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Hi Star! Good to hear from you!!

Angel Ive had a ton of back pain too :cry: only when I lay down though so not too bad but it makes for a horrible night of sleep. The thyroid specialist should be calling me this week to set up an appointment and get me on medication, Im a little nervous about starting a random medication this far along but I guess its completely safe for me and baby. Cant believe we are all almost at the finish line! My shower is this weekend I'm super excited. Although my best friend is putting it on and shes starting to freak out because shes doing so much last minute and shes like freaking out asking me all types of questions and I can just tell its getting to her....shes starting to freak me out I wish she would let me help or let someone else help...I really dont want to stress about it.
So now that we're getting close, I'm really stating to think about making some L&D decisions! I need your opinions!

I read an article that linked Pitocin to higher rates of autism. Have you guys read/heard about this, do you buy into it? It pretty much scared me off Pitocin, although I know if I have to be induced I won't have much of an option. But if you get an epidural, do they give you pitocin too? If your labor slows down?

Who has had a natural birth? Just how horrible is it???:shrug:

Guess who is starting to freak out about labor (THIS GUY!):haha:
Angel I still can't figure out exactly what position he is in. When he gets the hiccups, I feel them below my belly button. Is that any indication of anything?
Angel I still can't figure out exactly what position he is in. When he gets the hiccups, I feel them below my belly button. Is that any indication of anything?

No, I don't think you can tell by hiccups. I can only tell because he rolls forward with a lot of force, worst case scenario, I have his head and butt switched around, lol, cuz you can plainly feel on my belly a round lump directly under my right ribs (sometimes even partially behind my ribs), and feel his whole torso/back to directly under my left ribs, where there us another lump. That one seems more oblong, the one on my right more rounded. Soon you might be able to tell based on kicks....and if a certain body part juts out pretty far....
With my youngest, i could feel punches toward my lower abdomen, and kicks were always high and to the left, so I had a good idea of his positioning as well, but this current bubs is very easy to figure out. My mom and Jason have both felt him when he rolls forward, and 100% agree with his position, it's really unmistakable. I'm hoping to get a 4D scan soon. I know by now his face is pretty filled out.

I haven't heard that about pitocin, but I haven't researched it. I know most doctors do order it with an epidural. Idk if it's required, you'd have to ask your doc. I don't recommend natural. I didn't have an epidural for my second, which us supposedly easier, and that
experience is what traumatized me into wanting a c section. If you don't want pitocin , just tell your doc, and he'd probably agree to at least try not to, as long as the baby isn't in any distress and labor is progressing, I'm sure he'd respect your wishes. But please, get the epidural!
Wugz I have heard that about Pitocin but in my case I had no choice cause you have to deliver in 24hrs if waters brake. Childbirth is unpredictable and pain depends on the womans pain treshold also bubs position etc etc. Take one step at a time do not get fixated with how you want it to happen and yes remember your breathing exercises they really helped me.

I am trting to sleep train Nick by setting a routine plus not letting him fall fully asleep in my arms. He is a real cuddly baby he loves staying in my arms if you put him down he just wails. So I have been feeding and putting him down for longer periods in his stroller and bouncer he is getting better. Today I even managed to make a cup of coffee with 2hands. I have found out about tge fourth trimester theory so Nick is supposedly just getting at the end of it. Plus gas probs are slowly getting better. Ladies do some reaserch on purple crying it really helps.
Wugz my water broke with my first, well I shouldn't say broke, it started leaking. So when I went into the hospital I was having no contractions at all, they had to put me on pitocin to start my contractions and get my body moving along since my water had broke. I honestly knew nothing about it leading to autism until recently when I read that. They gave me pitocin and about 2 hours after that my full on contractions started and the pain was awful so I opted for the epidural. An hour after the epidural my little girl was here! Honestly I really hope my L&D goes the same exact way this time although I know thats not likely lol but if I get offered pitocin again I dont mind it at all. My daughter is perfectly healthy! Like Confetti said dont try and figure it all out because it wont happen the way you want it to, it will all be minute by minute decisions but if you know for sure you dont want pitocin or the epidural just talk to your midwife beforehand. Dont stress (I know thats hard) trust that your body will know exactly what to do and remember to breathe!!

Here is a video for you guys to watch about pitocin and all those other drugs. I want to do a natural birth just because I hate the idea of being drugged and not fully experiencing what is going on naturally. Of course if I HAVE to get drugged for whatever reason then I will. If any of you have Netflix you should totally watch "The Business of Being Born" it's what this clip is from, and it is a super great movie! Makes you think twice.
You know who we haven't heard from in awhile? Tassie. I hope everything is ok. She'd had that one scan, early on, but hadn't post in a long time. Hope she's ok!
Almost done with the nursery :cloud9:


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SO CUTE FT MOMMY!!!!! Love it all!!!!!!

Thanks for all the different opinions ladies! So much to think about! But everyone I talk to says the same thing.... you can plan all you want until it actually happens and everything goes out the window!

So my plan is to hold out as long as I can without any interventions. If I do decided I need an epidural, hopefully I'll be far enough into labor that it won't stall. And if it's too late to get an epidural, than hopefully baby will be coming soon anyway!

FT & Angel... have you got your bag packed yet?
When did you all start buying baby stuff? I keep resisting buying things because i feel it is like taboo this early...
Wugz- no I haven't packed a bag, or even done much organizing of anything, lol. That's me though. It will sit there and then one day I'll be over come with the urge to do everything! I'm sure the nesting will kick in soon!

Nazz- i waited till 2nd trimester. I still have a hard time not buying stuff. Lol. But really, we have all the newborn stuff we need. But still need to set things up, like crib, stroller, car seat, swing ....but we did just get all that last weekend at the baby shower, it's still all in boxes pushed up against the wall, lol. Since his nursery is really only going to be temporary (till he can sleep thru the night), since the spare room is tiny, it will just be used for sleeping and storing his clothes. My 7 yr old has a large bedroom and rarely is even in it, so once the baby can sleep thru the night, we're moving him in with my 7 yr old, who is super exited about having a little brother, btw. He keeps saying he wants to be a helper ("but I'm not changing diapers!" -:haha: ) and tells my belly "I love you" before going to sleep when I tuck him in. It's cute. My 12 yr old is pretty stoic about the whole thing - but it's all good, I wasn't into babies at that age either, so I get it. He does ask me how I'm feeling and things like that though :)
Nazz we didn't buy anything until around 20 weeks, when we found out the sex. Then we went crazy!!!!
Thanks wugz!!

Nazz- We waited for most stuff after 16 weeks, we found out early that it was a boy. Although i did buy a yellow and gray really soft blanket just because I HAD to buy something :haha:
His name! All the men in my husbands family have the same initials with the same middle and last night and just different first names, my husband is Benjamin Lee Kinkaid and we are naming the baby Braxton Lee Kinkaid :thumbup:
So so sorry girls.... I have been super busy with life, and somehow my sites i post on got ignored completely... :cry:

I have news today though - First off, seeing as i havent posted in ages, my results from the NT scan were good! in the 3000-4000 mark for both, so its great!

Second of all, we had our morphology scan today - and i will attach a couple of photos with this post so tell me what you think - but the scan tech definitely thinks ------BOY!

So damn excited! :happydance: It was what we wanted, and as i said to DF on the way home, it means that if we decide to have one more, it wont be a really imperative thing to get a boy. We can relax and not worry about it being a boy or a girl :D

So impressed! A few days behind my hospital dates, but right on my own dates (which were ovulation based)

So glad to see you gals again though - Nazz! Congrats hon! So happy for you!!

I am under Suzi Amnell Thompson on Facebook if anyone wants to add me there :) I haven't announced on there yet, although i probably will after today - so just to let you know to keep it quiet atm :)

Will catch up on other news soon, about to go and start tea :)


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Tassie I can't believe you're 19 weeks already! It really flies by, doesn't it?
When did you all start buying baby stuff? I keep resisting buying things because i feel it is like taboo this early...

I waited till I was about 16 weeks before I started to buy stuff. Gotta shop the sales!!

Tassie, I sent you a FB request (Michelle Anne DeGroot)

Am I the only one that hates the new look to this forum??

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