I told a.couple close friends early - like literally 2 people....
Oh, and my then preggo manager, as we had both been through multiple MC's, and she finally got preggo....she was about 4 months along when I got my bfp.
I didn't tell any family (including my mom - we have a complicated relationship) till 14 weeks....
By then I'd had multiple scans and wasn't really scared anymore. After the first scan and seeing the HB, most of my friends knew though. I originally wanted to wait, but couldn't contain my excitement.
Talk to your OH and see what he's comfortable with too...
I know the wait is killing you....I think waiting for that first scan is hard on anyone ttc, especially if you've had a loss.
I can't believe my baby shower is almost here, I'm nervous that wee aren't going to have everything readyin time.... Jason's sister is officially hosting it, but we're doing it our house, as her house is like an hour away. I'm starting to get nervous about a lot of things....I think part of the issue is having nothing but bad experiences with my ex husband while having a newborn, which logically I know is unfair to project those fears/memories on Jason....but I can't help it. He wanted a baby YEARS before I was ready, I don't think my ex ever really wanted one....so that's one huge difference. Plus Jason sorta had to play a father role at a young age, like 14-17, after his mother had remarried an alcoholic dead beat (he want that when they first got married obviously)....but I can't shake this fear over how our relationship will undoubtedly change, just hopefully it will make us closer. When we're both really busy and don't see much of each other, that's when we get into petty little fights, the more time we're together the better we are - so idk what the lack of sleep and general fatigue that follows birth will do - but again, I think it only scares me cuz of ex. I've been so hormonal this pregnancy, and sometimes I feel like he just
get it or even TRY to understand....he's so obsessed with having a baby I sometimes feel like he forgets
about me and my needs...but I can't tell if that's even true or my hormones being wacky. Sorry for the vent/rant...

darn hormones!