I think nesting has kicked in a bit- but it's a little askew

I have all the parts of the swing spread out, then decided to set up the portable crib/bassinet/pack n play thing, which got me thinking about setting up the blankets, so all my receiving blankets are now neatly folded and inside the pack n play, next to the bassinet attachment. Portable mobile is hung. Re-arranged a few small things in our bedroom and have the pack n play perfectly wedged in a corner. The thicker fleece blankets are only going to be used when going somewhere if cold out - it's not necessary for indoor use in Florida winter, lol. I have the diaper bag all set up. A stack of newborn diapers (forgot how cute those little things are - though I doubt he'll be in them long!), travel wipes, portable changing pad, ready to use-with disposable bottles- formula, burp cloth, a little binky case with 2 binkies , a soft crinkly toy book, a spare onesie and spare outfit, a receiving blanket, bib, and spare socks. Car seat is ready to be fitted in the car. Complete with a couple hanging toys and head support. I have all his clothes organized by size and type, onesies, then sleep gowns, then sleep n plays, then actual "outfits", all 0-3 months, then outfits for older than 3 months, then accessories- scratch mittens, bibs, hats, socks. I have a bin that has baby toiletries, which I'm going to further breakdown once I buy a couple storage cubes. I already have the shelves and bins and dividers. Target has the best assortment of organizers! So yeah, I'm nesting