Welcome to the Nut Hut!

Lol, yeah, i love my red wine! And Margaritas! Although at the moment if I even smell tequila or any hard liquor, I'd probably hurl.
I'm going to make sangria for guests at my baby shower next week. My own secret recipe ;)
Nice Sangria! Good choice, OHs step mom made sangria for his sisters baby shower, it was a big hit. I'm baby sitting today for our friends grand baby for a few hours, I'm excited/scared to get a little practice in lol. She is 4 months old.

I can't wait for my scan in 2 weeks, I just want to see that everything is ok! I feel like every night while I'm sleeping I get AF type cramps (I never quite sleep through the night anymore) but I'm scared the cramps might mean I'm going to MC... I hope I'm just being overly crazy. Maybe it's the positions I sleep in because I feel like it is best if I lay on my back and the worst if I sleep on my belly, but I am a belly/side sleeper and it is impossible for me to fall asleep on my back. Thinking maybe I should get one of those belly wedge pillows.

On another note I'm already freakin showing!!! I know it is just bloat and stuff and it isn't REALLY showing, but even if it is just bloat I already look pregnant! My belly goes out just as far as my boobs, this happened last time I was pregnant too. And OHs friend who guessed I was pregnant last time out of nowhere did it again without even seeing me first. So now the secret is kind of out a little bit among his friends at least. :wacko: I'm not sure when we are really going to start telling people though. Obviously we want to at least wait until this scan in 2 weeks... when did you guys tell everybody???
We told our immediate families right away. I waited till I was about 16 weeks to tell work because I had just started. 20 weeks for Facebook although I kept posting fruit photos and people guessed :)
I Already told mymanagers at work just so they dont ask me to do heavy lifting or anything. I really dont think ill be able to hide past 12 weeks if im lucky lol.


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I told a.couple close friends early - like literally 2 people....
Oh, and my then preggo manager, as we had both been through multiple MC's, and she finally got preggo....she was about 4 months along when I got my bfp.

I didn't tell any family (including my mom - we have a complicated relationship) till 14 weeks....
By then I'd had multiple scans and wasn't really scared anymore. After the first scan and seeing the HB, most of my friends knew though. I originally wanted to wait, but couldn't contain my excitement.

Talk to your OH and see what he's comfortable with too...
I know the wait is killing you....I think waiting for that first scan is hard on anyone ttc, especially if you've had a loss.

I can't believe my baby shower is almost here, I'm nervous that wee aren't going to have everything readyin time.... Jason's sister is officially hosting it, but we're doing it our house, as her house is like an hour away. I'm starting to get nervous about a lot of things....I think part of the issue is having nothing but bad experiences with my ex husband while having a newborn, which logically I know is unfair to project those fears/memories on Jason....but I can't help it. He wanted a baby YEARS before I was ready, I don't think my ex ever really wanted one....so that's one huge difference. Plus Jason sorta had to play a father role at a young age, like 14-17, after his mother had remarried an alcoholic dead beat (he want that when they first got married obviously)....but I can't shake this fear over how our relationship will undoubtedly change, just hopefully it will make us closer. When we're both really busy and don't see much of each other, that's when we get into petty little fights, the more time we're together the better we are - so idk what the lack of sleep and general fatigue that follows birth will do - but again, I think it only scares me cuz of ex. I've been so hormonal this pregnancy, and sometimes I feel like he just
get it or even TRY to understand....he's so obsessed with having a baby I sometimes feel like he forgets
about me and my needs...but I can't tell if that's even true or my hormones being wacky. Sorry for the vent/rant...:wacko: darn hormones!
Omg, nazz, I guarantee you FEEL more bloated then you actually are...you're definitely not showing! Even if you normally have a flatter stomach than that(which is STILL flat anyways), no one would notice or think you're preggo just yet- at least not by your belly!

Anyone experience their boobs getting Fuller than less full off and on? I swear these suckers (suckers! :haha: ) swelled pretty big at 4-6 weeks, went down, were HUGE from like 16-24, and now are definitely bigger, but don't seem quite as full as 6 weeks ago....maybe it's am illusion since my belly popped out so much more, but they even feel less full to the touch (yes, I still grab my boobs to check for tenderness and fullness, lol)
My boobs grew and grew and then pretty much plateaued right after the first trimester! Haven't bothered me much since then, although none of my bras fit quite right but I'm too cheap to invest in anything until I'm nursing!

Angel Wings my shower is coming up in a couple weeks as well! I've been sneaking peaks at the registry online, looks like we're going to have a good haul!!!!

Got some pumpkins this weekend, and I came home from work today and they'd all be nibbled on!!!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: I now have a personal vendetta against all squirrels!!!!
To me I look bigger lol, but maybe to others it will just look like I gained a little bit... or maybe nothing at all... I guess I'm being paranoid! :wacko:

I talked about this in another thread, but I'm trying to hold off telling my family for as long as I can because my parents and one of my sisters were less than enthused when I was pregnant last time, and they seemed almost like relieved when it ended up being abdominal. My other sister and my brother and his girl friend were all happy and excited though. I think my parents and sister just wanted me to do other things before having a baby like get married and progress in career and travel more or something... but I've already traveled a good deal, marriage doesn't mean much to me (just a piece of paper) and I've always wanted to be a young parent. For some people waiting until your 30's is a good idea, but I always wanted to have kids young. I feel that they just don't understand this. My sister even went so far as to say that if she were me she would have had an abortion! OH was very mad about that and now he doesn't like her anymore, which sucks. It was none of her business though. I'm the kind of person that if I was going to have an abortion I wouldn't have told anyone that I was pregnant! I would have just done it and nobody would ever know!

So anyways, sorry for the long essay, but I'm just torn about what to do now because I know half my family will be happy and half will be judgey wudgey... and I can't just tell half my family. I almost want to call them when I'm in labor and be like "hey you guys might want to come down here, I'm having a baby!" lol... but that might be rude to keep it from them for that long. I'm going to visit during Thanksgiving time and I will be 12 weeks then. I'm sure they might just think I have gained a little weight and I won't need to tell them, but I'm debating if I should...
So the labs lady at the doc just called and said my doc actually wants me to get an ultrasound this week (maybe even today if they can squeeze me in)! Now I'm worried that they are worried, but maybe he just wants to check on me because of the past ectopic... either way I'm getting an early scan and I'm not complaining lol!
My boobs grew and grew and then pretty much plateaued right after the first trimester! Haven't bothered me much since then, although none of my bras fit quite right but I'm too cheap to invest in anything until I'm nursing!

Angel Wings my shower is coming up in a couple weeks as well! I've been sneaking peaks at the registry online, looks like we're going to have a good haul!!!!

Got some pumpkins this weekend, and I came home from work today and they'd all be nibbled on!!!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: I now have a personal vendetta against all squirrels!!!!

Lol, I saw this video of a squirrel that was eating a family's Halloween pumpkin that had started to rot...the squirrel got drunk :rofl: it was trying to run up the tree, and kept flipping off of it backwards...and stumbling...the pumpkin was fermented, like a pumpkin cider, lol. I'm gonna see if I cam find it on YouTube
So the labs lady at the doc just called and said my doc actually wants me to get an ultrasound this week (maybe even today if they can squeeze me in)! Now I'm worried that they are worried, but maybe he just wants to check on me because of the past ectopic... either way I'm getting an early scan and I'm not complaining lol!

I would think he would want a
Scan as early as possible, cuz of last time. I had 3 scans BEFORE 12 weeks, since I'm technically high risk due to MC history. They were quick scans at the doc, for the anatomy scan and NT scan he sends me to the hospital radiology dept. I'm sure it's your history, afterall, you even said that the Lady said your labs were good, and they are, definitely. I'm sure it's simply to check and make sure the gestational sac is in the right place. Don't freak if they can't pick up the hb, that's totally normal this early...as long as the sac measures right, you're good....at 5wks5days they want to see a fetal pole and yolk sac, it's possible to see it earlier, but depends...I did a LOT of google research and had everything memorized for what to look for before my first scan....even at 7 weeks, we could see a very faint blob (looked like a cloud) and could SEE the hb, flickering, but his machine wasn't sensitive enough to pick it up....which of course made me freak, but he kept saying don't worry, we
can see it, it's there, some women are more easily penetrated by the ultra sonic waves than
others, plus I have scar tissue on my uterus, and later I found out I have an anterior placenta, which basically can make scans a bit harder and make the hb difficult to pick up.

So just remember, everything will be fine, I'm glad he wants to check you as soon as possible, it's the right thing to do. Definitely isn't because he thinks something is wrong, if he thought that, he would have ordered tests immediately. :thumbup: I think you're gonna be just great!
Here's the video of the drunk squirrel lol:

So they say the fetal pole and it was the right size, in the right place and everything! :thumbup::happydance::thumbup: OH said he feels a lot better now, and I do too. He took like 50 pics of this fetal pole hahaha. I'm so excited now, hoping everything goes well from here on out. They still want me to do the other scan at 7 weeks also to see if they can see the heartbeat and baby is measuring ok. So relieved!
So they say the fetal pole and it was the right size, in the right place and everything! :thumbup::happydance::thumbup: OH said he feels a lot better now, and I do too. He took like 50 pics of this fetal pole hahaha. I'm so excited now, hoping everything goes well from here on out. They still want me to do the other scan at 7 weeks also to see if they can see the heartbeat and baby is measuring ok. So relieved!
:dance: :wohoo: :yipee:

I knew it! Yea! Congrats nazz! :D
Hey star! Been awhile! I'm doing ok, sorta, think I'm coming down with a cold or something... I've felt crappy off and on for almost a week'..just when I think it's gonna hit me, it backs off, but I woke up feeling real yucky today ....and my shower is this Sunday, I don't wanna be sick!!! Plus my youngest has been coughing the last couple days. Ugh. I'm uncomfortable enough as it is!

How are you?
Evan is 1 month old already!! Sorry for the short post....been really busy. Evan won't let me do much other than pay attention to him (not complaining).

Wow! A month already! Time just flies! This girl that got preggo the same time I did last year (with my MC), her son just turned 6 months already....our due date was only like 5 days apart. Hard to think I would have a 6 month old right now, and never have met any of you guys....

So, every year, October is the worst month for us. Something bad always happens. Always. Jason got laid off from his main job....luckily he still has his side jobs, but he was doing so well I went on mat leave early. He was making so much more than I was anyhow. If that weren't enough, his car has been in the shop for almost 2weeks, they couldn't figure out what's wrong. We just replaced the head gasket and got a valve job back in April (about $1200 in repairs), well a couple weeks ago it randomly overheated. He pulled into a gas station and let it sit for several hours, then went back and got it. It seemed fine then, but we took it to the shop just in case. They thought it blew a head gasket again, which seemed impossible, but it turns out when it overheated the spark plugs MELTED into the block and warped it. :dohh:

I won't ask what's next!

All this obviously couldn't happen at a worse time! I'm trying not to freak, but I'm anxious as it is, this is really making it hard....now with a baby and Christmas coming!
Yay Nazz!! So happy for you!

Angel that's rough :hugs: When it rains, it pours, doesn't it always seem to work out that way? We're trying to figure out finances with maternity leave and hospital bills as well. It isn't going to be easy, but we'll make it work, and a I know you and Jason will too!

PS haha at that squirrel!
Congrats Nazz.

Sry I have been absent lately but Nick is very fussy they say crying and gas peaks fron 6-8weeks and decreses slolwly after I hope we have reached the peak!.

Night night hope I get more than yest sleep.

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