Angel I'd say do something to take your mind off it... go have a day with some girl friends and get a mani pedi or something! I've found lately that if I ever start to get annoyed with OH or annoyed with anything at all I go shopping and it makes me feel better (which is maybe not good for my wallet lol, but I think it is better than being angry and stressed). I haven't gotten anything for baby yet though because I've been buying crap for family and friends for the holidays so I'll wait until after the holidays when we can spend some money on baby.
My good news is that I felt the baby move last night while I was in the shower! At first I freaked out and didn't know what it was... I almost screamed for OH and then I realized it was something I never felt before and it wasn't painful or anything. Just a little flutter on the left side of my uterus for like 1 or 2 seconds. When I told OH he almost cried lol. In a good way.
But no I am not telling my family at dinner when I go see them next week. My oldest sister already knows and OHs family knows and my best friend. Last time I was pregnant my parents and my other sister did not react very well at all... telling us we are not ready and my dad and sister were throwing around the abortion idea. I explained to them that if I wanted to have an abortion I wouldn't have told them I was pregnant, I would have had an abortion already and not told them anything at all.
After they got over the initial shock of it all I could tell they were all getting excited about it though; my sister asked if she could be with me when giving birth and my dad would call me or text me all the time asking how I was doing. But when it turned out to be ectopic/abdominal they did not seem too sad about it either. I feel bad though because I'm not telling my brother and his girl friend either, and they were really excited last time when we told them... but my brother can't keep a secret.
Anyways mostly the reason we don't want to tell them yet is because they own a business and they are going to be very stressed during the Holidays with it all, so we are going to wait until after Christmas is over so they don't have me to freak out about also. Which is not too bad, I'll be telling them when I'm around 4 months so it is only like a month delay. I think they will feel better about it this time around anyways because I'm graduating BEFORE the baby comes and OH has a better job now, and hopefully it won't be as shocking as it was the first time anyways. Plus if their business does well for Christmas then they will already be in a good mood anyways. If it does bad though...

lol. Keeping my fingers crossed.