Wugz- I know! Lol, sorta scary but exciting! Everytime I walk post the pack n play in our bedroom, I half expect to see a baby!
I was at a friend's house last night and there were some people from work I haven't seen in awhile, this one guy said "hey, you could have the baby on your drive home!"
I said don't say that!! Lol.
Tonight we're going to dinner and to see catching fire for our anniversary, which is technically next Saturday, but the boys are off of school and visiting their cousins till Tuesday, so we're celebrating tonight, plus I figured next Saturday is just too close. And I'm dying to see the movie # lol! We're trying to figure where to eat at, we usually try to go somewhere relatively nice for our anniversary, but I don't have dressy maternity clothes....I have pretty nice outfits, of course, but not $50/plate dinner style nice...if you know what I mean...plus who wants to be dressed up at the movies, not to mention I know my left foot will probably blow up any nice, fancy heel I own, and I don't want to ruin any nice shoes! So we're probably just gonna go to a regular restaurant - like Outback or something. Then there's the issue of my giants playing the cowboys (HUGE rivalry for anyone that doesn't watch NFL), so normally we'd go to a sports bar, but Jason won't drink. I keep telling him I really don't mind (and I mean it- I don't mind at all), but he says he only likes to drink if I am (Awwww...lol). Oh well, my bday is the day after Christmas, and we plan on getting pretty smashed for it this year
