Everyone seemed to have left the thread for a few days! Can't believe it's Halloween already! I'm SO not ready! I'm a natural procrastinator, and I haven't gotten Amy candy yet, and my youngest just wants to be a "zombie vampire" (who knows?)

, last year he was a zombie, this year he said he wants the same costume but add fake blood to his face. I still have to buy that. Between this never ending cold and total lack of energy, this holiday snuck up on me! I have a feeling sometime soon I'll be "nesting"...at first I would look at the baby stuff and feel REALLY overwhelmed, now I'm starting to get ideas...finally started and almost finished thank you notes. I warned Jason that one day I'm going to suddenly want to do everything, lol. As of now, clothes are organized by size and type, though they are in my closet. I have an organizer thingy with fabric bins that needs to be put together-for his clothes, and them I'm using storage cubes with neat dividers for baby products.
Wugz- didn't you just have your shower? How was it?! Ft mommy, are you having one? I didn't with my second, but pretty much was given everything I needed anyways....I know done people say it's tacky to do one with your second, or third, etc- but what if it's been years (like me) or a different sex, (like you)? Obviously you'll need stuff! We needed EVERYTHING! Plus this is the first grand child/nephew for Jason's family, so I was getting a shower regardless, lol! They are being do great and making me feel really special, Jason is the oldest of five siblings, and he is 37, so his mom has been DYING for a grand child, She does treat my boys like grand kids though, and like Jason has known my youngest since he was about 15 months old - but I'm sure it's a little different knowing there's a blood tie and getting to hold them when they are born. Even MY mom is getting excited, which idk if any of you recall, but my parents were like the last to know, because my mom didn't think I should have any more kids, especially considering all the MC's, and the extremely difficult delivery if my youngest, and some of my health issues...but I had told Jay she would come around, and she definitely has! She talks to my belly and calls me after my doc appt's