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So my cat, who as I've mentioned has grown very attached to me since being pregnant, came in my room with me last night for bed time, like usual, but this time he only kneaded and layed on me for like.5 minutes, then he got off the bed and left the room. He usually gets off my chest then curls up next to my head or sometimes my feet. Well, right after, Jason got up to get a drink of water real quick and I guess he didn't realize our cat had left the room, and he shut the door on his way back in. Well that locked the cat out for the night, which he isn't used to, though before btu pregnancy laid with us most nights, but not every night like he does now....Well when Jason woke up, apparently there were 2 pieces of cat poop on the floor (on ab tiled section at least), though it was surrounded by grains if litter so he said nugget might have accidentally kicked it out while digging, but the pieces were far away from his box, and he never does this! I mean he has accidentally kicked a.piece out, but it's close to his box when it happens so you can tell it was an accident, apparently these pieces may have started out as an accident, but he
up batting them down the hall! AND he puked in a throw rug in the living room, and it wasn't a hair ball and he hadn't eaten anything unusual, just his usual dry kibble (we don't feed him wet food)...we think he was pissed off he couldn't come lay in my hair or "watch over" me like he always does since our door was shut...but he's not the acting out type. But he has definitely become attached to me big time, so I think his intensified feelings expressed themselves in anger instead of his usual "love"....idk...cats can be a little weird....

Wugz, do your dogs act differently towards you now?

Eeek...what's he going to do when you have your baby! I'm worried about mine doing the same thing. She can be pretty agressive at times.
Oh yeah, and Rose, I meant to say that COSTCO , of all places, would be impossible for anyone to walk home from! Most of their stuff doesn't even fit in bags, what do they expect you to do? Balance a box on your head and see how many more you might be able to carry?!? Smh, just ridiculous!

Nope they wanted me to try and balance it all on my bike...the lady is nuts.

:dohh: that's worse! If you weren't preggo and had one if those little bike trailers it would be a good workout, but that's way too much for any preggo, and I'm not the type that thinks pregnancy = invalid. But Sheesh.

I remember being at a park with my oldest while pregnant with my youngest, and a friend and I were sorta playing volley ball, I say sorta cuz really we were just bouncing the ball back and forth more like catch, and some stranger lady said to me "you know you're going to hurt the baby reaching your arms above your head like that" :huh:
So my cat, who as I've mentioned has grown very attached to me since being pregnant, came in my room with me last night for bed time, like usual, but this time he only kneaded and layed on me for like.5 minutes, then he got off the bed and left the room. He usually gets off my chest then curls up next to my head or sometimes my feet. Well, right after, Jason got up to get a drink of water real quick and I guess he didn't realize our cat had left the room, and he shut the door on his way back in. Well that locked the cat out for the night, which he isn't used to, though before btu pregnancy laid with us most nights, but not every night like he does now....Well when Jason woke up, apparently there were 2 pieces of cat poop on the floor (on ab tiled section at least), though it was surrounded by grains if litter so he said nugget might have accidentally kicked it out while digging, but the pieces were far away from his box, and he never does this! I mean he has accidentally kicked a.piece out, but it's close to his box when it happens so you can tell it was an accident, apparently these pieces may have started out as an accident, but he
up batting them down the hall! AND he puked in a throw rug in the living room, and it wasn't a hair ball and he hadn't eaten anything unusual, just his usual dry kibble (we don't feed him wet food)...we think he was pissed off he couldn't come lay in my hair or "watch over" me like he always does since our door was shut...but he's not the acting out type. But he has definitely become attached to me big time, so I think his intensified feelings expressed themselves in anger instead of his usual "love"....idk...cats can be a little weird....

Wugz, do your dogs act differently towards you now?

Eeek...what's he going to do when you have your baby! I'm worried about mine doing the same thing. She can be pretty agressive at times.
I think everything will be fine, he seems to love to smell me, especially my hair, and when he lies on me, he spreads his legs do that they aren't pushing on my abdomen, or sometimes he lies horizontal across my chest, like he knows something is in there and doesn't want to hurt it - he's been careful of my belly since I was like 5 weeks, after his kneading and cuddle session before bed ritual, he almost seems like he's trying to guard me - his butt toward me, his face outward. But he doesn't do anything if Jason or the kids come over to me, he's not acting out on anyone. He used to have play aggression, and now he doesn't, he loves kneading my side of the n bed , he looks like he's in a trance when he does it, it's like he's preparing a nest, I have this weird feeling he's going to maybe feel this way about the baby....We'll still do all the appropriate precautions, letting him smell the baby's blanket or clothes, careful watching, if the baby is sleeping, he can't be in the room (unless someone else is, I mean, and until we know how he sees the baby)
At least he acted out passively....IF that was even his purpose, cuz sometimes cats just do weird stuff.
Angel I do feel baby move a lot. I am a bit confused about his position cause he is very active but I thiny he may have turned head down. When I get bigger I will posr a bump video it is sooo funny sometimes.

I had a cat when I was pref with my son we has no problems. I was afraid that he would go sleep near babys face but he slept near he crib or by his feet looking over him. He was like a guard dog lol. I dont know how my dog will take but I am hoping my son and him find comfort in each other when bubs comes.

Anake the exercise they told you is good but not while you have some heavy shopping pfffff. I have an airwalker at home and try yo do 15mins every day but with the heat cleaninv the house seems like enough exercise. Here lot of houses have tiled flooring in everyroom so I wash the gloors nearly everyday and that feels like a workout for me now.

I hope Nazz amd Tigger are ok too.
I also had a cat with my oldest, actually, almost positive I conceived the same day I got her, Easter of 2000....she was something of a psycho kitty though...she would let you pet get, she'd purr, then just attack, she had issues. When the nursery was put together she was curious, and when my son was born she was mostly curious, but but for the most part paid him no mind. Her name was Jewel, and his first word was "jewel kitty , pronounced "jew -key" and he would point at her lol.

Anyways, I'm not worried about this one, he's friendlier than she every was, unlike most cats I've known, he loves new people, always comes up to them right when they walk in the house...
Oh yeah he's also very smart , he will even sit, give paw, and go up on his hind legs in command, and sometimes lay down on command but for some reason he hates doing that one and usually ends up just bowing his head. He has other dog like traits despite never bring around a dog. Lol, he's a funny one. One thing he doesn't care for is high pitched sounds. When my youngest was little, actually up until about a year or 2 ago, when he'd get excited he would get loud and had a high pitch to his excited voice, if he was near the cat, nugget would leave the area. Now that he's 7 and not as excitable, nugget tolerates him more. Will muzzle him and lick him like he does the rest of us (lately especially me, he tries to "groom" me) lol, this cat licks more than any cat ever. It's cute, but with his sand paper tongue it can start to hurt a little...

Ok, geez, I just made like 2 posts gushing about my cat. I've been gushing a lot lately...about everything...:haha: hormones! Any easy scape goat for all problems for nine months! :D
19 more days to the half way point! Yea! Last fall I wouldn't be able to even picture it! 3 tears ago I would have laughed if anyone thought I might decide to have another baby!

Is funny, growing up, I never really liked babies. I have a large family with Los of aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, etc...I can remember when someone would have a baby and they would always want me to hold him/her and I never wanted to. I never knew what to do with little kids, and when I would baby sit as a teenager, I almost always baby sat older kids, like 7 or so years old. My brother, on the other hand was the opposite. He loved babies, always gave our little cousins tons of attention, etc... I Used to say I didn't want kids, only lots if animals. I'm still a major animal lover. My mom always thought if only have "fur babies", , and she would worry might brother might end up with half a dozen kids by age age 22...

When I was diagnosed with cancer in 98, at age 18, and found they would be removing my left ovary and Hallam tube, I asked them if they would take everything out, and meant it. Cancer runs pretty badly in my mom's side and a little on my father's...but I was by far the youngest to get it. I was lucky that the cancer that started in my ovary only spread to the tube, my lymph nodes were biopsied and clear of cancer, they also biopsied my right ovary, and I was told I have abnormal "pre-cancer" cells in there...I was mad, with my young history, and long family history, I wanted them to remove everything another problem happened. I was very lucky the first time to not only need surgery and not chemo. They all said no way, if I had been in my 30s or even 20s but with at least one child, my oncologist said he would have done a full hysterectomy...I even said I would sign a waiver, that I didn't want kids...but he said no, I was too young and what if I changed my mind in 10 years, and it was too late? He refused. Now I'm on baby #3 and my brother has no kids, him and his fiance don't want any, and they have 5 cats! Lol! Total role reversal! They are both do great with kids too, they love mine, but I guess like most aunts/uncles without children, they like the fun stuff and the ability to "give them back" when the fun wears off, lol.

Ok I'm done, I swear. Thank you everyone for taking s trip down my memory lane, lmao.
Hi ladies! I had a lot of catching up to do, I was gone with family for the holiday weekend so I wasn't able to get on at all! My belly has definitely grown, it has finally filled out more of a round bump instead of just bloat, I love it :happydance: DH & I go Saturday morning for our gender ultrasound, 5 more days and hopefully little one cooperates! We are throwing a gender reveal party in mid August so we have to be hush hush about it, so I will be excited to come back and reveal it to you ladies!! Hope everyones feeling ok!
Welcome back Ft. sooo tomm we have a wedding and yest we just recieved another invite. I have a dress that still fits and hopefully the dress that I bought for my sons holy communion will still fit for the second wedding. Hope no more special occasions come or I might go naked lol.
Hi ladies! I had a lot of catching up to do, I was gone with family for the holiday weekend so I wasn't able to get on at all! My belly has definitely grown, it has finally filled out more of a round bump instead of just bloat, I love it :happydance: DH & I go Saturday morning for our gender ultrasound, 5 more days and hopefully little one cooperates! We are throwing a gender reveal party in mid August so we have to be hush hush about it, so I will be excited to come back and reveal it to you ladies!! Hope everyones feeling ok!

Missed you! I wish you, wugz and I (will all of us really) lived closer, how fun to have play dates and such .... I'd love to meet the ttc'rs too!

So exciting for the gender reveal! I wish now I would have done a little get-together gender reveal party, but my excited butt blasted it all over Facebook without giving it a second thought! Lol
Yay for gender reveal, FT mommy! So exciting!!!

Just had a bit of a scare:sad1: My little Chihuahua had a seizure a couple hours ago. He had a tiny one, less than 30 seconds, about a year ago but I didn't think anything of it. But this one was like 5 minutes, so he's probably got epilepsy. He's fine now, and the Vet said no meds necessary for just an occasional one, so that's good.

He's getting totally spoiled with attention and treats tonight, I'm sure he's forgotten all about it:flower:

What's the rule for animals on your belly? He is 12 pounds and our other is about 17 pounds... Can they lay on me while I'm laying down or does that squash baby?
So, uh, we haven't dtd since the baby moved last Thursday (not cuz that reason, that's just how it has worked) until today....
Weird thing is for the first time since I hit second trimester, I suddenly was getting anxious that the baby was ok. I know when the baby starts moving it's not consistent, especially at 17 weeks, but I just started worrying anyways.
Well after what should now definitely be called "baby dance" the little guy is moving like crazy! It kind of hurts, he's rolling around every which way, not kicking, but I swear at one point his head was under my belly button and his feet were as close to my spine as they could get - an odd position, but that's what it felt like. It also still feels like he's yanking on my ab muscles, one strand at a time like a guitar...that's what hurts a little, is like he's trying to stretch out his home (the sac) or something - maybe he felt a little cramped for a second, idk. This may be TMI, but Rose, confetti, do your boys get all worked up after sex? I remember my youngest doing this towards the very end, but don't think I've felt anything like this so early. I had Jason feel it too, but most of the movements are_still) are deep in my abdomen, like you can't feel them from the outside, but while he was rolling back and forth, I had Jason push his hand down, placed above my belly button (gotta get behind that darn placenta lol) and told him to just keep the pressure and wait, and he was like "whoa! I think that was his whole body!" Tell me about it...

It's been almost a half hour and the kid is still rocking and rolling!
Yay for gender reveal, FT mommy! So exciting!!!

Just had a bit of a scare:sad1: My little Chihuahua had a seizure a couple hours ago. He had a tiny one, less than 30 seconds, about a year ago but I didn't think anything of it. But this one was like 5 minutes, so he's probably got epilepsy. He's fine now, and the Vet said no meds necessary for just an occasional one, so that's good.

He's getting totally spoiled with attention and treats tonight, I'm sure he's forgotten all about it:flower:

What's the rule for animals on your belly? He is 12 pounds and our other is about 17 pounds... Can they lay on me while I'm laying down or does that squash baby?
I'd say whatever isn't uncomfortable. My cat lays on my belly all the time, but he seems to know to distribute his weight....sometimes I lay on my belly just to watch TV for a few minutes and I feel fine, other times it's like a rock is there and I have to roll over. I don't do it for extended periods of time or anything....you can always have him lay higher, up on your chest...my boob tenderness is mostly gone, but sometimes makes a reappearance.

Hope your dog is ok!
Should I DTD more to get my baby to move!? I'm ready to feel some flutters!
Ok you guys will think I'm crazy that this happens one hour after we talked about it... But I just ate dinner and had the distinct feeling of bubbles poppinp in my belly? I know most women say it feel like flutters so this could have just been something else totally (gas) but anyone ever relate it to bubbles popping?
Ok you guys will think I'm crazy that this happens one hour after we talked about it... But I just ate dinner and had the distinct feeling of bubbles poppinp in my belly? I know most women say it feel like flutters so this could have just been something else totally (gas) but anyone ever relate it to bubbles popping?

that could be your baby! Mine was more like bubbles than flutters. I passed it off as gas at first, but it kept happening in the same spot and got stronger.
Angel I usually feel baby going crazy after cleaning and sex also.

Wugz as lonh as you do not feel uncomfortable when the pet is on you the baby should be fine too.

Excited to have the hospiral tour today. I gave birth in the old hospital and the one we have now is like a hotel compared to the one before.
I felt my first flutter yesterday too! Mine was more like a rolling sensation though, got me so excited!!
FT that rolling sensation gets stronger the further along you get :)

My little guy started moving around 10am yesterday morning and was STILL at it way after I went to bed!! I just wish he'd pick a new spot for his head. My ribs are starting to feel bruised. Come on little guy turn already!

Had some unexplained vomiting last night :( I minorly inhaled some of my veggies and started to cough and that was it. I've been feeling really off for the last few days. Hopefully I'm not getting the flu!!

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