Welcome to the Nut Hut!

Happy one month Rose! Angel I hope things get better for you!

So on my end we had a horrid night last night! OH came to my work and told me that our place got broken into!!! OMG so they broke down our door, had to get a new door put in today. The only thing they took was my laptop which is kind of a good thing, but it was a very nice laptop (about $1700) and I can't afford a new one right this moment. :( Luckily I had most if not all of my important stuff backed up. I'm really just glad who ever it was didn't hurt our dogs or anything. They must have been so scared though. :nope: So I got the serial number from my laptop today because the cops can put it in a database and search to see if any local pawn shops got it in. I really hope they find it! If not I'm going to have to get some piece of junk laptop just for now to use for school.

On another note, my manager told me yesterday that I'm already showing and she can even see it in my face... whatever that means lol. IDK if she thinks I'm showing though because she already knew (I feel like people look harder if they know). My tummy muscles have been hurting real bad though (ligament pain?) and I'm about to have to get one of those belly bands because I can hardly bend down in my jeans anymore.
That's horrible, Nazz! So sorry that it happened to you :(

How's everybody doing other wise?

Angel Wings, was your shower this weekend?

We had our first childbirth prep class last night. Of course they showed the video of some woman (from 1970) giving birth. DH and I had a hard time watching the close ups of the vagina.... yikes.
Lol i saw that video in high school sex ed class. im doing well other than the no computer thing. Im 6 weeks today! Cant believe im half way through the first tri. I had to go to target yesterday to get one of those belly bands you wear over your unbuttoned pants... i know its all just bloat, but i cant comfortably sit or bend in my pants anymore. I wore a tank top yesterday and OH said im not allowed to wear tight tops anymore because im starting to show lol. Im still sure though that to anyone who didnt know im pregnant i just look like im getting a little chunky or im bloated from my period or something.
That's horrible, Nazz! So sorry that it happened to you :(

How's everybody doing other wise?

Angel Wings, was your shower this weekend?

We had our first childbirth prep class last night. Of course they showed the video of some woman (from 1970) giving birth. DH and I had a hard time watching the close ups of the vagina.... yikes.

The shower was awesome! Jason's sister went above and beyond and really outdid herself. We got like every big item!.including a realty nice grow with me crib! Got a bouncy seat, an awesome swing, infant bather, diaper bag, a 200 pack of diapers, my mom had a diaper bag just filled with stuff, a grow with me high chair, car seat/carrier and matching stroller, that also matches the pack n play we bought, as well as the high chair and diaper bag, done clothes, a bunch of gift cards, a couple play mats/gyms...everyone had a great time! The house is still kinda a mess though, we were so tired, I still am! My feet, especially left, is crazy swollen, yesterday it looked REAL BAD. The only thing we still need are burp cloths and receiving blankets, and some more bottles, otherwise we're set
Wow nazz, I'm glad you and OH and dogs are all ok. Imagine if you had been home! Sounds like some kids or something, if all they did was take a laptop...I realize it was a nice one, but usually the scary "pro" thieves will target a house where they know they will get a good haul, not just a smash and grab, ya know? My uncle had his garage broken into a couple years ago, and his lawn mower and the cases of beer he had in his garage fridge were taken - that's it. What's funny is he's a scotch drinker, and had a few CASES if Johnny Walker blue label, each BOTTLE costs more than a $120, if they would have grabbed those they would have gotten way more...another"obviously" kids type job...the scotch cases were right next to the fridge, lol. Well, not that it's funny, but it's ironic.
So my dumb a$$ ex who I recently (and reluctantly) accepted his friend request on fb, and who is also "friends" with my boys, just shared this pic....it was of a completely naked, full frontal, girl, doing a heel stretch, with a phone in her hand snapping a pic of herself and posted "my nude pic, do you like it?" - how it even got posted is beyond me, I'm sure she's been kicked off at this point, but I was pissed...he shares this pic, knowing his kids can see it! I got it in my newsfeed! I don't like to "snitch" but I reported the pic to fb cuz of my boys. He didn't put a filter or anything either. I posted to him "nice job posting a full frontal of some random fb slut for Jake and Dylan to see" and he just said "oh, my bad"
:growlmad: I still can't believe that pic was even circulating! I know there are pages that post racy or sexy pics, but at least they are partially covered, and I know guys are guys and will look...but full nude on fb? Come on now! I went to her page and it's the only thing posted ever, at all. My guess is it's probably a trick to get guys to "friend" her, and it's probably some dude half way across the planet hacking into people's accounts. Smh
Hi guys!!! OMG So I totally did nt realize asking people to vote for a contest was against the rules :wacko: banned for two weeks I felt like I did something so wrong!! Oh well, Im glad thats over I missed chatting every day! I did catch up on the posts so its good to see everyone doing well.

I feel like so much has been happening with me and it was killing me not being able to get your guys opinions. So here we go... Had my glucose screening and everything came back normal except my thyroid levels were low. She sent me in for more testing and Im waiting on those results but she has me so worried that I have either hyper or hypo thyroidism and it's just now getting caught. This past weekend I ended up having an anxiety attack it only lasted 20 minutes but I've never experienced one before. Also this past week my lower back has had so much pain when I sleep and Ive been getting sharp pains in my bladder area and the left side of my pelvic bone has been super sore. I went in and did a urine culture yesterday so Im waiting to maybe find out if I have a UTI or bladder infection?? I know he is super low already and head down I just really hope none of this means he is going to come early, he still needs to bake in there at least 7 or 8 more weeks!!

Sorry for the long post, I just never experienced any of this with my first so Im trying hard not to freak out! :shrug:
Welcome back ft, you bad girl! :haha:
I wouldn't worry about his head already being down. Some babies are head down from a young age! I've been reading a lot about it, as my lil guy is still transverse. Since I'm really hoping doc decides on a cesarean, I want him to stay how he is! He can still turn, but with each pressing week, it gets less likely. My doc waits till 36 weeks to even check with ultrasound, but he's been checking with his hands on my belly. From what I've read though, 2/3 of babies that are breech at 32 weeks will remain breech. So I'm getting close and he's showing no sign of moving out of his main position!

UTI's are very common in pregnancy, I had 2 with my youngest, and had one early on in this pregnancy. The pain could also be your round ligaments stretching. I get pain on both sides, sometimes it's so sharp I can't roll over or stand up straight, never happened before, but it happens a few times a week now. Plus since he's transverse I think he's putting pressure on those ligaments too. I get severe lower back pain when I wake on my back. I'm usually a back sleeper, but have been falling asleep on my side since like week 20...I just don't always stay there. He spends most of the day kicking my bladder, I've been peeing like crazy, even more than my other pregnancies. I go thru a roll of toilet paper a day. Literally. On overage I'm peeing about 5-6 times an hou, and sometimes I go twice in under 10 minutes. It's crazy!
Thanks Angel, I just hate waiting for results especially about the thyroid issues. I was a little anemic too which I bought some OTC iron pills she said that should do the trick so I wasnt too concerned about that but I heard with thyroid issues you can have risks during labor so fingers crossed the results come back ok!
welcome back Ft. Aaaaah I forgot the joys of pregnancy the endless visits to the loo with a bursting feeling only to get out a drop or two.

Afm Nick had been very fussy this morn but this evening he seems a lot better and he also stayed a few mins not in mummys arms phew. I hope to get a good night sleep soon cause my battery is running very very low.
Angel I was thinking the same thing because it is a gaming laptop... I think the only kind of person who would break in just to steal a gaming laptop would be a kid who plays video games. He had even emptied out all the drawers in my desk and left my camera, passport, check book, birth certificate, thumb drive, everything else. He just really wanted to play some video games on a nice gaming laptop. He probably only emptied my desk to look for some video games lol which were not in there. He probably saw that we had the laptop one day when we had the blinds open or something. If it was not a kid then it was someone who was in a rush and just took what he could before running. I'm sure our dogs were barking and snarling the whole time so I would be in a rush too if I were them. And they broke down our door, which is definitely not a quiet activity. IDK how our neighbors didn't hear any of it. Apparently it happened about 30 mins after OH left so they were probably watching waiting for him to leave, or knew what kind of cars we drive.

Welcome back FT lol! I think I have BV right now, speaking of infections, but my doc wouldn't give me medicine for it because he was scared I'm so early on it might affect the pregnancy. I guess taking medicine is worse for a baby than having BV??? Makes no sense to me, but whatever.

The docs office called me yesterday and said they have to reschedule my appointment next week because the lady who was supposed to do it suddenly won't be in that day :growlmad: wth. So now my appointment is Thursday, but I guess maybe I will be able to see a little more in the ultrasound since I will be a few days farther along.
Nazz, I had BV with my youngest, which they caught at the same time as my UTI, gotta love hormones and all they change!, and I had to wait till second tri to take flagyl for it. I didn't mind though since I was symptom-less. Wouldn't have known I had it, but they caught it on my cultures. Eat a lot of yogurt in the mean time, the type with active cultures, it helps balance the pH and what not, and cam keep it from getting worse.

FT if you every have any questions about thyroid issues, I'm practically an expert, lol, with everything I've had to go thru with graves disease!
Oh and angel, you are right about that pic on fb... that is clearly a man hacking peoples accounts and stuff. Even an amateur porn star would never put nudes on fb because then nobody would go to her website or anything and she wouldn't make any money. :thumbup: Good job reporting it though, I wouldn't even let him be "friends" with my kids anymore if he did that!
So I called my doctor and only the nurse was in but she looked up my results and my thyroid levels are still low so once the doctor gets in she will see if she wants to refer me to a specialist to get on some meds and kind of work it all out :wacko: seems like a big mess Im not too worried about but it has made me super tired I just hope it doesn't affect the baby at all. Now all I have to do is wait for the doctor to get in and call me with what the next steps are.
Hey ladies!!

Welcome back FT :)

Sorry I haven't been on much. Evan has been fussy lately and spitting up a lot so we've been trying different formulas to see if they work better. I don't think he was tolerating Similac very well because it seemed like it was causing gas. Still giving him breast milk, but I've decided not to use the boob for a feed because he just doesn't take enough. Just doing 3oz formula and 1-2oz breast milk in a bottle now and he seems happy. He's passed out on my shoulder right now :)

He weighed in at 11lbs 5oz yesterday at 5w 2d. Doctor said he's right on track (my shoulders beg to differ...owwww!!). Been throwing clothes in the box daily lately. One day an outfit fits and then won't just a few days later. Joys of babies :)

He's starting to sleep for longer periods at night too!! The last two nights he got 6 hours straight before waking up :) I've had pretty decent sleeps finally.
Wow Rose, that's great! 6 hours straight at one month old! I pray this one will be a good sleeper, as my other boys definitely were NOT. I'm due for a good sleeper! I know Jason will be much more of a help than my dead beat ex, who basically did nothing, so hopefully I won't get suckered in to bringing bubs in the bed with us! It's a bad habit to start and very hard to break, but when you have a bad sleeper and no help, eventually I just got so tired I'd grab baby and his bottle and bring him to bed with me....I know that it's a bad idea, but sleep deprivation can make you nuts.

Yeah I hope your bubs is a good sleeper too :) Evan has been sleeping in his crib since about 3 weeks old. We were putting him in the crib after his 8pm bottle so one night we decided to see if he'd sleep ok. Been there ever since. It helped us because we weren't listening for every sound he makes.

Been going thru the box I've been throwing stuff into and separating it into boys, neutrals, stuff to keep (just in case, I get to keep one box) and stuff to sell/give away. Lots he never even fit into. A girlfriend of mine is due in 4-ish weeks so I'm keeping clothes for her. She doesn't know the sex yet :)
I'm starting to worry I bought too many "newborn" sized clothes...though I also have a fair amount of 0-3....I just couldn't help myself when I saw a cute outfit. Definitely have too many newborn sized diapers, I bought a few packs, then got 2 packs from my mom at the shower, and a 200 pk case from my sis in law...so I'll definitely be exchanging some of those! Oh and I had bought Jason a "Daddy rocks" and an "I love Daddy"outfit, and his brother bought the same outfit, I'm exchanging it at Kohls, where I saw the cutest Christmas outfit- I like it better than the Santa sis even! It's a sleeper style outfit, with candy came style striping, and comes with a hat that looks like Rudolph, complete with antlers and a little red nose...and the feet on the sleeper are little reindeer faces! Adorable, really!
Wow this thread has been a dead zone! Where is everyone?! Nazz, are you still having a scan this week, to look for hb?

My back has been KILLING me! All day long it hurts...last night we dtd, and I swear several nerves got pinched, it felt like electricity was running up my spine, NOT in a good way lol!. I guess my back/neck issues that my last doc said would get worse while preggo are finally doing just that. I have the green light to take my prescribed pain meds as needed, which yesterday I desperately needed to - I was barely holding back tears. My Ob/gyn said being in a lot of pain is way worse for me and bubs than pain killers- so I can take Oxycodone, but ironically CAN'T take ibuprofen, that's actually more dangerous. Apparently it's a cat D in third tri, the Oxycodone is only a.B. It doesn't cause any problems when taken correctly. Though obviously if I took them all day every day the baby could become addicted (same with me - well, I should say "dependent", there's a difference)

He's been moving like crazy! I am almost positive he's still transverse, though I woke around 530 am and he felt like he was doing somersaults .... I know at some point today he'll roll forward like always, and that's when I can feel his position. Friday and Saturday he was non stop, head butting me, kicking, punching, rolling around, you name it. Last night it felt like he was poking his fingers thru the spaces between my ribs! I LOVE feeling him move of course, but sometimes he uses a bit too much gusto.
Wow this thread has been a dead zone! Where is everyone?! Nazz, are you still having a scan this week, to look for hb?

My back has been KILLING me! All day long it hurts...last night we dtd, and I swear several nerves got pinched, it felt like electricity was running up my spine, NOT in a good way lol!. I guess my back/neck issues that my last doc said would get worse while preggo are finally doing just that. I have the green light to take my prescribed pain meds as needed, which yesterday I desperately needed to - I was barely holding back tears. My Ob/gyn said being in a lot of pain is way worse for me and bubs than pain killers- so I can take Oxycodone, but ironically CAN'T take ibuprofen, that's actually more dangerous. Apparently it's a cat D in third tri, the Oxycodone is only a.B. It doesn't cause any problems when taken correctly. Though obviously if I took them all day every day the baby could become addicted (same with me - well, I should say "dependent", there's a difference)

He's been moving like crazy! I am almost positive he's still transverse, though I woke around 530 am and he felt like he was doing somersaults .... I know at some point today he'll roll forward like always, and that's when I can feel his position. Friday and Saturday he was non stop, head butting me, kicking, punching, rolling around, you name it. Last night it felt like he was poking his fingers thru the spaces between my ribs! I LOVE feeling him move of course, but sometimes he uses a bit too much gusto.
I have been here Angel! Just haven't written anything as I don't feel I have anything to say..just been stalking to make sure everyone is doing ok.....Currently NTNP....Patiently waiting to see if the :witch: arrives this month...started on the 26th last month (naturally...no med intervention)...so we shall see...still without a job....looking into the possibility of moving...hope all is well with everyone!:flower:

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