ovary or fallopian tube...and he did a transvaginal ultrasound which caused me pain, as always so now he wants to check my ovary(ies) again on CD21 and he thinks I may have endometrosis, and according to the symptoms seems plausible...

I hope one day I can get good news when I go in to see him :(

:hugs: So sorry to hear this.:flower:
Thanks for that website Angel... even though all those dead embryo pics are scaring the crap out of me! Hope I don't see one of those tomorrow!
At first, I just thought it was pics and the chart - after I posted the link I went back and looked myself and was surprised at all the bad stuff posted!

Try not to focus on that, and just use the chart as a guideline....

As for vag us, they also had me put it in myself, for which I was grateful, I never do well in situations where people put things up my hoo ha. I'm like the worst gyno patient ever. My old doc, doing an exam, I would
Reflexively scoot back, and he would always ask me where I was going :haha:
I can't help it. 33 and still AFM completely unable to relax for that stuff.

And yeah, when they start searching for the ovaries, its super uncomfortable, they can only turn the wand within the confines of your vaginal wall, so they have to turn it sideways - ow!
oh well trying to think positive...and still feel good this cycle for some reason...DH got laid off today so thats a bit of news...not really a bad thing in some ways...he hated it there and his hours were offset from mine so hopefulyy he can find something more satisfying...hard market right now though....i feel like we are failing at life right now...bah....happy thoughts :)
I just went potty and when I took off my underwear there was thick brown blood in them :cry: it wasn't as much as like a period, but still. I really hope it goes away... I know brown blood is normally seen as not as bad as red blood and I didn't have any cramping, but it still worries me. What to do... Drs office is closed now. I'm just feeling so discouraged now.
I just went potty and when I took off my underwear there was thick brown blood in them :cry: it wasn't as much as like a period, but still. I really hope it goes away... I know brown blood is normally seen as not as bad as red blood and I didn't have any cramping, but it still worries me. What to do... Drs office is closed now. I'm just feeling so discouraged now.
Hang in there! No cramping is a GOOD sign. I've now had tan cm 3 different mornings, the last time about a week ago, im sure its nothing.

You could always go to the hospital, or if you wasn't to wait you have a scan tomorrow right?
My bff called me today and asked how I was doing, while mentioning my "symptoms" I realized how few I had. Sore boobs, and lots of veins, constipation, mood swings, smell/food aversions.
That's it. Oh and tired.
I feel like I should have morning sickness but I've only thrown up on 2 different occasions. I pretty much have no appetite all day then around dinner time I get ravenous. But then nothing sounds good. I spend a lot of time starting inside the fridge and cabinet, nothing looks good.
Nazz, stay positive! Brown is fine! I know it must be so hard, but you've gotta stay positive!

Angel wings, sore boobs is pretty much my only symptom. We are lucky, don't let no m/s freak you out. It's totally beyond normal! And awesome!

FT mommy I hear you on the body changes! I feel so round! Whenever I've been bloated in the past, I can always suck it in and flatten out my stomach. Just took a shower after working outside and my belly looked so round and couldn't suck it in at all! It was so weird!! I look preggo but I know it's too soon to actually be showing! I might have a little of that constipation thing going.
Nazz, stay positive! Brown is fine! I know it must be so hard, but you've gotta stay positive!

Angel wings, sore boobs is pretty much my only symptom. We are lucky, don't let no m/s freak you out. It's totally beyond normal! And awesome!

FT mommy I hear you on the body changes! I feel so round! Whenever I've been bloated in the past, I can always suck it in and flatten out my stomach. Just took a shower after working outside and my belly looked so round and couldn't suck it in at all! It was so weird!! I look preggo but I know it's too soon to actually be showing! I might have a little of that constipation thing going.
Yep, I actually wore my maternity clothes (not obvious ones) when I went to get my nails done today, its more comfortable. I can't suck in the bloat either. When my stomach was flat, if I sucked in it would go concave , now I suck in and it doesn't budge! Pants are just too uncomfortable
So I wore my stretchy black pants and a grayshirt that is long ish, covers my butt. It shows a small bump, but I also know that can happen the more times you've been pregnant and this us my 7th time! I'm thinking maybe that's why I'm not getting morning sickness. My body had been there done that, so its stopping me up instead. After a well of not going, I think if rather puke.
At least that's not painful. Plus the constipation makes me feel queasy and miserable anyway but nothing comes out of either end!

2 more days till scan :happydance:
SO glad tomorrow is busy for me! Get up early, take boys too school, go to doc appt (primary doc), by the time I get home, puck boys up, go to work, come home, go to bed, wake up- scan :yipee:

And scared....
Please be there little bean!
Same for nazz!

Rose's baby: cooperate! Its ok you're just a baby, mommy wants to know!
(you silly baby BOY ;) )
So sure LO's a boy eh?
Lol, yeah I think so :D
I still kind of want a boy myself. Familiar territory for me, and I saw this really cute baby boy the other day that looked so much like my oldest when he was a baby. Then at target I was in line behind thus lady that bought 2 matching boy outfits (twins!) That were SO cute!
My only reason I think I'm having a girl is how moody I an, its an old wives take, but supposedly the intense mood swings are from having a girl as more estrogen gets produced, and believe me I have been BITCHY! I can't even control it. Totally didn't get hormonal with my boys. That and the fact that when I browse the baby section I keep staying to girl stuff even though I like the boy stuff better....I WA even looking at diaper bags that weren't too girly so Jason wouldn't feel silly carrying it, lol.

But who knows, I could be wrong. But I thought I was having boys before and was right. :shrug:

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